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On April 20 , the class met and discussed, among other things, coats for the graduation, and the senior gift for the school. Many ideas for the gift were mentioned including: a skate sharpener, an electric timer for the ski t~am, a trophy case, contributions for new library books. The final and most popular suggestion was that the class donate a buffalo, feeling that an almost extinct animal might serve us well. However, with so many exciting alternatives the class was unable to come to a decision.
Rusty Hermann won the Ice-out con-• test. Scott Ketcham won t:ie cliche contest. No one has won the mud contest yet, maybe by June.
- Flavin WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Church is one dfmensiorial. The Minute Men have called Bozo (alias Carter Benedict) to their aid. Mr . Fahrner is Bob Hope ' s stand-in. Mr . Fetscher flied United ... The Octafish has created the third eye. Long hair. The sixth grade has decided to sacrifice themselves to the bees. The school council is changing already. 15 more day . Arties off to Manchester. Recently twenty students, Mrs. Gramse , and the Harneds climbed aboard the Cardigan bus to attend two art exhibitions in Manchester, Hew Hampshire. First , the gang trotted over to an exhibition of scientific devices such as a ripple tank , a stroboscope , and a spectroscope. Afterwards, the bunch went over to the Currier Gallery of Art which held a rather neat and interesting variety of art in its neoRenaissance classic structure. Then we all trundled over to Howdy Hamburgers where we enjoyed cyclamate donuts and plastic milkshakes. Everyone had a neato , keano time . Really. · - Kaupe
Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Matzke took a number of boys into Hanover to see the film 11Sympathy for the Dead. 1 1 Mrs. Wakely and seven boys attended a meeting at Vermont Academy, where they heard Pearl Buck speak on Southeast Asia. Miss Howe recently had quite a time treating ' injured troops following iicapture the Flag" the after dinner massacre. Foci'te ', Talley, and Wemyss were the first official swimmers in the lake. 11
Thursday night ' s dinner wins the best meal of the week award 1 ; .
A most exciting event possible , a dance , will be held on the 23rd, th&nks to Mrs. Gramse . Separate the doers from the tellers ..• be there! Saturday's _talent show was a great success especially the modern music and the discipline sketch. WHAT YOUR SCHOOL COUNCIL HAS DONE: HAIR One of the problems that has disturbed Cardigan School life this year has been hair, long, short , clean, dirty, combed, uncombed , etc. The School Council acted to solve this problem and the following report explains the last hectic days preceding the advent of the new haircut regulations . A' ~o~i ttee was formed to s t udy the hair problem. This committee was directed by Mr . Weeks who went
Page 3 HAIR (CONT'D) out of his way to help us get what we uanted, by distributing a poll to the school body. Special thanks to him. Monday the 27th the School Council met at their weekly meeting and discussed the efforts made by the Hair Cut CoIDinittee. with the poll and pictures. After a long time of talking about the regulations , made by the coIDinittee , the council voted. The next step was the faculty vote. Then the whole works, after that, was in Mr. Wakely ' s hands. All Monday night , people were tense and worried. What would happen if Mr. Wakely vetoed it? Would he be prepared to handle the furious students? Tuesday morning Mr. Wakely held a Headmaster's Meeting in the Chapel (In Christ's presence). This was it, all he'd have to say was 1:no:. and the students would be up in rage. But instead he started telling us about how one has a lot of responsibility in a free situation. Then suddenly he did it, he broke the wall ; the doubt and the bitterness, he okayed the regulation written out by the Hair Cut CoIDinittee. - Peter Hubbard SPORTS AROUND C.M.S. Reserve baseball was beaten by Hartland for their second loss of the season. Their record is now 2-2. Church pitched a good game and they hope for another win May 16 over Thetford. Varsity baseball have won their last two games that they have played and hope to go all the way. Their record is 3-2. Mike Choukas went all the way on the mound for the Cougars for the past t wo wins. The two games that resulted in the wins were against old rival Eaglebrook and the other was against Proctor. Tennis had their undefeated season spoiled by a tough Eaglebrook and then they were beaten by New Hampton last Wednesday. This makes their record 1-3. Their next match is against Proctor, May 16.
SPORTS AROUND C.M. S. (CONT ' D) Reserve Lacrosse records 0-1. They played Holderness J.V. 7- 2. Started off well with a 2 to 1 lead but only to be beaten in the last half. Next game to Proctor was a 5-0 loss. Varsity Lacrosse's record is 3- 4. Sailing has beaten Proctor twice and destroyed Exeter and was beaten. They sail against Dublin May 16 and then head to the M. LT. Regatta on the 23. Congratulations to the Boston Bruins Stanley Cup winners. And also to N. Y. Knick champions of the basketball world. Congratulations to our team captains Tennis: Bedford V. Baseball: Wes Knauer R. Baseball: Lowe Sailing: Scott & Langworthy R. Lacrosse : Man of the Week V. Lacrosse : Altgelt
DAMAGE, DAMAGE, DAMAGE This year, we have had an extreme amount of damage inflicted upon both student and school property. We have reached a point where the total damage has been the worst ever. 'Why has this happened? What possible justification or reason is there for this total disregard for our environment? We offer the following thoughts on the subject. One reason for this might be that the students need some sort of an avenue to express emotions, emotions of discontent, directed against this school and its policies. Yet , let us not fool ourselves into believing that this is the one and only reason for this rampant vand-· alism. Much of the destruction is caused by students having FUN. Is it? We do not think so and suggest that it is time to put down the bricks and start picking up the pieces. Maybe a free bulletin board would be a step in the right direction. - Penney
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Masters have been taking boys to the movies. They have seen Easy Rider, Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid, and Anne of a Thousand Days. A couple of Saturdays was enjoyed by all on a picnic. We hope there will be more picnics in the near future.
Twenty-two boys and 5 masters went on a camping trip. As soon as they left it started to rain & hasn't stopped yet. DO IT! Do It! is a book written by Yippie Leader, revolutionary - Jerry Rubin with an introduction by Elderidge Cleaver. Jerry writes about some interesting revolutionary ideas and viewpoints. He has a lot to say, and he says a lot in his book. Do It! tells about the Chicago Democratic Convention and how it turned to an all out riot. Do It! contains lots of radical ideas toward :right wini ; America and its standards. The book is informative and it attempts to stick revolutionary ideas in your head. If you understand the basic material of the book it will semi convert you into believing different ideas. I personally believe the reader should balance out this book in his mind and tone do~m the radical ideas to get the full meaning of the book. I liked the book in general but that doesn't mean I like all of Jerry Rubin's ideas. This book leaves the reader·to make his own decisions , I liked it, however, some people might hate it. I recommend this book for most people who would like to get a general idea of what ' s going on in the cultural revolution. If you think you'd be interested in this book by all means, get it; - Rudert RECORD REVIEWS Raw Sienna
Savoy Brown
The album as a whole, seems to be
RECORD REVIEWS (COHT ' D) Savoy Brown, but the essence of bluesearly rock is somewhat diminished. They still keep their brass and adapt a Latin type influence in many of the songs on the album. There is no really earthy rock in the album as a step further which was released months ago, but the album is still Savoy Brown all over. Live
One can see the double disc record was probably patched together in days flat and posed as a live album. The group's originally rocking sound is stifled in poor sound mixing and overall poor performance. In Born to be .Wild : for instance Nicholas I s lead g~i tar is tot.a lly bad, and the sound distribution between the vocal and the instruments is completely off. The album is an extreme disappointment, - Penney SEVENTH GRADE Recently the entire Seventh Grade Class took a field trip to view the historic sights of Boston and vicinity. Perhaps the best way to see what the class saw is to look in at the library where there are two collages done by Hermann and Rudert that are excellent reports of this experience. SCAG SQUIRE (WHITE HEAT) Bloated cheeks crushed noses, Eyes caved into cerabelum Puncturing tissues before ears, Fingers shrink to small razors Smoldering sources of anguish Worms appeared from rugs Chairs welcomed those who seemed . interested Walls and ceilings quivered Shoes smiled in pity and began to sneer Trucks scolded and fumbled on their ,·ray Penguins mashed at all life past The door swallowed me My conscious formed breathing guesses A metaphysical environment The sun stole my fear and gone.
The television is broken , all is silent, Finally staring straight ahead in surprise and recollection, Into the mirror of the twisted room, Time repeats itself , Including this consciousness which has seen· itself before. I propounded a final question for the evening and heard a series of final answers. What is God? for instance , asked the answers? And yet one wants to live in a single universe Does one? Must it be one? WOODSTOCK
Woodstock is a long three hour movie obviously about the Woodstock Rock Festival. The movie features such groups as Ten Years After, The Who, Richie Havens, Joe Cocker, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby , Stills and Nash , (Doing their second performance together) and many others. Producer Michael Wadleigh works a lot on the split screen , to try to get as many things in as possible , such as the rainstorm , swimming in the stream , etc. But anyway, there isn ' t much more to say except see it! GINGER BAKERS AIR FORCE Ginger Baker has just come out with a new record, : Air Force :, . It features such greats as Steve Windwood, Rick Grech (of Blind Faith fame) Graham Bond , and many others. The sound quality is not as good as it could be , but since it's recorded live, I guess that's why the sound is poor . The group, however, is very professional and ~ of course, Baker does his usual drum solos , for which, makes this record a worthwhile buy.