Chronicle (October 1951)

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Cardigan Mountain School officially oponed :i.ts sixOn one of the bike hikos ~h y~ar Thursday afternoon, thr.t was going dow·n toward jSoptomber 20.11 1951 witna. Cano.'1.n 0c 'nter ,Kenny Hondqr- ea for the boys and th0ir son foll off his bilrn o.nd parents in tho lounge at fro.cturo d his skull. Louis four thirty. Yi lkin vms behind him and This providod an opporsaw the accident. He stop- unity for tho boys to pod beside him, o.nd saw .cot tho now mcmbors of' that he was out cold.Thero tho fa culty, Mr. Wakely, rms a school near by and .:irw Stowe, Mr. Bens. and he called tho school nurse. VIr. Nyhus, (.tS well o.s tho She came ahd put a. po.d ombcrs of your's on Kenny's head. Thon she faculty who returned. Mr. called i"ir. Clark, Whilo ln.rk.? Mr. Ficagy,Mr. Sharp, they wore W8.iting for Mr., ,. :Ii.c:is 1merson and Miss Clerk to con10 Kenny s c omod Rit-chie. to look worse and worse,Rc Out of an enrollment of had a cut in tho side of · (Cont. on page 7) his "1oad and o. bQ.c1 lump on -----back of it. His face FIVE ATTEND SUivlllER SCHOOL u.s badly scro:l:;chcd and he ad o.n open cut o!". his lif- Five boys attondod the Ho was still unconscious. first summer session of 1foanwhi le Mr~ Wo.ko ly and o.rdi go.n some of tho other boys They wore: Patrick Finup. As soon o.s Mr. Clark cy, Thomas Anglom, Lenna.Id got there Ar. ~ifo.ko ly a.nd Mr. insworth, James Cloo.ry fork lifted him into Mr. nd Colton Ryan, o.11 fifth , lark's car and took him graders, to Hanover Hospital. There Boco.uso of inclement o had o. three hour cathor most of tho timo operation, Ho was on tho hero was not as much swimangor list for days.Mr, ing as usual. However, nd Mrs. Henderson up hero were s evoral hi.kes, rom Dotroi t that night. omo bo.s eball and puppets• Ro started to improve Thero wore two subjects aught: Mathematics by Mr. oagy o.nd English by Miss (Cont. on page 10)_ (Cont. on po.go J) KENNY HENDERSON HURT


On the roster this year are four new additions to the faculty. Mr. Norman Wakety, from Topsham, Maine, teaches La.tin and English. He attended the University of Maine. Mr. Richard Bens. from Rando~ph, Massachusetts, teaches His.tory I and Geography, He attended the Boston University. Mr~ Donald Stowe from Concord, Massachusetts teaches Mathematics, He attended the University of (Cont, on pai~ 8)

--------------1.:TEN CARDIGAN NE\Y BOYS !T

There are ten new boys at Cardigan this year,onc third of the total enrollment. They a~e: Thomas Anglcm from Brookline, Masso.chusotts, Allan Ellis from Ti-vi ton, Rhode Is land, Patrick Finney from Vfoodstock, Vermont, David Fox from Saxton's River, Vermont, Kenneth Gilbert from Sandwich, New Ifo.mpshire, Sandy Jacobs from Pike.New Hampshire, Larry .MoorrJ from (Cont. en page 8)




------------- --- ----- -- --- - --- THE CARD IGAN CLRON ICLl


This yoo.r mo.rks.~ttho sooond yeo.r thfl. t Mr. Clo.rk - The Cardi e;an CHRONICLE i s pub lis hed monthl ha.s boon ~o.rdigan's Hoo.d• from Seuteinber t o Juno by the student s a mo.ster. Ca rdi gai-i Mountain §choo l, Can aan , New Hc,mp shir Ho wo.s born in Loads, Englo.nd;o.ttendod mo.rtmouth, Boston University, Ho.rvnrd, STAFF Brown, Rhod e Island State, o.nd Rhoda Islo.nd College EDIT OR Wo.rr en D. Hus e of Educo.tion" ASS I ST .ED.Dav e Che eve r SPORTS ED . J ohn Byrn8s At St. Geor g 's Schoo 1 FEATURE ED.Dave Cheev e r- EXCH . :2:D Ch eeve r he was hc a.d of the Math._ .. .Dave . . - ... omo.tics Dopa.rtmcnt o.nd · ·· · · · - - RE F'ORTERS director of tho ruarrmor .school, J on Colt Norman Pi e rc e John White He o.s bean o.ssisto.nt Wo ody Sull ovmy John Byrne s he o.dmo.stor of two small Jerrey Furma n Warre n Huse high schools o.nd acting David Che ev e r h eo.dma.stor and dire ctor of BUSINESS ADVERTIZING ART guido.nco o.t Rogers High John He i s or St evG Os good Loui e Wilk in School in Nowport, Rhode - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --,-------....,..Islo.nd. SECOND YEAR OF PUBLICATION In o.ddi tion. to his dutEDITORIAL FOR CHRONICLE ies as hoo.dmo.stor at Co.rdi go.n, Mr. Clo.rk l:oa·chos TH!s is tho s e cond year If o.ny of l ast yea.r's Algebra ~o tho ninth grade, of tho publication forthe issues of tho Chroniclo Mrs. Cla rk was born in Cho.rdi.go.n Chronic le .Found- wo ro rush jobs, o.nd I s eem Manohostcr, Now Ho.mpshir o od last year, the first to r omombor s ever a l that o.nd attondod Koone Teo.oh ... issuo out in October j' wcr o 0 they couldn't hold. a;. or's College. -Tho C_lo.rks 1950 . candle to this ono • were married in 1931 and Thero wore ei ght boys If o.ny of you ho.vo over have two children, Buzzy on tho first s t o.ff• Amoung , tried to got o. t en po. go and Shirley, who is attendthem were Chuck Margeson. newspa per out in fi vo .days ing ·when.ton Uni vorl'ii ty o.s Tom Colt, nnd David Sho.rp you will know what I mean. a. fr eshmo.n this yoo.r. They wore graduated To complicat tho ·or yoo.r. So.m Adams, who would oven more, try" it wh•o.lil Wnrron D. Huso 1 52 ho.vo boon one of this you're short of he lp and year's senior~~ wont to ro.oing to meet o. deadline, Paul's School. First thorc ar c stencils writing or editing or out So this yeo.r a.11 who to bo typed, then proofed last-minute news'7 rin~ of tho. _old · _stp.ff and o. 11 tho noccs_§.fl.!X_g_9r_:- . When tho po.gos o.11 run who working on this roctions off they still to bo first issue of tho school Thon they ho.vo to bo sorted o.nd stapled togeth• ye o.r John Byrnes_, Jon off by tho mimeo graphing or, But somehow they fino.1Colt, Do.vid Cheever and crow, It's a funnytblibrg ly get done and o.noth or · Warren Huso though, tho issuo of tho Chronicle is Of course John White crew somehow nlways needs out nnd tho staff co.n re• Stove Osgood, Louie Wilk"- rmothcr stencil, justw.Jncn lo.x until the next issuo• in, Woody Sullow~y, and you•re i~ tho middio of Warren D. Huso '52 something olse 11 (Cont. on ?g. 7) Something a lso Edi tor moi:ms

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'foJWME 11 m :ir · PAGE 3 - - ·cicToD;:;R rns1 -------',---------------....---'-------- ------------------~-~ -I



HOPE FOR GOOD HOC KEY ' •ID l..,.!lrt rn · t.• , I 1\..;' ~\.J.. l J.i.u. J..:>

·• ~,

This yaar (C'ardigan Hopes to h~..-vtl a good hockey a::nd ,sk.l -t.w.,n; , ;_ There. are -tfr;; _l" •·


inte 1:'•-,St;;2 0 tear1 ana cle.,,e .:~ "h ~· 'iitte ski team .


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C 0 Mc;~ nop('ls -they I have m0re before t~e rutd sna.w g\0lt ~er,e.,





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i For tho fir~t timo inJ Strength Tests, as they tho school's · histore asjaro known~tako place sot1r:'ar as tl·10 r oc ords sh ow J oral times durinf;: _ the i :-; a. ".'d:1.gan ;Joy s p},ayi ng i sohool yo n. r, ! '.):(·grrn J.z oa /footba. 11 ~ I 'Ebe September Winners ! Un dl7r tho dire ction i;i,nd!wer,v i Pushup$-Michd.e Bol-go.:i.d onc q of M]'.'• S,towo and!, e.n~ or 9 thrust,-Byron · Mr.. 1Vakc ly 3 1 ton r ogu.lar ! :Koh, s j_ t uns '-' John Mo Ewan, I I .q playe rs are practicing 1 Squat Jump s - Dick Rose , and dili.g0ntly in tho hopos ofrChin upS'-~~~vo O_:igood" s oe kine; r c~ v c ng0 fo-r: the ITTE7HYJ:; GOEc 1'0W.AR111 loss· to CanFJ.0.11 Junior High CARDIGAN I 18-0, Friday, Octobe r 5" Tho n ext mooting of ·tho On Frid~y, Soptembor 28 1 two t e wi 11 bo Oct~ 15 . a group of boys · and Mr, or 16cit ).s, hope d thatwith!Wakoly took e. bike hike up a. -vic t ory on Octobe r , 1-5 or I towards Cardigan, but be16 tha.t man7, , ,more game s fore they got halfway:,thoy may bo sohd1ulod, , dcoidod to explore a sido On tho t e am are•: Byron road, so thoy took it, Koh.i- captain , John Heis e r, l'hoy oamQ ' out about John Wh ~ Malcolm Llo yd.. two lvo milos ~wa.~, ~roin Dick Rose .o De.vid Fox, John Cam~an,, Who:µ t1toy 'g ot back Byrnes, La.rry _Moo1" c , Jir,-__.. to pchool at a"bout five rµ§ Tur]oy~ and Kc;mny Gil- o ' c1).9ck, Mr, Wakely' told b e rt,~~~1Jr , Ht a gy is also an th 0 boys thoy r,ad gono 1 advisor· -co the t. ea.w. , 1 e.bout twenty milos$ fli.ARJ\TH01,r 'rITLE WON . J ohn Byrnes '52 BY J OHl\T McEW.AN



John · ,: hitc '53

---------------1 $;:-iJ ' ;7 ~HJG ALU' 21) Ii'F:.:~T

··mEK I

For the first week ·of sc·hool tha~e was a lolt' of swimming every~aft~rnoon, along with sailing, boating_ and canoeing, - , ., 1 The boys have taken a couple of trips around th~ lake and ha~e seen 'many interesting things on these frips.

,· John Byrnes '52 Mak1ng it A.rou.nd tho __________.....,.._ _.....,_ _,.lal-::o in thirty~six minutos



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John ifoEwan wa.s t he vtinno r of tho Ootobe r Canaan Shoro lino Drive Marattonc Mr, Stowe· ·and W ir, Nyhus Byron Koh and Mr, Stow o both new me.ster~ here- A.t came in second· in fortyCar~igap, have beeri ~p- two minutes, po.inted heads _of the Malcom Lloyd came in Outing Club~ They are plan- thir d in forty-two ,and one i ning many ski • trips , and half minute s~ they also ·want to find a Jimmy 11 url0y came in new SEi slope so that the fourth in forty- .. five beginners won't have such minut us~ a steep hill to learn the Tho person to come fundamenta.13 of skiing. in mado it in two hours and thirtoon minutes, John Byrnes '52

• • · ~- -

Airplane s, Soalc & Flying Ships~ Old and Now 'Autos,.,_oia Timors F]nginc s, Fuc 1, 'rubingCemcnts, Dopas, Proofcrs B9l ts, Plugs; Vfirc · Ba+sa Strip~~ Planks I

Xaoto Toots . '

$PRING ' '


Camara and_Hobby Shop


__ _ __ _J,i.o,banoll.j. __









4 ,

OCTOBER 951 New B0ys · Gt ve The~.r · , ~li).pressions p·r Cardigan

M:c·~ ""1.Dxp G~. J~,2i '.l'a'!k' ' On Ti ip ·ro Wes·t Coast

Nine Boys Hike to '' Wins low' s Ledges






Have you ever been on a Hr,, Sharp, the pastor of 1 : Most o,f the new boys the Cant\an 8tr,eet r1Ieth- like Co.r,digan because of long hike on a real · .ho·b ddy? Have you h~d no wate~ ( od.tst Chu;ch ·'and maste:>:" -at the sports and the choice ' ) l ., tor ,milee ; ,-po spec1.aJ. C~~digan, gave a talk on 0f sports that t,here are , scen~ry untfl the •far qway h:!.s -tr;ip. west this s·JJlllrier ., every day~ They like to go objective had been , reachad,, He had t o.ken many colo:r~ , on 'the hikes, because they !f you have been on, s~ch a ed slides of th~ Pl~bes of go to 'iriteresting plo.oes. hike you prob9rbly1 ' ~ iBa'L't interest in that part or' \ They like the food belike the , nine boys :rrho ( the country '"' . · cause it is different 1 wEint , on ttie ·, hike tJ Win, ' The ·l;al1 k "' was • giV\f,]'.l on eve·ry weekl' I I slow' s ledges • w,i th Mr ~ the ni gnt of 'September 28, , They like the olaaeesj Heagy and Mr • JSto'f/e on af~ersupper ,, 1 bec a us,e they don't have to Saterday, September 22~ Mr ,. , Sha rp r,;ot his camera ~g9 all morning and after1 The l;:ioys ' far away ob·-·. 1 tn California c1 0 did ' not ·noont ' 'but instead they d-zi jective was Winslow's , have o.ny p~.6t-i1:-es of 1 th'. e fuheh1 · otudyt ng at night Ledges, . a ~eries of abou~ trip across !' but had a . rtum-' when i'-!; is usually to --dark 11 s-ix largo,'· ledges of rock:, ber qf Sunny Ca~:l..tornfai: t .o do anything else,, 1 a.nd of the trip back ~ 'r,His '' ' They' like the way •the. t They j aver~ge ' from fifty to ,/ I ohe hundred feet in hight~ picture·s included some of , }hey aan have a pri va_te Tqe ' roaq l~ading to , thf the Mount Palome.r Obser'va.. room and 'don't have to ,,, ledges t~ ,paved for fo~r tory and ' the Marine Corps room with , anyone if they ~iles and ther~ is a g6od Training Base. don't want to, 5irt 'road for ~ne more ,, " mile; the rest of the way J ohrt Byr:Q.eS , '52 I I -\ I / is :left to feet. , Stev,e 0sgood, Warren Huse, Boys see Movie-House I Jon Colt' 52 Jack McEwen~Dick Rose,John Of Seven Gabl,e,s r . ., V Heis~r,Miche:J. Belanger,Jon, ' t - - - - - - C . - - - - - - - - , - - - - . . - - - ; ' j Cqlt, , Allen Ellis, and The boys of Co.rdigan: ,Mike Clancy Has playpen ~ohn ' f'rescott, · l\h-• Stowe' ,l\ Sc!hbo-1 · saw u \• ,In CarcHgan Kitchen and Mr,., •Heagy got into the movie called The Houseof , / truck. , They rode as f~r .The ,Seven Gable~_,the ni,g ht as tho part \ left for the 1 Mil~~ Clancy was born ' ' 'of September 22 0 the 1 ,Aur-;ust 1' 3 .1> 1950 in Lebanon ' · · footwork,. Thon they Mkod , , , movie was . a nove 1, b y 1 1 th9 remain ing five mi}-31'5 'in the AJ.ico Peck DQy ,R<;is'l\Ta'i:;hanf;H Hawthorne .rt was I I I ' to tl:.e lod ges •and clar;iber~· P ::.t'D. l;; 1 , shown in the ' boys : lounge. in ac u·J t~~e · :Ci::st +.h:: Jo :I IHe can 1sto.nd Hup nlone ,, 1 ;his playpen., ~ , ,a. so co.n :rises O A-l:. 11the t0p of tho Jerry Furman '54 1 1 1 ' '!.r ' d r. ~-~10 ~ y ft th"." 't _._, +; pldy pa tty~oake and ,w11i \,L ,'.1 ,: o u,,,,,d ..,. ,. ' wink o.t you when ' you . \ was t!imo to 'r eturn "! Jack 0 Bh911ogr~ph Still Not I ,Yilm to. ', His playpen is .rhey WC!'.0 all tirtia.: hot Ba~k from the Factory 's et ~p in the ki t 'c hen and thirsty., It was four C ' j I ':Wher'e his fo,th~r and :ni:lo s ;to water 1, ·out I tho The phonogrnph :~s. f.l,t the mother can keep an aye on wec.ry nine d,ragged them-. ~actory b~i~g fSxed~ I him,-. Wike s'\ fa the!" :;.s eolves ·00 tho v,,a+,er- and ;;: t v:a::; !:ir:,ken by hard r:cim1~y 11 the sch0q::. 1 s ~00k'_ arunk up the st:r~am., then f1•om th~ boys this 1 M~_,;,rn has one sis tor:, th0y get in tho b:i'."uck and ' Springo ~hereasa., who is in the . carno ba-c k to school ~or a 1 The boys hope . to have it good bean suppor. , first grade• back before long. _l





i I

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Jon Colt '52

. John White 1 53

, Steve Osgood











New Book Ro om Bt1 i J.. t----....-,,D,...o-r.o-t_l_-iy_A_n_n_o__,H,_c-•a~gy-...,.F"'"o_u_r_::.;.-.---

Mudo 1.A.ppreo~ation Now Thing_~t.. GarcUga.n

On Top Floor of Lddgo


Months "Old 'l'ro. vole r

Is Soo.sonod

F:rov.i Ue,n.ovo?' ,, Mr. Foret Ono of t ho new imprOV'Oe.:nd · h;\l;l ·two sons i Goorgo monts pi.cquirod during tho ,. ·Dor othy Anno,-who and J°'b,t\ fl.Pd, anothor o.c- s,.:mrnor vo. ca tion is a new -Wa;;s . born. Juno lp 1951 in tho Tuio.ry Hitohcouk_ Memoompa.n,\~,t ~- ~ill quJ,livan ~ co ok ro ome I the orial Hospital in Hanover, came !\J\~ ,pla,yod somb vo r ,'{ '!'ho loca tion 0f be did not enjoy hs r ride fine Claas.h~l music,,Tuc s i-o f o -mcr b ook room will day night,: ,SeptGmbor 25 0 jJ'.r.' utiliz e d o.s a. home to Ponns;y-lvanio. to tho Hcagys -~ homo +:own, beGoorgo Foret played t.ho l /ri ,:,-to (!, :rn.phy da i'l!-:r-0 om.. claronet and h:l,s bru t ho r Tho now bdo kroom is on caus e tho ca r bounced a.John played the violin and , -:no fourth floor of tho round qui to a bi t ,;) comviolno Mr, Fo:rot · hin{s c 1f 1.oc go .:s It has much more ing to Cardigo.n Ivire played the, cla3:onet,,P::a?o : f. pe. cc in it th0n tho otho :t , put her be d on violin, viola.Dana accordie.n room ha d e springs attched to tho 11 The first pieeo they 1'0 conve rt tho area into top of tho oa r o.nd arrangplayed was Ei Mozart Tric e tho book room a floor had ed it so it· wouldn~t swo.y. Next was a gavotte o.nd to be laid end t wo wa lls Do1·othy Anno ho.s boon in then- they playo~ 4 Bohomi- or~ otod~ Also n float the dining , hall with her 'an polka. had to be' o.ddod loa ding to fo.thc r· o.nd mother·· o.nd big Mr. Foret wiu bc,i h0ro I itu Light$, , have boon in-- s isto r~Linda ,several time~ every Tuesday ·to · teach sto.llod an~ o. dbor hung. Johp White t53 pianoidrums,trpmbono , trum~ pct,and claronot· 1es$ons 1 Jo~ Colt 'p2 This year there will bo and . Musio App~cia.tion to , ---'1 _ _ _ _ _ _ s even issues of the Cnrdtho whole school• ' Ho is 1_ _ _ _ _,_ 1 · • i g:n.n CI!RONICLE. The Nov~ forming a gloo el~p o.nd J\iir0 Eloctod r ' amber Beoombor ' is·sues, hopes to 1 form · o.· ~Ghool Fo.culty Advi)s5 r · _ to Chroniclo , ' ttnd tho lv!.&y n.nd Juno isorchestra., I 1 1 sues will be combine d. I Mro Hoo. gy wa s , elected Fi, cui ty Advisor to tho D~vid Choovor f52 Cn rdi go.n Chronicle r ut u I 111co "ji n g of tho sto.ff o. Rifle Clu'b Holda ,F .irst f ow dayg a fte r school Hooting I THE NYE HOUSE oron'i ·d So 2+,:::n~~J r 20 :, Ho ~s s ~Qr~ in ~ a jo~rno.l_ J__ , T1to rifle club ho:f.d itc. :s ~ o~a ss that is to bel first mooting dµrin~ th 9 afternoon of TuotJday ~S cwt,.• ho l d, twice D. wee k for tho ! off Canaan st. ombor 25 1 in · the sixth newspa.pormon~ grade classroom. ~, N.H .. John Byrne s ' '52 IVIr" Heagy, who · i!;l tho




riflory instruotor ; hand yd out tho 1 NRA boqklcts in whiQh all ru~6s, rogulo.• tions and ot~or • ipformo.w t~on arc written. ' Afto:r tho mo pt~ng tho ooys went down to tho now dflo range a.nd starte d shooting for there awo.rdsQ John Heiser '52 )

k--------------- -iI.S. l(insmap FIFIELD'S I Furnishings Clothing Footvmre ·

Lebo.non, Now Ho.mpshire


Compo.ny Inc. A B DICK ~: Distributors in lbine and Now Ho.mpshire , I of i MI MEOGRAPH-LITHOGRAPH I Products ! 27 Forost Avenue I Portland , Maine 913 Elm Street IVIa nchester 1 N,H•








New Pai·ti t~qn Built For ]4iss Emerson's Languaf;:e 1 • • c)'o:r;:ner ·, T raining I


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.' . . -






A n ew partition has be en Mr, Cl9. ~~k oon ductod the built b'e twe ~n Tony Metz ' s firs-t s 0h ::i ol ' mco tiri g in old, room and Miss Erner- · tho- ' ' stuc'..y ha ll , onI tho son's L. T. corner. ni ght of Thurs dn.y:, &eptt: The re use d to be a bf\m - ernl:m .r 20 _ boo p~le •~tretche d, ac r·oE':! , ·, lvk3 ny t~1in,gs wo re I du, "' •the cor':ier . and a , ourtn.::n,I o ... ;:; s cd ;:, b ,1 t ,mo st imp,;:i,.·ta nt p·.rt O70r it ., But I t heY1! ·vv:1,,,:,l ·the h 9rr1:~ .".l. g out of thG they· ff3c\9 od tha t i t ·wc s ! s-t"•,:cci.y- . r.r. 11 pr·ocoa.uros a:i;id · much to noi:3y ~so they ·. p1it a ·'.J gene ral rule s of tho in, par tition. echool ~ The o~de r ' poys· got acDoor Ta ken ,Out quainted with tho now ones by standing up n.nd1 tolling · Tony's door was taken whnt thoir no.Mes wcro and ,but and new one, was mad-e whc ro , thoy vrnro~ frome in -the ,,sideI of the ha l~ , . L~ckily ' it just so ha'p pen- , 1 Johri . Ho;i.sor ' ·52 , ed that an old mattress of1,-,-,,-_/,-~..;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1,

For 'tho first hike of tho · , school yoa r Mr, choso to t a ko o. group to tl}q Town of Orapgo ¢ ' Tho. Group, smo.11 · but lhro l lf , got into~ tho ' wa gon and starte d off, Ai;nbng the , hi~cers \ vo ro Mr. Hc~ gy;Stevo Osgood, 'Ala.rt EJ.Us .~Dio'k Roso., Jon Colt, , r John fr c sc-btt, and ,rJohn McEwa.n~ Wh9n Or~ngo wo.s reo.chod, they docidod to explore o. now road . Mr, park~ od the wagon and I thoy st~rtod 9ff• At first thoy ~ere ,on a dirt road wid,o · enough for / 1 Miss , Emerson's wa's much Mr\> Hoo._g y · I:r;i. Ch[~'r g0: ot' · a ·s ing'lo oar _,but s opn 'it too old, so she took 'Out Sqhool Uoating ' nll,rr9wod down to a grown th~ ~otton and stuffed it ovor wagon and thon v in between the boards, In the o.bsonc.e of Mr. to 'a path through somo which s~und-:-proofe d i'te Cla~k Mr. ' Hoagy conducted brambles. The same was done in tho the third me e ting of the $~e ve Os good brought his , partition. After the par~ wholo · sohool,the night of, dog, ' Jackie., and> it was ti tion was finished, two Sundi y Se pt. '30., ' ,about this time wh~n tho little Tr~nsom w;i.ndows I Tho me c t:i,ng wo;,s opened dog saw a · ·s.q uirre 1 and 11 were made, which le'ts ip with yhp , roo.ding of thq _ wo,n t bff on a morry chase. 1 the light. ' Tho 1 room · 71as · twenty, fifth ~salm~ ' · ' Tho boys th~ught r not~ing then re.-wal llpaporcd, an'd a: . Thon Mr • . Heagy noad the of . it at the timo and nev-r rug, and some curtains proposed rules for radio walkpd on past a couple of wer€r pu't in the wtndows • plo.ying • . 'log , skids o , Soon they ro· So~e new chairs, a table , aliz od tho dog wa.s nowh~ro , r, and two cabinets wo re e:lso in sight. Steve sto.rtod ' I br ought. Ono of them is ' calling and whistling ,but ' r John Hbisor, 1 52 r oo. l j y ~ desk, and in tqo stil:i. ' no dog ~ · uppo:=- pa ~t l-thore a r c SOI\10 After about fivo minu'boS 1 , VcJl' Y pretty ' dishes.,- The ro L~undry ·char:(ged t;> of wh~s tl'ing a.nd , t:co.mpin.g o.r~ a lot of li ttld Mox- .M~ndo.y , , ·,. 1 ' through und e rgrowth ,and I ica~ dolls out / of '· t ~ 'ovo·r growth Mr • Hougy do-. straw , and ten flower pots~ · Cc.rd igo.n has cho.11god its oidod to tut:n baok. 1l a undry do. to to mondo.y; Tho The partition helps They walked ·a short ' ke e p in the heat, O.jd ke e p l a undry is , pfokod up 'then o , still chlling o··.1t the noisq,,. ' ·1:kt-woo and tho clothos co~o V1hen the dog oamtI running the two'', la ,:,ge windows on Frf day ' out· of ,the bushes. the re . two pictures 'of I Tho John MoEwo.n '53 1 reason why it ho.s some birds,which very boon cho.ngod is tho.t -uhfr t : - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rod Valley, a ·.wostorn cute. Also a new ~ .. po:l!lcil school has ' gone back , to sharpener has been put in. · tho Williams ,lo.'u ndry. movie in tfcihnicolor., was shown in the boys' ldnngo I · Woody Sullowo.y '54 , Sa turd o.y, ,So p:t c•1.b c r· 28 • Norman Pie.r ec '54











l ',



- ~ . ~~GE_' ']_ _ _ _---,_ _ _ _ _ _,_.c;..OC;..;T;;..;O__B=E~R_l=-a9-.a5a..::l,__ SIXJ.'H SEJ.SON OLD ,BOYS GIVE. OPINIONS ' /· 11 '(Cont. from pg. 1) , , 1 , ,. Tho' boys tho.t ho.v9 boen ·, Mn Stowe likes · to pla.y thirty boys ithirteen , arc here in yco.'rs f;hink the piano. ·. · H'o d'ocs it from Bew Hri.mps'hirp, eight that the school ho.s improvmo~t~y ' fqr his o,vm \"!'fjoy-, · from , K1r.sso.cpusetts,;two ed .in 1'm0,ny,. wcty s, Theyliko I 1 ment a.nd v·ho plo.ys 1-v ory o.rc from Vermont", o.nd orio tho muster. They like tho WO ll·. He , l~kcs to plny C(:CCh from Now fork, Mich- on6 do 1'1£,r, · allowo.ncc, , The populo.r 0:~d scmi-c'l o.ssimq i,rjo.n,; Ponnsylvo.~ fo,t _Ill:Ln-1 boys seem to h8.VO , mere songs,o.nd sometimes class- ois, Rhode Islo.ncl, Connoc;b·- spirit t ,his · ycCi.r a.nd ,f rOS ➔ ical. He . p~o.ys only by icut, n.rrd. Li bcrio.. 1 poet tho mas_t prs m~ro t9'an car, and ho.s bq 6n pla.ying ' 11.mong tho pq.r onts ., o.nd y'onr. · . th~t: way ) for 'about b i,gjht friqnds visiti.ri·g·t~~,- s~hoo_J' , ]mother thing the \ boys years•' Ho pla.ycd tho pi.d;no. on opening do.y were: D.r. like ,is tho , ro.dios tho.t · w9cn ~he bo'y s ' S(:m,g Hn.ppy r,nd Mrs• .Emile Bclo.ngcr,llfa·. they co.n 1 .in .their 1 ~i'rt~90.y ,for Ji~,y Tu!1lcy. , n.'nq· MrEi~ A~glcm, .Hr. Vfill- rooms_ ,) this ' ycn.r under Jimmie's WCi.S , the f1rst one I io.m Byrnes, ' 'Mrs. F .L.Chc9 ~ :r;ulcs th,a t o.rc fair, this yco.r,to be·,d vcr,, Mrs. Bello Colt, , Mr, .lli'.ho group q:r 'boys soom o.t school ., n.:p'd Ers·. Ellis ,Hrs .Finney•, nicer this 1 yoo.r an~ thcr c Tho, school, ho.s ,tw:o ' o~ho-r M1;'s~ Fox, 'I·:Ir.1 and Mrs. '9.R. ·m ore pcor:llo going out · pio.riists besid es Mr. S,towc. Gfibort : Mr~ o.nd Mrs. _Rich for sports tho.n las~ yco.r. They arc Mr., Bohs , Mr• ard Ho·lms tndtc r, tir. W. D• ' Most of the bo;ys i'c o L ' ShP'.rP,· . . , . Huse, Mrf• F. V,, Lloyd,Ml:• ,t ho.t this year ·o.nd , yoo.r.s ' ' 1Yir. Stowe, Mr• Bo:qs , · a.nd o.hd Mrs; Shc{ldon' Mc,Ewori)im 1to come wi 11 ' got bettor Mr. Sharp h0.vo o.11 played F. L.Moorc, Mr.n:t'ld , ~1¥s. ,I. , rmd 15cttcr a.s they go on. th'o ,piano at Glee ' Cl,uq. -.Osgood, ~11r. o.nd ~:Jr s 1, P,ros Tho 'scho9l -this , year, is Mrs. Clark , is tho ' 1only co.t t. Hr. ·Cetlcb c. Roso , ,bettor orgo.nizcd and tho lo.dy "pio.nis·t. year r.~is1s Sullo:wo.y, Mrs. student , mc,c tings olrc bot .she plo:yqd f ,9 r 1 . glee cl11b R.r J. ,T url0Y,', lh- s. Wi :pis toil J"iis year, tlp.n and· org9,n°i zcr tho Christ-r., Wcbstdr, Mrs. Yi/hi1;0, Fh-. ,J,oqn ,By,rnos 1 52 1 ' mas Po.goant. I \ ., ' o.nd ',Mrs., 'Jn.cobs ~.nd Mr. 1& I '' ~ , .i Mrs• Furman. .1 COMPLIMENTS Woody Sullo~o.y 1' 55 · , , . 1 11 ' • • , 11. FIVE AT'I'Eim I;. • 1 1 , ' , ' ' or· ltlrom Mo;rci & Emors-an ' Miss Emerson'' s ' puppet( 1) I Cont. JI! pg. :aottlod Gas Compo.ny.,Inc. ccrs . hnvo bocn, o.ctivo aPyrofo.x 'Gas Distribu~ors f?; this _ year. '. 1.In' tho Emcrsor~. 1 1 Co:tnn'\erciC1.l n.nd Domcstio Science room, which is tho The blas sc s woro held 1 Appliances workshop, they ' have be.o n much o.s ~n- t'hc win-bc 'r ,Tha'F quite 'b~sy. is, clo.ssos in the morning • . , t ' I ! • 27 I Oo.k Stroot -------~-------,----Tnnd activiti e s in the ~ft1 Newport, New H~hirO' , ,EDI'rOiqAL crnoon. The' risin g bo 11 , ' (Cont. , flrom_' pg. ?~ _ was a. half-hour lo.tor. , , 1,, 1







''/ \




, ..







John ' Hoiscr, who join,.o,d foroc l· lo.t or in t110 , yoo.r, o:ro along with . MqE);ya.n and Jerry Furman, • tho two , u ' 1 ' dditions. ' ' ' ' J • tho Wo , hopo y~u CfJOY Chronicle this y ear.

, ' the














\ I

EJogant" Bro.ndI



< )




' (




..No.shum, · New,


Warren D. Huse Editor

,, I

1 52

.. ! / .



_V_O_L-ill-.t/JE---'----:-:N:--:-0-l----,---'--------,P~'A-;;;G;-:;:;E~8CARDJ GAN BOYS FIND BEAVER DAM



(Coht. from col, l)'




boys p(1 s s od qui to o. f ew Hr, Ho. rry Gilroy, one_ of How long is · tho bi ggest lumbe r ro o.ds o.nd ltro.iJs! tho odi tors of beaver ·do.m you ho.v o ove r tha t le d' off tho r; 2.d, but I Tho Nc-w York, Times irto.g.. s ocn2 How big wa s tho thou ght tho.t s tro. i gh~ o.- a. z i n c , o.nd o. pool behind i'j;? Tho b oys hoD.d wo.s tho' ri ght wo.y. o.bout who.t co.n ho.ppon to who wont on tho ' hike with ' The m~s fortun c struck i poo p'1o when they grow up 0 Mr .• on Octobe r 11 ,cun Tho ro o.d Grtmo to a doa.d Ho s a id th(\ t , , , pe ople proba bly out bro.g you on . ond Q , ' usuo.lly don't turn out to 1 thnto T4c hike rs ,turned bo. c k be wha t tho o.nticip o.t o Tho hike was suppos ed to nnd tri ed ovr:. r y ro o.d tha t be ing , but who.t tll'.oy fino.1go up Co. rdi go.ri l.ioun-eo. in , . out off.. All o/ them tur ly cl d is usuo.lly int e r e st- · but s omo thin g wo nt wron g od out to be wild goos o i ng nnywo. y. ,• o.nd it ro.n into tho - b oo.vo r cho.s0s. ' Furth9 rmo:ro ; they won •t do.m, I .i1.ft or tfltr11i nP'Q s ov- stay tha t 11 They o. r o o.lwo.ys l _,, As th~ hike V(ClS going to orn l time s t hey r co. chod ,o, chcm ging ·, · Things ,th ey ,ho.yo Co.rdi gan, tho boys want ed trc. il t ho. t di dn 't l o iilk too l or.rnod in tho po. s·l; may to go up Cl difroront 1wo.y ., pro rnis111g . Thoy follo:wo d he lp them to s e cure ,jobs, This ,would have to bo up it o. little wo.y until it e tc~ o.nd fri ends will h o )J) 1 o.n old lumbe r roo.d whieh I tp wo.t·cr. thorn, · I would lo o.d to tho ~ Gilroy told mo.ny 1 Thoy parked t)'l o CC1X: , on Water Evorywhoro int e r e sting and humorous tho roo.d o.~d walked. Tho storie s to illustra t e his WD.tor covo r qd tho t fl. lk which wo. s g i vcn o.ftor fron ther e · to o.s f a r a s suppe r in tho boys• lou~go could be s oo n. · ~roes Qnd 1octobor · 11~ , bushe s h ud bc1o n cove r od 1I In o.d di tion to du-t;. i ' EVERYTHING FOR FARM by wo.t c r. ,I t ull looked I ios a s I o.n ·a editor liko o. flood• of the Ti me s 'i•fago. zin o, OR Tho bo.y s fol lowe d • tho wri t os book rovm1'1WS. Rcco,n-t;. vmt o r on tho e d ge c.nd ly ho wrote a boo k rovfov,r : HOME found its· ca us e . At thq o'r{ Kno--Tiki, one of / tho end wo.s o. trcmo ndot).S bc·o.v- most po p luo. r books at or d nm , Tho bror_ stv,ork of school this yo 8.r, tho do.m wns oobout e i ght _ ,~·- - - -~- - - - - - f ee t hi gh o.nd oxt onqod for TEN NEW BOYS E,bo1~t I s ovcnt y-fi VO f ee t, ' '' H. L. WEBSTER & SONS (Cont. from pg. 1) As they stoo d on tho I ( I ido.m tl;10y could n ot s e c tho Stro.tho.m , Now Ho.mpshi r c en d of th o p0nd it ho ld John Pr e scott from Mo rid• ' bo. ok o ith, New IIo.rrtps,hir o , "They hi ke d ~r ound it Fort from Libo ri o. , o.nd fo.rtho r o.nd dis cove r e d tho Jcryy Furmo.n from 1 Newton, t hat would le nd them Mass o.chus c tts • to Co.rdi go.n, hut t non it 1-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..__ __ was too l o.t o . I NEW MAS'lrERS STORES AT Tho boys s ow a f ew bo o.v~ (C o:µt, ' from pg . l) or lodge s o.nd § cnt Scuppe r , I out /l:;o invcs tic o.t o thomjMn.ssctchusttts, ijo didn't s cam vary into~Mr. Kari Nyhus from oste d, thou ~h, Co.nan~, New Hrunpshiro is AND Now Now Ho.mpshiro will t e aching Science o.nd is have to n nmo o. n ew "Lv.¼:c.11 tho shop instructor, Ho · :$NFIEID J CO lt , 52 oDd od tho Norwogio.n __ oh Milito..yy,














se~retary ~f last year's alWWli m~eting ,Dick: Morrison, bas sent out an i~quiry letter to all alumni. asking what they have been doing and where they are now~ ¥s also bas as~ed whether they will be bac~ for \his coming .Alumni Weekend. We urge all the members to reply h this letter beoaus~ all information - and naws are received gratefully • S~me of the news will be published ~n the CHRONICI,J\J from time to time. David Cheever





Dick ?vio:rrii:ion and Harold Eggl€is :!: on are back ali N"';jw Hamp.,:oin· School again thifl year.

Duncan Mcinnes ·i:1:1 •·•at · Proctor Academy.


r to

R~ger Bemacle is school in Canaan~

Geoff Withlngton has re,.. Sam Adams is a'.'.;•,r::c:ffi,,.,;.,~ turned to Public School in ,Saint Paul I s SchMl :in Coil"· New Jersey 1 cord, New Hampshire 1v1r. Marr, one •f last Tom Qclt has moved to year 1 ij masters was up for hauover and is attending a short visit. Hanover High School. Teddy Gccldard is at Tabor Academy~


Hank Haskell is also at ~abor~ ~e is an editorial associate on tl~e TABOR LOG Jeff and Steve Knaebel are in Grants,New Mexico.

Crajg Lighty is attending Hig:P, School :j.n Walpole, Robert Feeley, ~o~ur Maf;isachusetts. Craig and Cardigan riding instructo~ his brother Kent visited · has switched his duties to · the ecnool, October Culver ivlili tary ~4cndemy, 7. Culver, Indiana. Tony and Harry Metz are Bob, as the old boys would .know him, is head of bc?th at Choate school. tdie Mountod Drill Team and David Sharp is attending Jumping Team. He has taken on recreational riding and Canaan liigh School. als~ military riding, In David Rose is attending addition to these . he takes offi eer·, of the the rfoaes Brown Scho~l in Providence,Rhode Island. day. He and his wife are liv~ Willie Wilson is going ing in an apartmen\ close to a lake in Culver. ~hey to Bronxville High~ were married June 8,1951, Barry ttarlow is in HiaHe likes his duties and sends his reguards to leah, .tflorida. _ everybody at school. Dick C~~s an4 Warren ~endall are still at mount David Cheever 1 52 Hermon.




:Pan arid Betty Fleetham11


CURRIER & CO~Al'JY Lebanon,N.H. The North 0 ou.ntry 1 s Finast Department Store

Leland, Hazel, and MOB.RISON''The llrug "'tore Family" DRUGS



iAG~ l~t~ ; _ ___________ _ O~C~T._O_B_~_ 'R-~~5~·1_ _

11 EA ·RD AROUND ~HOOL 0ardigan•s old ballroom on the t ~ floor of tho lodge _~ being convorte d - 1ll't6 a theater for showi ng movi e s. Mr. Heagy' s fir e pla ce dovm at tho wa t e rfront got a tryout~ Sa t u rd a y noon, September 22. Tho occas iono wo.s th e first cook-out of the school year. The r e will be no stud ent council this yea r it h~s been decided tha t because of the fact that tho decisions were mo.d o by only a f ew of tho boys,that tho Sund ay night meetings would be bette r, This will allow all tho boys to voice their opinions. This year the school h o.s two pi gs and thro·o go ose ove r at tho manston ba rn. · October ho..s tho record for having tho most birthdays. Jerry Furmo..n,Larry lVIooro, Tommy .Angl om, John Prescott, and Da vid Fox all colcbratcd thoirs this

month KENNY HENDERSON Tho Hormi to.go was tho aft e r o. Utt lo while, but site of a cookout on Mouni novcrtholoss ho was on tho Co. r di g[m , Saturda y,Octobor do.ngor list. Pretty soon 13. Aft e r a hike up the ho out of tho eomo., Sout h R:i_ dgc Tro.i 1 to tho o.nd his reflexes were botfire tower and ove r t o t o r. Things came o. .little Fire s crc;,-J , th e hi ke rs re- h o. rd for Kenny, but after turned to tho Hormi t a little while he rcmombe1'-m1d cooked the suppct od ov-crything. which they ha d b roughtwi:ith For do.ys all anyone hoard them u·p tho on wo.s to.l:t of Kenny. No-uv ho pa cks~ They crunm. dovm in is off tho do.ngor list, and the do.rk o.nd returned tc will po living at tho Nyo school in time for the Hous o . Ho will como to olo.smovic 11 Illogo. l Ei'ntry." sos in another month.MeanJimrny Turl ey co lcbratoc whilo tho boys will bo o.blo his bi rthd a y Se ptember 30, to seo him. Under tho dire ction of Louis Wilkin '55 Mr. Hoo.g,7, n. work dollmi 1 did some clco.n up work ir: J. W. WOLFE-JEWELER tho collar of tho lod ge , October 14. Wo.toh-Clook-Jowolry Ei gh-!; boys di d not coma back to Co.rdigo.n this yeo.i REPAIRING 1 They n ro Ss1m Ad, Bo. rr Harlow, J eff · Steve Engraving~--Trophios Kno.cbcl, Craig Li ghty, Tony Mo tz, Ro ge r Romo.olo Lobo.non, Now Ho.mpshil"e o.nd Dunco.n Moinnos, ~--.------~--------,


o.q:ttsdmtlJI -A'lON •uuuuuo 1004ns urq.unow. uu:aw.xuo

a'IOINOHHO uu531p.xuo 0 ttl

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