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· October, 1967
Car~igan Chronicle VOL. 17
CONTENTS Our New Gymnasiu·m Ghosts and Spirits of Halloween Campus Candids Alumni News
Our New
NO. 1
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CR1EIDIT,S: Cover - 1st Prize, October Photo Contest, "Hayward Hall" by Philip Krauss. Other photos by Philip Krauss, Larry Wolman , Jeff 'Blair, and C. ?II. S. Library Photo File. STAFF Editor: Philip Krauss '69. Photography Editor: Steven Mervis '69. Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Carpenter '68. Sports Editor: Carl Steiner '69 . Reporters: Larry Wolman '69. Jeff Crandell '70 . .-ldvisor: :'.\1r. \\'. D. Stires. The Cardigan Chronicle is published by the students of the Cardigan Mountain School during the·· academic year. Publication office: Cardigan Mountain School, Canaan, N. H. 03741. Printed by the Reporter P ress, Canaan, N. H. 03741.
Facilities Appreciated by Philip Krauss '69
T he new athletic building at C.M .S. is a great help to the students, with more room in the planning stage. Phase I consists of locker rooms, showers, small gymnasium, team rooms, faculty lockers and a dispensary. Clean towel s a nd socks a re supplied every two days, making use of automatic washers and d ri ers. Phase II is under construction and includes a 210foot covered sports a rena to be fini shed by December 1. It wi·ll be used for hockey in the win ter, and if we have spring weather like we had last year , the baseball team will be able to have batting practice inside. T here are four more phases before the athletic facilities will be co mpletely finished.
ARCHES . .. .Eight of the twelve large wooden arches have been erected to date
(10/22 / 67) as construction continues on the new covered sports arena. T o t he left are the t ennis courts, center stands the new locker room building, and the path to the L(]jke wharf is at the right. Ice will coi•er the sandy area in the joreiround.
Gymnasium State of Football Union by Jeff Crandell '69
The varsity football team got off to a good start thi s year by defeating Eaglebrook School, 50- 14. In its second game, Cardigan played away and romped over Tilton Academy, 30-0. Recently Cardigan took its chances with the Proctor Academy Rese rves and won , 34-0. High scorers to date are Bill Calder '68 at wingback and Brad Davis '68 at quarterback. The Cardigan Reserves, alias the '•li ghtweights, ·' were defeated by Hartford Junior High School, 6-0. Captai ns for CMS were :Bill Aspinwall and Craig Benedict. A great deal of credit goes to all of the coaches- :\Ir. Hazen, Mr. Stout, Mr. Yaggy, and l\Jr. Hanley.
OXE MA.A PER LOCKER ... Cardigan's new locker room jarilitics m ean plenty of room per student. Football and socrcr equipment once was stored in dorm closets hctwccn games.
goals while Allan Butler and George Bentley scored one goal each . Co-captains for Holderness were John Middebrook and Joe Bruce. To date (10f 16/ 67) Cardigan has won 4 games and lost 1. Much has been done to get the team in shapedaily exercies , duck walks and a couple of laps around the field.
Cardigan started out its soccer season victorious as co-captains Jay Walker '68 and George Bentley '68 led the team to an 8 to O victory. John Kielhaur scored six
LOTS OF LIGHT ... Sunshine and ventilation n1ca11 a bett er place fo1 1 th e soffei· players to change and compare notes befor e "those calist henics."
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Spiri Hallo FOR GOBLINS ONLY . .. Ghosts and goblins were said to walk the land two thousand years ago when the Celts occupied northern and western Europe. Draw a picture of the goblin on the other side of these stairs and enter it in the next Chronicle contest!
DRESS UP DAY . . . Bob Whaland '68 struts from Brewster Hall, ready to scare any goblin in his way . .
THE GOOD OL' DAYS . . . Halloween parties with GIRLS were once a tradition on Canaan Street. Corn stalks and pumpkins were used to decorate for the 1949 party.
s of een
TO ALL WITCHES: WALK THRU, DON'T FLY!!! .. . A recent happening on campus involved the lower door in Hop kins Hall. Must have been a narrow-waisted witch scared by one of Mr. Blunt's explosions!
"IT'S BEEN A HARD DAYS NIGHT" . .. Warren Huse '49 apparently was without a dat e at the 1949 Halloween party and could only find a cross-eyed pumpkin to entertain.
TRICK OR TREA T . . . Jimm y Turley and St eve Knaebel wandered along Canaan Street in 1951 , testing the local folk with their spirits and spooks .
Campus Candids
THAYER FOR PRESIDENT .. . Latest news from Cardigan indicates that Tom Thayer '69 will run for thle Presidency on the "Angry Men" ticket.
SCHEDULE OF COMING EVENTS Thurs. Nov. 9 - Boston Area Dinner Meeting, Wellesley Country Club, Wellesley Avenue, , Wellesley Hills, Mass. 5:45 p.m . Address reservations to Mr. John B. Kennerson, 23 Ravine Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181.
CRASHUP AT THE NEW CANOE DOCK . .. First prize in the Candid Camera contest for this issue goes to Phil Krauss for his catching a frustrated moment for Mr. FeMcher and Mr. Wakely as they approached th'e new canoe dock in a new Flying Dutchman.
Nov. ~ov. ~ov. Nov. Nov.
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FALL SPORTS SCHEDULE Varsity Football vs Kimball Union Varsity Soccer vs Tilton Reserves Reserve Football vs Sacred Heart Varsity Football vs Fryeburg JV Varsity Soccer vs Kimball Union
THB J-J-J-J-J-V's ... From the 1946-1952 School Photo Album comes this group picture taken during the 194 7-1948 school year. Could the occasion be "Mountain Day?"
2:30 2:30 2:00 2:00· 2: 30'
Alumni News 1954
Di\V,I D R. HELM ST ADTER has been living in iBoston for the past two and a half years ( 59 Bay State Road, Apt. 6, Boston, Mass.) and has worked for the Addison-Wesley Publishing Company since his graduation from the University of Pittsburgh in 1961. He is Education Editor and develops texts and reference materials designed for teacher education programs. David's wife is working for a doctorate degree at Tufts University. 1956 ROBERT C. MORRIS and his wife visited the school on Sunday, September 24, and noted a great many changes since his graduation. Their address is 32 Concord Street, Peterborough, N. H. JEFF MILHAM sends along his current address, 92 S. Meredith, No. 4, Pasadena, California 91106, and indicates that he is attending Glendale City College. 1957
TIMOTHY G. MILHAM and wife of Fort Monmouth, N. J. visited campus on September 1. He hopes to complete his B.A. studies in political science shortly. 1959
NORMAND L . SCHREUDER visited the CMS campus on October 4 and is presently living in Bennington, Vermont. 1960
GIUBERT R. "GIB" SUITOR enjoyed his four years at Deerfield Academy, having much success in soccer and the presidency of the glee club. Presently he is attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in political science and playing varsity soccer. FREDERICK A. JOHNSON of East Brewster, Mass. 02640, visited campus on J une 10. Presently he is teaching at Sea Pines, Brewster, Mass. EDWARD A. BALL was recently promoted to Sergeant and is now in
Guantanimo, Phillipines. His current address is G.T.M.O. 3-67, L Co., 3-22, Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, N. C. 28542 .
,RICHARD W. MOULTON, Jr., and a friend tried to em ulate Huckleberry Finn's r·a ft voyage from Hannibal, Missouri, to Cairo, Illinois, on a 12 by 16 foot raft made of telephone poles, oil drums, and wood planks. They made it as far as Crystal City, Missouri , where they smashed into a tugboat and a tow of barges. Richard was carried under the barges by the current, somehow managed to swim past the tug, and blacked out before he was rescued by the tugboat crew. Presently he is back at the University of Denver pursuing his studies in political science. His raft was found 100 miles down river. 1961
After leaving Cardigan in 1961 , '· BODIE" RAKSOM S. THOMPSON attended public school and Bridgton Academy. He attended Wentworth Institute in Boston and wo1 ked at Pratt & Whi tney Aircraft in East Hartford, Connecticut. Presently he is serving in the U.S . Navy having attended an electronics school as well as duty aboard ship. Upon completion of his present schooling and training, he will be assigned to a nuclear submarine for duty. HOW ARD BISHOP is presently a senior at Indiana Tech. 1962
RICHARD D . CHASE of 32 Pierrepont Road, Winchester, Mass. , died on September 3, 1967 . DAVID van ESSELSTYN is presently attending Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois. 1963
RICK MOSES has found life in the West of interest-especially skiing, motorcycle riding and climbing. Presently he is majoring in history at Denver University.
PETER ATWOOD graduated from Deerfield Academy in June and lists his home address as 403 5 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618.·
DAVID BISHOP is now a freshman at Davis and Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia. He was graduated from Phelps School in June and was Editor-In-Chief of the yearbook and Co-captain of the Lacrosse team. • 1965
VICTOR KEILHAUER visited his brother, John, on September 14. Victor's present address is Paseo Escalon No. 5343, San Salvador, El Salvador . MARK RILEY is now a junior at Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine, and was delighted to find Mr. Samuel Bigelow there as Assistant Headmaster. Visitors on campus September 22 included CARL 0. VILLANUEVA and WARREN ~VIORRIS '66 on their way to Expo '67. Carl is attending l\It. Greylock Regional High School in Williamstown, Mass. 1966
CARL NYDEGGER visited campus on August 2 and was very much surprised to find girls on campus (Maine - New Hampshire Student Council Leadership Workshop) . Presently he is in his junior year at Concord (N. H.) High School, enjoying baseball and skiing. He met JIM TAYLOR at Stowe and reports proficient skiing in spite of one injured leg. 1967 ''
DAVID SAVITT indicates he is off to a good start at the Forman School, Litchfield, Connecticut. Former Faculty MR. and MRS. ALFR,E D E. WILDER of 44 East Terrace, ,B urlington, Vermont, anhoun.ce the 'birth of a daughter, Lauri, born on August 7.
THINK SNOW . . . Part of everyone's hidden agenda of la-t e is SN OW. Clancy Mountain is familiar ground for the beginners, pictured above during the 1961-62 winter season . Th e r.ew log cabin now stands to the right of the tow at the base.
Welcome Winter Visitors THE HOUSE OF GOD ... W e welcome parents, friends, and relatives to pray with us on Sundays, 11: 30 A. M.
Nonprofit Organization
1¼¢ PAID Canaan, N . H . Permit No. 1