Weather is better, snow~ gone, Mr. FetsSTUDENT LIFE cher is taking bets on how long the mud will be here and Mrs. Shelton on the iceRec ently Hayward Hall has be en in a out . near state of anarchy. We eks ago, all the students staged a 17 sleep" in and on the Travelers b ack--four days in Rome and hallway floor to express their dislike for Rest Greece . the rule which denies students the right to place their bodframes sideways. When Mr. Y.1a.t zki is engaged to Miss LyrnPills- that action did not succ eed, students r ebury. Planning wedding for June. sorted to violating every rule and dorm policy to express their unhappiness. iiather than sc aring students to the End of marking pe riod 4/19/70--one more verge of hysteria to keep discipline it Mr. Gagne had a French film. French I would seem more feasible from the viewpoint went Marooned. IvJr . Yaggy and a few boys of the dormitory, to go t o the roots and attended the electronic concert at Dart- caus e s of the havoc instead of clamping mouth. It is surprising that no one went . down as is now the case . Conflicts between dormitory masters and students that We are happy to r <,; port that Hrs. Yaggy ar e not resolved by honest communication is up and around . and compromise and that l e ad to strife and discomfort for all concerned must be mediaThe undefeat ed ski team was taken to t ed by others if the promise of the school dinner at the Norwich Inn. is to be kept. Something must be done to correct the situation in Hayward Hall! Comet-watching has b ecome a new fad. - Staff article Ray Montana has startod an astronomy club . We wish to ext end a warm welcome to the Goe s and their three children and their dog~ Belinda . We have been cel ebrating National Library Week . Rumor has it t hat Tom McClintock went all the way i n the Peace Fast. Atlee and Lydia, song writers, entertained the student body in the Chapel on Sunday Evening. It is r eported that they we r e ver y sucessful and enjoyed by all.
TALKING IT OVER On April 14, Hr. Fahrner 1 s ninth grade speech class pres ent ed s even speeches in fr ont of the student body. The student's English grades were greatly dependent on those speeches . The speeches were by Fred Savage on the American Black, Hod Gotier on the N. A. A. c. P. , Mark Guarino made a funny littl e number about tho clangers of milk, Andrew Worthington on schools , Scott Penney on r evolution tonos, Greg Vickery on pollution3 and Timothy Fleming contributed an runusing little speech about the kitchen. Summarizing the entire program, two speechef had extremely senuous overtones, but the overall effects of the s e spee ches wer e somewhat ov8rweighed by the slapstick comedy of 'rim Fleming I s delivery which got the great e st reaction because of its content.