MIKE CHOUKAS ON SPORTS Up to this point, with the winter athlet4cs, the combined record of all of Cardigan's teams is 22-14-1 on the year. The Hockey teams opened their schedules on Jan. 10th for the Varsity and January l3th for the Reserve. The first game was won by Cardigan as our Varsity beat Holderness 3-2 in a sudden death overtime. The goals were scored by Jon Fuller, Bill Barrett, and Jim Auchi ncJ oss. The following Wednesday we played home again against Eaglebrook. We ran into a fine, hustling, Hockey team and were dumped for a three-nothing loss. Sean Hogan has been impressive in the nets for the big Cougar squad. Following the Varsity-Eaglebrook game the Reserves met the baby Eagles. It was a close game, with Eaglebrook again coming out on top. Cardigan's goals were scored by Brian Hatchir and Sheldon Caplan. Saturday, the Ski Team opens their season so with the two Hockey squads and the Ski meets, there should be plenty of games on campus. Come out and support your teams!! Please. Late scores: Hockey Holderness 2 C.M.S. 0 Concord 7 C.M.S. Reserves Eaglebrook 2 C.M.S. 0 KUA 13 C.M •.S. 3 Skiing CMS skiers 192.7 over Holderness 137.2. NEWS AROUND C.M.S. Cardigan's Annual Parents' Weekend is scheduled for January 31st. In past years parental response to this event has been excellent. We hope that this year everyone will enjoy themselves once again~ It is a pleasure to report that Mrs. Yaggy is back at home and is making a remarkable recovery from injuries
she suffered in an auto accident this fall. Other good news for the Yaggys concerns Mr. Yaggy who will be leaving us next year to become Headmaster at the Friends School in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. We 1 re all sad to lose the Yaggys, but we do wish them the best of luck. Mrs. Rouillard gave birth Friday to a daughter, Wendy, at Mary Hitchcock Hospital. Word is that Kent Rouillard is very anxious to have his sister home. An African trio appeared in the Chapel Sunday, January 25, and presented a ' program of song, dance, fables, and African ·sayings to an interested student body. . Ninth grade English students recently began the first of two terms of elective courses. Next term the eighth grade will join the ninth grade in this program. A perennial topic, haircuts was discussed at a recent senior meeting. A proposed student committee will come forth with suggestions concerning hair and Cardigan. Recently several dorms have been off campus for ski trips. (Not the buildings, their inhabitants) In addition both Clancy Mtn. and the ice palace have been available to speci a 1 groups. The library has instituted a pro:gram to encourage non goers to use its facilities, while at the same time fimiting former 11 ful l time residents 11 admission. Mr. Finkbeiner is in the hospital for a complete physical check up, which we hope proves that everything is fine. Mr. English was on campus Jan. 24, and still has his fire light. Charlie Link is the new Mr. Lost and Found.