MIKE CHOUKAS ON SPORTS Up to this point, with the winter athlet4cs, the combined record of all of Cardigan's teams is 22-14-1 on the year. The Hockey teams opened their schedules on Jan. 10th for the Varsity and January l3th for the Reserve. The first game was won by Cardigan as our Varsity beat Holderness 3-2 in a sudden death overtime. The goals were scored by Jon Fuller, Bill Barrett, and Jim Auchi ncJ oss. The following Wednesday we played home again against Eaglebrook. We ran into a fine, hustling, Hockey team and were dumped for a three-nothing loss. Sean Hogan has been impressive in the nets for the big Cougar squad. Following the Varsity-Eaglebrook game the Reserves met the baby Eagles. It was a close game, with Eaglebrook again coming out on top. Cardigan's goals were scored by Brian Hatchir and Sheldon Caplan. Saturday, the Ski Team opens their season so with the two Hockey squads and the Ski meets, there should be plenty of games on campus. Come out and support your teams!! Please. Late scores: Hockey Holderness 2 C.M.S. 0 Concord 7 C.M.S. Reserves Eaglebrook 2 C.M.S. 0 KUA 13 C.M •.S. 3 Skiing CMS skiers 192.7 over Holderness 137.2. NEWS AROUND C.M.S. Cardigan's Annual Parents' Weekend is scheduled for January 31st. In past years parental response to this event has been excellent. We hope that this year everyone will enjoy themselves once again~ It is a pleasure to report that Mrs. Yaggy is back at home and is making a remarkable recovery from injuries
she suffered in an auto accident this fall. Other good news for the Yaggys concerns Mr. Yaggy who will be leaving us next year to become Headmaster at the Friends School in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. We 1 re all sad to lose the Yaggys, but we do wish them the best of luck. Mrs. Rouillard gave birth Friday to a daughter, Wendy, at Mary Hitchcock Hospital. Word is that Kent Rouillard is very anxious to have his sister home. An African trio appeared in the Chapel Sunday, January 25, and presented a ' program of song, dance, fables, and African ·sayings to an interested student body. . Ninth grade English students recently began the first of two terms of elective courses. Next term the eighth grade will join the ninth grade in this program. A perennial topic, haircuts was discussed at a recent senior meeting. A proposed student committee will come forth with suggestions concerning hair and Cardigan. Recently several dorms have been off campus for ski trips. (Not the buildings, their inhabitants) In addition both Clancy Mtn. and the ice palace have been available to speci a 1 groups. The library has instituted a pro:gram to encourage non goers to use its facilities, while at the same time fimiting former 11 ful l time residents 11 admission. Mr. Finkbeiner is in the hospital for a complete physical check up, which we hope proves that everything is fine. Mr. English was on campus Jan. 24, and still has his fire light. Charlie Link is the new Mr. Lost and Found.
Page 2 NEWS AROUND C.M.S (Cont'd) Tom Flavin's table #22 has been cut every meal for seven weeks,· a record maybe? Many of the masters have lady barbers. The freeze has lifted and everyone with the possible exception of the hockey- players, is smiling. In 1970 good slips are behind bad slips by a 5 to 1 margin. Since nobody seems to have any work to do in supervised, maybe the masters should increase assignments to "fill the gap' '• What have you done recently to make yourself and consequently everyone else a bit happier? WOULD YOU BELIEVE ••• ••• C.M.S. is going to the dogs, at last count there were 26 and all returns are not in as of yet. ••• Lou ·Mercer is ·s chool leader. ••• The soft drinks in the machines contains cyclamates • ••• The pine tree in the middle of the quadrangle is not real. ••• Cardigan Mountain School may sink into Canaan Street late in the near future, reports Jeanne Dixon, the astrologer who predicted Mortimer Snerd's death in 1968. ••• Mr. Bou1ay 1 s V.W. is an emergency bomb she 1ter • ••• The last movie was rated X. REMEMBER WHEN ••• ••• you got your first haircut at C.M.S. ••• you first walked into the dining room. ••• the electricity went off. ••• Tom Mcclintock visited Jupiter. o • • Andy Worthington blew up. ••• Bozo Benedict was senior. ••• Captain Blomfish ate a purple flurp. ONE TODAY IS WORTH TWO TOMORROWS Editor's Note: This is the third of a series of articles by Mr. Yaggy, Director of Studies. Procrastination, the act of postponing or putting off from day to day, is one of the greatest causes of low
ONE TODAY IS WORTH TWO TOMORROWS (Contrd) marks and student failures. How many times have you put off doing an assignment until the very last minute and then had to race through it in a haphazard manner "just to get it done 11 ? Putting off long term assignments such as book reports and term papers is a rather natural thing to do and something that we must all guard against. The all too common approach is 11 I 111 start tomorrow". Somehow "tomorrow" never seems to arrive unti 1 the day before the assignment is due and then panic strikes. The library books you need are all signed out because other students are in the same fix or you must scan the book instead of leisurely reading it. The result - poorly done or late reports, low marks, and unhappiness. Long term assignments are enjoyable, even fun, if you ~Jan the approach to your goal intelligently and then stick to your schedule. If you are doing a book report, figure out how many pages you must read each day to finish the book and do the required writing by the date the report is due. Always allow a couple of extra days just to be safe. If you are writing a term paper make yourself a schedule for doing the outline, finding the information, doing your note cards, writing the rough draft, and so on. After you have made your schedule stick to it. This requires determination on your part as it is easy to put things off. Use the time you have available - study halls, Special Periods, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, Sundays~ and, if necessary, the time between dinner and evening study hall. Fight the temptation to start 11 tomorrow 11 • Start today, have enough time to enjoy your assignment, and get better marks. One today is indeed worth two tomorrows.
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AN EDITORIAL - CONSERVATION More people are now becoming aware of a problem which has been gradua 11 y creeping up on them, that is, the destruction of our environment. Man is nature, and by destroying it, he is, in effect destroying himself. By the polluting of nature man is poisoning himself and his world. As Emerson put it, 11 In the woods we return to reason and faith. 11 The precious freedom of its wilderness is gradually slipping through our grimy, sooty fingers. We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we begin to see land and nature as a community to which we belong, then we may begin to work with it wisely. One is shaped greatly by his environment. Think about this as you travel through life and around campus~ Don't put trash in the trash receptacles just because you 1 ll get a 5 hour work detail if you don't, put it there because you care, about yourself, others, and your environment. Think ~ow beautiful it would be if everyone picked up paper and trash when they iaw it, not only at Cardigan but everywhere your travels take you. If everyone helped in his own way, man and nature would benefit greatly. I look forward to the day· when we can make a world free of pollution, where everyone may enjoy and appreciate the spiritual exhilaration of nature. ' - J. B. Thaxter
AJJ students remember: Five Bad 1) By late July, 1970 the southern Conduct Slips for minor offenses will end of Tasmania will deflate and float send you to your Floor Council. Seven away. bad Slips wi11 result in a visit to the 2) The next moon-shot will bring an Dean and a letter concerning your conduct extra problem to man, the rocket will will be sent to your family. Any bad land not on the moon, but by an error, Slips after seven will give you a minin battle in New York during a revival imum one hourwork detail. Should a of the Woodstock festival. And NASA student acquire fifteen bad Slips for will be sued for burning the lawn. minor offenses he wi l l appear before 3) Due to the mysterious forces issuthe Discipline Committee where his ing from Cardigan Mt. Clark-Morgan situation will be reviewed to determine Hall will walk away in the near future. appropriate action. 4) Before May a strange flying ship The rules and regulations at Cardigan will appear in Canaan, and tow it away. are relatively few and simple. Review 5) In order for the president not to them and follow them. If you are in feel out of place among the people in doubt about something ask either a memthe ghettos, he will change his middle ber of the faculty or a student leader. name from Milhouse to poorhouse Nixon. Think before you act and make the 6) My far-reaching prediction for Winter Term a happy one for all concerned • . the next election, George Metesky will Acting on a recommendation from the be elected as president and Pat Discipline Committee, Mr. Wakely disPaulsen as vice president. missed two students on Jan. 23. 1 S POLITICAL COURSE HOGAN .•·· ANNOUNCEMENT LESSON # 1 The Mountain Messenger 1 s contribution box is being moved from the Chapel to the library. This way it 1 s a lot easier to contribute to the paper. Add your voice to ours and watch the paper grow. - The Staff STUDENT COUNCIL NOTES The Student Council will be selling cccoa at future hockey games. A cup wi l l cost 10¢ each. The present student council is working on making Sunday a day of rest by changing the present schedule. We have sent a letter to each of the parents asking for a donation of books. The parents will bring them up when they come Parents• Weekend. Put them into a box next to the trophy case. - Garrison
By the law if you were to make a seditious speech in your home town and incite a riot or a disruption you could be charged with a misdemeanor. But if you were to cross state lines and say the same thing, you could be charged for a felony and receive up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. This law is an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1968. The law was made to silence protest through the interstate regulatory power of the federal government. This law -has lead to the cons pi racy tri a 1 of the Chicago eight. This law considers speech to be commerce, therefore, the law makers must cite constitutionally guaranteed free speech as proof of guilt. As Jaw professor Thomas I. Emerson of Ya Je has said, 11 There is no constitutional power to prevent civil disturbance by stopping people from talking".
Page 5 HOGAN I S POLI TI CAL COURSE LESSON #1 (Cont'd) Thus, the Chicago trial is a put-on because it can be nothing else, even if Judge Hoffman wasn't obviously such a prejudiced man, even if the FBI hadn't used the newspapers as a front. A witness photographer was employed by the FBI who employed other photographers but they were not informed of their undercover status. Not withstanding the fact that they tried and guaged Seale, the trial still isn't much of a concept of justice. For those who cannot accept the concept that the law in America is administered by the blind here is an added worry. President Nixon's Department of Justice would like to see the trial called a mis-trial, because they fear that the anti-riot act would not be overthrown by a higher court. With a mis-trial the intimidation would have taken place without correction and could take place again. THE SOFT PARADE This is certainly a much better effort than waiting for the Sun, largely because Robbie Kreiger, the group•s guitarist, penned a lot of the songs. The elimination of Jim Morrison's domination of the Doors• material has given Kreiger the chance to turn out hits like 11 Wishful, Sinful, Touch Me, 1I and 11Te11 All the People 11 • Morrison still egoes trips to an extent, but within reason. The Doors 1 have a sound, unique, and apart from that of other groups. The lyrics still hold very heavy and deep meanings and are just, if not more important than the music accompanying them. The Doors' are hoping to open up to new experiments in sound and music. - J. B. Thaxter RESERVE HOCKEY Cardigan's Reserve Hockey team was defeated by Eaglebrook, Jan. 14, 3-2. Both teams perforrred well. Goals were scored for Cardigan by Brian Hatcher
RESERVE HOCKEY (Cont'd) and by Sheldon Caplan with an assist by Penney. The next game will be played against the Concord Peewees. The team overall, was outstanding and they are hopeful to defeating Concord on January 21. (See late scores) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Salt should be put on the steps leading to each dorm, too many people are slipping and getting hurt. Someone could get hurt seriously! Please do something. - Henry Simpson I think that the haircut schedule should be lengthened or at least we should get a better haircut. The thing that really gets me is that when I get home and see my friends they think it 1 s so short (or bad) that they think it's funny. What I think we should do is lengthen the haircut schedule so that at least nobody back at home will think we look funny. - Mark Kaupe I think that Hayward should have a carpet that would cut down on vibrations and noise. They also should install a phone booth because the noise of people corning up the stairs bothers people on the phone. They could just take a public phone booth and put it against the wall and then put a chair in it and it would be much more quiet. Hayward needs these things very soon. - Steven Ki cherer II
Once the religious, the hunted and weary Chasing the promise of freedom and hope Come to this country to build a new version Far from the reaches of Hinduism and pope. Like good Christians some would burn witches Later some slaves to gather riches.
Page 6 11
AMERI CAI! ( Cont 1 d)
And when the ties -with crown had been broken Westward in saddle and wagon it went And ti11 the railroad linked ocean to oce·an Many the Jives had come to an end. - D. Durling click - the tubes light up, the box is warm flash - the darkness turns aJ-ive! the eye peers at you, analyzes you a voice - from the box - coaxes you as a beggar in the dark street, it is the prophet the news - two androids flash upon the vibrating screen · with stainless stee1 and chromium voices they announce · a new offensive by the vietcong opened out today i-n danang yesterday - casualties by the upi were reported.·•• you pay the voices no mind zap! pictures of corpses in bloodabsorbed stretchers the explosion-shrapnel-moaning, shrieking see it every day ••• the iron general announces hope, if we kill a few more thousand, we 1 1J gain the .iniative ••• TURN THE DIAL the voices laugh at the antics of the · jesters in their everyday guises as everyday souls-ha~ha is 1i fe so? .. •. see it everyday ••• flash - the robed man broods he passes bread and water to the androids in the pews, THERE IS HOPE IF YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS! CONFESS YOUR SINS bored of 1ife; you push the me ta 1 knob zing! life goes on befo~~ you. - Scott ~en,:,ey
MY LIFE IN SIBERIA A normal . day in good old take Baikal started out in the age old tradi ti _on of the Finnish Sauna and a good roll after that in a forty below snow. That•s just a start~r. The whble collective farm then migrated to the dining room, where the old bearded Grandfathers with red noses and cheeks (not from the cold) · toasted the 11 good old days•• over a quart of Vodka or two. Then after a long talk, and when .they were in sufficiently good spirits after by mutual agreement. They decide that the cause of the snow was the fault of the younger generation, located in the same room. So the action starts, here are these 70 year old grandfathers and Great grandfathers, with a real evil 1ook in their eyes jumping from table to table trying to grab one of us, and if per chance one of us does get caught ••• look out brother. They alt gather round and try to .make up their minds that they've caught him and what to do. Then, there's a problem, they argue, they fight, and the 1atter prevails. You can just picture the show, these old geesers put ling· each others noses and ears, and having a ball doin_g ,t. Wel 1, that 1 s the morning. Later we work on the fish farm, or hatchery till seven o'clock. We leave for the houses now, the old men are qui~ted down, or in a stupor, grumbling to themselves about the impertinent youngsters. So after the day I 1 m quite tired, but even when I am in bed, I listen and hear, a scream, a shout and the Grandpas running about Jocking for the kids. - P.; Goncharoff
THE GHETTO They te 11 me 1i fe is beau ti fu 1 I realty wouldn't know, I only see rats and garbage cans I'm from the · ghetto.
Page 7 THE GHETTO (Cont 1 d) It's horror to see the men grow up Into the \r/hite 1 s "scape - goats" We hardly have any rights, I 1 m surprised they let us vote. They let the once beautiful Harlem run down To the New York City Slum And the schools they let us go to Seem to train us to be dumb. \-Je 1 re put down in an environment In places like back of a bar. · Some stores sell things, but when we come in It 1 s 11 There for Whites, not us". I don't see living this way. In our high rent, run-down houses If it was not for my five in my family I 1 d die, but be eaten by mouses. Look at it from my point of view In Watts, Atlanta, or Harlem You'll see what happens in our place And what the Whites do to ourmen. - John Robinson FRED SPENCER 1 S JOKE TIME A General in the Russian Army was getting his troops lined up and ready for battle. All was quiet as they were being inspected. One man in the back row sneezed. The General, perfectly suited for war shouted, 11Who did that 11 ? ••• no answer. He said, 11 1 wi 11 ki 11 the first fifty men in line if you don't reply". A minute of silence as the snow lazily drifted down. So the General ordered the men shot, and the bodies were taken away. Shots could be heard in the distance. Then he barked, 11 Who sneezed?" ••• no reply. Then the General ordered 500 men shot. This happened twice more and the general has really killed off his whole army. Guilty, a soldier spoke up in back, 11 1 did it, sir. 11 The General solemnly mounted his stallion and trotted toward · him. He looked down at the trembling soldier 1 s eyes and said ••• 11
Ges unti te !' 1
SECOND WINTER Johnny Winter 1 s second album is a superior extension of the first. In "Second Winter" we see Johnny Winter more intensively and we also see him with more of his own songs. In 11 Second Winter 11 at the same time, we see him do various other material as Dylan and old rock 1 n roll - as translated in Winter's eyes. The album begins with 11 Memory Pain 11 originally jazz; but Winter uses a great guitar throughout the song, and the blues vocal still remains. Winter then does 1950 1 s songs, 11 Johnny Be Good 11 and 11 Slippin 1 and S1i din 111 and adds more effects. ·Then Winter takes a Dylan song, 11 Highway 61 Revisited. 11 Winter's voice in that song is somewhat similar to Dylan's to an extent, but he completely changes the guitar therefore turning the work from folk to a consistent hard sound. Side 3 contains all Winter songs such as "Hustled Down in Texas''• Overall, this album is one of the best cut in 1969. - S. Penney AMAZING FACTS In the last 5,500 years, there have been 14,531 wars, for an average of J.18 wars a year. In the last 20 years, the frequency has increased to 5.2 a year. In the first world war, 95 percent of the fatal casualties were members of the armed forces. In the second world war, 56 percent were from the armed forces. In the Korean War, 88 percent of the fatal casualties were similar. To date in Vietnam, 91 percent of the dead have been si mi 1ar. source - Free Press AMAZING FACTS If your earth weight is 100 pounds then you would weigh 16 pounds on · the
Page 8 AMAZING FACTS (Cont 1 d) moon, 2789 pounds on the sun, 85 on Venus, 33 on Mars, and 264 on Jupiter. And if you weigh 120 on the planet Earth then your Moon weight would be 19, on the sun (pretty impossible) 3347, on Venus 1_02 lbs., on Mars 46 Pounds, and last but not least 317 lbs., on Jupiter. Pretty amazing, huh.
RESERVE HOCKEY Wed. Sat. Sat. Sat. Wed. Sat. Sat.
Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Fe.b. Feb.
source - Ronald McDonald Moon Map SKI TEAM Sat. Hed. Sat. Wed., Sat. Wed. Sat. Wed. Wed. . Sat. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat.
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb • Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar.
17 Holderness JV Alpine Home 21 Tilton JV Nordic Away 24 Eaglebrook Alpine Home 28 New Hampton JV Nordic Home 31 Tilton JV Alpine Home 4 Proctor JV Nordic Home 7 New Hampton JV Alpine Away 1-1 Ki mba 11 Uni on JV Nardi c Away 18 Proctor JV Alpirie ·Away 21 Vermont JV Nordic Away 25 Vermont JV Alpine Home 28 Holderness JV Nordic Away 4 Kimball Union Alpine Home 7 Eaglebrook Alpine Away
Editor's note: all ski events begin at 2:00. We print their athletic schedules not only for the teams to refer to but so the students will know when their team is home so they can cheer them on to, hopefully, victory. VARSITY HOCKEY Sat. Wed. Sat. Sat. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Wed. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Wed.
Jan. Holderness JV Home 2 :-30 Jan. Eaglebrook Home 3 :00 Jan. Holderness JV Away 2:30 Jan. Ki mba 11 Uni on JV_ Home 2 :JO Jan. New Hampton JV Away 2:30 Jan. - Ti 1ton JV Home 2 :00 Feb. Hanover JV Home 3: 30 ·. Feb. Ki mba 11 Union JV Away _2:30 Feb. Proctor JV Away 2 :00 Feb. New Hampton Home 2:30 Feb. Proctor JV Home 2 :00 Feb. Tilton JV Away 2:00 Feb. La Sa lette JV Home 2 :JO Mar. Hanover JV Away 5:30
14 Eaglebrook Home 4:30 17 Concord Home 3:00 28 Concord Away 4:00 7 Hanover Bantam Home 2:30 11 Proctor Res. Away 3:30 21 Proctor Res. Home 3:30 28 Hanover Bantam Away 12:30
The following boys made high honor roll by receiving an average of 85 or above with no mark below 70. Gene Leone Burr Robbins Ian Bu) lion Henry Schultz Sally Goodspeed Tom Flavin Fred Savage Peter Garrison Marc Halsey John Woods
93.,0 91.5 91.4
90.0 89.8 86.5 86.3 86.0 85.3
85.0 CLEAR
Spirit displays the same approach it has on previous recordings. The emphasis is on keyboards and percussion, and the group's versatility is perhaps best exhibited on the move than twelve minutes of instrumental included. While everything is handled with professionalism, 11 Give a life, take a life, 11 a beautiful expression of pacifist feeling, furnishes the most interest. New ground is broken on this album but the group 1 s sound remains basically the same. - J. B. Thaxter This year's ski team got off to a fine start by beating Holderness twice and Eaglebrook. The Cardigan Cougars dominated the slalom when Flavin got 1st, Holderness a 2nd, Halsey a 3rd, and Dickey a 4th. The Giant Slalom was a bit closer. Giddings first, Flavin tied for second
Page 9 with a Holderness skiier. The Alpine Team and its captain, Tom Flavin, are looking forward to its next meet with Tilton. - C. Wakely KITCHEN SPONGES The brain absorbs, Like that of a sponge In and out, out and in Always maintaining its moistness. Accept, reject, always ready, forever working It all depends on what you absorb Pollution, wine, orange juice, water. For the mind is restless, turbulent, strong and unyielding, as difficult to subdue as the wind. - J. B. Thaxter CONTRIBUTION We have received a large number of contributions (poems, letters, articles) for the paper but we still need more. Anyone in our universe may contribute, faculty or student. Write off the top of your head, write the way you feel, right this second, put it down. Write something about the hockey game or ski meet you were in last weekend. Write about anything, but write. - The Staff STAFF J.B. Thaxter - editor Mike Choukas - sports editor Peter Hubbard - assistant editor Paul Goncharoff - Russian correspondent Chuck Egerton - art Mr. Fetscher - faculty advisor George Metesky - guidance The Octafish - ideas Scott Penney - columns and features