Chronicle (May 1953)

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MAY 1953


SPRING DANCE PARENTS VISIT CARDIGAN After much work on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Wakely and a group of volunteers in decorating the dining hall, the Spring Dance was held here at the school on Saturday, April 25th. All that afternoon the boys worked hard to make posters, put up crepe paper streamers and carry the tables and chairs out of the dining room, for it was decorated with recognition to Spring as being a time of circuses. In the evening Mrs. Smith, a teacher from Canaan School. came up and called the dances. 'l'he boys appreciated this very, much. Girls w<:re invited from Canaa'l, Lebanon and Hanover. The group started with a grand march led by Mr. and Mrs. Wakely and after that came many lively square dances such as "The Four Leaf Clover". Partners for the grand march were determined by numbers which were on the back of name tags handed out to both girls and boys. A short time before the end of the dance refreshments were served. Each boy was required to see that his partner for the grand march was served. The refreshments consisted of Cookies, Ice Cream and punch. The dance ended at about 10:30 with a loud chorus of "Good Night, Ladies" with Mr. Stowe at the piano. John McEwan •53

NEW PASTIME AT CARDIGAN IS MARBLES Shortly after vacation Mr. Heagy announced that if any boys wanted to participate there would be a marble tournament. The idea, marbles at Cardigan, was a success and now practically everyone is playing the game including the masters although they have not been too successful. The tournament has progressed far and should be most completed in a short time.

Since Spring vacation several parents have have visited their sons here at the school. They watched the boys condition the boats for spring use and saw them play baseball. The visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Apolant with their daughter and a friend , Mr. and Mrs. Turley with their daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Deringer. These families all visited the school on the weekend of April 10th . Kim Clement '54

MR. HEAGY RESIGNS On Monday, April 13, Mr . Clark announced to the boys that Mr. Heagy had resigned and would not be with them next year. Mr. Heagy and his family will leave for Pennsylvania shortly after graduation and will not direct the summer session.

HONOR ROLL FOR TERM ENDING MARCH 12, 1953 High Honor Roll Nicholas Stenzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94. 7 John McEwan .. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94. 4 Glenn Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . 91.4 Frederick Boissevain ...•....•... . .. . .• 90. 8 David Fox ...........•.•....•....••.•. 89. 5 Richard Harris . . . . . . . . , •........•....• 88. 3 Anthony Russo- ...•.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87. 1 Honor Roll William Sharp .......•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84. Philip Sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 83. Lawrence Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83, Malcolm Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 82.

3 3 1 2


THE CARDIGAN CHRONICLE The Cardigan Chronicle 1s published bi-monthly from November to June by the member_s of Cardigan Mountain School, Canaan, New Hampshire

Mountam School, Canaan, New Hampshire STAFF EDITOR

John McEwan

Sports Editor Feature Editor

MAY 1953

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In Bristol, New Hampshire, on April 11, the first Town Meeting of the World was held. A trip was planned so that boys interested in world affairs could go as representatives of the school. So on April 11th, Miss Emerson, Mrs. Wakely, and Mr. Garniss left for Bristol with the group in the school beach wagon. The moderator at this historical event was the Honorable Hugh Gregg, gover.,or of New Hampshire, and the selectmen were delegates to the United Nations from Panama, Greece , and Indonesia. Some of the items on the warrant were matters of disarmament and peace proposals. The boys went up on the stage and shook hands with the .Governor and the delegates after the meeting was over. Fred Boissevain 1 54

John White David Fox

Reporters Norman Pierce Frederick Boissevain David Helmstadter

BASEBALL SCHEDULE FOR C. M. S. SEVERAL BOYS ST A Y AT CARDIGAN DURING SPRING VACATION When Spring Vacation started three boys remained at the school. Bob Apolant, Lamar Fort and George Harris . The boys went on many trips with Mr. Clancy during vacation. Among them was a trip to Concord. On the way they met Mr. Stowe and so they went together . In Concord they Visited the House and the Senate. The House was in session for about an hour while they were there. Next they went on a trip to Vermont and visited Calvin Coolidge's birthplace in Plymouth. While in Vermont they visited one of Tony Farrell's three farms in South Woodstock. Mr; Farrell was once a master at Cardigan but left to go into farming. Now he owns a herd of prize cattle and many sheep. The boys, who went through barn during milking time, found the electric milking machine very interesting. Another trip to Vermont was made up the Connecticut River to see what damage the floods had done. On the return tri.p they .visited Wilder Dam in Lebanon, New Hampshire. When the boys were here at school they found plenty to do in picking up the yard or reading. Sev,eral trips were made to Canaan and Enfield to see movies and some were shown here at the school George Harris

DEWEY, PECK and CO. INSURANCE West Park Street Lebanon ·, New Hampshire



Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May May

17 .... .. ....• . .... • ..•. • Canaan (Away) 18 . . . . . . . . • • Carter Chili Midgets (Away) 20 . .....• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Canaan (Here) 22 . . . . . . . . . • Carter Club Midgets (Here) 29 . . .. . ..... • ... . .. New Hampton (Here) 2 .......•••......•... Emerson (Away) 5 ......• Kimball Union Academy (Away) 6 ......• • •..........•.• Enfield (Here) 9 • . . . . . . •. . . . . . . • .. Kern Hatten (Here) 12 ..... • . Kimball Union Academy (Here) 13 ... ...• ...•.. •. .•• .• . . Enfield (Here) 20 •....... . . . . . . . . New Hampton (Away)

Arrangements are being made for three or four more games. Also alterations may be made in this schedule because of weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

MR. HAROLD 11 HAP 11 HINMAN RETURNS TO CANAAN STREET After spending the winter in Clearwater, Florida, Hap Hinman and Mrs. Hinman returned to Canaan Street shortly after the boys came back from Spring Vacation. On April 26th he took the 5th and 6th gra des down to Canaan for sodas as was his custom before he left. Mrs. Hinman has not been seen out of doors since her return because she is recuperating from a cold which she contracted due to t he changeable New Hampshire weather. Bruce Murray

THE COBB HOUSE Dan and Betty Fleetham Canaan, Street. Canaan, New Hampshire Telephone Canaan 135



MAY 1953

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MARBLES (CON•T) Most of the marble playing has been done in an improvised lot, and-on the basketball court . Several of the boys have brought their winnings as high as 200 marbles . A picture appeared in the Valley News of one of their many games. Tom Clancy



FACULTY-STUDENT BASEBALL GAME ENDS AS WIN FOR THE BOYS In the first Faculty-Student Competition of the year the boys came oU:t victorious winning their baseball game, 19-16. Mrs. Talbert , the school secretary, getting as many hits as some of the masters. played on the faculty team along with Mr. Clark, Mr. Clancy, Mr. Garniss, Mr. Stowe, Mr . Heagy, Mr. Nyhus , Mr. Wakely, and Mr. Sharp . One of the high-lights of the game was a home run by Mr . Heagy. Also, when the boys started into the last half of the last inning they were behind by one point . After the boys had · loaded the bases by hits or walks and there were two outs it came to John White• s turn at bat. After getting a count of three balls and two strikes he hit the ball far over the right fielders head for a home run. George Harris




When the snow left Cardigan much scattered debris was left around the school. For this reason Mr . Heagy announced that everyone would be required to put at least one day in at work detail.. On _that same day, Monday, April 6th, everyone worked at burning off the grass behind the school picking up papers or cleaning out the cellar . The boys worked so weli that they cleaned up practically everything on that day. Since then there have been only one or two work groups of that type needed. David Robbins


CARDIGAN GOES SWIMMING AT THE DARTMOUTH POOL Shortly after the boys returned from vacation a trip was made to the Dartmouth College gymnasium where the boys swam for an hour and a half in the swimming pool there. The College was on spring vacation so the s c hool did not interfere with any of its activities . The whole thing was arranged by Mr . Clark and Mr. McCarter of Dartmouth. The boys found the pool to be a fairly large one with two diving boards one of which was in use constantly during the time that the boys were there. The boys all had fun and were sorry that they had to leave. Mr Clark hopes to take the boys again when ar.:>ther opportunity presents itself. John White • 53 SEVERAL BOYS GET EXTRA DAY

On April 13, a photographer came to Cardigan from the Valley News. His objective was to take pictures of the boys at different activities and that is what h e did. Playing marbles and working in a classroom made excellent shots of the boys• everyday activities. There were also pictures of the shop and one of work on the jalopy, to mention a few. These pictures appe'l,a'ed in the March 15th edition of the Valley News. The paper was sold at the school store for the boys on that same day . A short time before that a photographer came to the school to take pictures of the boys for the new School Catalogue so the boys were used t;, getting their pictures taken . David Helm stadter '54


On March 12th , the morning we were to go home for Spring vacation, Mr. Clark announced that five boys wer _e to get an extra day added on their vacation. The boys were F:red Boissevain, Grant KingswelL Jimmy Turley, Jack Prescott , and No;rman Pierce. The boys got the extra day for good behavior and an attitude that showed they were doing the best that they could in their classes. The extra day was added on the end o f their vacation .

Exclusive Agent for Carter's Clothing and Ball Band Footwear Men'e,women's and Children's Clothing Self-Service Grocery Candy Ice Cream Tonic EDDIE•S GENERAL STORE Canaan-, New Hampshire


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TOLERATION OF WATER PISTOLS · When Spring Vacation came to an end many boys brought water pistols back to the school with them. To add to these other boys bought them at the Saturday night movie to protect themselves. So it was announced that the water pistols would be allowed if they were not used in the building. For the first few days they were very popular and were even sold at the school store but after a short time they died out. It has recently been stated by one of the Cardigan masters, "Due to the nationai emergency and in the sincere effort to further the cause of freedom these fluid firearms have been tolerated as a basis for the art of soldiery." John McEwan 1 53


On Wednesday, April 15th, a trip was taken to the abandoned Standard Mica Mines under the supervision of Mr. Sharp. With him went 8 boys, Richard Hayes, David Webster, Bruce Murray , George Harris, Jerry Furman, Pat Finney, Charles Bickford, and Leonard Kaminski. At the mine several of the boys collected salamanders and polywogs from the spring water that collects in it, while others looked at the motors inside the buildings. Richard Hayes tinkered with a deisel train engine that was used when the mine was in operation, but his work was in vain . This trip was liked so much that the next day a return trip was taken. Leonard Kaminski 1 54

CARDIGAN CHOIR SINGS AT EASTER SERVICE BOYS LEAVE FOR SPRING VACATION On Easter Sunday the Cardigan Choir and the Canaan Choir shared the singing at the service, Cardigan singing the Main Anthem and Canaan, the responses and opening anthem. The Anthem w hich the school choir sang was "Ye Watchers and Ye H o ly Ones." Under the direction of Mrs . Clark and Mr . Stowe the choir has been alternating with the Canaan Choir throughout the year. Its members now total 13 in number and come from all the grades. During Parends Weekend a collection was taken up to go toward something new for the school. It was decided this year that the money would go toward choir robes. They will be green and trimmed with white, these being the school colors. The members of the choir are waiting with high spirits for them to arrive. Malcolm Lloyd '54

GO WITH GULF Barrow• s Service Station Canaan, New Hampshire

Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Engraving - Trophies

Spring vacation officially started at 10 : 30 A. M. on March 12th. Prior to thi-s the boys had to clean their rooms for a G . I. inspection and had to pass a personal inspecti on also . Having done this they were free to go . Most of the boys went home by car or on the Boston train but some flew home from White River Junction. Some of these boys were delayed because of bad weather. Three boys remained here at the school during vacation but it is unanimously felt that all had a good time no matter where they were. David Helmstader

Compliments of ENRICHED TIP TOP and WARD•S FINE CAKES Ward Baking Company White River Jct., Vt.

CURRIER & CO. The North Country's Finest Department Store Lebanon. New Hampshire

J. S. Wolfe, Jeweler Lebanon,

New Hampshire Compliments of WHITE RIVER PAPER CO. Wholesale Paper Dealers

Moore and Dickerson Bottled Gas Co. Pyrofax Gas Distributors Domestic and Commercial Appliances 27 Oak Street Newport, New Hampshire

White River Junction, Vermont



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