Co.rdignn 's
Tho po.goo.nt undor tho sup0rvi--iion or' Mr, Fa.koly o.nd. Mrs, C lo.rk wi 11 -c1.ct out the story of th~ Shop' ' hor,ds n.;nd ·tho Wise ' Hon _coming~ to Be'thlon.om, The Shepherds o.re: Woody Sullowo.y, Burry Ifo.tlow, Dick Roso,Warr0n H~se, und :N'ormo.n Pior.qo,
Tho wise men ctrc :S.tevo Os r,oou , John Mo.Ewo.n, o.nd. Mn. l co'-lm LLoyd, Hnry o.nd Jasoph wi~l be o.cted' by Miss Ritchie o.nd John
F1:.C I LIT r:rts.
I (Cont, on pa~e 6) AS , JHIS 1 CHRIS r:1U.$ SEASON J~,PPRO.b.CH.. ►., -------------
re o.d from the Bible telling the story of the
Mr, . G\;)rold West Leoo;non, 1
Cardigan" onntest,
First prize nf $ 5.00 gnes tn John ~~cEwan 1 5 3 • , Secnnd prizG n f $3,00 goe s t o W~rron Huse 1 52,
third place awards 1 h m of $1.00 each go t o s1homas _ An gle:ill- ·, 56,Larry Mnore 1 66, J.,rrnis, rnlkin '55 1 Michel Belanger '54, Steve O~gnod 1 53,. and Byron Koh 1 52, Honorable montinns ares Ken Gilbert '54, Jimrrl'ie
Tu~iey ' '54,
J ohn Prescott t54, J nhn Byl"n(;)s · 1 52, and
David Cheovor
Iffi•• ClJiRK
timo co.oh we hero o.t Co.rdi ga.n reo.d c,gain nA Christl'.'.lo.s Ca.rel, "Dickens I well lrnown
Newton New
story, o.nd fool sonti~ent~l a.go.in ~t 1 Sctoogo 1 S rc:f'ormntion, Wo nls,o foe1 tho snme bone-
rli?· , Chn.rlos N. Professor · Emoritus of D~rt~9uth Colle [ e, o.r0 the ftwo lQtest o.ddi ti~ns to Crirdi'g o.n • s Boo.rd 1 of Trustees• , t1r~ Nowton is tl\o o,·mot of Cump Pinnn.olo, Mrs 1 Pi-~ctor gnvo tho sohool o. -t'lo.g whioh flew from 'tbe bnlcony of tho home of her fo.thor when ho wo.s a. boy Jn: 1Jl1lo.dc,lphia., 1hi:t0'
(Z{ vil
ho.s 35 sto.re, I
ffr. H. P• (Hap )Hinf'.lan · t o.. annnunced the w-innor.s nf his recent 11 1if uy I Like '1
Heiser, t', , '\1r, He,o.gy b.nd )lilr, Stowe
(Cont. on . pn.p.;e 6)
_ Ghl'istma.;J
yonr , will sto,:rt on December 8 with a Christmo.s Dn.1100. On the followin g night tho school wtll prc,sent o. Christmas po.gen.n~ o.t I the fannan Street l,fothodist Church. On December 12 a.fter o. throo dny poriod or exa.mina.tions, thcro will bo o. Chi-istmo.s Dinner o.nd Pnrty ~t tho Soh0ol o.nd co.roling on Cnnnnn Str~ot, _· Tho following do.y tho , School ''Wi 11 o.dj ourp for pro gra.m
It, _
d iotion offorod by Ti;ny , Tim's; "God Bless Us Every O;no•"
tir.io' of yoo.r when there o.re n fow 11bopi 'ng do.ys" loft unti 1 · Christma.s, n.nd think
we might pn.uso o.bout thq idoo.
behind such stories ns tho one o.bove and considor tho reo.1 Christmns . story bo. I
tho story in tho
(Cont~ on po.go 6)
, \
Gnrd :\, g:cn' s ns sis to.nt· h Jr,d::;[\,s tor v ~ iir HoD.gy, was 1 ' '11 he Ca rdig2x1 CP...:10 :N IC LE l s ~~,ub l :i'.s h s- d i"YJo n -t_L1 bo :· n vn De oonbcr 10 ; 1925, ly frqrn Se:pt e r:1bor t o Jun(; bJ ~be ,s t.ndc nt s c.t I in 1i1din.'.r10. $ P0nnsylvc.nk.• · C2.rdi ;.an ) -,.ount a in ,Sc h o o l, Cd11::,ox1 , r .ck"1. ' l!2_;~1,_rn hir -:: 1 f Alto~ gro.duo.ting from I~d: i o.~o. H~gh School, ho onli s t o,J in tho :Nb.vy ;ho . was .' 1J. llus c sovont oc~ y ea.rs old, ' AS S I LT,. ~D. B ~r ro11 I~ol1 F~J.·.TiU:""l,i; -L~_) . Jc•v j_;J CtCGv cr i During his throo yoo.r ~~CCH ~D. .J .'.:w id Ch0 0vc r S .JO rts , ~ d . J :::: hn J7rnoa hitch in tho N~vy ho atl 1 t end ed gunners m~~o, o.dREPORT.B..~S lvc.ncod gunners mo.to a:nd John ·,.-, hi tG ii 0 0.J..r ,:i u J. 1 01.··:.:- ~r _ Jon Ce lt ~- c~octro.1hydrnulics schoo 1. Dcvid Fox Jerr? ?uro sn All rn ~llis Ho vro.s ns si gned to Do.rt":.:}-c rnl...,; s JHor•ii12n f iorc G Lt rr J 1.~ocr,) m9uth · colle ge as o. V~l2 ,J. Ee:is o r ik.vid Holr:J s ts,d t e r Bc..r.r f ::c.rl o·.-.officer co.ndidnte. Dis~ chn. r god from tho No.vy o.ftADVERTISING tor the wnr, he roturnodt'o St0vo Osgcwd -. Dartmouth and obt~inod his , I Bo.chelor of ' Arts Do~rce. Ai1T "fr. ' Hoo.gy ho.s done gradPc.t Fi nno:r 1,w.. to work in · psychology ~nd oduco.tion, Ho o.lso hc.s B.USJl{ ~~ ~ ss to.ught in a. . military John Bfoj_ser school in Tonnossoo. Among 'his other spare Hoo.~ on tho lo~sA CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM Tho win~ is chill, THE EDITORS OF THE CAR1• time jobs o.re fa.rm hc.n~ But lot wh,i s t le o.s it wi 11 IO-AN CHRONtCLE heavy construction worker,,_ We'll koop our Cpristmo.s o.nd bricklo.yor o.pprcntico. mo,rry sti 11-. The sno1N wh~ch, the tugHi~ hobbies o.ro rending, -Sir 'WD.l tor Scott ged Now Engln~d coun~ry•1 guns, Ihiking, gym,' and CHRIST11IAS MESSAGE side wen.rs like n fino~t shop work. (Cont. from colurµn 1) ormino, obce o.~nin hernlds His' fn.vori to' sports . a.ro ' ( ' tho yon.I"' s ond nnd Chri~tboxing, wrostl;i:ng, 'hockey, . mo.s,• Not only tho smow prodomim.mt omotion among and -swimming~ nt l foretells . it, ~ut you co.n 1 tho mo.ny mixed ones Mr. Hongy this ' yaa.r . Christmo.S, is ' -the dosiro fool tho nir of Christmas tenoh_cs ,English and sqi ... .to li vo o.t pe o.ce a.nd ho.rabout nnd nround you~ , once, Ho is very o.ctivo Christmo.s, the do.y thfl.t . m0ny with the m:uiy ' pooplo out of doors helping out n.nd hn.s moo.n 1 t so much to mo.ny I a.round you;...., Rucial in n:11 tho nft~rndon a.ct people I tho do.y we ' co le• class bo.rri.or~ soom silly ~~itio~ .Ho i~ tho ' innnd smo.11. bro.to th~ Toirthdo.y · of st:ructor:: or t40 rifllc club. However,. 'a.ftor tho festJesus Christ. This· year Mr, Hcngy ~s The solemness of th~ ' ivities nro ·over and tho "the assistant ,hoO:dmn.stor ROW ypan ' wo~~s on, , tho ,churcnes,, the g;ny lightof tho wint er session of a.s emotion slips , o.w~y hoo.rtodness -in. tho. street~ tho ,school r..nd wi1·1 roswno quickly as it was bprp. the boo.uty o.nd I tho uglc~is posit~op df Diroct• But wouldn't it be ni~o noss, tho ho.ppiness, o.nd -o f tho soqond Summer Seas.the hourtbroo.k~nll go up if this emotion wore to ion . of Cc:rdignn· noxt sunun' sto.y. Thon thoro . would to mo.kQ the · o.bstro.ct nt~ Ol'e ,. truly bo "Po'a.ce o'n eo.rth, mosphoro of Christmas. · Mrs, Lqis Hc0igy wc..s n.lso But perhn.ps ,..r tho' ... l!lQ.St good, wi ii town.rd men.,·" born 'in r'ndin.na, Penns ylvr.nio.1 on July 23, )1926 lCont, on pn.ge 7 Byron Koh 1 52 (Cont. rioxt.oolumn) -
'. .
l / --'
-v==-=-:-::rn::-=:--::~I:---==-:::--:-~----,..------------,-------.._i.__,__..• ..-.. --~-· ~ . .. . _....._._J___ _ --:---O""'L,.,w.._•-=ffi......,I-= · _.,.N~O...-.... I_._I_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ___::;PAGE_-"5 '---·-·----··-·----""f' '- DECmrn1filt_.)_951 1
C 7 l -.:J C~I
(2., ---
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/....// l,J /i...,./
Gn'1 Ol-'El\J----,-,- - -·'·- ·-~o:t:.~ --,;he - -·- ·- Hunt5.n · ond g Se o.s on
Down o.t tho wo.tcrfront J Thero ho.s b oo n o. H ;jtl o the_ b oys ho.vo , built · 11.: i.d~ _ . . ,. sov- .. P-:YITI.· et ''t· c 1·v1·t-~ wh'1c h inc er~l huts. They o. r o :Louis, : c d fr oCJ - for -, r,.11 wr c stlin p.:~ Wilkin, Woo dy Sull owo.y ,A l- ; bu·t n o boxi Df';, e ithe r fun 1 1 lo.n I Ellif:l~ Do.vid Ho lm- i \ or bIJ' !"U''l ,12".C f\ i .•rht s~ 1 • • . • , stndter, Jon Colt, J e rry I Lo.b '.:; yon r, ';,;he r o - ,were Fu:rmo.n; Tommy An g l om~Kc11;- i · quit o n ' fow 1'f b ;hts" dur- ' ney Gi~bert, Jimmy How itt, l ing this pe ri od, • . Gordon 1Voodbury, St0ve3 Os-r -. go od", · Johp P:r0s cott;Jirt1'Tlio :.. ,. ___-;:- ·-- ---- -~- - - Turley, o.nd ,Jo.ok Mo~nn,,Tn.oy \ . NO TEN:0'IS ho.vo nll bean comploto d o.nd l · hnve, stove~ iQ ~homD They The ro h e s n ot boon o.ny ho.ve alr.qo.dy slept out in tennis this y on r due ,. t o them during ,;;ho .ni ght. tho hck ri f o.. t e nnis court· ' h rrtin · ',. T,n9· D.n d way t n o ml).c_ boys hope to plo.y s ome HOCKEY S~A$0N OPENED· go.mbs · be for e t h o yoo. r is_ ovor thr1U gh, probr:.bly r in· tho s prin r; . T},..o ro -o .l'to nq.y hnvo _bopn n few pockcy go.me s going - """l"'w - --·- -•• • -- - ~~ - - - - -- HIKI NG Con d?o t weten ~ho · boyst- .· of o.r igp,n o g:i,. vo pro.c _100 • . Boys o.nd rno.stcrs hope f ·or ~ Thero I . ho.vc bee n , sovc r o. l t · hik,e s so f a r, but when· o. go~d too.m this y eo. r aJ 1 huntin ~ s ons on stn rt e d ' tho thoug}J. at this wr·:t-:.::L·':';:'.":; hD::in v, pro : iJrvn wo.s.. canno definite schedule· haa ' I c e ll o d until it \._ is ov~rL been o.nnounccd, , r~ ~e d ot n ilc d bovc r ngc of II thc s ~ hi ke s is . ·mnd c on FOOTBALL ENDS othe r pl:.go s of the Cl-WON~ ICLE • Tho foo~~o.11 t c o.m ho.d .imot)'lc r f on.tur e which is its ~o.st ~o.mo wit~ Co.no.o.n bcin ~ includ ed in tho hi ke · wovoro.l week~ o.go o Sirico wri t e -.ups fr om now on is a tha t timo there ho.snot physic n l. d osc,ri ption of , been _ a ny regula r f o otbo. 11 the pln c os visite d. except · thos o , boys. who sto.rted to pro.ctico among ' ·---- -~ ---FP'.i'URE -EVENTS themselves- before tho snow o. rrivotl , ' Tho score of tho footTo gi vo n ew boys idoo. " n l ,l 'game ' with_ Co.no.o.n wo.s of the . n a t~r o of Co. rdf go.n' s . s~orts pro ~r nm .their frwor. o. ft c r Christmns Vo.c n.,:tion, tho fo_l ~owi _n g 'mr.y: .bo "he lr?-: · Rco.d Dvaid He lmsto.dt or'~· ' ~tory on Po. go 9 to find rui , . ' out how :he fo9ls m~stors, With ; ..Ja nuo.i"y -· comes tlio ·
• I
the kdd. n g o.ct:i.viti"cs will' be r usumod c «- 11rill \ Skiin g o.nd skc\tii1 i.:, _ , be tho principo.l · o. ctiviti c s" -p:fog_:ro.u , 1Lfl o. lno.ys tho will d epe nd • .upon .the ' we o.thc r ,, If ·l)hc'r c i s n cC'ld sno.p thor o vl'ill be sJ.ro.tin g; 0 Tf thc :t'e -- is o. tho. !! thc r o will be hild.:n,'< . If the r e is on~·11gh i~t ore st shows h oc o.rid· ski hike s will b e run. ·~ About the mi d,U o ·of t~o s c•o.s on in prust y or.:rs it · hr. s bocn tho custom ·to run n cross .c ountry ski r n c o . 1
On rniny do.ys o.na - qn short aft e rno ons t he rifl e club ·ho.s bee n f\C ttin ~ in n little practice . · Tho mo.j o ri t y of tho boys nro tryin ~ for t he ir "P:ro Ho.::~i::'fi;trurum 11 r-n ti n r;s o , The mc. st c rs in cho. r p,;o of rifl c r y h1;~v o b c on ;"ir. lk n:s, , Vir . , 11To,ko ly, a nd Mr. Hco:gy .
When you', come ba ck f 'r om the Qhristr:ns R0 coss, ."• if th ey a r e n't n lr cetdy h or 0 don 1 t for R;e t to bring b~ ck'· your s k is a n d s kit c,- s ~· 'Vhil c you're r1.t it~:think a bout who. t oquiornont ·you . will n ood such o.s hocke y. ' iti cks~ pd ds, ~nd · s ocks. · It mi f,ht b q we ll to g et Y!)pr sk[).t os · she\ r pcn cd ' !J.n<'l to r e plenish your sto ck -of ski wo.xc s a e tc, L
p.L·_(~F~ 13
---C""I=rn""I""S""T ~i""L:..8 PAGK.NT
CHRISTH;.s HOLIDA'ffl' (Cont. trorn. po. b 1)
, (
·- · ··•
u~··;(; .·, ·-}-;~_··
\ .. ·-
wiso ~~on nnrl tho Shepher ds , j ourn0y to t he i-;18.Il[',C r • J• vo~e,l duc t · will be
I'.T:iss Rit chi e sto.rt t.F'. t .. s nngs ,f nr t h o ~r oup sin Eing B n n ~ft or Dl~NC E TO BE HELD pres ented by Ha,helm !_ r. Fe r et , ca.?:io • Sha h,~ s LloyrJ o.nd J ohn fi~ 'Ewn.n-.' 1 o.ls ,~ gr t f l"l l de rs f r, r the. · I1ich9 l . Bbl qnr.·c:r will ~ho · dining room a.s woll s ·"n :;,s o.nd lli\ S I f c.stonor'l sin,,.b 11 i.vmy 5.n i. :ro.n '--'r cr."Iir. l tf1cr:t" t 0 ~µthor. S~'r10 nf o.s tho f~rst floor a.nd thd t Cla.rk wi 11 r oo.J tho j tho s c-inf; s ,uhich s ho h: .s outsidq of the Lod ge will n i n o ,, ~r r\p hod o. r o : 1 '-ir. be decor~tod with ,gr~ens,1 school pra.yc r~ o.n d Sha.rp will g i vc th9,' b c, no ber:riol'l a.nd Ughts 'for the, H,,";10 0 f tho Rc-.n i~o nicti ~n, · do.nee a.nd · holid o.y. Th:ts i .s 'f h o 'Be lls 0 f St• ?fr\ rv I s Tho r e st - f the _ s'budf:nt l t ~' orry Bc-:'·t Sor .- ·nn ;o ~ bein ? ~ono under the dir• ' ·b -c.y will sing "It Came ection, 9f :Mr. Stowe o.nd 01 1 '10.n Ri v o.r 11 Up" n · 1~ HidnLrht Clon r " ut- U Miss Ritchie, The thomo ·C,,min I Rc. und tho l't-" unt sid e tho church o.nd tho will be ·so.nto. Ola.us on tho a.in , night boforo Christno.s. -proc ossi --- ne. l c d by ;~tell- i P, fl:v '"{ · lly D,n~ lo will bo The gfrls will 1bc in-, '. u'l Bo langc r 'Cr r d i rr,o.n Schc,0 l S ·n ;; 11 acc nmpanio·~ by Acto st_c . ' Ol~ ~ h is h~l ~ Tr ~i l v'i ted from Ha.:novc r; ' Fidolc s ·. " J o c,,l-J's La.Ji11 or 1 T.he r os osai qnal vii 11 be ' SUPPER-Cb.ROLING.?1i.RTY By No r,mo.Ii Pior co \ "Ha rk: J:I'h0 He rald An!'.'o ls ___;•. - ---~..-•~-.. .,. . .--.··- - - - ' J j,}[ES BE'\"{i TT I S m~.f I ~ , After tho ' oxa.t.1ino.tions Sin g; ..'' ' ' I, SEVENTH GRJ.DER , on ~1TE:Jdnos dcw ·ther e , will ____ __ _ - ~ -R- ·- •---T'"'' be a. Christmo.s Suppo·r in CIIRIS TI:!t.S J·TESSAG-E Jar.~os Jiowi tt co.mo tthe . . Dinin g Roo:,, 'After (C ,., rit fr oT'1 po. go l)' ICo.r,n_i go.n Wov 0r.ib c r 10 Ho supper, the school . will \ ontor ~d t h<.'l , sovonth gr o.c1 o . carol a.lon ~ Co..no.a.n $t;r~et gospel o f · St. Luko nher" Ho liv es in l'i.nho rst, ·r.rnw · After tho cc~r bling, they: ' f~0 l s s 1. n q; , 11 Gl ory , to II·n.mps.h iro ' ' , wh or o h p , we n t t •~ th 0 iil1 w'il1 return , to · eohool God in the Hi p:h e st, an d ' en scho•~ l ,' bo :f\n•o c , ,,11.ng t I0 where there·' wi 11 be a. , 00.tth pe fl. co, gn;, d ,wi 11 , Cn-rd i r,o.n, Ho is li vin :~ cm tree o.nd . 11 So.ntn.. 8 l o. us 11 to t owa r d tien." .I Tho thir<J _;f' l r~i r c. f t J-e oxohp.ngo g ifts. l ;If hero o.-t, s chn0 1 I o' q p:0· . I chul d carry the Vi na , f Bis f o.tho'h i s t },o .n o.nr ·.,._By Byr'on Koh 1 5 2 Christl"lo.~ ti:he ~hr -~u ~t - ~t o ~ ~-f 'tho .S~cur i t y 1;•;,, '.}O f l", the year nn d I h a.ve tho [ C"",.'l.p_r'.ny G f ED.11ch!, 9 t c r, ,,,o, MR. N);HUS INJURES I FTNGER Qhristrm.s p,rinl!.li plos f.1. 9 o. I, I-bupsh;iro . guidinc, p0st e ve ry d[(y in ,__.._ _ __ful__l~_- r n'·, n b_r- n -J_ 'S _ 1 WhilG pln nin g o. boa.rd the yeo.r; haw n uch bo,tt o r SBC OlfD FLOOR 1.,_,J;i i :.t rr ~ i,~r. Nyhus a.ccidorito.lly out tho r ofotbnship al'lon g us Tho b•,y s nn tho' 1s c c r:n,1 his fin r, or, Ho out i,nly • wrrnld be, If tho th·, u ght 1 fl q,, r 0f tho ·L:- d f"'c lw,,1 :,. the very tip of his fing er 00 Uld be ca.tried · 0ri off, thrnu g;h out ' tho wnrld we po.rty o.t, tho Hoa. 7's 0 1, rl[r , Nyhus ho.d boon goin g certainly w,, uld hqve"pe o.co Nov o:·1bo r 5. to tho doctors quite froon e a rth o.nd r,0 0d will 1.:lrs • Hco.. rw ri.a.do n o.o.quently r fo.r o.whi lo - a fter t owo.rd ,; en." I . e. r o0n s , fu l i'.'.CI , aud c rJ -/ . I 1 E•io ry"c rW lm~ a r-;r-- , ·1 t5 - ,_._, it _, ho.pponod • but now Vilfro d ::v. C,lo.rk ov. t fn s O.llC l n,u i ']-tin .:; (' Jl ' ha.s t o.k en off tho b nnda. go. Heo.dnaste r ' Besides shop , r r, Nyhus h a:t od t n g;n -t10 b o1 f-fbr Tho ne xt 1,$~Ue .0f th e wo,r d. teo.ches scien ce, Ch r , n;.O ~ l e w1 ·11 cc>rno 0u t in J a.nun.ry; D,, n._t · oo.t t 'l r) I 1 much turkey- 0n Chr:i.sti110.al By Nor:r.u:m Pioroo' 54 Roooss its Christmo.s 1952 rosuming Januo.ry 7,
(Cont. fr or.1 pr.t go 1) I
n ir:}Ol){';r p.ph
1 '
j I
l I
1' -
, , .. 1---~----~------ ---.
'I /'
VOLUME II NO II PAGE 7 D&mlBER 1951 ~-----HA::'7P~S~H=-=o:::'w=s~s="'11=-=D:-::E""S=--------:-N=E1=N,......,,,.TO..,..(.,..,L,.._....ROITTC-c....,o= ) H=P-LE-T--E-: D--~ ORANG!f PINNAC:..E. VISITED ' IN SCHOOL SHOP .One 1i\J"ednesda.y the anA group of boys started nouncement ·at supper was Down in the shop there out for Orange pinnacle that Map Hi,nman was going, has be en ll!cre cted a now with Mr. Hoagy on one to show SO)Ile slides~ All tool room, David Choevor· bri ~\ht ,afternoon. of his slides were in and Byron Koh t ook part in Or n.ngo Pinnacle is a technicolor. bo a r ding a wall and stna 11 pinnae lo mrai Mount He took some of ·them building shelve s . Cardi can~ It is also nc nr to tho old ski s lppo us o-1 down in Florida which The purpose of tho tool ' in years bcio ~o tho us e of showed many interesting room is to keep all of the 1 the new ski s lo.po flowers, birds, and an old shop's tools in on e locked wo.s ac -' . room ,I so they cannot be quir od, and Ornnp;o Gor[r,o plantation. There wore whor lll rrio.ny a ft or:poon M itos also some of baseboll tampered with. have be en hol ,: ~ The old po.int chost was players. By John Byrnes 1 52 Before r oaching th ~ Pinmo;,ed f!VOUl tho mo.in part nacle they explored tho of tho shop into tho tool Standard Nica . Mi JJec Thay r~@m, so now the paints MR. WAKELY TO BE then pus her) •off and h iked and varnishe s a re also in- MARRIED IN JUNE up tho Pinnacle, tnct. SCEOOL BUYS NE1il When they r eached tho ~fr. Norman C• ~1ako ly anSCIENCE EQ,UI A mNT , top, Mr. He agy st::i.rto d exnounced his engagnement to plorln' r-; around for a. s u itMiss Beverly Bradford of 1 , nblo plo.ce to put o. t e:;.1 t Braintree, Massachusetts, The school reca ivod ~rom so some of the boys might Contral Sciontifio Company Sunday, November 11 11 1951. Miss ·B~adford graduated take an overni ght up to in Cambrid ge , Hnssnch ufrom Braintree High' School. sotts, recently, a. numbe r the P:i'.nno.clo. She attended Bridgewater Afte r tho ox p'lorin g the y of need ed itoms to rnako Teachers College and gradcame down o.nd dro ve bo.ck tho oxper-imonts and o.dvon1 uated in 1951. to schoo l~ turos into science moro 1 - By Do.vid Choo ver 1 5 2 Miss Bradford is teachinteresting anB colorful ing the fourth grade at for the science clnssos. Westwood, 1/to.ssachusetts. Also gas jets are going ' ~fr• Wakely, from Toll7sham, to be installed shortly, 'I'H2 Maine, attended Lisbon tho hold:..up be in g a few, Falls High School. Ho gradneoded pnrt& to mn.kc the uated from the Univer~ity installation complete. of Maino in 1951 Not ·all of tho oquipBOOK STO~t.S He is teaching Latin and mcnt prd ore d ha s t i :.?Ile English here at Cardi gan. through yot. Howe ver, a They plan to get married f ow experiments , can- bo n·e xt June. , performed. H;. 1-JOVZI.l. , N • H • By David Choovor 1 52 By John White' 53
' F I F I E1 L D
Gateway Frozen Foo ds
Furnishin gs Clothing Footwear
"Ele gant" Bro.nd
Lcbcmon, Nevr Ho.mpshiro '
Prodticts ;
Nashua, }fovr Hampshire /
I , r
. {
' '., I
, I
Pi.GE 8 .
·; -ct~--r.- nJSPEcT1 tn,1s
'.['O KEEP BOY[;
ROOMS · NE:.'.1' li.ND ,'J'IDY
Dr:t':::sff~ r h~ • c~:R!iJct'.11fllli.t ·ot'.TiohL :;-ti(; '
, J;Ir. , Stovro C', nd,•- 2'.1r. 1.Yakely ' Shortly o.ftcr tho ·aco.d.1· hc.vo wn·ct on o. now Cc.rr1 , Uane for , lo.st issue · W'l.S Thf re is o. G."I• inspoc- f 1 i gr.n , $cnoo l Song "Yhioh meta tho Co.rdigo.n CHRONICLE tion ovory Sundr.y ,Tl:o .«1a.s..:. scans to hr'.vo made ,. 1.it ' moved f ,rom Dr.wid Che eve r ·: s tor oi' tho dn.y L 1Spl1 <'. ts 11 vdt;h o.ll tho boys. , I room where '\:;ho mimbogro.phHo in~p,octs for clo:- .nh '- !, '. Tl10y :d,o cidod n.ftor "!Ir ,, ing ho.d bccn 'done,into now noss c.n d no o.t n oss , wh ich Foret cnmo , th o.t tho school quo.rte rs, , 1 r , consists of hnv~_nc;· n oo.t shoµld ho.vo o. thc mo sopj" Located on the third ' ' bo ds r,nd ·b urorrn tops , empty o.nd one tho.t cou ld b o S<i.me.: , floor o~ the lodge now:,tho r wn.sto br..skcts,clo:-:-n f ,l oo rs c-.t rmy timb , o.t c.ny plo.cc . CHRONICLE ,boq.sts o. room of I o.nd clcs ots; CJ..~thc s hung , ,·' Thpy ch9se tho _inusic of, its · own ·whore tho pCLpor up ; sho os neatly ci. rro.n god , c. f etmi,l io.r sonp; o.nd wroto co.n bo run oft w1·~1t0ut o.nd , clc o.n drr..wnrs. ' · tho f o llowin g words for it~ wutside int e rfer ence. cTust cofo r c VfL.C!'..tion 0. l'fow h e re I s to doe.r old Tho room used to be -· o. mnstor vvi ll inspect the storage clos\J t for Seo.son,r ooms ~ very thoro·ugh1y. Ho f Fni thful Co. r di gan- -• • 1.nd to tho friends who , o.l clothing o.nd other mo.y t_o.ko o. piece of whit e , ,. · helped to l end us on items. clotq o.nd go a.round th e 1 ' In the new mimeogro.phing rooms. ' - Wo r;i vo our tho.nks o.nd prniso to ov oryonoroom o.11 tl).e po.per, ink, Ho goos over mop bo1CLfdf ,,' slip sheets, blotters, hnd o.roupr;l windows, ov,Jr c'.oo;rs; _Fo.r a ll tho f!,OO i . tir:10 s , 6th0r ' oqu'ipmont nocosso.ry I o.nd in clos ots ~ Ono tricky r.nd the fun., fun, fun, ·fun, fun~ ,· for putting out tho CHRON.. ! plo.co is insirl o the cios ot ICLE, are stored. There is j ovor tho door,, ;,.no-\:;hor is o. spocio. l to.blo for thGJ i tho ri~ of o. mirror or o. Ii.nd in tho ye'o. rs to mi;rneo~rd.ph mi;i.ohino. • · · 1• lo.mp sho.do. Tt1:e ro 9ms h'r.ve ,, 9ome 1,;~o'.ll t o ll our sobsTho rQom is also used by to bo roo.lly clonn. ' ! ,.., ' I.bout · tho mo.ny th :i.n gs tho school to run off 1letBy Da.vi c'l Fox 1 55 '! thnt" vro, ho.,vo dona . I t e rs to' po.rents, to sts, -· '- - · - .. · ···- --- '·- ··· - -···-!. So h or c ·1 s to r1oe.r old' 1 o.nd other th~n gs of thflt BOYS GO DOWN TO- ' - f ~i th!t'ul Co.._r oj]gc.n, ..C c. rd:.. . l , ~ 1 kind. CANiJ.Jil TO IUNS TREL' SHOW I i gnnI ' 1Throe Cho; rs td you l Trr..:hsporto.tion . boi~g · MR. WL.KELY SPENDS WEEK IN By John ~1ihi to 1 5 '3 supplied by tho school ! INFIRM.ARY m: TH VIRUS beachwo. gon., most of th~ t. ''..·__ -~_:_----·--------PNElfrWlifI.b. Co.rdi r,o.n stur:lonts wGnt to t 1 ( ' 1 I , KDl!J3ALL HI LL Is : 'tho ~instr'ol show put on l Mr• 1Yo.ke ly on. ugh t o. 0;0 ld " VISITED BY HIKEBS by tho Co.no.ti.n H1.7.h Schoo I \, around October ' 15. It 1 tn tho CG1.no.o.n · Hovio ThoH:r:·i. Hoo.gy took , tbx:00 sto.rtc\d to got worso·o.nd !- o.tor on Novomb or 2. , boys up Kimball Hill in devolopod into . virus pnouThe sto.go wo.s .set with 1 'four mi~strels , in ,sec.ts sot ' DorQho~t e r, ,:[IJo,.-/ Hampshire, mo;niq. • ' r hiko,. ' Mrs• Clnrk ho.d him · como , in a. semi-circio in , front , on rm e:x;plorb.tory ove _r ' to ·tho _infirmal ry. Ho of the chorus. Tho ohor~s · 1 Sund c.y s Ifovombor 4. On tho ~7o.y I up it sto.rtod • was in ,bed . for o.lrnost o. wo.s seo.tod behind the : to snow~- Th9y sm-1 o.n old woek, but ho got up in . prinbipo.l minstrels. _ co. bin- o.nd vrcnt '\ ovor to inThe minstro ls so.ng ., j·ok- 1. time to write out the revesti ~o.t e · it. Thon thoy' od , o.nd demoed through, port curds for tho first mo.rking · period. He ho.s their1 linos, whilo the I pontinue d to tho top. It 1 ohoru~ bo.ckod them up. wo.s quite ,cold so thoy boon,., up eve~ sinco. r Do.vid, Sha.rp '51 now o.tco.mo bo.c~ down o.g~in . I ' \ ' t I tending Oo.no.o.n Hig;h; wo.s , in the cho~us. By John ,Whito '53 By Alla.n Ell is 1 54 By Jon Colt ' '52 1 ,
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' . J>AGE .S:-__ ---- ------- -·---·"- ···· ·DECEi11IBER 1951 --·- ·--doRnoN 'NOODBURY riri--- -- ---- HIKERs· BRYANT ·FoND·--. ADDITION TO EIGlfflHH GRAD.E
fEr:w- r ·-
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I,t wo.s o.l"ound t 1~m : · min: Gordon Woodbury co.me to It wo.s o. good · three mi le utos nfter ni,ne on tho I Cardigan Oc~ober 23~ He is n:ike tho.t Mr. He n.gy took third floor lodge lest thirteen ye a rs old, ' nnd to Bryo.nt Pond November 5. 1 yea.r. After Mr-. Sibley ha~ comes from Bedfordr New ' Six boys signed ' up for ambled down the' ha.11,gi v- . Ha mpshire:; where, he· atthe hike. They were: Jon, ing about · eyorybody five tended public school beColt, Dick Rose~ Lc.rry marks beoa.use he had his fore enterin g C,nrdigo.nc, Moore, Wo.rrein H~se, John light on or wa.s ma.king . too · He , is in t~~ ei~th Heiser, o.nd Do.vid ' Cheever~ much . n9ise, or ' some t-cr... , gro.de nnd h o.s Lo.tin ~or· Th~y went po.rt wo.s in 1 rib le thing like tha.t and ii his favorite ·subject~ ' He , the truck. 11 Blo.ck Dog 11 vKt S Mr. Marr had gone to i is'_ living on the third not o. llowed to go, beco.use sleep, the fight startede 11 floor of the lod ge• they were afraid he would Both Da:v;e Rose and I had :1 . Gordon's f a ther is o.n be shot by o. hunt e r. our waste baskets full of ii author, Mr. George WoodMost of the t;rc. il_ vms up wator. I was the fi ,: rs~ to !i bu±:y, who ha s written the hill. ' Finally they re o.ch stiok my hea.d out tho win.. ,, books ; _J ohn ~ e I s_Mi 11, ed their destino.tion o.nd dow. I got i ~- right in th? 'I The ,' St2rr 2..f. .f:. §to.El~ bego.n the long tri p bo.ck~ face. Ea.oh time I stuck my , · ~te9-~~; o.hd Th~__GTe,a t ~_Lo..rrY.._Moore ' 5G sm"!IT,EY CURK CF~tE ~W1:'7n:r heA.d out tho window, tho , _Days of Piro.cy irt the ~ West 11 eo.mEl thing -happened• , Indies• 1 SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY , 1 :After a.while I got ,..dis• !! - - -,.,._ 'Shirl~y Clo.rk,the do.u gh - ooura.ged, Sudde,nly an id~a. !1 ter of ]fr , o.nd ~•1Irs. Clark, 1 By John White '53 an... t on popped . into my head.I( I :,."' now o. f res h mo.n o. t lv,ueo. quietly tiptoed into Da.vo ! I College, co.me bo.ck ' to Roso' s room with my wasto (Cont. 'from ,column 1) Co. rdigo.n on the weekend _ og I basket full of wntor?Thcro October 24, tn cele br o.te was Dave with his head out 1 Sibley. 1 her seventee nth bi_rthd rw. · the window-, wa..iti:;ig for me·. Yfo quietly got our wo.ste 1Ill. ..:.....,.. By ~~_rry Ifarlow 1 ~- ~ '' to stick mine out(/ _II ,baskets full of wn tor dm;m 1 I quietly t 1iptoed up be-. ~ the , ho.11 to our rooms ,Aft- ' ! COMPDIMENTS hi:nd him, a:Ud lif;ted _ the ~ er we ha.d l;ie,en throwing '! ·of wa.s'te basket 'high above my I water o.t ea.ch other for a.; ~mORE -& EMERSON head and g~ve it a. sudden while I anw Mr, Heo.gy I Bottled Go.s Co.mpo.ny, Inc jerk, Da.ve got soakedl He i prowling a.wound in the l Py~ofa.x Go.s Distributors quickly brought his head I bushes· be low, But we were Connnercio.l rmd Domestic in and said, 11 :Helmie, you too ,smo.rt for him that ! , App liances _ fruitl L~ok what- you've I time, We just went to bed ', : . done• 11 I said., 11 Shut up you 27 Oo.k, Street I I I drip,and mop up the floo~11 ;1 • 1fowport, New Hampshire He soon did, Just 'a.s we j By D~:v1d Holinste.dter' '54 1~ _
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::r~o~~~~~, ~~a~t::t
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some ~ore ~a.ter,so we tiptoed down th~ hall toward the bathroom. Just !;l.S · Dave wM a-bout to open the door, I hea.~d someone ooming up th~ stairs• I looked , oe.utiously around the corner and saw it was only Miss Emerson goini up to see Mrs~
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-M~r;y-Ch~-~:t-~J:-·a.nd . H1ippy New Yeo.r
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Lela.nd,' ' Ha.zel, o.nd
I J'
THE COBB HOUSE "Do.ti"&; Betty . Floethnm11
Dfck The Drug Store Fa.mily 11 I
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VOLUME II NO II PAGE 10 ----~...:::..___;,.;.;,.__c;.;.-=""""'---=,=-,-=-=---------=,,,,.,,. HALLOi'TEEN DANCE FEATURES MR STOVI/E HAS PARTY SQUARE DANCING FOR 'Jr.HIRE FLO OR Cardigan Mountain School held its annual Halloween Dance on the evening of October 2i. , The dir,i.ing room was decorated entirely with pine boughs on · tho windows and large be ams of the ceilin g;. In one corner stood a life size silhouette of a black witch riding on a broom with a baok:ground of a yellow moon. _ At her feet were gr~a6 and pumpkins. , In the opposite corner a couch and easy chairs were provided for guests and faculty. The students with the help of Mr. Stowe,. Mr. Wakely, and Shirley Clark,
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DECE1: . P.ER 1951 ---BART~Y IIARLtF[ ·J:-:£1'LI-i:~i-,J ·-·-
One Saturday night after the movies wore over, Mr, Stowe held a p~rty for the boys on tho third floor . of tho lod go 1 It l a sted about half aa hour and durin ~ that time they told jokes, talkod , and ate cake, ice cr~nm and cid er• / Mr. 1Yake ly was invited over from Co.rc.i g;o.n Ho-use for the eve nt. By John Byrnes 1 52 HALL01;;TEEN DANCE Cont, decorated the Dinin g ~oom. Hr. Heagy suporvis ed tihe decorati on of the lounge. Miss Ritchie and h iss Bradford made the witch. Tho boy~' lounge was docked out with sma ll tables, o. bo. r, o.n old' vinigar bo.rre l_, a f.';rt udy , old p~intin ~ and an old Boston and Mai ne train s ~hedule to l onrl an atmosphere_ of an old tavern. Refreshments were served here. The girls invit ed from Hanover came in t:i_m0 f or a cookout suppe r .down o.t tho waterfront. This Ho.llovreen Dem eo featured squnro dancing sinco tho girls h~d boon invit ed to come in their old clothes• . Rev. ~ho.rp was the 11 ho.ysoe dy Now Hampshire ca ll ern who c: id an cxcollont job of instructing and calling for tho maaj:! unexperienced square dancere. Mrij • Nyhus o.nd Mrs. Henderson joined in a few "Spanish Cabo.lleros" as also did Mr. and Mrs. Clancy and Mr. and Hrs. Talbot. 1
On the morning of Octobo~ 13, the scho o l wr s surprised when Barry Ha r lmv, who was formerly go- · in~ to school this ye a r in Hi~leah, Florida came ba ck to Ca r di gan to complete his third and s eni or ye a r. It came as a complete surprise to all but a few peoRle here at scho o l. Barry fle w t o Hew York City 0.nd took th o train from ther e to_'Thite Rive r Juncti on , Vermont, · whore Mr. o,nd Ivirs. Clo.rk picked \ him up Sund a y morning. Ho a rrivqd in timo f or the Ha lloween Dance; also to play some footb o. llo _____B_xJ2ron Ko h 1 52 NOVEMBER BRINGS SNOW November ha s ble ss ed Cnr di kan with quit e a f ew snow flurri es, althouFr,h p os~ of t ~em ho.ve dis appo o.rod aft 0r a~7hi le. On~ of thes e snow fl urri e s y as r eported over tho r ad io to be fiv e inche s c'\oop which is qu ite a bit of snow for Novembe r. Whilo roost of tho boys were home for Thanks giving, those who stayed bact hnd somo ve ry ~ood sk~t ing on the lake . Skating docs not usually tal::o plac e unti 1 the boys got bo.ck famm Ch_ristmas Vo.co..tion 1 Students woko upM,m rJ.ny morning, No vember 26, to find the earth once ngQin covorod with the s econd bi g snow fall of tho s on son. Skiing a0mmencod. shortly.
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By Byron Koh
By David Chee ve r
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VOL1ru&, I I
PL.GF':JJ_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D_E_C___E_,M_BER__,1...,9'-,5C...L,--; " SEE SC I ENC E 3HOW HIGH HONOR R,J LL
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r 1Tith
Thanksgi 'Vin g Co.rdTh o b 0ys of · tho oi ght~ i gan lost Snndy J o.cobs ~to nnd ninth ~r ~~ os o. ttondcd tho sunny l o.no 'o f Flori on . 0. pro gr r,n put· on by tho t Sa ndy's fa tpor is tho m[rn - ' Wc stin ?h ous c lk s on rch Lp.b'" 0,p..:er , of ' ' 0, hoto1 i;a' Pik i , oro. tori os in 1-To bstor ~'H ,1.ll in :ffan ovc r, Hon Ro,r.ipsh;_ro,, Now :tj:o.mpshi\re in, th o , summer o.nd of I a h o tel in lfovcr:1bor 15. Flori da in thc • wintcr so The l o ot i:ir o vrn.s sponsorhis po.r ants only enroll e d or1 by tho Th c.'ye r Schoo l of ,I ' him unti 1 Thcmks gi vin e; . En r-Jnoc rin r . R. A, Dnst r, 1, 1 Th0 Hallowoon initintion Vo s tin g;hou~ o r c port or,c on.. ,,, wo.s, hold up n t tho mnns ion i h ct c d tho loct ~r o . ") , , this yoq.r o.nd r. s usuo. l vms Tho pro 6 r 1.\•;1 c ont a. ino d -n supervis e d by ' ;fr, Ho c,/f y. n ini c. tur c o.tori SJ'1CcSh:? r co.- ,r· Nir . ,- S·towo nnd i-1r. 'Bco.r,y · pa blc o f 25 ,000 volts , of e l e ctricity . Po..rt of tho ' 'took an ovorni,ght hike to sh0w v, !:.S on c nc r py. l\Tucl-J.. Ossippeo 1, , New , Ho.rnpshire tho weekend of NovomQer 10 ; c-.r oncr f y hoin Fr. one of tho ,:, nothor The boys clir:ibod Ht , Choe- · f o ;rn s _cx plc.i r1r_,i . oruo. on- Sundo.y.,See nextfasut1., forf'l vrr ,s a t o'"1i c' e ner gy. kt school "r'ho.nks gi vin r:; This pe rt conto. incd nil Dny wo.s o 1::)s orvod , w:tth o. ntor,ic p:i,.lc o.n"l ;:!ntcrio.1s bi g dinner u-n d movios, . us d in j ,o t on1s inos. Hr. , Ernost , 'P, Colon Hr. Dosto.l inho.lod hcli- l visited 1 tho school October urn nnd dcr:1onstrn t c,1 that ' 5. He told soma vory ·o.mus-t t chnn r-sod his voic e con.., si do:r r.J ::ily. ' ~ o o.lso , 1,, r.d.d ' in g stories• ' The s enior clo.ss ruoontthc.t ' ho'liun as yet ht:1.s no-ly ente~od 0, contest spon~ cot!ln.orci:J.l vn.luc except sored bv 1YTSL in Lebo.n·~ n for bo.llo'o ns, ; na tho" Ess o O:i. l · Compn.ny. 'l.'horo wcr-o some dcr.i.::mstro.tions on supe r-fid1 ho thomo-r.my _pho.so of tho o il inrt ustry, Nono of tho o litv o.nplific ~ti nn, ~tff-, " I boys ~ on o.nytbin g ~hough. or c nt kinds of fluorescent . I lmnps, bettor compound s rFORTE } .RRTVES usod for 'clo6tricu l r o lo.Y FRO::B: LIBERIA swi tohe s, 1:1orc,u ry vf',J?Or lanp's , spli,ttinr:; o.n n.ton, I Lo.mar Forte , · is one of did o. workin g nodal of o.n )Ur · n ow _b'o ys ; Ho comes fro~ o.tom, · Liborio. whore hj-s . 1-rathor ~ 1s tho American Consul", I' He i~ l _i ving in, Co.rdigo.n I ous o o.,nd is ,in tho fifth Y.Jti.E HYE HOUSE -i;r a do, 1
P;1illip Sho.rp Dnvid F'ox Byron Koh ~farron Huso John :'.:foEwr.n
, H,o.lco'lm Lloyd , 83. 7,l. Ste phe n Os s ood 82. 6 Norno.n Pierce 81.41, Joh~ Heiser 81.~ ~B0,rry Ho. rlow 81._0j - ~ - - - - - - --- - -
I -
FI Ll!.iS TRI P SHOWN Sornothing now in -film:trips wo.s doBonstro.tod on Jooombor 5 1 whon Mr, · Sho.~p ,howod ' a seri e s -of s lidos :ntitlod O HElLY NIGHT. ,i t ro.s o.ccoi"lpo.nicd by words ·'.nd nusic on records~
, _..
Off Co.no.o.n St, , f
, Co.mmn 1
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l'-1EET Ti'!E HEi,GY'S (Cont. f~ o1'1 po.g;J 4) n.nd c, lso p:r o.d i.mto d from tho i!'.nd :l.o.no_ Hi 1ch, Bo-bh nrc of the Prosbytd ri n n Chur'ch. ~.~i~s Linpo. , Hoa:g y, D. (~ Od f'iv o ~ ·hei.s sriilod and roT!lp011 her ,v_,o.y into e veryone Is honr~, Miss Dorothy Anno ;Hon.'!" ,, t ··t] '. n. p~od six ffionth c ?, ho.s picke d up a nicknc.r:i.o which is, "Doro.nno~• By fyron ICoh '52 . J • Yf • WOLFE-JE'NELER
Wc.tch-C lock-Jewelry
REPl~IRING , Engro.ying•--~rophios Lobnnon, N9vr Hrun~shiro ,
I'I,S, Kinsmo.n Compnny Inc. AB . DICK Distributors ~n I :r,.f oino o.nd N01,•1 HC\npshiro of MIMEOGBJ.PH-LITHOGRJ.PH Pro r'l,ucts 27 Forest Avo nuo Portlo.nd ,]lli1, ino 913 El1:1 Stroot Na.nchostcr, N
Dl!:CEi-',rnER 1951
FAG:$ 12
HEARD Al~OUND CMS - Since the schoor' phonograph has been out o~ orde r1 Danny Fleetham brought up ohe of his players and attached it so it wo uld play through the schoo l machine, . Under the direction of Mr, Hea.g,.v an att ompt vm s made' to burn thq proposod hockey rink site behind the lod ge• Tho work was hampeTed by , excessive dampness of the gr ound and nothing 1 more ho.s been dono since th6 snow a rrived. It was the origina l plan to , hiro a bulld oz or nn cl ' hnve tho sito lovol od, but tho opera.tor s a i d it wns t o soft t o bring hie m~ohino in, It s eems tha t tho lake _will havo to do f or anothe r seo.s on. , Stud ents onj oyo d o. fr e e day Novombor 7 and Doc• ember 3• ' Of spooio. l intor ost wue · a movio s hn~,,n in tho boys , . loungo on No vember 19. 1't
was fr on tho Intorna.tion::i. l Po.pa r Com1xmy o.nd fc ntur ot'\ Ur. John bi inma.n, Hnp 1 s· brothcr r
Cnrdi gnn's ni nth grado he..d for "a.bout o. mnnth n o History Cla ss e s. · The r eo.s nn - the wn rtbo0ks ha.d n ot n r r i voe. . 'l'he:y fin D. lly c ame and th,o s uni ors o.ro now do n, p in nn ci ont happonin r..;s. r-:r • . -✓Vu.ko ly in s omo of his spare time ha s stra i ght ened o~t tho schoo l librnr y . The: books r-..rc: n ow mu·ch mo r o easy to find sinco thoy hn.vo boon
clo.ssificd. ~4r, S.t rw,e ho ld a second po.Ilty on tho Thrid Flo0 r of tho l ()dp.;e I Do cemb~r 2.
This time the r ofr oshmon\s we r e "Black & 1'.1hi te''rre.ppas The re wa.s n.n0thor hike up Oro.n ~o Pinna cle besi de s the oric bove r od nn an0thol" pt"<g:o which ·was run, by Er, Heagy. This cno wa.s taken bv t ir. Wnk e lyo 'l'h oy · wol'}.t
up tho pinnacle in sort of a.n original manner, GoinG cross-country they s eemed to a.void a ll trails ~ntil they wore nlmost to t ho t op, ~ ft ur oxploring a.r ound they , cmne dovm r.nd en.me bn ck t o school. , Tho bn.llron m is recoivin fi, '., cM.t of yt1llow pa.int - in r ediness for its use a s o. movie ho. 11 . J ohn Robbins ha.s boon kopt busy putting on storm wind0ws {tnd do•rs a.rrrnnd tho buil<Unp; . "Frcnchic II is the ni e-ht vmtchm::.m this yeo.r. CURRI ER & COl'lfP:1.NY
The Nnrth Country's Fino.st Dopr.rtmcnt Stc,r e I:iobrmon, N. H.
r .<"T I }f :· 1Tr ·1r1 · ~ t~ · ~ t,~1··: ~T·; o 1 -·yr10s NI ':!JPO'Y•T ~-r :7 SI0Ef0 '..:.rI OF 7 ')FTl D ~U-D I Qt! 'if O :ffi J,