July 1971
This is the first issue of this summer's Cardigan Chronicle and it 1 s jam-packed with fun, adventure, made up stories and some truth, too. This year Jim Nagle is the editor and Greg Schwartz is the associate editor.
In the winter school the seniors · who had 1iv~d there had the doors painted and "Love" curtains hung which makes the hall look modern. Our masters on our floor are Mr~ Coes and Mr. Ireland. · - Michael Imperiale Brewster . II
Policy of the chronicle is that Chris .Gaul, David Goode, Ashe · anyone is welco~e to submit an _article Ackerman, David Morse, Gavin Routolo, or piece of creativity and . we reserve Bob Black, John Otto, and John Zuill the right to print what we are able to make up the second floor occupants. use. This is the reporter of thing~ There hasn•t been too much noise except that are happening, so for memories in for the pillow fight and strongman Otto's the winter, write fo.r the summer school's gym exercises on everyone 1 s necks. It's Chronicle. · even quiet when John Zuill goe~ to Polar Bear Club. It's even quieter . when Otto BREWSTER HALL leaves. Brewster H~ll is named for a life l ong worker with boys. William Russell Brewster was indisp~nsable in the con- . ception and foundation . of Cardigan . · · Mountain School. His character, integrity, personal example and devotion to teaching are inspiring _qualities to all American youth who have known him, with affection and gratitude.
Hayward News
Our day starts off with my waking up all the girls for Polar Bear at 6:00. At night the girls get notice to pick up things in the shower • . ?ne night Robin went to bed early, Meg, L1sa, and I ran in and said; 11 You left something in the bathroom." Some girls were waiting hungri 1y to push h.e r in . the sh?wer. As it was steaming hot we couldn't throw Brewster Hall was built September her in. We decided that it was good to 30, 1955. practice so the next one would be better. The following were thrown in: Cindy, . · Mr. Coes is the Dorm Master, along Nora, then Lisa. Who is our next victim? with Mr. Dixson, Mr. ·Ireland and .Mr. Ball. -Nora Sutton -David Goode Brewster I Hinman I On Brewster One live Mark Suplicy, Hinman Hall first floor is quite Charlie Hickox, Billy Bunton, Danny indescribable to the layman's eye. For Hazen,. Keith Federman, Charlie Mull_., instance: the day of July 2, 1971., the John Wakely., Brooks Wallace., Shane ·· people of the first · floor had a four legVerrault, Michael Imperiale, ~im Gillette,ged intruder. Sure ~nough along came and Robbie Gochberg. Jacob, . the huge 200 pound St. Bernard, bouncing into room . 117. He received a Robbie is our famous tap dancer couple of screams and a book in the snoot, who entertains us at dorm parties. and he was lured out by Dennison's supply of Hydrox cookies.