No. 5
June, 1959:
Annual Fund Reaches Tota! of ~10,250
Mr. Neil Hines
Farewell For Mr. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hines were given a testimonial dinner Monday evening, May 4 at Cardigan Mo untain School. Committee m emb ers of the Student Council making the arrangements for the dinner were Floyd Harris, Wayne Sargent and Bill Barker. A corsage of roses was presented to Mrs. Hines .
made to Mr. Hines by Blake Munro , in behalf of the boys, staff and school. Mr. Burbank presented Mr. and Mrs . Hines with two Cardigan dinner plates. Mr . Hines spoke briefly and thanked us for the gifts . H e wished us continued good luck and success. A decorative bouquet or pink snap dragons and pink candles adorned the Mr. Burbank gave a short speech prais- windowsill behind the headmaster's table . ing Mr. Hines for his continued service Guests included Mr. Harold Hinman and to Cardigan. Mrs . Betsey Brady. Clancy served a dePresentation of a purse of money was licious meal.
Announce Additions To the Faculty Mr. Burbank has just announced that Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hulbert, now of Moncey, N. Y. will join the school faculty, as year around instructors, beginning with the coming summer session. Mr. Hulbert, presently employed as Science teacher in the Nyack, Junior High School, Nyack, N. Y. , has had a wide teaching experience since his graduation from Boston University, where he received a B.S. in Physical Education and his Masters degree in Education. Mr. Hulbert is a former pupil of Mr. Burbank's at Proctor Academy, Andover, N. H . and followed him c1s head of the Campcraft Department at Camp Aloha in Fairlee, Vt. Besides his te aching duties, Mr. Hulbert will be active in Cardigan's
extensive out-door program . Mrs. Hulbert, also an experienced teacher, who is a graduate of Bove Boston School, Davis and Elkins College , West Virginia, and the Willimantic (Conn.) Teachers College will teach Language Training at Cardigan. The couple have two children , a daughter, Lynn aged six and one half, and a son, Dudley, age five. Mr. Hulbert was New England Field Archery Champion in 1946 and has taught archery and skiing as extra curricula subjects in many of his teaching positions. His war experience was as Sergeant in the Tenth Mountain Division, U . S. Army, where he was instructor in mountain climbing, skiing and glacier climbing, and saw service in Italy. Nick Wyeth
Cardigan's Third Annual Fund no\~ totals $10,250, and the students of Cardigan are already enjoying added benefits which this gift money has made pos sible. The sailing fleet has been increased to four Tech Dinghys. The· threehorsepower, outboard motor has been exchanged for a twenty-five. The Common Rooms in the dormitories are progressing rapidly, and even though they are not complete, they are already b eing used by the boys. The Ski Jump means that for the first time Cardigan is able to have a four-event Ski Team. As additional gifts are received, it is hoped that at least a start can be made toward remodelling the Old Tontin e Mill. The shop boys who have shivered through their projects in that "air-conditioned" building will b e glad to hear this news. The Annual Fund is divided into four groups with a Committee Chairman in charge of each. The current Chairmen are: Parents of Students, Mr. and Mrs. William H . Barker; Parents of Alumni. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Dyer; Alumni, Charles E. D. Margeson, Jr. '51; and Friends and Neighbors, Mrs. Martha C. Stevens. A total of 96 people have contributed to the Fund, with gifts ranging from one of $3,000 to gifts of $1. Extra dividends have come in the form of the heartwarming messages that have accompanied these .donations. The Third Annual Fund Drive does not close officially until 31 August. All of the Committee Chairmen report that they are not counting dollars; but percentages. Each one is aiming for 100.% participation, and they are working hard and long toward this goal. All of us on campus wish to express our sincere thanks to the Chairmen and .to all of those who have cqntributed so generously to the Third Annual Fund.
Announce Engagement The engagement of Miss Marion S . Farrow, daughter of Mrs. Alva Farrow of Montclair, New Jersey, and the late Mr. Farrow, to Mr. Roger Noldt of Rochester. New York, was recently announced by Mrs. Farrow. Miss Farrow is our dedicated lady-in.white and Mr. Noldt is head of the Science Department and Director of the Re-• creation. A June wedding is planned.
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The Cardigan Chronicle THE CHRONICLE STAFF Editor-in- Chief Dean Hart News Editor Dick Weeks Assistant News Editor Chip Lackey Sports Editor Bill Wurst er Feature Editor Dave Freeman Business Manager Mike Davenport Circulation Manager Roger Rice Faculty Advisor F . R. Minnier
Editorial T O THE SENI ORS : A s you leave Card igan, y ou will face n ew ch a ll en ges a nd n ew d emands. E ach on e of you is go in g your se para te way. You wi ll b e expect ed t o g row 111 in d ep end en ce, t o learn t o make m or e dec ision s on your own . in,;tead of d ep ending upon pa r ents a nd teac h er s to t ell you w h a t t o d o. As yo u ass um e m or e resp on sibility for yo ur ow n b ehav ior , y ou w ill n eed t o fo rm ,·a lu es tha t can h elp in goverin g yo u r attitud es a nd actions.
Summer School Boys Guests of Headmaster On Friday evening, May 17, all the boys who have attended a summer school here at Cardigan, were invited to the Headmaster's house for a party. The party was held in the student room where punch and cookies were served. "Do You Remember " seemed to b e the subject of conversation although some serious ideas on how to improve the summer school were discussed. Thanks go out to our hosts and hostesses, Mr. and Mrs . Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. Wakely . We had an enjoyable evenin g.
Model Piane Club Handles a Fire During the weekends, the flyb oys of the model airplane club haul out their model planes and congregate on the athletic field . This has often caused a fuss between the flyboys and the baseball players. Rather than put up a big argument, three of the flyboys decided to find themselves another field where the high fly balls would not be a threat to their precious planes. Off they went to Canaan Street for test flying on one of Fred Filior's planes. A perfect field came into view just n ear the Old North Church. What a perfect set up! While they were in the process of starting .the plane, the motor got drenched with fuel. Fred was the pilot and Nick Wyeth was starting the motor with assistant Chip Lackey nearby. The next instant, the field was on fire . Nick ran to .the nearest house to summon aid. By the time the fire department arrived, the fire was knocked down by the able boys of CMS. Thanks to the Fire Department and to the boys who h elped put out the fire , the fire did not cause any serious damage. N. Wyeth
Work on New Dorm Has Already Begun
In the last issue, we m entioned a n ew dorm for our campus. We are pleased to report to you now that construction has already been started. It is to be of colonial architecture of brick with white woodwork for trim. The building will contain rooms to accomodate 27 boys and apartments for two facul ty families . The architect for the building is John R. Holbrook of K eene and the building contractor is Mr. Millard Uline of Lyme. The new dormitory will be named for Mr. Edward S . French of Springfield, Vt. and Boston, Mass., an original and still - T h e Staff. active member of the school's corporation . It is expected to b e ready f or occupancy by the summer school session of 1960.
• Yo u w ill make new fri end s, get n ew ideas, cha n ge opini on s y ou m ay n ow ha,·e, a nd gain a g r eat dea l of k nowledge in m a ny a reas in your n ew sc h oo ls. vVe a t Cardigan hop e t h a t your year s h ere will help you t o face t hese things m or e easily. Co mm en ce m ent is th e encl a nd t h e begi nnin g-encl of all you h ave fo un d a t Cardi g an and the beginning of a ll that lies ahead. vVith each s t ep t aken yo u w ill gain g reater k n ow ledge a nd un de r standin g.
Alumni Notes The Department of State has announced the awarding of a United States Education Exchange Grant to Mr. Jesse Morgan, well known locally as a former member of the Cardigan - Mountain School faculty . He will attend the summ er session for t eachers of history at the Institute of European Studies at Turin, Italy. William Dyer '58, writes from K en t's Hill School that h e is playing J.V. baseball this spring. H e also reports that h e saw Ben Stevenson from Fryeburgh t his past winter at an inter-school basketball game. He also saw P et er Moore fro m Hebron Academy at a J.V. f ootball game. He r epor ts that in a letter fr om Joh n Bell, John says, "It's tough at Westt own." We re ceived a short note from th e family of R andy and Frank Hardy, form er summer school stud ents, Randy played on the J .V. football t eam last fa ll: and during the winter played basketball .. This summ er he will try out for the Pony L e ague Baseball T eam. Frank got his. letter in football and during the winter he wrestled . He hopes to work in a lumber camp for the summer. A note from Jim Hambleton's father informs u s that Jim '57 enlisted in the Marine Corps this past February. H e will be out of boot camp in Parris Island~ South Carolina sometim e in May . The latest news of Ronald and N ear Smith is that they are attending public: school in West Springfield, Mass. Near is in the 8th grade and Ronald is in the 9th grade. Mr. Arnold E. Grade, a former facu lty member of CMS (1955-1956) a-nd summ er school 1956) plans to marry Miss Mary Anne Menard of St. Paul, Minnesota. The wedding will take place on June 13, at the Church of the Nativity in that city. Mr. Grade went to New Hampton School after leaving CMS, but was a frequ ent visitor on the campus. Charles Gray, who teaches summer school at CMS will graduate from Oberlin College in Ohio in June and will b e assistant bassoon instructor at the Univer sity of Montana, Missoula, Montan a in September. Here he will also stud~r for his Masters degree in· musical education. Missoula has a population of 22,000 and has a Civic Symphony Orchestra in which Charlie will play. Mr. and Mrs. Gray are returning to campus this summ er for summer school.
Ralph Coutermarsh New Superintendent Mr. Ralph Coutermarsh, who has been a member of the buildings and grounds maintenance forc e at Cardigan since 1954, has succeeded Mr. Hines as Superintendent of P r operty. Mr. Hines, who has r et ired , has been superintendent since 1955. A s taff of six will assist Mr . Cout ermarsh.
June, 1959
Cardigan's 1959 graduating class: From left to right, kneeling : B. ,Talbert, F. Pearce, C . Stephens, J. Franchot, Y. Ohta; Sitting: R. Weeks, R. Dudley, N. Schreuder, W. Sargent, S. Davidson, J . Doane, C. Campbell, B. Seely, D . Bergeson,
Page 3
T . Auer, T . Sadinsky; Standing: R. Meynell, D. Freeman, R. Priesly, K. Pannaci, E. Brown, R. Findlay, B. Barker, B. Munro, B. Cochrane, D. Hart, B. Williams.
Cardigan's Graduating Class of 1959 Carleton Frederick Auer, "Thumper" R.F .D. 1, Concord, New Hampshire
David Winsor Bergeson, "Bergy" Lancaster, Massachusetts
Thumper is not a national figure, but he is a good speciman of the All American boy who hails from New Hempshire. Here on the campus, you can d ep end on Thumper to be one of t.he crowd. He has carried out his job of Fire Commissioner very well. He is one of the skiers in the wintertime and he helped the Blaze Staff compile a good year~ook. His h obbies are sports and girls . He playe d on the football and baseball teams. Next year Thumper will be nearby at Kimball Union Academy. Don't forget to visit us, Thumper.
Bergy's presence at Cardigan will be part of our memories in the future. His tall, rugged form was seen in every major sport on the campus. He received letters in Football, Baseball, and Hockey. He divided his time between the singing group, the Cabinet and did a tremendous job of editing · the Blaze. In his two years here, Bergy has become a fa. miliar pa rt of the school. His hobbies are sports and girls. Next year, as a student at Vermont Academy, Bergy will compete against our teams. We are looking forward to seeing you on the playing fields.
William Albro Barker, "Bill" Adamsville , Rhode Island
Bill is probably one of the busiest fellows on the campus. He has served u s well as treasurer of the Student Council and as a member of the Cabinet. He is an ardent tennis fan and player. He was captain of this year's ski team and exercises his lungs with the singing group. He is one of our three letter men: two l etters for skii.!lg and one for baseball manager. He can be found on the slopes in the winter and behind the sail in the summer. Next year, Bill will b e an active part of Holderness. We wish you well and come visit us on Alumni Day.
Colin Glenn Campbell
Glenn's blond crew cut can be seen on every part of the campus. He has been part of many activities . For~stry is his first love . In the winter he enjoys skiing and likes to the blades ~f his racing skates cut across the lake. His hobbies are radio, playing his guitar, guns and deep sea fishing. We hear that Glenn is quite a hacker, but h e probably just enjoys life and living it to the full· est. Next year he will b e going to North Yarmouth Academy. Robert Stuart Cochrane, "Roach" and "Bob"
Ernest Wayne Brown, "Ernie"
Scenectady, New York
Barnstead, New Hampshire
Bob is one of the boys wh,o has b een at Cardigan longer than most boys. He entered in the sixth grade and now is ready to graduate . He has shown gre at strides since he cam e h re. This year he is doing a good job as as~istant floor leader. He is an active member of for estry and waterfront. During the winter he cut som e fancy figur es on the ice. Bob's hobbies are his guitar, girls and modern art. Next year, he will be en· tering Lenton High School in his home town .
Ernie's interests are wide. He is an ardent tennis player in the summer and a skier in the winter. H e is part of the band, and has b ee n a member of the Electronics Club. His hobbies .are boating and camping and at present is one of the s enior b ase ball managers. He is a fun loving fellow who can and usually do es see the funny side of a situation. He's a person to have .around when things go wrong. He'll make you laugh at a mistake. Next year, Ernie will be at Proctor Academy . He will be close eno ugh for an occasional visit.
(Continued on page 4.)
Page 4 Ronald Shephen Dudley, "Ron" "Dud" Laconia, New Hampshire
June, 195~
will be at Proctor Academy. We · wish He is a . three letter man in sports. you no more broken legs , Dave, just Blake 's hobbies include cars and sports success. Next year Blake will be at KUA. UnRon has been with us for two years, doubtedly, we will see you on the playand in that time he has shown great ining field next year, Blake. John Morin Scott Franchot terest in many things. He has, particiCambi:idge, Massachusetts pated in waterfront and is an ardent skiRichard Kenneth Priestly,_ "Dick" er during the winter. _H is interests range John has been a busy student here at West Barrington, Rhode Island from racing cars and boating to golfing CMS. Most of this time has been spent and bowling. He is the type of person this year doing some hard work for the Dick join~d us at Cardigan this year who does a job in record time and can Blaze. He is best known for his It has been a busy year £or Jlim . He was always be counted on to lend a helping daily question, "If anyone is going to chairman of the Host Committee, and hand . Next year, Ron hopes to go to take any pictures, the yearbook would was one of the librarians. He was a Fryeburgh, Maine. Since you won't be appreciate it." John has taken part in Floor Leader in Clark - Morgan as well too far away, why not drop in and see waterfront, skiing and forestry , Elec- as a fire marshal in that dorm . He ha~ us sometime? tronics Club and riflery. His hobbies in- participated in skiing, tennis .and wa~ elude electronics, nuclear fission, the a member of the baseball team . Dick's Jonathan Doane, "John" drum and guitar. Jolin was also a men'l- hobbies are riflery, cars, jazz and girls. ber of the football team. Next year Next year, Dick will be at Kent's Hill Wayland, Massachusetts John plans to go to the Loomis School School in Maine. Why not join some of John takes part in many th ings. He in Connecticut. Good luck to you at your friends and visit CMS on Alumni is one of the librarians. He plays tennis Loomis . Day ? and takes part in waterfront activities. He has a great interest in sailing and Karl Judson Pannaci, "Pannach" Harry Dean Hart, "Digger Odell" loves the winter activities. He was a Gloversville, New York Big Timber, Montana member of the hockey team and got an award for his participation. John has been Dean is our only westerner and his Karl has been with us for two years here for two years and n ow departs for home is a real ranch-the Dot S Dot. and has been, among other things, our Berwick Academy in S. Berwick, Maine. He has been active in many different ac- fun maker. Karl's biggest job has been We hope to see you sometime next year. tivities here at CMS. He has participat- "student advisor to the junior members ed in skiing, campcraft and waterfront. of the staff" or "after supper nursery Steven James Davidson, "Steve" He was the secretary of Clark Morgan school teacher." H e has been active in Winthrop, Massachusetts this year. Dean took charge of the en- forestry, skiing and music appreciation. . . t d . th· joyable Music Appreciation nights each He was made fire marshal in Hinman Steve has par t icipa e m many mgs week. He was an active member of the Hall. His hobbies are outboard motor on campus. He has lea:ned to. skate ·Electronics Club and served as Editor of boats and New York State history and this year. He helped out m th ~ hbrary the Chronicle during the last half of the government. Next year he will go to ,and was a member of Electromcs . Club. ·. h obb y. H e Gow School in New York. Come back . . . year. D ean h-as a umque He participated m Campcraft activities l"k t0 t d t Id 11 O this year His hobbies are playing his i e~ co ec an res ore wagons, soon for a visit. · carnages and coaches. Next year Dean guitar and girls. He was a me~ber of plans to attend Shattuck School in Min- Charles Fr,ederick Pearce Iii "Freddy" our undefeated football year. neso t a. Wh en you v1s1 - •t th e E as t , d on 't . . team this L Gloucester, Massac,husetts Next year Steve is gomg to awrence f t t t t C , orge o s op a ar d'igan. Academy in Massachusetts. Don t stay Freddy is a new comer this year. He away too long. Join us on Alumni Day. has participated in forestry and skiing. Richard Balfour Meynell, "Mental" He likes to repair boats, camping, boatSomerville, New Jersey ing and skiing. Freddy can often be Roger Alan Findlay, "Rogg" Everyone says that graduation is the fou d at ·the Shop working on a boat in Bronx, New York one thing Dick won't be late for! Dick nee of repair. He was a member of Rogg was one of the newcomers to our has been active in many things in his the football team this year. Next year. campus this year. He divided his time three years at CMS. He has participat- Freddy will join some of _his present among campus improvement, skiing, ·ts ed in waterfront, skiing and tennis . His classmates at Proctor Academy. Good waterfront and riflery. Roger admi hobbies are many . He likes writing, luck''' these activities kept him busy, but he stamp collecting, woodcraft, archery, enjoyed all of them. He is interested in Yasuteru Ohta, "Yatchi" riflery, history , and reading. Dick was cars and rifles, but his main interest is a member of the football team for two Tokyo, Japan collecting old army souvenirs. Roger is years. He recently won the Time Maggoing to Salisbury School in Connecticut Yatchi has been at Ca;:digan for two azine Current Events Award. Next year, next year. Good luck, Roger . years. They have been busy and interDick plans to attend Ridley College, a esting years for him. He has been our prep school in St. Catherine's, Ontario. School Leader this year and is a memDavid Chase Freeman, 'Dave" Our good wishes go with you, Dick. ber of Student Council and the Cabinet. Weston , Massachusetts He is a member of the singing group Charles Blake Munro, "Claude" This is Dave 's second year at Cardigan. on campus. He played (i°n the baseball Syosset, Long Island He has been a busy student during this team and received a letter in football. time. He has been Secretary to Student Blake has served us well in many His hobbies .are golf, modern jazz and Council and a floor leader. He was a ways. He is wesident of the Senior playing instruments. Yatchi was on the member of the Chronicle staff. Besides class, is an active member of the Stud- ski team this year. Next year, he will these things, Dave has participated in ent Council and the Cabinet, and has go to Deerfield · Academy in Massachutennis, campus improvement and was a the responsible job of head of Brew- setts. Be sure to come back here and member of the ski team . He has other see your friends, Yatchi. hobbies and interests. Among these are ster. He played footbaU, hockey and sailing, golf and tennis . Next year Dave was captain of this year':,. baseball team. (Continued on page 5.)
June, 1959
Page 5
Normand Lund Schreuder, "Norm"
San Juan, Puerto Rico Norm has been at CMS for two years. He has been active in campcraft, waterfront and skating. He has served on the Cabinet and the Chronicle. He was e lected secretary of his class and served as head student librarian this year. Norm's hobbies are fishing, camping, 1·iflery and languages. He was a member of the football team and is senior manager of the baseball team. Next year, Norm will go to the Brook's School in Massachusetts. Good luck to you! Thomas Jay Sadinsky, "Tom"
Norwich, Connecticut Tom has participated in a variety of things on campus. He has been an a ssistant librar ian. He participated in r iflery, skiing and tennis. He also enj oyed skating during the winter. Tom's hobbies are fishing baseball, girls and Beatniks. Next year, Tom goes to St. Every year at about this time , all over the country, you can hear the piping J ohnsbury in Vermont. Keep us posted strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" floating across the land . From large col-0n your activities. leges and small-town schools, these notes pour forth , telling the world that another group of studious young people are graduating. Whether they are graduating Wayne Whitney Sargent, "Bunkey" from college, high school , or the ninth grade here at Cardigan the scene is the same . . Meriden, Conn ecticut
The Old Church
In his two years at Cardigan, Wayne has participated in many things. He served on the Student Council and as a fl oor leader in Brewster. He was active in skiing, waterfront and football. His interests are sailing, canoeing, and swimm ing-all of which he pursues h ere on nice days. Next year, Wayne is going to Monson Academy in Massachusetts. Keep in touch with us and good luck. Christopher Alan Stephens,
The Church "down on the Street" is cold, empty and silent for most of the year. Winter snow collects around it and it is forgotten . P eople drive by it and remark how old and desolate-looking it is. Then Spring comes, and the snows disappear. Green grass grows around the Church and a wonderful transformation takes place. The old Church seems to know somewhere in its old, creaking timber s that its moment of glory is coming. It seems to perk up and take on a new look. The forsythia blooms around the church, giving it an aura of beauty. A few days before The day, lawnmowers, cleaning ladies, pruners and Cardigan boys sweep en masse into the old church. The p eople are rehearsing · and cleaning the old church, getting it ready for its moment.
Graduation day dawns clear, cool and perfect. There is a holiday air all about, and the seniors, resplendant in their white jacket s, gr - y s lacks and ties, This was Chris's first year at Cardigan. troop down to the church behind the underclassmen . . Th ~ Chur ch's day_ of glory He took an active part in skiing, forestry is here, and it was worth the waiting! and footb-all. His hobbies are sports, -Ernest Brown '59 model cars, and girls. H e enjoys music and listening to good r ecords. Next year, Chris is going home to Marshfield High School. We wish you a successful year. fourth grade. During that time he has is a m ember of the singing group. Next been active in many things. He has year, Biff is going to Chesire Academy been a member of Student Council, the in Connecticut. Good luck, Biff. Wliliam Edward Seely, Jr., "Bill" Cabinet and has been an assistant in the Morristown , New Jersey Library. He has participated in foresRichard Flint Weeks, "Dick" .t ry, skating and tennis. Bill is fond of Bill has been at Cardigan for two the outdoors, par ticularly animals, huntBrookline, Massachusetts years. He has worked on the Blaze. ing and fishing. Next year, Bill will go He enjoys skiing, t ennis and softball. to Lebanon High School. We know tha t. Dick's two years at Cardigan have Bill has participated in baseball, hockey we will see you often next year. been busy ones. He has been ·a member a nd f ootball. Next year, Bill will go to of the Cabinet, Dorm L eader of ClarkTrinity-Pawling School in New York William Dounton Williams, III, "Biff" Morgan, President of Student Council, State. Let us hear from you occasionand has worked on the staff of the Birchrunville, Penn sylvania ally next year, Bill. Chronicle. Dick participated in hockey Biff has been at CMS for two years. and baseball and r eceived a letter in William Walker Talbert, "Bill" He has been on the football and baseball hockey. He is interest ed in sports, golf t eams both years and h as received let- and birds. Next year Dick will go to Canaan , New Hampshire ter s in each sport. He has also skied Vermont Academy. Good luck to you, Bill is one of the " old timers " at Car- during the winter months. His interests Dick, and we hope that we see you on digan . He came to the campus in the are mainly sports, music and girls . He the playing field s. Marshfield, Massachus etts
Page 6
Class Prophecy It has been said that if you stand on the corner of Broadway and 42nd Street New York, you will .meet every friend you ever had. That is an old theory that has never been proved. It is now about 20 years af.tet the '59 graduation at Cardigan of a group nf fellows, so I decided to see if I could prove the above theory. I brought along several chairs , to make us comfortable. Would you care to join me just as the city awakens to another new day? Boy! traffic is surely heavy. Did you ever see so many buses? There is some guy running for all he's worth to catch a bus. By golly, that's Richard "Better late than never" Meynell. Too bad, now he has to wait until the n ext one. That guy used to be so slow that he started to get ready for bed right after our activities. Who 's that guy looking up in the sky ? Why that's Ernie Brown. I wonder if he 's looking for a mountain to climb. He'd better close his mouth or he'll sunburn the roof of it. Boy! look at that cool cat' Long hair, no shoes, casual dress. He's a Beatnik. Why that's Tom Sadinsky. I heard he revolutionized the Beatniks down here. He put them all on a pension so they could pursue their habits. Look at that guy following Tom. He's Bob Cochrane. He works for a living and Tom won't have any.thing to do with him. See his guitar. Cochran won't change. See his long bleached hair, those low cut trousers and that slow shuffle. He pounds the box for some combo down at the Ritz. Well here comes Biff Williams. He was such a good football player that he decided the best way to train a good team was to raise them yourself, and by crackey that's just what he did.
I wonder if we will get to see all of our boys today? New York is a busy place, ya' know. There goes a big Cadillac. That is the new governor of New Hampshire. I think they used to call him Thump. I always knew ole' Thump would make out 0. K. Say, I heard that Wayne Sargent developed a new hair permanent for men . It seems all the boys at Cardigan used to be jealous of his curly hair. I'd like to see him now. I bet he has his. mattress stuffed full of 100 dollar bills. Chris Stephens is now a counfry doctor. He is experimenting with vaccinating everyone with a phonograph needle. He claims we all talk too slowly. Bill Seely owns a big insurance company here in town. The name of the outfit is Seely to the 10th Power. Yep! All 10 of them are boys. I hear he plans competition for Biff. Here comes Ohta. He is now president of the U.N. with the controlling interest in the Bank of Tokyo. Nothing like
making money while you work. Up on Madison Avenue Steve "Shylock" Davidson has a big· finance corporation. He has the lowest interest rates in town if you borrow a million bucks. If I remember correctly, he was a pretty good fan of Shakespear's back in the good ole ' days . Well I'll be darned! ! There's ole' Bergy. He's a busy man these days. He has become president and owner of Arthur Murray Dance Studios. He has a contract with Cardigan. One boy a year for Cardigan for 12 years and then they go to V.A. Seems that there is a Lucy tie at V.A. There goes that political rebel Norm Schreuder. Did you know he pushed Fidel Castro out of Cuba? He owned a razor factory in Cuba and business was bad so he just ups and runs him out of th e country. Now all Cubans look like Yul Brunner. Dean Hart is supposed to b e in town for a big beef show. He raises steers you know. He bought the state of Montana and kicked out everybody and now sends an ambassador to Washington. Right now he's trying to win Princess Grace from Prince Rainier and also wants men for his army to carry out a sneak attack. Here comes Pannaci. He owns a big chain of grocery stores. Can't you tell by that big bay window he carries around with him. He can't get a shirt big enough so he has his wife buy sheets and put buttons in the seams. There is Freddy Pearce. He owns a big boat company. Yep! biggest in the world. He fixes kids toy bathtub size boats. His own yacht is a 16 footer complete with gold nails. Blake Munro now owns Long Island only it isn't so long anymore. Bill Barker got his sailing boat going so fast that he came arounr the hord and cut it right in two and one piece sank in the ocean. Boy, did Blake get mad! Blake now has Barker chained out in the pea patch making a pea picker out of him. To prevent anymore disasters to Blake's property, he just bought the U.S. Navy to blast all boats out of the water if they get too close. Here comes Dave Freeman. He's the number one rich playboy of the world. Going to work you ask? Heavens! no, he's just getting home. Dave has a big house near Boston. In fact, its so big that he can be gone for two years before the servants are notified that he's gone. Here comes that great scientist J. Franchot. Ya' know there are a lot of stories going over at his place. One report is that he goes to the moon and then turns around and throws stones at the earth. How he gets there no one knows, but they say he goes in his lab and drinks this green stuff and puffff-
June, 195g off he goes. There goes Colin Campbell in that homemade hot rod. He makes them out of gold and goes around to see if the darned things will hold up. He got going so fast one time, he missed a turn and wound up in the mountains of Pennsylvania in an ea·gle's nest. Seems he couldn't get out for about .; week and had to stay there until the b; birds grew up. The)J. he talked one into taking him down to the valley below. There's Bill Talbiert, Say feilow, whatcha' doin' down here in the city? His Maw used to work for Cardigan , but he made her quit so she could handle his money. He owns a big automatic farm and when things don't g c, right, he just goes beserk and pushe~ all th e buttons he can find. Needless t o say, it upsets our markets for days un • til he gets the mess unscrambled. There's Rich Weeks. He used to work for the Brookline Country Club in hi~ younger days. It seems they didn 't wash the golf balls to suit Dick so he bought the place and put in his own golf ball washing service . He now owm the service in every country club in the country. Rich! you bet he's rich. IJ anything doesn't sut him, he just up s and buys it and changes the situation. Jonathan Doane now is president of the Gerber Baby Food Corporation. John got accused of having his picture on all their jars so he bought the company and changed the picture to a beautiful Hawaiian dancing girl. Here comes Roger Findlay. Roger owns this here big city you know. He got pretty disgusted with the way people were acting in New York so he bought the place and chang«=:d a few things. He gave Philadelphia the Empire State Building and put up some tall ones. He made the tunnels 12 lanes. He put up 4 new bridges and lowered the streets below the sidewalks. He gave every commuter a jet motor scooter last year for Xmas. Rich you say. I'll say he is. The U. S.' Government borrows from him every week. Richard Priestly won't be here. He's too busy at home. He made Rhode Island a kingdom and he rules th~ roost. He just signed a peace treaty with Dean Hart to take the country of France. It seems they want to give it to England. Dick's wife supports him. She works in Wayne Sargent's factory. The only industry in his kingdom is a shoe strong factory that makes p_u tty knives. If that sounds mixed up its just because Dick hasn't been king too long. I understand he used to practice being the ruler in his room back at Cardigan. Here comes Ron Dudley. He now owns a remnant factory in New Hampshire. That's why his shirts are many pieces of different colored cloth. He says it is a good advertisement. Well the hum of the city is dying out.