Chronicle (October 1950)

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On T!n:::::-·sd-=1_:v , :SG_ptem.ber 21, the Lci~e ~r ~ Ca ~rt if3n House resembled Gr·s.'1cl C:e: 1tra'.! :-;·•,at.i.on the arr·i. v;:,_:i. ol' D.8W a.nd. () 1.n students for the ot B0hoolo Vv11.:'_l..=i a few of t.he boys returned ea!J .j_9r j_n the weak, most of·them waite-5. t,.!J.t:i.l the last minuteo Some we:rE lilet at ·.~h6 tr·:::1in in Canaan by the schn(JJ. station wagon; others arr·i v8d by car vd th their" families.


The history of the Lodge is both colorful and interesting. I can only write a brief account of it her"e• It begins way back in 1834 when. the place was built. For years it served as a stop f o:r- stagecoaches on the route from Boston to Montreal which was establis:Cied :i.n 1766 by Roy::;l Decn·e e .: In du€ respect to this, on. t o.r:, of the sign in. front of ·'.~be sclio21l ther·.a h&s been placed &r. i:r-on sJ.lho,;.ette 0f i:J. stagecoach,,

Among t.ha J) 8 j~ents visiting the school on op0njng day were: Mrs. Sher-man';! . DI"\) and Mr-so Robert· Allison ; Dr ~r-tn,i Mi:·s .,Emile Belanger·, Mrs ,. c.,1\ Bo.:Pe tt ,Mr ,.; and Mrs. Vv'illiam B:r ·nc~: ,M:r•f' ~ B1~ll e · 80.l t, Mri, and Mr~ . Tn~0doi~ ~odd a rd , M~ c and Mrs. Wi::_J ~_ ar:: H,::i·-1 e .:-·~Mr ,,;=·.nd Mrsc Richar"d Hel.<:f_,t =-i Jt;t, r. 1 f1t· ·:1, I r,rm_ Knaebel,Mr. · anii M1 .s .- .S~:,.e .Lc!. cn ·M0Ewan , Mr· . and.Mr·s ~ Jobn iv1'1lr..r1r-:::: 1 _:\/b: ;::; .. GPcrge Nisbet ,Mro ani Mrs . ]:P: <=: F.l.c Os g Dc:d,Mrs. Leo Rem~cl~ ,M:H , E~:e~ R08e, Dr ~ and Mrs. r1 1 hen A 0C"J.pJ.e by t.h:l name of J·o• • Raymc,ri.d ·J•urlP-y,.Mr·., and Mr-s. Willis qa "'. upc:k"'l 'hc·ight it 1=md .... , v ·" ··_1 .J ,.:i ..J. I·':"rn .V.:..CJ 1/fA ·os t e:-:· ·✓ tu-r1:1_f-: ('. i.t. 5.llG'') r. p :~·::.. v':l. tA ho1n8 ,. This was ·nEfo:-·A t, /; 1-; el:l. ·vv"',f • bn." Llt. · cm ,_. Te a Wdfl .3A::c·~red lr.. the lounge at Whe-:-." e L-t~e din.::..r c,; i::·,y:ni_ L:: now, there whi ci1 :: :..:ns ::,h -=: buys met the new ari ('.. i t.:l.. on:-;: ~ r.:· .':. :i2 :f'&2.u1 -;-,y-: Mr.,and Mr·::; c1:.: d':\Tci ~'l1 E! i.b:l :: )" , Miss DOI"Othy }l' :,j_1., t,;1 j s '.) ~"JJ1 8Y"Ship a ru2n by EmE:Jrs o~i. i::- ,::·J J\.1l·, Jc):1n F .,Marr-. The the nerr•.i:~ :-::,:{ jJ1. :.1.l-:l·2 y trJct: it OV':lr and. n Siw t c:· ·'Ji: ·,,;e:;:· e .rr-G' not only ' the t:.Jr.i.~AC: it ha,j·z : .n to £'.I:. ~.nn,., M:t ,. iJ ne,:,r mg,n·::i er .s o~ tbs f'5.Julty but also v~.tsat, 211 -1. MT~· J'l:,.J .l ,s ,.." 1'e ~.; '3trt f, thf:) r..ext the o"L:l. ori.e.s ., 'l;h:::::se member·s of the· 1 Oi'\11 ~1 Y :::. er1 ·_ c, _;;ia~:at.eJ :i.t 2:-1 e_ 11° :el ,, f8culty r:·etu~n:ng were Mr"., and l\1:rs-1 Mr ~ ar·•_: l\J[::.'f:-1 ~ .J-1~ 1 ~.:l Au~c: t, :;_,J_ k0_pt 6~1 w::.:!.J.ia.m. ~ M:::- .~ and Mr·s • .John t.:t8 i"::-"~ i :"~t .~. Ci.1 llrf. :-1 n;.g _J U'.S J94J. " !in-vv, Hea g y~ Mr· ••Stuar·t Petrie, Mr . and e,11;:r ~ L1 .:;__<JJrj ': 1 h ':l Co. :·_ -c,~.gan 1/ioun.tain Mrs,, Robert Sharp. and Miss Marj ori . ~: i: 11-.:,;o L '.va s :t our.!'.t-=:.o .. Ir L 'Ji.:.6 thA Lodge Ritchie. · I-- ' -'-·"


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VOLUJ\ffi I ,




OC'fOBER , 1950

MEET TI.-ill HE_L\.DMA,STER Mr,. V-lilfred W, Clar·k 1 our new· hea dma ster, v✓as born in Leeds, Engl and. He claims Dartm9uth as his Alma Mater·. He did gradu ote work at B. U., Harvar·d, and Bro\/lm plus additi onal studying at Rhode I s l and St a te and Rhode . Island ColEDITORI AIS l e ge of· Educ a tion, Mr. Clark T}lE PREMIERE; se:ved as he a d of · the Mathematics · The first issue of this paper Department at St. George's School is vrnt you would ca ll a rus h job. and a s · Director of its Vve had to g o to pres s muc h soon or s chool . Besides serving for a than we expected. As for futur e ti me as assist a nt headmaster of plans, this paper aDns to bring to two sma ll hi gh schools, he was you the important happenin c s of acti ng assista n t he admaster and school life and ex pe cts to g o pla ce& director- of guidance at Roc ers Hi gh School in Newport, R.I . CONGRATS Mrs. Cla rk was bor·n in ManchesWe'd like to ext end a hand of ter, N.H. and attended Keene congratulation to those seniors of Te a chers Colleg e. She claims she last year . Richard Morrison , Harmet Mr. Clar·k in the Sunc ook Ban k old Eggleston, and Geoffrey Within Sun cook, N ,.H. wher·e they were · ington led their class in a recent both being int erviewed for a job . Geometry test at New Hampton . They were married in 1931 and h~ve t wo childr·en , S11ii ley and Buzzy. The food has been 11 simply out of Shirley definitely has inherited this world," filled with variety by the family good loots. Mrs. Clark and cooked deliciously Both Mr·, and Mr s . Clark are good by Clancy., humor·ed - both having blue eyes in which the spirit of youth will VISITORS alwa ys dwell. Vve expect much of We were vi ~ited by two of last them this year and feel suxe our year's seniors, Richard Morrison expect a tions will come true . and Jeff Withington. He's still Byron Koh t he same J e ff. Keep comi ng ba ck SCIENCE 9 VJEATHER STATION Alumni l Science 9 ha s decid ed to build a w-r; Lc OME HON.IE weathe r st a tion as a class project I would like to sprea d the and for t he use of the sc hool. The welcome ma t for "Charlie", the we a t he r st ~tion may pos s ibly be Coolidge's do g on his recent arriv- rte x t to the footb a ll field. How~ ever a s · of· y et, t llat is still ·u nal. He was much loved by last decided . The boys llave st a rted year's second floor e rs at Cardi gan from scra tch. They fe e l stronglJ House. t hat it will work out very we ll. Byron Koh Mr. Petrie is dire cti n g the work In recent weeks steps have been and has assi gned different jabs fqr t ak en to form a Student Council. t he bui l d i n~ of t he st a tion and its tJ ov,r we hcJ ve the Council with t vro i n str wuen ts . 'J.1his is the first time members from Gra de 9, t wo membe rs in t he hist or y of C. M. s . that such from Gr·ades 8 a nd one each fr .Jm as id ea has bee n put into action. Gr a de s 5, 6 ,and 7. The faculty The we a the r forecast may be pubr e pr e sent a tiv e is Mf. Si bl ey. lished in t he sch ool pa per . Also Sam Adams this we a t he r st a tion will help in pl ann i rrs of activities a nd sports. Charles Marg eson THE CJIRDIG.i\N CI-IJ.ONICIB Publishe d bi-monthly by the boys of Car·di 6 an Mount a i n School. Edit or· o • • • • • • • • • • • • • Warr e n Huse Assist.Editor ••...•• Byron Koh :B'acul ty _f\..d visor ••••• Mr-. John l\'Ia rr

.:..V.:.OL::.UME:.::::.....::I:.:,_NUM _ BER_I _ ________ P_ag_e_3______,.____,____o_c_T_O_BE_R.;;..,__ 19_5_0_ SPORTS - continued SPORTS BOXIlJG HORSESHOE PITS In the past weeks there has been By the request of Chuck Margequite a turnout at the CMS arena~ son anC: - the work of the . student The first fight on October 9 was be- council, there has been a horsetween John White and John McEwan" shoe pit built in the field beside The fight turned out with White on Cardigan House. top. Next in order was the battle CROQ,UErr between David Cheever and John McAnother new addition is the Nwan on October 14. There was no croquet sets on the front lawns of final decision on that bout due to Cardigan House and the Lodge. Cheever's bad case of asthmao The Sam Adams next fight was between Steve Osgood and John McEwan on October 18. This TENNIS was considered one of the best so Down at·the tennis courts we've far because it was close all the played a lot of games but most way,The decision came in the last . everyone that comes down is an round when Steve committed a techni- amateur. The first things we do is cal knockout over McEwan. In tpat to t ighten the net and roll the same afternoon there was a fight be- cour t. When we play , we usually tween Louis Wilkin and Jeffrey Knae- play doubles; although we can ' t bel, This fight also had a technical play very well , we have a lot of knockout by Jeff. The follovdng day fun . If you have never played tenthere was a bloody fight between nis before you ought to try it. John Byrnes and John McEwan. This John Byrnes also was a very good bout with John McEwan coming out on top. This same FIFTH GRADE afternoon Craig Lighty and Tony Metz Another addition as you have were the first to come together in already not i ced is the Fifth Grade . a wrestling matche Craig Lighty This addit i on enabled six more · boy.3 took this match wi th two out of to attend the school this year , three falls over Metz. Sam Adams SAILlliG MOVIES On the date of October 20 there We have had six movies so far was -qui te a wind on Canaan Street this year: Colonial Children, Lake. Byron Koh, John White,, and George Washington, How to Study. · Duncan Mcinnes took out the large Wings to Alaska, Wings to Bermuda, sailboat which Mr. Coolidge mad~ Wings to Ireland. They were all last year with the help of the boys.• and ve r y interesting films . Half way between the school dock and John Byrnes the Mansion Point the boat went ove~ The boys clung tight to the sides PIGS until help reached them, Both boys On October 25, Clancy butchered and 'boat w?re rescued" _ . a pig in pr·eparation tor th~ Jolua Heiser ant Mark Ni3bet have giving dinner. The school had si::x: also been sailing quite a bit lately. pigs They have kept the rust off the pram. " Sam Adame RAFTS Down at the waterfront there has been quite a bit ot commotion on the raft detail. Warren Huse, Peter Allison, David Rose, and Teddy Goddard have been working on quite a project over on the Mansion Point. Sam Adams THE

LOOOE - continued since . s o, from private home, to hotel, to s chool, this building has seen the~ all for over a centmry. THE

Byron Koh




OCTOBER 1 1950

ALONG CAN.A.AN ,STREET TEARING DOvVN A BA..1Thl On October 2, the hardy crew set AQ,U.AR~ . . out to tear· down the old bar·n ove r . Mr, oha rp, our· ei ghth grade sc1a~ ~lancy' s. Under the exper·t super""" e1;1ce teacher, John Heiser, c7-aig vision of Mr. Coolidg e, Mr-• .Sible y, Lighty, and your-~ truly, decided and :Mr, Marr, the pr·eliminary steps to_make an aq_ua r-~um for· the gr~de'8 were taken. A lumber pile was l a id science class. We got anaq_uar1um 1 out and the r·ubbish in the ba r·n it- three fish 1 t a d p oles, and some salaself was cleat·; ed. away. manders. It is coming . along fine Duri ng the followin g days we took and we hope to add to it. down the hay loft, the box stalls, Vie have also been making other and part of the floor. experiments such as the growth of The next step was salv ag ing the non-living matter, an osmosis test, ? oo~ lumber· . il; the walls and tl;.e and the differ·ent kinds of mold on inside partitions. We piled all the bread. waste lumber and questionable Dieces John Byrnes in a big 'heap. .1: LIONS . Then we hitched ,on to one of· the On Tuesday ni ght the seventeenth main r·o?f supports with a r·ope and of October, Dr. Wilfred Bowen, the pulled it out from under. Nothing curator from Dartmouth Museum made mu~h hafpened. Then someone g ot tre Cardigan a visit and g ave · us an bright idea to pull out a cert a in interesting talk on Lions. I'm sure smal~ beam up u~der the roof. everyone enjoyed it. During his . With a crashing and crunching of t a lk he showed some slides which timbers the sides caved in and the answered many questions for the boyf roof descended to earth with a bang? on Africa. Then began the long tedious work Sam Adams of sorting out the good lumber from the worthless. BOOKS At this writing most of the lume Du ring the past swnmer there ha ber· has been used in the construct- have been a great number of interion of a potato bir.i in the basement esting books given to the school. of· the Lodg e by Mr. Coolidge and Mr Twentysix were · g iven to the school Sibley is using some in the warming' by iVIr., Cheever, David's father·. hut dovm by the Lake. Ther·e were four given by· Mrs. Helen The followin g boys have partici- Rose, six by John Byrnes, and four pa ted in the work at one time or . by Pet e r Allison. The trustees of anothe r·: Sam Adams, Peter Allison the school g ave a great number of Michele · Belangert John · Byrnes,David bo?ks i~cluding _the Encycloped~a Che ever· , Teddy Goddard, Bar·ry Harlow Bri ttanica now in the school l i br·ary. John Heiser, Warren Huse, Byron Koh , The truste e s ga ve these books in Chuck Mar·geson, John McEwan Dunc an mernor·y .of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Mclnnes, Tonr Metz, Steve o::eood, Pawtucke t, Rhode Island • . Roger Rema cle, David Rose; Dick Ro s e Sam Adams Da n .Shields, Jimmy 'rurley John ' White, Billy W1lson, an d. Wil- FILMS k i n ., warren Huse In recent weeks ther-e were four new films g iven by Dr. and Mrs. SOMETHING NEW Belan g er to the school. These · We have a canvas mat on or·der for i n cluded topics on Pola r Bear-s, the gym and its dimensions are 22 , ~fo n, Gun, and Dog , and Ha ter· Sports by :to•. We will ha ve it in and dow:i. La st yea r the Belangers gave the on t he g ym floor sometime next we ek. sc h ool many differ·ent reels on huntJohn Byrnes irg in Africa and othe r topics. Sam Adams

----------------------------------·---___ OCTOBER~ )950



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THE COOLIDGE BABY HEARD AROUND SCHOOL It appeared in the Saturday mo::".'n,,. At lunch on Monday, October 3, ing paper.Sandwiched in amoae the Jimmie Turley went into the ki tchm other birth notices, it re:=d. "M:c,s,, to get sume bread. When he returner1 Coolidge, wife of A. C,)ol.idge he was asked, "What do we have for was the mother of a nine pound gi.r·l dessert?" · named Jennifer." He answered, "Some Gunk." This is the story behind the He was then asked "Vfhat does it story.It . was late in the night when look like?" the stork decided to visit the CoolHe replied "I don't know, it Wffi idge household.It rushed over to · just a bunch of gunk~ Hanover like a streak of lightening. Then we noticed Mr. Petrie writWhile Jayne was in the Ward,Bill ing something. A moment later a was out there in the waiting room note written on a napkin was passed sweating blue blood. After all he down to Jimmie which r~ad: didn't know how to act, for this was "Due on Wednesday, the first that this was blessed on Look up the meaning of the him. He felt nervous so he started word "gunk." Write it out twentypacing the floor up and down smok- give times. If you can't find it ing like a madman. in a dictionary use your own defThere was another father-to-be ini tion. 11 Jon Colt in there too and just as nervous. So they arranged between them to On October 23, Shirley Clark, walk from corner to corner at dif- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred w. ferent times. For a few times they Clark, had her sixteenth birthday. ran into each other1 Sam Adams Finally when the nurse brought the baby in for Mr. Coolidge to Mr. Sharp has been doing a very see she was met e joyful nice job with the Glee Club lately. "Yhooo!" or maybe it was a Swiss Tuesday, October 23, Mr. Sharp tes~ ski yodel. I'm not sure. After that ed all the pupils voices for places Bill was heard to say in his own in the Glee Club. If everyone quiet manner, "It's a cute little works with Mr. Sharp we can form a gismoe • 11 · Byron Koh very good Glee Club for Parents' Weekend and other events. SCHOOL GETS NEW DISFDNASHER Sam Adams Ever since school was founded there has been the ever present problem of dishwashing. It is net a Over in the corner of the kitpleasant task, as we all know, to chen nearest the cloak room will be have to get up from the table and installed a new science laboratory got? work washing and drying dishe~complete with a gas jet for certain But it must be done. experiments. Now through the generosity of Mr. Warren Huse Arthur Williams, a member of the Board of Trustees, we have a brand COMING EVENTS IN OCTOBER new Jackson dishwasher. It will take , in the neighborhood of three weeks Halloween Dance October 2 8 to get .it installed as the Jackson Hallowe'en Party --- October 31 Company is building us a stainless Also several more short movies steel sink for rinsing. Two of the have been received that will be set tubs will be moved over to make shown in the evenings. room and _Clancy is planning to rebuild t4e dish racks. Warren Huse


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TRIP TO THE :MUSEUM On October 9,1950 we took a trip through the Dartmouth Museum in Hanover. This tr·ip proved both educational and inter8sting~ On the main floor were biological specimens from all ever the world. These included birds of various types such as the beautiful . flamingo and the rare lyr-e bird,, There were also various scenes showing hon the animal's natural coloring protects him. In one room there were many fish enclosed in glass containers. There were models of one-celled animals of all sorts. These models showed all the various parts of these org~nisms and an analysis below the model told how these parts functioned. On the third floor was the study of .Anthropology or the study of man. There were models showing all types of men and how they lived from · the early cave men to modern times,. There was an Egyptian mummy embalm~ ed long ago when Egypt was a flour~ ishing civilization. There were also shrunken heads, shrunken by an African witch doctor. On the bottom floor there was a study of minerology. In the middle of the floor was a large topographical map of New Hampshire and Vermont. In one room there were many minerals which glowed under an unltra violet light. All in all we had a very interesting time. Dav:i..d Sharp WARMTH FOR 'I1HE WINTER You who have been here previous years, know that the wind over the lake during the winter is quite chilling. But this year you shall not freeze to death as we have in the past for our famed English and History teacher, Jack Heagy, and many of our loyal Cardigan students have put forth hours of difficult work · to see to it that we freeze no more. They have started to fix-up the old pump house down on the lake shore. They will put a new roof on it, fix up the sides and probably

OCTO~R, 1950

WARMTH FOR THE WINTER- continue·d put a fire place in it. Another thing it will be used for besides warming our diligent ·skaters and hockey players, is as a shelter for the Cardigan Rifle Club for target practice.

COMilJG EVENTS FOR THE YEAR November 21 Thanksgiving Dinner November 22-28 Thanksgiving Recess Dee -.:i:1ber December December December Januar·y

9 10 13 154

Christmas Dance Christmas Pageant Christmas Party Christmas Recess

January 27


February 9-11

Parents Weekend Dartmouth·carnival Talent Night Valentine Dance

March 15April 4

Spring Recews

April 14

Spring Dance

May 18-22 May 26-27

Senior Weekend Senior Prom Alumni Weekend

June 6


The Editors of the School Paper would like to thank all those members of the student body who contributed material for the paper and helped in other ways to get·the paper ready for publication. ·we would like to compliment Mr. Marr on his fine · job of starting us on this little venture. We hope that more people will contribute to the paper as time goes on.

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