This is the final edition of the 1970 Chronicle. The summer actually has gone _ pretty quickly and now everything turns · into memories. This paper may help you to remember a 11 of the experiences of the past~seven .weeks. Reporters in this issue: Bill Doonan Dave Haywood Eric Brox Jim Pitts John Barry Helen Ill Mike Imperi a le Tom Howse John Sarnoff Ben McKinney Sally Goodspeed Meg Beaty John Chandler Thanny Church Steve Hazelhurst Tc-m Perkins Jenn Church Larry Diggs Creative Writings: Hanno Wentzler & Jonn Church
Old beep-beep got his bed short sheeted and the felons are still on the loose. The ping-pong room was opened for one week and now is closed again. Well, French had a pretty good summer, but we 1 re all afraid because we•re all getting beat up by sorreones big brother on the last day. Promises, promises. - Tom Howse C.M.S. BOYS BREAK HOUR CLUB RECORD On Thursday evening, August 6, a group of boys set out to break the Cardigan Mountain Hour Club record of 46 minutes and 7 seconds. We were able to ascend the mountain in twenty four minutes. With the required five minute break at the summit we were able to descend in approximately fifteen. Ou~ ti~e was 44 minutes and 14 seconds. Those who climbed the mountain were Mr. Harned, L. Diggs, B. Doonan, F. Watkins, M. Weidlein, J. Elmblad, B. Pond, J. Barry, J. McCarty and M. Sone. Nice work, guys~
Pictures: Nancy Doonan Edi tor: . Bill Doonan Faculty Advisor: Mr. William Buckler FRENCH NEWS French has been chugging along okay si°'n'ce the last :issue. There have -been a few fights and a few disagreements, tut we·r re s ti 11 he re • \~e have one new member on the f 1oor.
- Bill Doonan HAYWARD NEWS Here we are again for some more Hayward News with your reporter Ben McKinney. The Chipmunk, as you all know, is living happily with Carrot Top. But it got a little sick during the night and Carrot Top got mad and threw his Chipmunk against the wall. It survived. This other boy, whom you all know, is not only very fond of cereal, but he also sleeps without covers at night. •