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t ClJIDIGAN ?O J,3UILD ~N PC INT Ei ght sonrors, drqssed 1 ILKE v1[.INN:EPESAUKEE · -i;p. wb5.tc suits and green ; 1' ' At 1 •tho o..nnur..l spring o.nd white striped ti'cs, ' Dr~ o.nd tirs. _ Ro.yi-:i.ond! n cc;:ting 'o f tho truste <: s ,. we re grc1duatcd o:tl tho six7,~ ' Turley' s sw.::1r1e'r cottage, ' n.nd r.1e mbc:rs of tho corpor- \, . th,, Coi;:ncno6p cnt Excrcis.1 loco.tcd, on· La.kc 'linniro- 'a.tion of Co.rdigim ;:\ounta.in ,:.,.s of .Co.rdignn Houn~ip I ,so.ukc;: c, wd~ tho hone bo.so' School o., ~~ 2 50,000 building Sc,h o9'1 , on Juno.., 4, ~?52. ' for' the s c cend a.nn~o..l ca.n- progan w~s announced. r The ij'rogro.11, fo;r the ae trip of a.;rdigo.n Mount·Cor:ir.1encr.1:1ont Exerds os is 1. cor;1r1i tt c c wr.;.s o.ppointJ . 't o d on~ . pn.go ' 2o o.in Sch90~. The tr;ilp,under r ed to consider plo.ns for •pr_in I ' L.s is ·tro.di tfono.l, tho the direction of four r:ms~ · such buildings o.s' CL dorni J. \ _.,, Corr1cncc!7lont, tool'.: p,nco , o.t e rs, wa s held b G.y 29-J inc! tory, 1 t::iiiynnns i•um, a.nd ro. wolkl ( J ,l . ' I ) ' shop, , o.nd to dim.ft a. fuf1d(C,._r.l+; · on P~~~ s) I , , A bus wc.s rented to ra.is ing progrnn. I tro.nsport . tho ,boys •', a.nd Tho v1ork of cons~:ructiqn SEJJIOR Pl/,. Y GIVEN FIGlll' ril.r-.st e rs -to the cnnpsito. will not o.ctua.,lly bc.b"'in BEFORE COJii jEJ\•C,EEEWT The first night most of unt.i l prob8ibly 1953 or' 154. I ' (Con't on page 5) 'IJ., Is Kin ~tt is thq , ) I -1 SECOND SU Ii ,i~ ' SCHOOL TO no..r::ic of the , pl~y given in SENIOR WEEKEND STARTS ViJI TH OPEN , iJUNE ~4 ' ' the , ballroon by tho ,senior \ l I .' • AFTERNOON TEA c'l o.ss, 'Jurnor c 1ct ss, nn d ti '1, fhis , year I s sur:i.111cr · qnc pen bcr o'f the 7th rmd , Seniori entorto.ined schoo~ will, open Juno 24, two n:.cnb c. rs of, ·tha 6th their da.tos a.t o. t,tea. Fri- and 'will end -i~ugust 20.Tho ,, grndo Juno 3, 1952. ·dccy o.ftr·r~oo'n rio.y 2~.Aftc~ • subjects given will be 'Eho- story is ~ ba.s c d, upon , mlppc r, fo Ji' which the s on- ra~cdio.l no.thcna.tics und ' the ~~agfo · nsso.ssino.tiond' .1 I ' iors o.nd ,t r.t cir guests sq.t r c r::iodio.l English. 1 Tho a. ldng o.n9 the. olevo.tion too.oho rs w:l i1- be Mr. Heagy, · 1 of o. young' o.t one lbng 'to.b~c ,in tho boy to tho dining ho.11:y thc r-e wns a. who i:dll tcCLch, nr.d:;h,:Mr.Nythrone. The ri,cnbers of the ~ mov i e , shown ) in the, bc.11- I hus,who ·will o.lso' co. st ::-.ro :Byron Koh, John to o. ch \ -' He'iscr., bri.·:id Chcovcr,Diok room. sono mo.th, o.nd iiiss Er:iqrwhile So.turdc.y, i."lOrning Ros e , Jon Golt,John Byrne~ s,on,who 'wi 11 ,toCLch English. 1 ovoi'yono else wo.s ho. ving . Bo.rry H.o.rtow,Wo.rron. 1 Eueo, Sw~~cr school is held clo.ssos,they co.~osd q.round nain'l y for th0 boys who John ; \cEwcm, ·g,bovo Os good·, ;the ' loJ::c, under the ., dir;ccJ:i'.'nr.1 ic .Turley, Ton i..nglon, o.ro ho.ving di f f.ic lti es in tion of i1Er. Stowe. J.t noon ' their :-,o.tl:i nnd Eng•lish.The ) o.hd 'Will ~ho.rp. Bruce furthorc vms o. cookout dovm :rc,.y 1o.nd t1ordon Yfo0dbury-• sche dule n Pl run nbout o:b the lo.ko front~ . tho SOlJ!le a.s lo.st yenr ' ·~i ushers, , ithero Ji.ftcr 1 rest hour \ olnss e s in the n orning 0.nd ·Br• Wo.kcly directed tho 1 I wo.s co.nceing o.nd the first o.ctiv,i ti cs,' in the r..ft c r .. pln.y, as,sisted by i.,~r.Stov.ro. 1 \ noon. ,Thc , 7o.'s tcrs• in 6na.rgc swim of the ye c.r. ~:r. Hco.gy, o.nd ~i's s Em .. di~ in'g r Dccorie,ting tho arson. 1-, ,; ho.ll for ' the ,8cni,or , D;.;i.ncc 1 (Con't on, l?o.g;c 5) *t**** I
') I
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(Al,: EDITQR1A1r
.f,.s the year ('loses,our -last, I it brings a,.s@ason . which makes the seniors stand out. ~he events like The Cardigan CHRCNIC:i,E is pub l ished monthly Senior iiifgekend 1 the Senior SeJ)tember · 't;o J·Jw, ·,jy : he students of 1 Banquet, and · Graduation, an .Mountain :3 c,h,)o-··sT.AJr :.,,Ju-:-J'.l.f.l. t1,,NevJ Hampshj_re . ___.__;_0 ____-1put him more . or less in -~ ·, lime lighto To' the seniors themEDITOR Wa:i:-ren D,, Huse~ " ' ' ' selves, the ·Gncl of - the ASSif~I\JITT EDITORS year brings :morl ·work a.o- 1 ' Byron Koh ... ~--- David Cheever ademically~ A rqsh to fin, SPORTS EDITORS '; ish that algebra or Latin John By:i.-ne s book and thosa fearsome final exams. A time to REPORTERS look ahead s0riously toDavid Helmsto.der Larry Moo:re David Fox . ward a gooi schoo) n@xt John White -Jon Colt John MoEl,van ye,a r and wans for tho James Hewitt Allan Ellis summer. Woody Sulloway !Jo rm£l.n '--Fie r: oe I The events wh!ch belongTYPING , CIRCULATION ART 1 ed to other seniors before •· John !fei~er David Fox :fi,a:t; Fi~ney us now be'long to ~s and we Lo.rry Moore look fo:n,1ard,to fun, real~ *** izing that p•rhaps it will be our last good time together among the boys when I we have lived with for two PROGRAM FOR THE SIXTH COMMENCEMENT OF CARDIGl\N or three or four years. MOUNTAIN SCHOOL AT THE OLD FORTH CEURCH These events we feel,we C4NAA.N S'J'REET, C.AN.A,i\.N , NEd HAl'!IT'S!IlRE 1 have earned:, after a smr.· , JUNE 4, 1~,52 prising, ~~e-opening and 1 • I *** pa rho. ps sti.ryling f'~:rs t year of hi~ school, ' Sohool Procession \ 113 ome atatistica1~y\ 11 minded senior might remi.nd Invocation the r~st that it is the Rev. Robert C. Sha~p / ]ast SaiW~y of classes 11 Hymn, Ho ly 1 Holy,· ·H0 lyn we will aver again partic· Pago 33 ipate in at Cardigan.Even Introduction though another emotion , t Wilfred w. Cia!rk, Headb\aster , mip;ht b9 on tha surfo.ce ,we The ·Lord's fr11yer by school choir admit , that Cardigan has Albert Ho.y Malotte not been bad. Announ~ement of Hono~ Roll and awarding of Then at too crowning prises .. John W, Heagy, Assist. Headmaster po:int of- our -,.ceni~l"' yeiay ~ Commencement Address . I the Commencement ExaP~ise~ Dr~ John Thomas Dalla~, D. D. we find ourselves suddenly The Halls of Ivy by sohool choir ovme~s of diplomas from Henry Russell o.nd Viek Knight Cardigan. ~lire duplicate the Presentation of Diplomas broad, happl smile-s of pralijarold P, Hinman, President vious i:ieniors ••• Hymn, "Our God_, Ou~ H~lp'' - Page 36 Benediction ( con 't on Page 18) Rev. Robert c. Shar THE CARDIGAN CHR'ONICLE
,......----------------------- ---- ·
JmTE 1952
ion 9f' i·'t r. Wo.1'::o ly o.nd · l-!Ir. New Ha.n pton o.nd Kimba.ll Shnrp, :.,o.ny trips ho.v o Union, lost others, b e an nado ovc:r the highDuring tho ~iny spring Through tho yea.r Co.rdi- ·i;mys and b frm.ys. J vm nthc r the Co.rd5..gan Gym go.n boys po.rticipa.te in Vfintor brought hocJ.-::cy hhs been open . rogulo.rly. ,mo.ny , diff'Grent outside o.nd s!: o. t:Lng . I1o c:vy snow A now t ,;Jist TJo.s tho "Gyn o.ctiviti$s. , c.nd lo.rgc o.7~unts of ruin o.nd Associo.t e d Go.ncs 11 a.ctLast fo.11 the mo.stars hnr,porcd ,"linte r wc.tcrfroo:b . i ~ri ty ,-1hi oh wc,s o. choi co '- ' ' orgo.nizcd a. football tc o.n n cti vity to c, cqnsidrrro.blo on ce rtain o.ftcrnocmi• for the bo ys, including ext ent. Tho n ow rifle ra.ngo ho.s the j;ounger a.nd ~ s n o.llcr Conpo.r c.tivcly f bw overnot b oon used ~uch mostly of the s ch001 1 s students• ni ght hH:o s we re run durduo to hig!;r pri1 cc s in o.nmThc re wa.s the usua l o.- 'i ng tho ·y oc,r. 'l'h c trip to unition o.nd tthcr th i ngs, mount of · -i;,rc,tcr f'ront a.ct- Chocoruo. in tho full o.nd crowding tho s chedulc. i v i ty with hut building o. trip to Huso' s Ccmp this As we go to press wo.t c r- one of the n o st populo.r o~ . spring wer e the principr.. l fro n t ho.s boon open 10.nd o.ftc r noon o.ct h iities. This trips of this typo . the boys hc.-rc gono swimspring the re no.s a. bi,g Bo.sobo.11 this yoa.r wn.s ming; . Do.st, .yoo.r swirnning cloa.n - up doto.il in ~ hich more successful tho.n thut - sto.rte d Mo.y 15. This yeo.r the bo ys n ho ha.d tuilt the of la.st y co.r. Curdiga.n ·won it wo.s £-Ia.y 24 • huts tool'.: them dcrrm o.nd go.n os plrtyed with sta.cJ1.:e d the lumber by tho vmrning hut for us~ by -C QilfilvIENCfil1ElJ '.L· • LUNG HF,jN future gonero.tions ?f hutMENU, buildors. Dur:i.ng , _t;he v,intcr ski -Roust BeefRoa.st Ha.m1 ,- Ron.st Turl1.:cy1 trips wore run to several neurby turms and slopes . Mr. -Chicken Sa.la.d-Poto.to So.lo.dStowe o.nd :r ir. Nyhus took . 1 • f trips to Lebo.n on, Rod Hill -Hot RollsC~f' s Su lo.dSk i Aroa. in Center ,So.ndwi ch, }Tew· Ho.mpsh 5.re, o.nd cross country combination -Celery-Ghor1':ins-Oliycsski o.nd s nowsho e hikes through the virood s, fields, - I oc Cfe o.r.1o.nd slopes of Co.nc.o.n o.nd slopes of Co.no.a.n o.nd -Strawbo rry Sa.uoeOr~nge. Mount Co.rdigo.n ho.s 1not -Cho co lu to ' So.ucoboon visi tc'd this yoo.r' o.s often o.s in other yea.rs. -Assorted ca.kC"t o.nd 'cookiesNevertheless, ha.rdy stuI dents ho.vo ma.no.god to no.kc -Hilk for the Chil'dl"cn-Coffee- ' it' t6 tho top sovcro.l tir:ws and a. few s 1-:i tri ns Served B~ffot Stylo o.t tho Lodge woro --rm1 to the parking lot. Afte r Conmcnccrricnt Excroiscs Biko ridi ng ha.s been o.s if not , populo.r us cv or Juno 4, 1952 Under tho directmore so.
_v__o_LUIV ____ rn___r_r__Nill.....:...,;IKB_'E_R-',...:.7_.__.;..________;;.Pi:.=,fill...i.. JOHN HEISER ONLY SEN IPR ' AT ' C'ARDI/}A.t~ · T1fl0 YEA.RS; , cqMES· FROM ILLINOIS I
,JUIIB 1952 l5lascope which he reoeiv-•·· , " e,d for Christrnass. . • Joni's ,favorite, ' sports are swi!lll~ing, hiking, skiing, and skating, Jon I s father is the head. of the Portland Art Association which takes , Jon and I I I ' his. bro~her across the continent eac~ summer to visit ;th~ir :father. ,· 1 Jod has been · on the Honor Roll. He, h~s done work for ' the CHRONICLE. 1 He plans to go to H'~•over High Scho,ol next year, , where, incideritally, his 1;,rother Tom is now attend,, • I, ing, s cho·o 1. Jonis favorite subjects ~Pe s cie.nce and algebra. 1 He Ilike~ popular music and m~stery stories, ,,
· Jon · 1~olt was bo'r n in , John Heiser came to 1 Richmond:, Vfrginia, . ~uly, Gardigo.n tvv~ yer.,r s ago,all ' ?l, ·1938. Jon lived in the w4y rrom Win'netka,IllRichmond ' uhtil ready to ino}s and is the only ninth I , \ grader from the midwe s't , , 1attend school. H~ then entered the John was born in the Evanfi~st ~nd , went through the stonHospita'l in 'Evanston., Illinois.,· February ,'18, 1937!, John attended school at the - Hubbrrd •Woods ?chool for the ' first through fifth , grades, 1.exc;rn'p:b f~ r a brief peribd · in the fi_rst grade ~hen John spent some tim~ down south traveling through Virginj_a, the .Carolinas, .and Georgia while ' hi's fath<:Jr wa~J in t ,h e s~rvice thote• i' " / ' 'From ·HuQbo.rd V\To.o ds John By David· Cheever '52 then ., went to · the Skokie ' HEISER (oon 1 t) School for the sixth grad~ take;rr some ve.ry nice picAt the No~th Shor.o C?untry ' ? f(?ur-th grade, a:t Saint tures ef the school ·, At, ,~ Day Schoql John ,attended Christophers School in times '· he ' ' has ·shown his , the seventh I g;rade, ~From \ oblO~~ilides to' the sch~ol _,R ichmond. ·· , there Jchn came to CardiFrom Richmond the Colts, , as' an evening activity. gan ,for ~the eighth and I 1 including Jon a'nd Tom (was John · enjo&s baseball, n:i!nth grades, ' ,, at C~rdigan for three swi~ing,· and skiing • sa.s .. 1 , John would like to go to 1 ye,ars), , his mother • ,and ' his favorite sports. scho9l ~fter graduating 1 1 John i 's about the only· Eunger siste'r, moved to from Cardigan to tb:otKent m~mbe,r of the ninth graqe , School in Kont, Connect~ who is positiv:e about his icut or· po,s sibJ;y t6 Kim1 future ambition and occuba 11 Un ion Aoadamy in Mor,pati_ o n. After gragua ting iden, New Hampshire, from hig..h · s chool · John John's hobby is photoiplans . to go to Cdrnell oi ra phy which he has gone a vrcrntern . agrioultu' r a• l1 , ,into rath,er ' deeply and has school , and :then go ) into t L~~l-l~.t,9n r.i:~ . §QluI!ltJ}·~ ., l ti.;ire • a.gricu ~ , , ,, John has bGen on the HonComplements 1 , ' or Roll and has done some of 'w riting and quite a bit of typing for the CHRONICLE. , Cla,naan Street where hey ' John has , attended , I , ' summer , lived in the' Blodgett· camp , at the Trail's End BAKING COMP./1.:NY' House. Ranch •in Estes Park, ColoJon f s hob1Dies are amarad6, ·and Camp Highlt:-nd~ Bakers of' ' ,· i teur radio ana telescopes. in ~,ifis c·o nsin, Jon has ' dope quite a bit TIP TOP BREAD I ~f ' observing throug~· the By qavid Cheever 1 52 I i
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JUNE 195-2
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the 'I Old
Ch1.irch .o n,:
' Byron ,Koh , was borrn in 1took up : 1ost ·' ~r;, the• lei,.ttc r Ccu10;.8Jnf Strc_ct~ Mr~• Yfi)..,, , tho Chiidron,! s Hospital in po!rt of t he o.ft c :t'Eodn ·, f ~r fr c? , w. C~o,:t,J,: wa.s ~he ' or.;. , ,,, , Boston, IVin.ssnchu~btts:,Jurio •th ~ n c:nb c rs · o-t;, th e 'ninth ' " 10, '193'1• Byron ·li vo'd _in (, grncl c crnd1' their guests. ~Act-cin, ¥ia.ssacht.l9otts uptil Befor e' ' the do.n ee ,, thG ho v,ras re ddy ' to ,c~-;to,r girls , pos,eq for ~"Phq~o~J.. s ,chool• ' Ho" than· . move d
to W~rst
who:re ·. hc , a.ttcnded the tJ.o.r .i. .v cy Vfu cclqr lrubli_,e Sch'ool for tho first , gr ridc. , ,( Then h e Y!ont to Plympton Publ1io School for the , ~co' ond a.nd th'ird gra des ~ '. ,·
,go.n isb for t lv;i so~ y,,,~c , , , . . Fbllopring ti.:ro 1 thc pri zes , 1/ihich :~ r, Heagy o,Wo.1"1do(l, ' The ,F~Ullld ora Prize(~,. Jnc'k ra.,u hc r 11 H:- is c r., ,._, Then'' the t9~ c scott:, , H!,nno.p Priac' .,. I· ,do.ncc: pro'c'o ccl c~ a.s / plo.nn~d, Rtc\10.rd Roao, Hco.dn9-~Pbcr cxccp ~ for . o. , brca.l~down ,in . Pr\ z.o_, "'t ,lon Colt, ; ,Tho tl;lc pho nog l;'c,ph ~c,.n p'lifyil1g Co,:r ciigan Prize • 1D0.v id Fox., sys~cn,( ' wh ich WL S \ f.ixcd • Scn~~or Prt.z q''\,. JI~s c ,Vi'rit'tnn without t oo; nuch d,<;; l a.y. ' ·Expression Prizo ~ ,.5,-,Fort, , The do.nee l a.stod ' fron 6-Fox, 7 ... Belwi gcr ·, , s. I~o- ' 'a.pout ci.ght ,o ' qlocki to t en JBw:an, 9: Huac, ' .. 1 / Ch:Po,n S.cld ,, thirty, The b intµ Gro.d9r& Pr:izo .- ,Huse, ·' Room lnsJ?cct- . J.QP .. fyrn c; s; ,}'iv.nua.J. +ruin. ing , '.P:riio .dJplt.' · Honor t Roll qortif:roato~ J ~t,ophcn Osgood, WiJ:J.ia.m . Sharp, ', - Jon Coit, Do.,vid F~x• JQ.mos Howitt, Wnrron Huso,f.h lcoJm ,oE!iVUJp f Nor tm.n 1 '~ ohni 1,1 Pioir cc, 1 I.Awronco - },!i;)ore, Byrqn Koh, Philip , ,ninrp, i 1~1VJ;'t.h-;3ulloway,, Lq~is ,
s ~·
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spbrt.s ; aro · footbo.11 a.nd b e d tin e ' .;ms c•lc'vc n ' bo.s'e ball. ', _ · , , clo cl~. , " ' ''J ' .·Mrh~ti', f'i.r', Hoo.g,y ,Tuir• ,Vfako .. /l )/ ' Ln.st ,,y eo. r By:ron workod, -' Sundc,y • norni,ng wo.s ly,q.nd Yr•' Stowe ; nnd v,c re he ro n.t' C'a.?ldigo.n g.during ' " church cmd - afte r the noon s,o:r,,cd ,'' ~-ut:;; i~ i+ / 'buffet \ j tho sul':11-n:c r. , . 1do.l the gii}s• l e f't as style. 1 ' Vfucn Byron •"is gro.d,uci'ted, ·their pare nts ,c r.l l c;: d · for , Purir.g ·the , four ?O.YF this yc o.r~ hope s ,to' go the,n . i· i s,·1~r.JJ"l i11g 9,nd eo.noc111g ao:,cr to KiinbaU Union _ _ . _ ___-,.___ _ _ _ _ _r--""'"""1 round the ' ~~4i'o/-l si.od 1 Aoo.d c-ny in · Me rid en, Nn;,; ', sfu .i: :,·JtR SCHOOL ,('con 1~), , <,;qvq<t o e,eupicd tpo boys' I ~ Ho.mpshir~ 1 for 1' his next hop · c to pJ o.p ·c. f ew o~rortir.ic_. when thcv; , ,wcro not on .,; , I ,t '... I --1 . · --schooling. · ' nf ght hike s . f9r the boy~ lon~c r trtpp @ut Qn tho ln.kc ,Byr~m hci.s , ~ocn (')n tho who wi n b e h6re. · Honor a.nd h igh honor rolls " By '1inn'lic Hewe t _t '54 , . ,/ , and is,' D..c:f:;i "10 monbor ' of T IH ''.t,) I ·1
. ..
~.b,~ ,'
also won ~he T:i,r.10 Mugp,zrne
Contest -in 1952.' ,
Gurr ont E7ents ' ,1 ' ·' J
D~yid ;Oh'c'cv~ t • 62 ,,
the CHROHCLE ,ate.ff\ 1 CA~OE 'Tij.H(C?n~t) .AJ;lothc,r of ,Byron,' s in~ '. ,, · - - - 1 ,t ere sts is pbp~lo.'.r rrns ic. · the 'boys s lopt outdel~ ~, Ho ·wdn ' tho bontost ~o~ Thcn-,on c by on c ,eo.d~ ti! ~ht , writtc nl cxp!!cssion , for riore jotncd ,1th'c ~~~~ ' grade (eight, i~ -1~~n; .Ho ,' do'd ' dow~ ' 1 :. ~~,)~ q~~~--
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i-.•6t1.is ,. \ro~o co-okod by
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/ The'1'wiiy I Like Cardigan' Coµtest was sp9nsored by Mr. Hareld P. -Hinman (Hap) 1 and was peld last fall. This was the first ocnp test of its kind and was staged ' by -Mr~ Hinman because he thought 11 i1; would be interesting, and to get the boys reaotione • "' All the boys _in the school participated, through their English olasses• Mr. Hinman says he plans to run another. contast,the same ·as this, ne·x t year. 1 The winn~r of this year~ oontest' was John MoEwan- of the class cf '53• Following is his essay in full.
The re a.re many reasons· why I like Cardigan and why I picked it when looking threugh , the different sohool's oatalogues, so I'll write them down one by one• The first big irea.son is ~he olima.te, 1which ~llows many outdoor sports including fishing, ,b oating, swimming, s~ting, skiing, football, baseball, ' and hikingo These are ,a.11 active, healthful spcrts for it 'is an active, healthful climate WQ live in here at CEL'rdigan. The masters -are well trained at these sports so we _have go?d guidanoe • . Cardigan _' gives ' you a chah~e at differ~nt sports, f~r you can ohoosa which ene you want to ·do each afternoon • . Cardigan has a much longer activity period than other schools·• (con~. on next ~olumn)
JUNE 1952
L .I K1,£
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There is more individual there wpul'd ij)t be·, a ~a,z:~iattention. This holds true gan Mountain School.With a I , also in ola.s'ses. given sohedule, time passes gquickly and before you Because of the sma,11 number of boys attending know it y-0u're in a vacation. Cardigan, the rnasters1 know You ~lso learn a lot their pupils both ,m entally here at Cardigan, not only and physically~ There is a in studies but in table stronger frtendship between teache'r and student manners and other common here at Cardigan because courtesies. Another advanof of its size. tage of a small school is This year the Cardigan shown in the classroom moral is high peca~se where you can learn more, faster,with less work from there is friendship and the teacher. CQUrtesy shown ammng the The .food here at Ca.rd-ipupils. To prove this, we have had only one grudge .,. ;.,gan is good• When I first fight at the gym compared '\ came to Cardigan,there was an assortment of foods I with the ten we had last didn't like but after you year. • have been . out at an afterAnother thing I li~e anoon of strenuous activity bout Cardigan is that it you don't . care what you is run depiooratical~y., that eat, you're so hungry. is, the pupil has quite a This year I like Cardibit of say. As an example gans e:letra actfvi ty, singof that, a boy asked a ing or music. This gives master about a rule he you a chance to play some thought was unfair. The musical instrument if•you master didn't think it was would like to. any too fair either so he Another big thing I like brought it up at one I of about Cardigan is the exthe fegular Monday evening tra · outside acti vi t ·i e;s faoulty meetings, and a that it has suoh as ski variation of the rule was trips which are taken evmade which .was much faire~ ery year to the surroundIn / other schools you wo~ld ing tows. AlreaQy, the just have to suffer beeighth and ninth grades cause Of a master's error. I, have been taken to Hanover _ ( ·. This goes back again to to a science demonstration, the individual attention We are also taken to all given to the pupils. of ·Dartmouth'd home foot•Another thing I like aball games. :'bout Cardigan is theit evAmong the minor advanterything·· runs on a given ages of Cardigan are the schedule ,and that everyone overnight hikes,whi9h, you . has a part in 'keeping it might say, toughen us up. running. If _no one did as The danoes, under the supthey were supposed to, (corlt. on page 13) (cont. on next column·) I
,_ · vofm.~
- CA r
;~-o (GAN
~ . • EXC ERP'l'S FROM THE Cb.N-TJS!'.
After ' going over the many ma.nusoripts with Mr. Hinman, ·y our , c'HRONICLE editor collected the following ex,erpts from the _oontest.
Larrf Moora grade 5 "I like Cardigan because the masters ruie the kingdom well. I like it because there are no girls .to tattle on you."
William She.rp grade
"I live in e. big oi ty and there a·re not many boys in my neighborhood.I never get very much time , to play because I Ilve in a big apar.tment, . plus~I have two sisters a'nd they never want to do what I want to do, or go to the, movies I want to see ,etc, 11 Louis Wiikin gr~de 6 11
I like ,Cardiga,n be ca.use (oon't on :ne:x;t -.oolumn) . .
it ,has a g.oo coolc. His , name is Clancy.If you are stuok with, a problem and there aren't any . masters , around, Clancy will help you. Clancy can do almost anything."
b out Carc;hga:n is Hie . room study.I think a boy can do his wor~ better if he ~has room stu~y~ 11 1~lcolm Lloyd, grade
"I like building huts because we can keep warm in them when we are skating. I think it helps us to learn our math because we make · a blue print before making it." ,.
I like the kids of Cardigan . because they are not mean to you. Some of the kids are younger than me so I like that because ' I do not like to be _ the youngest of them a.il., I like the grades here be :. cause , there are not so ma;ny big kids. 11
Allan Ellis grade 7
Jimmie Turley g,rade
Michel Belanger• grade
the oook-outs that we have at the schooJ:,. We ha.ve hamburg ... ers and I like thoso . I am glad I oame to Cardigan Mpuntain Schoel instead' of going to the Strathhm , Sohool because you do not see the same teacher a~l the time.I like to go from one rcom to anoth•r• It gets boring looking at the s,ame cre.oks in the ce'iling and the sa.m• black board after seven or eight months." like
JUNE 1952 --------~~~-~~~
"One ~f the reasons why I liko Ca.r9igan is because of the .good food that ,we a.re served and the wonderful · eook who cooks it, Cla.noy! I ean remember the time I got up one morning and had . a stiff neck. I went around a.11 morning holding up my head, When Clancy saw me he .asked me what was wrong! I suppose he thought that I had just looked e.t my last ·. .math test grade~ He took me into the Science Room and worked on ti awhile~ 11
The masters at Cardigan are very nice and are al ~ ~ays trying to help you in any way' possible, If rou have a problem,you can al• ways take it· m a master and he will help you fig• ure- it out.The school is very lucky in having suqh a good staff of masters, All the masters are full of fun whieh makes things · , a lot' easier for all the boys to 'Ilike them.' 11 John White, grade
The life up hei Il'e r'a t Cardigan is very gay,You get private rooms• but a.-, bout the only time you get i t to yourself is when you are sleeping. Then boys comEl in to talk with ';I) u and then some more boys vri 11 · ~ome in and we wi.III. get together and have a little ga.b-fest.,,all of that seems to fit into a . -ga tte rn and once you , · get . (con't page 13) 11
'na.vid Helma.tadter grade ' 7 11 0ne
very important thing I like about the school is where it is located. The lake, for one thi-ng ,helps the variety of ao-½iivl tie:;;, l\,nothe~ · thing I like about Cardigan is the over• night hikes. .A.nether thing , I 'lik~ a(con 't nn next column)
,- -7
JUNE 1952
---1-~,..,.,-~,. _-,, .T~OJi.'---=c"""AR-=o=rG..,,.A'"""!IJ---,....;s.;;,;,;;1{IB!oift
· Itir:.'!il HEREFOUEY.IITXR':,,,i's-,.
Ope , of the four fieniors Duo to the idoa oonc,i ev• , bo~n , awo,y fo:c who I has been at Cardig~n ed ' by' Mr, '.Harold Hinman, too shQr;t p. time to have ro'r· four years ' and tho , ' Dr. Ernest !Iopkins arid any 'pews fpr ,, YPtU' A:i.ur:m:L on;Ly [one be :j.ng born in New Mr 9 William Browst'o r,Card- 1 C,olurnp ·~· P~ w:ri~lng mosi.:ty Harapshiro, Warren Daniel ' igan Mountain School was to tell, vou th~t I'm g J.a.d Huso wa~ born Juno 17,1937, incOrporatod in 1945• to · kl:;lo\11rc:r 1r.( c;>n:' yaur Cfil,.9Nr" in Lacdn;i.a. That first yoa,r of 1946, JCLE maiiing list and I Previous to learning tho Mr, Brewster was ~ho headlook ··:ro·r.;mi'd : ·tQ · getting three 11 R I s 11 in Cardigan, master ·of Cardigan, There the nex·b :i.ss·ue~ of ~he ·1•si::.<';;h'. g'.t.·ado : lie attoDdod woro tvvonty-'fou:r students. CHRONICLEo ~, , the public schoo 1 in I.a~The Haffonrafor . property \ I 1 m, having i;l, 4ot of ,fui1 onia-> with its nur.iero'lls · housos here learning 1:10 Il).e.ny new 1H0 ha,s a -married sister bos idos I tho mansion and things but I m4st confess , living in Conn9oticut. tho ·point wns given to tho school in its first year. Property 'added to this has qcen the Tonnoy Sorvioo, on Canaan Street a'nd ,Sincerely, Canaan Street Lako, with 11 Marge Ritchie r' three ,, cottage~ · plus thd ALAN BROWN A'J'TENDING lake front, ,. BROWNE AND NICHOIS SeHOOL Co.rdigan ' house which had ' be en before ' 1948 j'1,1.sj; a , 11 I am now a,ttending the usol.ess annox ·to t]'lQ todgo , Browne and Niche.ls School was romodclod during tho here in CambridgeD . I sumMor, of 1948 ~nd , has participating in football, Warren plans to go to boon usod as a dormitory. wrest~ing,, and crow. These Kimball Ul1ion Academy and Byron Koh 1 5,2 s orts keo me in ' sha. o, aftor gradua.tlng E'.ttond Typing was the subj ? ot colicgo at Da.rtmouth •or ma.stored at , tho Laconia Vifclcomc to tho University of Now Business Collage last sum• C t' Hampshire. Ho is undecided mar by Wo.rron., OiOm 'n.onc,oBmo' as ·to ' what ho 1 11 do after 'F our summers wore spent 'coll0go•~ , ut ,tho Y. M. e~ A. Camp Bcl~ap during whioh he including a ohippod.,split., mot Sam , Adams who would ., s_prainod, ankle, a thrown bo a s,o nior this year but out knee and so~e hands is now attending ' Saint from tho oars. Paul's 1School in Concord. ' Yours tru1'r,, , , Sto.mp .1 collc cting., print.;. ,, , ,, Co.no.o. n St ro c t , N• H • II ~A~l'Nl Brown ing'i ' coin oo lle cting photography,, and roading I. make up his hobbies, Out o'f: d,oors Warren enjoys hitting o.nd swimming. Ho has boon on tho hi'gh Honor Roll. Commonooment timo has C l•O R p 0 R A T I 0 N soon ~Varron o.war,d cd , tho
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Fomndorvs Prizo,tho CHRONielo Prize~ tho Wr1tton Expres~ion Prizo• and tho :Manunl Tro.ining Prizo. Byron Koh • 52 •
' ' 1
NOfE s -------------'------~-------,-.-.-.....i....-.--,----~--------·A ., LUlV1I\J "1-
hope to bo re leas e,d -f:fom , aati v~ du·by, a nd . ,go , b'a.ck: .- to Pepperidge Farm·, I ,nd. / "Since leaving Cardigan , 1 ll 1 W~ use ~sour mailing · ' I ve b_een 'living in quitea address: few different places •• , 329 Highland Ave. Please 9hange my 'address W inchester, Mass, to ' Hampton, Connecticut, · I' 11 probably work o.t' where I I live. ' the home pls.nt in Norwalk, , About two years , ago I Corm,, for •a fe'{'l weeks got married in Alfred .?Nevt ,~hile Dolly e.nd kid,s S;re York where I was going tu 'in VI!inchester. the Sohool, for American Dolly expects hor 1baby Craftsmen. My ,wife . ,was any day , now• Te 11 Jack studying ceramics and I metal and 'silverami thing o , Heagy we 1 ro hoping , for a From there wa moved', to · girl. · ,_ Hope to stop in Canaan Roc~sstE;Jr, then New Jer~ey. sometime durino-0 this sum• South Coventry, Connecti' / mer. cut and' now here seveh ,a,Good luck, cres ~nd a brdok in Hamp11 Ted Peach ton, , Conne ctiout • ' F.tENRV71WTR1rHASKELL·~ I hope to , have ' my ewn , -TO µRADUATE FROM TABqR business of metalsmithing design . and rapair,plus 11 1 think it'; 'a s,,,e l,l , imaking some thin'g s in wood dea about the alunmi , news and my wife will ' do wqrk and plea.so s end it 'to Moo• in oeramios • ' sup, Conn. from now ol)., Ou~ ' housa,150-200 , yaats I am g~,d ua.ting on ,June old and , very neglected 7th from ';fubor and ~Ill gbfrom foundation to roof,sd i • i n our _spare tJ.me and _,odd _ _ing to ,Eic;iv.r'd qin ·ne~t year,I : am ea ptain of tho J. V, moments we are trying to • Crew down hero, and soororebuild t tary ·. of , ou~ . gr~duating Please give -our re·gards class,I ,h~vo ~ian~ged to be to all who may know of us 11 foatur0 editor 6£ -the newl)o and I 11 hello to t}lose who 1 . ' . ' ' ;\· /, ·' pap~r ~nd -e,lso e, rnenibor o:(' don't• Ver/ tr'll-lf y~urs, Cum 4,ud0.,, Gi vo IB:'l r E? gards to' Jack !Sater and ,fl.De Ha'h., - ' ' -"-- LQ;Lo.:p,d; 11 ' , I ' , S TED PEACH TO Bli; , RELEA~ED Ho..zo3-, FROl\4 THE /Ut'llff ' e.nd l'1 ~ 11 D:icfk MQ'rriso ncongt1~ tu].,at:j.o,is and ~ tThe d;rug atoro family" } best wis\1es for /sµ~¢~sf3 ,ip, ' your ,Alumni ~13qtion1 Qf the MORitI SON'S ~ext CBRQNIQ~~, feap~es go 'through ea9h tssuEl ; 's~art to fini,~h• , ' D R U P S T OR E B,? Y, lQ - J~r,ie 1~5~,. ~ , NElfl HAMPSHIRE (()On. t 'OJil, ' n,ext- ool~·) f rr ' ! .._ CAJf
and" good luek11 • Sirio0r0ly, ,_ Henry Haskell DUNCJ+l'\J MC !NNES FRESHMAN AT PRE~ TOR ACADAJJ:'f , ·--
' N~r a freshman a:!; Proc ..
tor Aoadamy, ,em tho s-'~iling team and ra=.cod e.ga,i nst MJ:, T,.' freshmen at M, l,T. la.s t fall••• Arn eompl~ti~g a 11 Gulfok' Skiff" e.~d lq.et· surrLmer I raced the sailboat .I b~ilt at Cardigan •• Third for the s~·a son ·at Por.tland Yaoht, Club-jun~ iors, •• skiing a ~ot this wi,nter-•
Mbinne s'))
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JUNE 1952 MR. WAKELY COMES FROM MR. FORET TEACHES MUSIC BARRY HAR.LOW BORN IN INDIA,; MAINE; IS IN CARDIGAN Every -Tuesday Mro Foret AT CARDIGAN, THREE YEARS eomes to Cardigap. Right HOUSE (by Byron Koh 1 52) after lunch he has a music Anthony Barry Harlow was Mr. Norman Charles Wake- . classo Eve ryone is requiru• born in Calcutt~, Indio. He 0 ly, master on the first od to goo Ho tea0hos about spent ten years of his floor of Cardigan House, tho history of m~sio and fourteen ~n Calcutta. and was born in Lisbon Falls, who the groat oomposers o.ttended the ilI!lorican Maine, May 7• 1927. He has wore and are. Missionary School under a brother and a sister. David Fv:;ic '55 tho English system, . His. • earlier education After his yo.arr~ o, t ~he After this rather enjoytoo~ place at the Li~bon o,ble va cation he flew to Falls High School. After California, then to New graduating from High York,then Boston., awl then School, he went to the to Hillsb~ro , New Hamp• University o-f Main~ for shire• one year. Then he joined At Hillsborof New Ho.mp~ the army, in 1946, at the shire , Barry attended the age of twenty-one• · fifth and sixth grades, He received training .at Aftor Bo.rry +eft Hills~ the' Aberdeen Proving bor~ he ca~o to Ca rdigan Grounds in Aberdeen, Marywhere ho ho.s ntte~dad the ~ land. After training ther~ seventh' through ninth he was shipped to Japan as gra dos • an M. P. (Military Po lice) A~ the beginning of this Aftsr serving two years yo o. r Barry was not here in the army, Mr• Wo.ke ly Woodstook School (.Ame rica.n Mis siono.ry) he flew to for the first few months Game· back to the United Sio.m where he visited numand it was doubtful wheth• States and went ba~k to erous tovms. or ho vrould be back at the University of Maine F'l"9m· the re he ·flow to Cnrdiga:n or not, for three more years, and Birma an~ then to Chinn to Whilo he wo,s not here he was graduated in 1951. • ·ti attended the Hialeah, At college he ,wns a mem- ,v isi sovero.1 of tho tovms for two weeks ,. After his Florida., Publio Schools. ber of the fraternity of 11·/hon stay . in China, Barry then Barry graduates Sigma Alpha Epsilon~ Also, flew to tho fhilippine Isthis year he is rather he majored in French and lanas where ho spent a undecided as to where he Spo.nish. month, will a ttend school. As Mr. Wakely's chief hobby Barry i s father is a commt wo vteeks o.t the M ethodist is phot0gra phyo He like s , ercial pi'J. 0t it takes him Church 0 all outdoor sportsJ paraway from his familyoBarry M r Wake ly teaches tho ticularly ba s eba ll, f o0t0 does not lmow whe ther he fifth and sixth gr~des in ball, and swirnmingo He alwill return to Florada, English, and the eighth so likes to dance , move to California or New and ninth graoes in Latin. The afternoon activitl §a York. He is going to be mo.rMr. Wakely likes to t a ke Barry has an intere st ried June 14, 1952, to ' ares bikehikos, gym, and for working with his hands M iss Beve rly Bradford, in swimming. Ho also has for he enjoys fly tying. Braintree, Mas saohusetts • charge of the evening act~ For more physical a·cti v,. Mr. Wakely said, when ivitios here at Cardigan, ities ho likos wate r skiasked who.the had learned and dire cts the school ' ing and tennis, from being a Co. rdigan mn.s~ plo.ys, 11 Barry has ,been on the tor, From my fir~t year He also takes part in honor roll and has also at Co. rdigo.n I ha ve learned organizing o.nd giving done work for. the CHRONthat everything cannot bo · practice to, the boys who ICLE. learned from books, and sing in the choir every that a great deal is 11 1 learned fromexperio:nce! (oon t on next column) By David Choever '52
Y, r
_v.0_1_m_,'iE_I_r_,......,Nt:MB........,_~~--7~=------Y~?~= ll-·---------__;.J_m:_ ,TE---;;l~9-5_2_--:-_ CIJ~NCY BORN IN Vl'OONS()t'\ KET JOEH BYR1'TES COHES FROM C1.J.NCY (Con't) RHO]}E ISL.ND; SCHOOL'S CO NWECI'IGUT - THREE YEJ...RS born in 1950. 1 1 1 COOK SIX YE.ARS AT . Cii.RDIGL.N ' , , :Hallio works in tho kitche n., o.ssf sting 11 Dic}:: 11 and 1 Mre Richard .Joseph ClanI Iilford, Conne cticut, is :~n :o I s pl::1.ypc n is s ot up cy, Co.rdigan's ,c ook for 1\Johnny"Byrn c s's hone tovm in one corne r ·where she six y~ars,s5.n90 tho found- 1o.nd o:lso wh e re h~ w~s bor cc,n ko ep ,,ru1d eye on pin• ing J of th10 , s qhoo 11 wp.s o.t the : iilforq_ Hos pi ta.l on Clo.ncy~s _ work involves born in .lifoonsocl1~ot,Rhodo Novcnbcr 18., 1937 • cooking tho food for throe Islc.nd, on J~pril 17., 191_5., Tho school ho attended no a ls a. do.y, setting tho Ho attended tho Mount before cor,1in g to ~o.rdigo.n trays before the wo.i tors' So.int Cho. rles School in ·,ms tno Wost •uin Stree t be lls, a...11d w·c.sh~ng tho Woonsocl1:ot ctnd than w0nj1i Public Scl;i.ool in Hilford., d ishes o.ftcrv-rood. l:..t tho 1
0 !;,:~~~b~ho:;~i~r!~E~'1 !~i'lt{-tt•I[~~ ~! ~ ~ I:f~:!·B ~~=:n;~~:~ ..;.} t . \ ~ ~ ' t l ''\
bakers' school in 1932'. paring for tho Comcnco!!-.,.,. , ,, /., . "' .. . . . . -. ; , , . ~ · ~ · • . L h" . th th t d Then • ho • wen on o ron 1,·"t::?tf.t; ... ~~:·~ -~ '· ,·· r1ontT uncheon_. . is s·1x 1,:.~•:~.l.•,· ~:~:?-.,:: ' ( a :.-'•",. .-.::• ·:· ~ ~..:::.~ ·· . -~· .. •::::-. . osto.bhsh1ng conps o.nd L~W%i:Y:' ,.. '·).,,:;::::::. _, /4::~ ,'' f:·1! .'ft~ :'.ii: Jonn tlunks ho wou d teaching cooking for . tho . ,' '.:';t-nrj:: i/·{:=-i''~ f•:': ">:;j>,,t\h:,i~;JA i like to run his fo.thcr's c.c.c. , gara go~station ,ct_ t ~~c e nc lancy worked a.s steward .fi1:(JM~ :?''·f ' '<·:::}::.. ,- ::-:.: ·_./ )''',{'//( trm.n co to the , 1er1 t Po.;rk..l
"'-~1. > .{
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Clo.ncc joine d tho fl.rny in 1944 o.nd .,.r crneived training o.t Canp '..-l beolcr in . 'ta.con, Georgia.. '' He , ·served o.s Post Stowo.rd a.t Fort Dix., New Jersoy whore ho viro.s one of tho first to start a consolidated 11 ness. ti ~:r. Clancy got out of th i amy in 1946. While 1 1 · wai,;b~ng for Co.rdi.gD..nfrLOunt· o.in S0hool to open (He wo.s to be its first cook)., ho "rostod up" at Gooso Pond which is northwest os C,a.nno.n. In Soptonbcr- of 1946 Clancy cc.i:10 to Co.rcfigon and has been tho school's cook over sinye• In 1943 Cfoncy no.rriod Hallio Bo..rlon. The C1ancys_' ho.vo tf'm children. Theresa., in the sccond grade, w::t s b0rn in 1945. Miko, who is sti 11 in ' the plo.ypen' sto.go, , was 1
Conn ectic:,1t. He rc h e went vice to next yea.r's senior through. to the sixth grade. clo.s's., ho c.dYised, u · \fork He spent o. fow do.ys o.t h o. rd! 11 tho Ho~l~ins School in B B ron Koh '5 Horth Swc.nzy,Ncw Ho.npshirc doing seventh grad~ honoTHE work bcforo con ing to Cardigo.n's seventh grnde. One sonson of Y. M. c. A. cn.np wn s spent at Cn.np ~~ieD in Chostcr,Cohnecti- . cut b1- John. Sto.mps arc his hobby and Off Cano.an Stroot bas c bc.11 wo.s chos c. n as his Ccmno.n, Now Hn.npshiro fc.vorj,tc sport. ·- -----......-...----. I , C O H P L I li E N T S ;Tho North Country's ,
finest dcpni:.-tncnt
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Lebo.non, . I
Ncv-r 1 Ho.mpshiro
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Eoorc _& Emerson ~Bottled Gas Conpany,Inc. ' Pyrofnx Gas Distributors CorJD.e~cial o.nd Doracstic ' ;.pplianc cs /'
Street New &.mpshire
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VOLUME II, lJ1JhBER 7 __ P ::i~ . 12 ' JUNE 19~· ...,~1-1o_r:.,..~-,-i\-'. e_w_n_A_m_p_s_hi ___r_E;J.....,'""'i-n_l_9___ 11 F~NCHIE 11 \:eoRN ,IN RUMF_O_~___,-.-D-I CK ROSE :iJ1ROM-~-A--LE--1-i'4_;_I"""'S_____ ]\QUR YE.MS ,AT ·C. M. S.
Mr. -R ' ~wul , T1herri a1,J,.Hi..· I , lvhown to the boys , .as 11Frenchie,t1 was born :Lnfum- ' ford, lv.laµ.11e, on July 6 ,~ 0 2i His educatt~n took plq ce "t the_ Rumford, Maine Grammar Schobls. After he ,, ' got out (l)f gramm-:t:r , scHoo,1 , (he 1went to wp_rk ~oing va l'~ iou~ jobs. Tl,en ne , got i e. •l\ilady job ' in a lumb q1/qg camp in Capa"' U Oenter. · A few yefll'S later, \n 1929 •' Mr. Therrii 9.ul~ met a '1 £1'.dy whose nf¥!1~ wa s M:-1.ry ~utler, in Leba non , New Ha mpslri, re. 'One ye qr · b ter, ~in 1930 1 they were marrted . Leb apon , I~ in 1 l' 1 1 The Therr,i"'--ults have two J l boys, Nelaon 9.tid Cl 0 renco. I \ ' Cl ~rence was b~rn in 1 L8b~ (Conti'nued: rt ht colµrnn ~r~ Stuart :Petrie,a fotmer master here, is moving to Washington State. Marge Ritchie visited ~he school ' .dl.u::.i.ng;__Q.fil...·...,.._...,1r.....,.'""""'-------~ J
JEWELER , "'v f I 1 , l LEBANON, NElfif,·, -HAMPSHIRE .
l~w ....Jierrtr,ul t
vk.s born i,n s,_loru ·, , ivla ~s ~chus $t t :;3 1 _1\118.y 16·, 1937 \ t 1 tne Sa lem tlos':'" pi t ,~.l'. Dick li vea. iii Salem untiL lki WP.G re1:1dy for s ,c 1rool, fl,t w~~ich time he er.tered t h e 1 Se.' int Jmne's School i:n ' .::if:.lem for . t .n~
- til-1946.~n tbat ye e;r:,
when , Ca rdig n ope11ed, he got a job wo~~ing ~ '- be~e a s j a ni~ tor. H:$.s Job wa s to do cl,e 9ni ng work, ' paj.nt:l:c:B;, e.11d \'rep ,4 ring; w_ork around t1ie sohool; b~t these jobs were ijt1,st off ':lr.d cm t 'oo. In i947 l'le we.s atked to work ste ,,_dy, ar.d' he did.he h ~s be~n here for five y E;Ja rs. liis hobby is p ':l.inting and e. nd. ' he ltkes to hurit I
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New lfampshite
Gh0eve; 152
:. i~e:j.son, ~ne of Mr.Tb.er~. ,t'aul v:' s s,,_ons how 'Lias a job \ · worldn~ ~n tlw 1ti t ben on first gr ':1.de. Sa v.u:i::de.ys i:tr.d othe•r d::,_ys From tl1ere 1 J;)ick,1s'l'f A.rnily . tn th'e wee~. 'Cl a rence',. his mo,v ed to West 1,.id,w9.y where otll.e:r· son, used to be the he ,,_tt a:id;. e,\l lY1,1blic achool.. night w9. tcI1m2n. Aft or completing hi:3 sec.., · ' By J':11l1es · Hewett 1 54 cn:id ye qr '1. t V.l eGt iVi:i,dwny·~ Di ck moved ,back to S:1lem Dick a:pent one summer _ at · wb:er·e he at t e·nded. the <:-. d a y ,Ce.mp , nd tw~ su.mm0r s third through fifth drr.d~s.. "' t.. C,?l!lp t;ood ; i'Je~~s Olj- Cq,pe 1 1 • JProm , t.1ere Dibkthe n Obd •. • , 1., ,1 /,· ,r 1 • I . · -n c 2.me to O;:,rdigl=l,l'.\ fo,r , tl+e ~ .LJi ck' s hobby is stamp' sixth ,tl~rough 11int+1. g:r-l:i.d:!3.S,., C'!lllectin~ ?-r+d his , f avor- ' , .Afte:r nnisning out \(.J.e_ ite 9port~ R.re: , Fockey, ni n th gre.de <1.t Ca rd.i.~en~ ba seball, aµil tootball. Di 1ck is goi r~g to--1 1;1.µit,-ali_ Dick's mother a nd protlil,~1 ' Unio:p. Jl,Ca demy. From there ~:r Jol.µ1 (wno spent · four Di ck is not sure, a:(' t he years P_t C"'..rdig".ln) lived in \ coll ego he would ' like' to 0 :3.naa n 2.t Jiernwood Fa rm.s _t to nd. which Di ck' s fat11er owns . ,d uring t.t1e, win{er of 19~9-,
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f:ish ~-.lso.
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2nd ~n, jobs in lumber c :unps a nd other pl a.cE;Js un-
CON. ·50LlDAT to ·~ I
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Nelson w,,_§ born in,, ' (in 193 6• ' O~n ~an 11 C~nte~ ,
.Ri chCJ,rd
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~f~~r being ' postponed /J i two co, '· A..,-.Lumm:,I ifivee~ed,.:i· ~ ,.w0s
fin ~ iiy C8.rtcel1ed ,O!he r ,eason ~on,±y a few ' could comE,J.
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~.Q~l$~.-I:_:-!i:-: ' ..~~-m~M . B~ER_~-:::-7-----_:._--PA-:-G~E-,-:).-3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JUN_ i_E_l_95-2 r
used I to it., you. miss, ,·it\ after it'':! all ov1er."
which is very essentialI as portant thing I like about far as I can seE;;• \ cJrdigan is the spirit it Cardigari also has a much j I / possesses, the idea behind John i J5yrnes·~-gr'3-_de · 9 _-) better academic standing 1 it all. This idea is to as I have fourtd out from provide a boy 'w ith a worth"Cardigan Mountain other boys from public while education with which School is a small school •chools: This is essential h~ can go out and ' face the which means a much better for other preparatory rworld in later life. · academic life• , Cardigan _, schools ang colleges." School is not 1 all classgives me what .I would rav- ' Davia ..Oneever_.·· ·grade 9 room work. I like the maner get in any public 1 ·ual t 0 1ainiiig program which - school. ' "At waterfront the boys is just another name for Wi trl. less boys a:r;i.d more' take . out the a chool can-- . the shop courses. masters, Cardiga~ can gfve 9es, sailboats, and rowI like the evening act- ' each and overy boy all the boats. Some of the b-oys ivity ~regram. The - fine individual r help need~ find scrap lumber and eduoational -: movies which build huts by the lakei are sh&wn de mucry to en1¾1IY, I LIKE CARDIGAN They find driftwood from rich the classroom knew· coNTINUED FROM PAvE s - the lake and get nails and ledge with · supplementcyy shingles and work .f or the ma. terial. 11 erv1s1.•n of Mr.- Stowe a.re whole afternoon, This goes Warrert D. Huse grade 9 nice• The'y I give you a on • for abou.t a month a.n.d 11 During th.a ,da.y,-tne.0stu-et chance to learnI how• to pretty good huts are ob... . dance and also how to get tained. They are warm in dent comes in close ooniaa:t.; acquainted with. people.The ~inter and can be used as , n with all the masters in 'the school store is an advanwarming huts when the boys classrooms or the playing tage and gives you get cold. 11 fields. a chance to _get, candy bars Jon Colt grade 9 This relaxed-- blt respect.;. and • all your school supful relationship between 11 plies. The infirma.ry,whioh Have yo\l .ever rison in lllfl.ster am studen.t1 adds the is next to the .Clark's ap• the morning and found the small oomm~nity feeling to artment gives the advansunlig:P,t streaming through the atmosphere. tage , of more attentiori your window and at your The rugged country side br;akfast table a piping when you're sick because is perfect for hikes with you are ·cloSBr to where hot meal wa Lting for y~u, its woods and mountaiµs.Out .you can get attention. to qevour it so that it back there is a lake to The gym holds a position may be converted into goo~ S¥Am in,skate and sail on, • I I / in my liking. I learned to useful energy, so you may and also footbaU;and -b0:sapunch the punc~ing bags,in do your day's work? 11Well, 11 ball :etolm.. Nearby is a sld if , you , haven't, you will a small way• • and enjoy it slope." very much. The rifle range at Cardigan. Byron Koh ~rade 9 isn't just a plaoe to If you wa~t ' a. strong shoot a g,un but it is a mind and a strong. body, place to work for certif- you'll , g~t it here, If icat~s and medals in the you're not sure that you National Rifle Association oan get ,a job in the outI I liked the run around the side world,you will get- it at ;•Qardigan, 1 that is, the lake greatly because I Furniahings 1 have ' always liked running training for the f'uture Cloth1in-g, 1 ' and it gave I me a chance to that lies ahead.• 11 '·· '" Footwear 1, see what time I' could do. Barry ijarlow grade .9i ' 8,a iling .is 1 t},~ last but · Lebanon, New Hampshire the mo~:t im.!. ,( oont.-,- on page l'b .
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VOLlfrliE,. II . NV]1_,_/jB_ .E_R....,'._7_i_1 __,___,_ _ _ _ _ • __ . .... , P_A.,...G __E_l_ '4__._=.,.............,_________, ____ \ _JUNE ' 1952 MR., ?EHS , TEACHES CHEEVER •F).Sf~ACHUSETTS BO¥' J ilffi. FORET C,OMPLETES <FIRST H+STORY, GEOGRAPidY AT CARDIG,A;:T FOUR ' YEARS YEAR JSJ CA~DIGAN 1 '\
y ,
Mr, r Richarl\1 ,Bens was Beitter k:pown ' 10.s "Cheese.-, , , ~~r~ , Gu'sto.ve A, ,F oret,who born ~n Qu,incy, Ma.osachu.it 1 ,, nround d.ardigo.n,Do.ve teaches music here a.t setts, on January ' 29,l92~0 Cheever' wo.s born o.t God.;. •t Ca.rdigan,was born in 1-Iuran, He · has ·tvrn °?rot1her's1 and ,, dar? Hpspi t.al, ~oston , . I Austria, 1He \vent to the one sister~ , ' , ' , Mo.ssachusetts on January Vie~ha '. Higlf Sehool,While ~ ' His educ,~t:i,on ' tobk place_/; 20, 1938, , 1 1 . he was ihere •he -learned to 1at the Rando;l.ph, Maosachu_~ He came to 1 Co.rdigo.n'' s / play the violin and pia~o, ' I Later he played ,a. t the setts . , pub1ic and , , high s:i.~th gro.de froth Nor:rnll schools, , After gro.duq t'.ing ' (Ho.soo.chusetts) Public Vienna State Conserv~tory, i ' from higri' schooi, Mr., "Bens School o.t :vV:hich h~ attend- · in 1an·9rqh~stra , in Berga.rd, went , to Boston University. 1I ed the se'cond • through Jugos ia.'l[ia.', Vienn,a ,SY,mph~n- · At ao).lege , he was treas- ·,11 f ourth grudes. His first 1 ie ,aha many other 1orchesurer o~ ~is fr~ter,nity, grade educ4ti on wo.s comtras, v ' Kappa De1ta Phi. , ) , pleted at the Derby Acb.d.Mr,. Foret first, ca.me to Befo1r e going , to 100).l~ge, 4 emy i:n Hingham', Mo.sso.chu-, the Uc, S, in 1 19 23-, Then he . lib·, Bens 1i1ent , i .nto the ·settso ' ,-, f ~veril' back and forth 1:1,cross the Aila.ntic Ocean se ven-lte01:µ rbifes • ·He liv'ed three C ,yea.rs in Washington State,, • ' I I , "' anq ~n New, Yor]".: City for a, he, ,t ra;i.ned fr~m , y~nu~ry ?'.():,'}~.· ii!hi 10, ,He ·was in the army l94i3 until Juiy '1913/1.'hen ,, : ,. , 1,- ,., ,.. i a.t the end , of the First he was shipped dbwnl - to 11 Georgia '· wh E;J:re h e re·c ei've d Wo-rld W~r. . He _plays ,the Viola in more training,at the / ./l,t\ I lanta , ,Ordi:ne,nd~ Depot,it ... ~he Vermont Symphony, ' He 'I ' also plays ,i n H?,nover, New lanta, Geor,gia f · from Ju~y Hampshire. " , toi September ,1943. Then ~e , Mr. Foret is ~rried ,His wa~ shipped to England and wife wa:;i, born , in ._Jugosl.a.v,served about two , and thre~ quartar yea.rs• •. ' • Do. ve I s shared interest ia, 11 ..\ I Befor'e ' o6mi:hg • to · Car:di .. '', iµ printing with, Vfo.rr~n ) By Da vi ,d Box,, 1 55 gan to teb.c~, M~. ~ens ,Huse ho.s ino.de ,· o. useful to.ugh't; h,i stc>ry I 1and geoghobby. An intepest _in tte . raphy in the ·Randolph' Pub'[110.king, mb.intenance, and mo,1e to }Jew Jersey11this lie ..Sohool~, Also~ a;no-t her ' ppera:~:i:ng a car mo.kes up , yao. r , o.~~ Dave . will o.tten~ . job before 1com:Lng he.re was , ,a.nothf 1; hobbv , . publ ic schfuol tl';teire,. at ' ,Agassiz 1yillo.,ge in Oi- ·' , , r ~ any disputes , o.t<i,s e Although keenly :tnter1' I ford i11Io .~ne,. There he workover the mo.ke of o. uar,~ ested in ' printin g he be- [ ' ed 'for two ~tllllillers. Do.ve usuo..lj.y ho.s the lo.st lieves he ,wa.nts to enter "' Here at Cil. rdiga11 Ivir,B~ns ,, 1 o.nd S\Jpreme word as to the adverti5ing1 field, • 1 , , I terrches ·histor.y' , to the the mp.ke of it, 0, ' ,Da.ve · co.;n be besi:i dis- , ·1 1 ' seventh" and ninth gr'o.aes·, Dave Is fa.vori te subject cribed in 10.1 bi't of do.rdinnd geography to the fift~ ' is Englishe 'ga n._ s lo.ng a.s · be i~g o. sixth~ ' seventh, o.nd eighth. Tl).e C·heevers' plo.:q t0 J1hacker 11 ·or · a. person ·who ,\ Whien a'sked what he has ( co'n I t on next CQ J:mn) · 1 like,s fun,' • · ',.., , ,' r learned from: bei:ffg'• a masget. , ra6.1"'riod Augu~t i~, Do.ve ho.s o.n older sister ter1 a~ 1 Co.rdigo.~~Mr, ' Bet\s 1952~.;,!;o M~Gb ~1li?h' l}lliO!l"CW-l1lr ' ~sixteen I o.nd two y oung~ * said 1I J have learned tho.tI The wedd,ing V.'ill 1 , to.ke . ones who a.re nine n;nd four. the boys ho.ve reasons fQr place , in West Roxbur~ From~ the knpwl e.dge tho. t i,s things they a-ot" , ,· , Mo.sso.chusetts. ' ~xperienc~ he advises 1 Mr. Bens io plo.nnine;; to 1 I qth,.~r ' brothers - "n~t · to • "<' \ (Con I t Qn ne X-t' 001 umn ).; \ ' Jo.ill~ S .'. F[~·wtt·t --~ '54: ' wish /or more . sil?1iers\'1 . ' I I - , ,c \1 ~?yron Koh '52
1~}I?~J;, ,i;= i~:ti:~:~r~~;~ ~:~; :;:{ttlti~;1;t;, {P:\.':(~ i-r/\'\.t:;f(} \'~,_;:}.'\
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fr:,·ge 'Ii · JONE 1952 . BLACK IJOG 11!! s.;;r N'-G'"-·"'_,....,.____~...L~A-c""'.K~D~O!"'.:G,.,....,..,,,C,...o_n...,,1""'·r-1u-e~"----
belqp ge.a as a pup to a Ca rd.~g r:.n I s unoff) ci~l 1 1 m:1scot zy.owr. to every stu--· youhg rp,an in lif_nover ~ Th,e 1 ~r. B;ollenbeck: s. 1 ce de n t, f ,:,, culty meipber, r:nd ' lll !:J.f1, eritered tne arme.d. serhou3e, _l{:)cated o:n danaap a lu~:41J, du1'b e:d'1.~ l a ck; ,Dog'' , •vi ceo ~.nd gave t.ie deg to Street LB.fe, t3 belng di3 ... \ a mixed Er.glisr1 setter· 2.nd 1 a ' farm~r in ,West Leb e,non, , 11 Bl1.ckie' 1 as mantled. 1 , a Collie ~log, ,, h 0 s niy~ter..: who u.sed ' ~ ' The competiti • 'i1 9f ele~ •\ouJlY. di ,mppe ored. The , cattle q.og ~ ' It wc:, s, i.n Wes tr LebP-non trio refrig'l3rators -and the owner be+ieve3 t a,?.t 11 l3l !jtclc... 1 1 fact "tha!t t he H~l].en,beck::i I i e II wn.s s trti.ck by ::i:n <J.U to'; · tha t LSkipper ' wa s nit by ei, car, prol:Jnbly smB.snng 3003 have entered the mob~le, the motorist not 'r4s -~p. ·-' irbis e:x:ple.~ns Armed Sel'vices 13.re I the botheri ng to qtop. Mrs. 'I Skip 1 s often noticeable causes for its being torn ' Colburn hf'\ 3 M t see n , th'e 11 dQwn. The job is ·being dog s i 11ce Febru:u•y 29,19~1 linw,. However, , Bla:cldin do ne 'by ivlr,A Hollenbeck, . 11 B1Pck Dog 11 was quite a ·s ti 1 i mana ged t·o 'run a t '3. 1 1 good p z.> ce when tearing , Thi~ i ,c e· ~ouse i G loQat 1 , blg dog, bl a.e>k .e xcept for after the st ~tion wagon ed ~t the end of the cove a . bl e ze 0f wlli te ~n his tha t formo the b crund r-i.riea c)les;. ~Ae dqg~.a ~ature , lo aded with boys, r 'l'he ,Col burns, w..-i.o were ·f or Cardig1rn I a, ,f ,l eet away1, wa s 1v e ry ge ri tle , A.nd n.ffecthe 'owners befo r e the dog from tne doelc / The , b,oys , tionnte to everybody but 11 always I hea4 towar4 tt, especially ,tci young people: dii;iei_ppea:red,s:,,y , '1Skip wc:_s ' wnile fi'sning andi c a tcning about ten yeRrs old. In t h e E:''1.rly ye a rs 'o f 11 Ski pp13r 11 rn1d a very crawfi-0h, frogo, eic., ·in ' Ca~dig0.n 1 '. t.Je dog ' lm.d a t he- canoes and,, boa tci. , strong attachment to Cardsecond 1.ome i 1·, t.iie" Wed.ru@' When ' their , 3one went ·inHou9e-, ' a form er dorm,i tory. igan and was a very vigi- , 1 2.nt wa_tch d,og 1, · 1 Just beto the se l1'Vi ce , it made t 111e ,. tiere the boy~ ' would feed 1 ,route longer 'for · 1 Vir.• .tlol'l.'... frJre his di s appe a rance• r-,1) d amuggle t lle d og into 1 I 11 ' e nbeck: ' 11Bbckia told meter zr:an the houoe. Even througl1 ~ne Hollenpecks, who , had ,inn~ uncert ~in terms t~ ' 1;1 ..'i ye ~t r □ , then tni s prac' r been in the i~e busines~ g .o! ' tice I outl .,wed in ' ' in' Danbury, built the ice •!Vlrs. Qolburu tells a 'B.ttempt to discou.mge 11 story exemplifying the hou2e ~fn \935.A large part Sk~p,11 Hie dog s ~i ll'i flad of t ne lumber I oe.me from 1 e, strong att 8.chmen t to , the ' dog I s affe-ctL~nate nature: ,, ! ' t I / A y<!>ung l c1dy about ten ' the former Cana an Grist Gchol!ll , 1.n:l _spent almost Mi 11 •. Since tha t r' lime di fyea rs. old who spent -last all 9f his ,time iier,e , \ ferent additions have been Mr. 11 Ted 11 Pe a cP r a f or- summer 1:m Can~;::,.n Str.eet became very attaoh~d t\, made. mer e ssis~ript neadmaster , ltBlackie 11 and ''Blackie" to Ice • is u13uallY cut by ta,s s:umed resp-.; n sibili ty 011 he~. M:rs, volburn says sh,e tne tlollenbecks during the 1 v,er "Black, a nd br ~ught school's C!1r~stm3.s• vaca-+ Christmas Card I hi!ll back to the Colburns1 received 1 fo r 11 Black D(')g 11 from 1her ' ti~n. Howeyer, ' for the severP,l stormy nig.t1t s, for e.nd tlle · girl ta mother past two years none 4c1,s the dog WO'Uld sleep oh, the , wrote thPt ,sne mentioned b~e n cut, The bot'tom ,ice lodge porch, , ' tr ' 11 Bl=1.ckie 11 ' kept , t11rough these ye ars, her prayers. II Skipper' II ,\,,bi ch was tbe ,I t h e · demand no1t l bei r,g great dog's origin~l name (put ,B B ~on ' Kr.,h 1 2enough fo:r,:Jmt,rl:) t 'o be cut. was C'.ll led by ;111,, tr,e preFt ' i's · tnterestlp g ' to H[GHLIGHTS ceed'.i ng n<"' mes by t '1le l boys) I ) " note that cutting ice Qe~ Senior's Viewpoiut Pg;2 fore coming to C·~_naan, Mr, ' ' ICE COlV/PAl~ (Ccntinued) o~mmenoemen t Progr9ID Pg.2 Hollenqeck ~nde a saw out Ccrpmer;eem,e nt Lur:ichem P,g.3 pGses. I I 1 I Why I like• Cardigan fg. 6 ' of a m~torcycle,~ The rear ~rt Hollenbeck is now wneel wqs r,eplace~ by a Notes Pg 9 Card,j:~ an I s ni&ht wa t phman. 1 Al1.lIIln1 1 , 1 saw, , the m9tr,rcycJe beir;ig , , My Teach; :rs I mounted on a 'sled . for con-r ' · Yv1IY I LIKE CARDI GAN IS , , , / > \ :reniance \n cutting pu~CONCLUDED~~ PAGE t~ INSTE OF THIS PAGE, ,. 1 \ I
,, t
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P~l. ,
,\ .
VQIJTME II, NUMBEE 7 FIRST OVEBNI~HT HIKE OF SEASON GOES TO HUSE 1 S QAiv!P Spr~ng f~nally'•' rea ched Card;i.gun when Mr. He ,:,.gy t ook l11e first oveniight hike of t4e se<1e on t o1 \farren Huse I s camp ·in Sanb :.:, rn, ton, New .Hamp.shire, on Saturd0.y and S1+nd~1y • Mey 10 '?.nd 11 ~ When the hikers g J t out of the school beachwag on -"' nd Mr. Sh.q_rp'1e sta ti on wag on' and started up the old r'.)ad tJ the c,1mp, on f oo t, they beheld the encouraging sight ' of Mr'. Huse 1 s army truck awa iting them up the road. They put their p a ck:s in the pack and r ode the rest of \M ,way to ,the camp with Mr. Hu.i~.
);;AGE J 6
,IIWE ., 1 952 MRS. Ti\.LBOT NE'vi SECitETARY
Mi ss1 1J )r-Jthy Emers •.cn wa s b a r~ in Littlet )n, New Hampshire.After gradu ~ting fr J m high sch))l she began I . te 2chi ng. ;,;hile te ".ching, M:i,ss Emers on becqme interested ' l n.ngur' ge tr<.'"·irl.ing be ca-q,se one 0f her pupils wa.s a mirr or writer.~ mi.rr 1r , writer is one who writes with hl,.s left ha nd and ~nitea in the oppo site directi on fr )m J ther pe Jple. .After tea ching f Jr ~while, Miss Emers on t 0ok zecret B.ri e.l j obs in v a ri·, ou~ offices.~be also :wo.-k-; ed as a b ool!lce up or in a h otel in Florida .She w::i rk-,. ed for a newspaper m Lake"."' wood, New Hampshire, a s a ) o okke eper 'lnd typi st • Mi:=;s Emers on decided to g o ba ck · to I teaching and went t o the Keene Teachers C~llege. ~he then g ot sev~ er al tea ching jobs and ' went to C,J iumbi a University 0 While at C::ilumbi a ~.be ~ ot %·~-';' r.s offiBe a,dmin~· _
The ·camp wa s ab o-ut wrf ... way completed and work was being cl'l.rried :m by I Warren a nd his f a ther 'while the hikers were 't~re.Inside the h ::iu.se, ~eal s, ,,whl,. ch were prepi:red'. by Mr.Hee.gy, on the wood s1 ove, were served f '.)r every one. On · Saturday night, when ~he ~ oys were preparing their sleeping bags , the -a nn ouncement wa s made . the. t , Mr·. ' Huse had pur.... cha sed s ome Pepsi - Cola, a nd ro ct beer for the b ~ys t o drink. These were served at tha t time and on Sunday morning. When everyone aw o~e on _ Sunday morning, ' a sl 0w drizzle of rain ~t a rte~ which continued all day, but d:i,d._n I t hamper acti vi ti es to any great exte n t. After breakfast a few of the group went down ' to ;-_ brook to get water.Af,t er returning, they acc ompanied Mr. Huse in r~-
moving a large boulder which wa s in ihe r or,d. This hsving been done with the truck, they were shown a sm~ll ce~etery where the man -who superVised the building of the Hoosi c Tunnel ,. is buried, b~fore returning to camp. The b ~ys who went on th1~ hike were:Jimmie ,Turley, IV8rren Huse,· David Cheever, Kenneth Gilbert, P a t Finney, Philip Sharp, ·, foody $ullow,,._y, ' Jon Colt; J aT.k Prescott, David Hel~~ shadter, All nn tllis, Fred Br ndb-q;ry, , ..,,ilUrun Shar:Q and. Lamar Forte. J3y J on Colt '52 ·.
iVlrs. ~th1 T::,lbo~ is the scl+o; l 1 s new secreta ry. She w~s b J rn in Ha n0ver, New Hampsni re~ She !'c t tended tne c~na,::m gn.de schJ ol and C£>.na ,m .High Sc4 J oL In high sch:n l she t ;cJk a e ornmerci al c ')Urse. She wa s gradua ted in 1942. In 1944 ,Ruth got married t o Laurence Tn lb 0t. They h ':l.ve one s c, n n <i_med '1h lli -·:.m wh o is in the sec ; nd grqd a Mr. TP.lb ; t is "'- farmer. L " st f a ll he c8Ille up t .:i the a cho ) 1 q,nd cut the hay on the fo o t~ELll ':l.nd , a se~ b?.11 fields. By David ~ ~x
55 ,
istra. tor a t · the .lj'ieldst on Sch:)01. After receiving her degree a t -Colurnbi R,she ·becaI!le a teache r a t the Fieldst Jn Sch,:, ol. ~ring summe-rs she worked in summer s ch.J o 1 s : at Philips-Andover Acad emy, Sn.int Ge -J rge 1 s, and the vfo odstoclc tountry Schooill. -All the ti me she wa s lo oking t or a sch0o l wh ere she c ould specialize in Lang\l-"'.ge Tr~ ning. Two summers ago, while Miss Emers on was :inHqwa ii. 'she received word fr om !V,r. Cln.rk -whom she had kn ,)wn previ ·:)Usly, thq t he wa s g Jing t o be hi ~dmster of a sch ool, and he wa s ,w.; nd!.er• i ng if whe wanted to mme t o Cardigan to -teach La~ gunge trnining.She t liought it would be an opportunity t 0 get out of New York City, and so ahe accepted, Miss ~mers on 1 s h obby is painttng.She also sings in a choir .in Hanover. By J am~s Hewett - 1 54 1
_y_V:::,,O#LU~l~v11iI,-!!.....a!I:..i:I--a,,_i!ij,NU~l~vill~E=='R.!:.'... '7_______~__....PAG;f;
lf you've
_ _ _ __,,..,,.,.,
heard cf Cardigan and the f a ~uJty h~re . ~he~' y ou kn :;w ·;:ha t .,, lot of t_hem are mt rshty qul\}er. Some· are stt.1.p\ d; others bright, :a,,.t· one l oo~ at any of ·~1:J.em will ~ause y bu f::ight !
We I ve g .) t an)ther ma ster w:ru se n ?.me is Bena. It's t h e J.ncient hi.st J ry cl '.,ss he tends . He kn ,, 2w. s his ru.st Jry; tha t , y Ju ca n trust, , But when' it c omes to , pol~ti cs ;he tre a d~ it in the 1 dust,.
, I
Now we ~ave a master named D~:ina id St owe; I've s ometimes he ,ard he's jua.t a big bl ow, He teaches algebra and lot!§ of roatl~But you better be careful n ot t o get ip his p~th.
The ' local preacher
Sharp, .
Who · goes around lecturing and playing hi~ ,harp, ln ethics class/ ~e's quite · 'the man...: He even brings in his s t·ereo- opttcartl
Deftr Mr. H~e.gy 1 H~ij assist- J a nt b oss, .-, '. At time s , he
S!:)Sffif4 ~.::J be quit~ cross. Hi s :illngli sh ?.n~ ,, tr~ar , are A.lways right, · Alt h ough ~ :pupi:,,l s\ e.r en.i t e o bright. · -~,
Mr. Clark ~
is tl;ie head Jf I tb'.e trib~.• \ +s ever . re ,';l,dy to accept a
bribeF )ur b02ver akins
11·A 11
Wi J.l get y :i'tj., But t hen the, Il)ark sheet I s sure to c~tch y :iu. I 7
Mr. Wakely exbells in the Latin t , ng,.l~-, I But s omet.:l.mes he say;; hl;l 111 bur~t a lung •. The . angels of ' gr9.des both eight And nine, Are just enough\ to, break his spine. \
1 ivii ss Emers on instructs rem- edi q,l reading i . 1 . Thougi-1. s ?me b '.)ys I marks · can be m:i.sleading. TI1ey wc rk a s' hard as har~ can be, But still they p~ver ,~e set free
Mr. Nyhus
teaches sc~enqe- _
and sh.)p,
His , classes _almost
him dr.::Jp. But i ~ the midst :i f' fire a nd clamor, Mrt Nynus shouts, "Don't bre e..k that h':lIO!Iled I~
Cl a ncy t ops this Ust of guys, You ought · t o taste his 1 pu.nkin I pies, As d oct or he is deemed the best ar ound, ~l though m.s pfl..tients :rest under :n u ndl
.l ,
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'1-r 1
.Juffit-- ffi5~
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• .• , r 1
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.. 1
Ufl[) ;' S(}H,OQL ,
As th s fins. issue of . He·a.rd .Arohwi School is . wl"itten• examination$ a.rq almost ,over and the long awaited 'oanoo trip is ~ot very far a.way. The 1oavcs are out- on the tr~es a.long the st~eet , ana 1 lil~cs ~re I I in bloom around thq' loagc. Su:rmne'r ha::: oomc to Cardigan. , May 20 tho photographer ca.mo to photograph , the stua·c mts. and fo.oul ty • r May 27 ho oamc •~gain and took mo~c pictures of tho I., faculty and somo of tho soniol's• Cle.n-oy' has· a new oar- , a }
groon four-door - 1947 Ply• ·mouth.
Ncw1all, m0vios ., uro . shown in tho ,billroom· _'and it is tho . si~o of p~od~ction ~or i:vir C· Waka ly' ~ ,Puli tzar I Pr:i!zo ,,·,inning plo.yn • Y~u muy rocall that last Commencomo.ntt's~ 1ssuo of tho ' Crironio..lo ,\[as ~ bit~ la to I duo to produqtion · r problems• , As wo ' g~ to prons on this issue ~uring the last ·few days of ' W1o.y vie ure , keeping our- fingers .' crossed tho.t everything I 1 will turn out a.s expected. Cardigan has , held tw'o ,fire drills thts , spri'.Q,g°; one durling a' fue.0 .l, the , 1 I other uft?r l i ghts out.' , Mosquitoes arrived
' (
FIF I El [). ,s 1 ,.
rurnishings, Clothi:ng,. Fo~tweo.r,
Lebuno~, ' N01,v Hampshire, · /
f '
' I
' H~ve du:ti)ilg ' the sum':'· 1 ner. · MANUSCRIPT MISSING , The conelusion of kthe eor:i.p~sition by, John MoFJv,un ., on "Vv'b:y, I like1 Cardigan" is no~ printed ;1.n this spuee _ t beouuse the editorial .eopy has been ' lost. At the time this ' 1 page ,,;10.s prinJted 1 speed I was a nece is sity and Mr. Hini:no.n could not 'te o~tac't;~d to procure the erigino.l. , Therefore it is ,impossible to conclude\ the ~t i ,cle 'o.t , this time, p
Hoagys' are ~he CJtimors of u ,rogis ...
in time to bother the boys during exams und study ha.Ilse One, 00.use mo.y be tGred .German Shophord pub• - 'that, we , have ' had o. rn;iny' PY• Thoy 1 vo'' ,zw.m9d him ' spring. 1 Prinz. The' piotur•·s of the ~~ May ~3 . the stu9y -hal~ iorvs for this issue were mowd ,up stairs to t00 done by Pµt Finney~ _ puvid d'ii;l. newly rodocor£ttod bailroon. , I Fox and Larry t1oore ' "I
The proud
most o the mime~gro.p 1 n g , Jotp, Heiser did, the ty.. .
I ,'
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