Vol. I, Ho • .3. :Celitor - Thomas M. Hunt Faculty Advisor - nr. Stires -x- ,~-
••• that the Red So~ are great this year?
Fortunately this week we are able to give you:
••• Lary Roberts is the next school leader?
FROH THC BLOTT:CR" Hews and notes from police in Amherst, new York.
.l.that Cardigan is going to have a rodeo in the Hinman Hall basement Saturday night?
1. Amherst Fire Control reports smoke in building on i-I:illlersport Hw y., Patrol No. 8 reports noting to it •••~-cooked slipper. 2. Dan Troy Dr. resident reports someone blew apart his mailbox with a cherrybcmb the other night.
• •• Greg Howe is always on time to class and meals?
••• that we have the Star of Gentle Ben on campus? ••• Canaan Street Lake is dirt?
3. Canadian motorist called from front of Boulevard liall (had been seen drinking) reports his wife. and car missing. Upon investigation, Patrol no. 5 reports everybody missing.
4e At 3:31 a.m. telephone operator reports a man called her from a restaurant on lJiaga.ra Falls Blvd.
A customer was in
phone booth when owner locked up theplace; customer is unable to get out.-Patrol No. 5 called owner. Do You Want A Pen Pal?
We the underclassmen of Cardigan wish the seniors a good life and education like President Johnson did on the mimeographed letter he sent our scho_o l (and probably hundreds of other schools also)• ~~~~-){-~~~'h~-;H~;f')h~➔f ?HH8~➔~➔8h'H(- ➔B(➔HHH~:~➔HHHHH(-~~~,'Hh~
The swamp this time of year is interesting. You can find all kinds of insects, w ater animals, and for you boys that like to raise things, there are frog eggs.
If you want to have a pen pal, fill out &&&&&cc&&..&&&&&&.&&&&..'?c&l!.c&l!c&&&&&.&8c&8c&&&&&& &&& the form and give it to Thomas M. Hunt with 50¢. ADVERTISEIIBNT S (cut along line) George Spaulding is selling everything f .. ge of Pen Pal Boy fiirl in his room. Hiri.man Hall II. Name Home address Phil Toohey will sell anything in his room. Clark-Morgan III. Zip ..,. -_-_-_-_-_-_ _ r " Mr. Chamberlain will trade, not sell, but trade anything ,rnrth trading. Clark-Morgan III.
_________ _ STAFF llEi-ffiERS
¼lHAT ?
Hr. Hahoney has in• his topdresser drawer his own hair piece~ if you·can believe it~ If you don't go and see it.
P'AG.,., ? The UnderQ'round Wed , H::lv 22,1 1968 , i;; ,'7; ,,, , ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,, ,1;,=,i:;,=,,-;r,nnnnn,·;,,nr11·;,¥i·;rmnno,;nn.,, ,, ,, '!.ILJL!Uuuu1. uuvu1 .t. u u uuuu(."i/.J1 ,on, 'c'U.!.-'/-'f;'£1!,'f:'£-'~'(J~/VU~'!/l .-'~'!.l.f.:'Ytff!! 1 :Cif;'Y.~'f.l~: Yf:'Pl.:'L'f✓- :f.L i}'il)= ,'!;;~">i/;,=,,'::/!=/r;,=;t,;:;,:;,¥,\=;1,; ,; 111111 u 11 ,, ,, ,1 ,, ,rt, 1111 ,, 1n r ,, 1111 ,, #/ri, ,, ,, 11 1, 11 ,, 11 1r ,n, J ,r 1
Smnmer School Summer school is not very nice to do to a kid. In the last tern of school, he plans what he will be doing in the summer. So while he is thinking about that, he . might slump off his work and might fail with a 58 or a 59. In this case he should go to summer school. · If he goes to a school like Cardigan, the school shouldn't make him come back for the summer, but let him go at home. How would you like it if you had to spend most of the year away from your parents and home? It isn 1 t that fun. So, do not fail your course.
Those -candlelight suppers with mood music become t.v. dinners and the Lawrence Welk show? You go through your wedding album and you discover that you canrt recall the names of two of your ushers, . Your idea of a great anniversary gift _ for yourselves is a new hose for the vacuum clearner? Your wife cm sign your signature on your paycheck better than you do?
HCDICAL iiOTHER GOOSE Rug-a-dug-dug A man's got a bug Which puzzles his family H. D. Bronchitis, Neuritis? Acute tonsilitis? Helli say its a virus--your11 see. Pain, Pain Go away l Doctor 1 s in D. c. today-Lobbying for the A.H.A. U7winkle, twinkle, man with star; Officer don't tag my earl Though it rs double-parked and waits-Can rt you see my 11 M.D •.11 plates?
George Forgie, pudding and pie, Kissed a girl and made her cry. For spurning him, her mother .. socked her-George is studying to be a doctor 1
- - - - - - - - - - ·- -·- - - - - Red 11 RABBIT 11 Ellsberg, a $ 1 9" tall, unknown, unsung and generally lethargic professional basketball player •• • adtually outjumped Wilt Chamberlain the 7 foot tall center of the Philadelphia Warriors l • • l .They were playing checkers at the time.
Huntz Gorey, a motorist insured by "Ills tate 11 ,. ••was involved in a auto · accident, and yet, collected m.mediatelyl Huntz ·collected "Pneumonia" while he was lying on the ground for three days waiting for his Illstate agent to show up!
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