The Chronicle (August, 1971)

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August. 1971

Welcome to the second edition of this summer's Cardigan Chronicle, a famed newspaper, read all over the world. The editor is fearless Jim Nagle, and his assistant is . Greg Schwartz. The man ' of the h6ur, Mr • . Buckler, i~ advisor. Our motto is "alt the: trivia that's fit to print," so get ready for an exper ience. THE MORNING POLAR BEARS In the morningof the blueish sky, when the sun is breaking through the clouds, down over the hill come the Polar Bears at six-thirty. The Big Bear, Mr. Wakely, comes down to be in charge the first one in the morning and Mr. Coes comes down then, too. Then sleepy-head, Mrs. Dixon comes down and swims a couple of laps and is wide awake to start the morning. Next come the rest of the Polar Bears: J. Bagley, R. Bagley, E. Beaty, M. Beaty, Black,, C. Bunton, Burton, Dennison, Feroleto, ~illette, Goode, Hazen, Hickox, Imperiale, Iverson, Jackson, c. Jason, Jones, Kane, McRoberts, Mitchell, Morse~ Mull, Nagle, Otto, Po~te, Pou, Ri~~o, Rowland, Ruotolo, Sager, Schwartz, Stamm, s. Stevens, L. Suplicy, M~ Suplicy, Sutton, Thomas, Thompson, Vogel, Wakely, P. White and Zuitl. - V. Sager BREWSTER I Are there ghosts in Brewster? The first week here -I was in my room on a windy night and I heard footsteps in the halt. In the next _minute · I heard 11 8000 11 • It was supposed to be Mr. Dixon but was

it? Also if you saw a knife or a Teddy beaf floating in air in my room there is a reason. One night at 12:00 I heard this sound/ I hid under the · covers. It was going, "Out! Out! Out! 11 I looked and I saw a cat purring. But was it the _cat? Think about it!! Everything is nearly normal otherwise. - Keith Federman FRENCH II Let me take you on a second floor tour: French Halt II begins with Schwartz, the antiestabtishmentarianist. Next, after the bathroom, is Vogel, our famous character and his roommate Virgil, who is our famous knee man. McRoberts is our ear man and Stevens our fuzz man of the whole dorm. Peter Douglass grows his own oranges and th~t•s what we have for orange · juice. His roommate M. t~hite hates Douglass• orange tree and threatens to chop it down with his ax of gotdt Ed Goldschtag is our camera man and played in the part of the lawyer in "Count Dracu 1a·".

My roommate -is Pa~ker Thomson, an expert sailor. I, mysetf, · am also a camera man. That covers the floor but so does a rug -and that's quieter. FRENCH I Th;ngs aren't going our way this

Page 2 FRENCH I (coht 1 d) summer since Mr. Jason outlawed wedgees and rat-tails even though we still do them. Allen and Merrill really threw a fit when we tried to give them a wedgee, so that's why they were outlawed. During study hall everybo~y runs ~p and down the halls and shouts a lot at everybody and we also shoot spitballs and start pillow fights but we are very quiet so the master on duty won 1 t hear us. The other night we had the whole fire department and police force of one old cop and a 1928 v.w. with two 1941 fire trucks which they rented when they found out about the fire. The big fire was in Allen's room, the light socket shorted. Everything else is freaked out and out-of-sight. - J. Pierce HINMAN II As you know, Hinman II is a very active floor. Doug Lilly won 1 t forget the day that he walked into the dorm and found that his roommate was moving bl!!! from the room. Hinman seems to have a ghost thet goes around knocking on people 1 s doors and then runs. When Erik Vaughn found out about it, he went to beat the ghost up and instead got beaten up himself by the ghost and roommate. Mrs. Grayson and Mrs. Wrangham surely won 1 t forget the day Lee Iverson got sick in his room and three times in a row he missed • • • Well, I won 1 t go into that nowt No one in Hinman will forget the day we found the hornet's nest. Jerry Jones has been fixing _a fish tank that he found in the garbage can and every time he pours water into it, it leaks. Jerry also has the collection of animals on the floor. It consists of two turtles, three newts, two frogs and

a crayfish. Chip Caldwell won't forget the Sunday he got his second mattress stolen and got it back about five minutes before inspection. - Richard Wilson CLARK-MORGAN I II Since the last issue of the Chronicle came out there have been new members added to the dorm. These are four turtles, and one salamander. Work details have been numerous in our dorm. Feroleto leads the list, after White. Everyone had one hour for being "late" to study hall. Every night White and Stamm sleep while Lewis and Feroleto plot to give Britland a sugar bed or white elephant. On our way to do these things, a giant dog leaps from a door as Mr. Buck yells •~veryone in their room! Feroleto, next time you're out of your room, I'll sic my dog on you!" As the monstrous beast charges, doors slam, lights go out and all is quiet for the rest of the night. - Steve Lewis THE DESERTED DORM - HAYWARD While the rest of the girls were gone on the hike it was really very quiet. Every night Mishca and I would play Clue or some other game after we did homework. We were always to bed later than we were supposed to be. We could do almost anything we wanted, it seemed, but it was really boring and quiet. Mr. Hazen got an extra half hour of sleep this week because he didn 1 t hear Robin singing in the showers at 6:00 in the morning. Both Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Dixon were relieved to know they

Page 3 HAY\r./ARD ( cont I d)


had a week's rest. The cleaning lady Work detail is sometimes given for even enjoyed walking through the bedrooms what seems to be nothing but usually without stepping on clothes for the week. it's reasonable. Work details latest projects are shoveling dirt over the . Soon Lolo 1 s room wilt not be so im- . sewer pipe hole near Clancyts and carry1ng maculate as it is now, which is the way logs from the red barn to all the common it was only on opening day. rooms starting with French Hall. I asked some of the boys if it's any quieter and. they said, 11 It 1 s never been so quiet. 1' . - C. Bunton AN AVERAGE CLASS Mr. Average and his classroom are very noisy. He has 5 students in his class. There are two studenfs" 'who are always late to class and don't seem to care at all. The students are Joe and Sue, the late ones, Jon the lazy one, Don, the kid who is eating all the time and is very fat, (they call him Pork), and Tim, who thinks about love and strength but is weak. This is an imaginary average class at CMS summer session. - Guess Who?? The first person to correctly tell Mr. Buckler the author of this story wins a prize. SKITS On July 17, instead of a movie, we had plays that each floor put on. The floor that won was Clark-Morgan III. Peter White sang a song about a showdown {Rocky Raccoon) and Spot Feroleto got shot. Brewster II did a play about two men who hated each other and three wolves came out to get them. Another play, by Hinman II was about J;_l:i.?rlie Brown and a baseball game. There was also a play about soap thieves done by Hinman I and some funny things done by the girls of Hayward. It was fun to see each and everyone's talent. - Archie Ackerman

If you have ~ork detail on Wed~es~ay you wilt work two hours. Work deta1l 1s a bad thing. It 1 s 500 times hard to have two hours than one. I know, believe me. - Charlie Hickox THE PUDDLE BEARS


There is a new club called the Puddle Bears. It all started on a rainy Thursday night before and after activities. There was a big puddle which the boys found near the gym. Everyone started doing belly-flops and eagelspreads into the puddle. We were alt so wet and muddy that no one cared. No one got hurt, but there was lots of mud. So join up now and have fun with mud. - B. A1 1en

GREEN AND WHITE SOCCER Green and \rJhite mass soccer was played on Tuesday, Jtlly 27, at the football field. It was a rough game, sometimes, since four balls and four goals were used. There were thirty-nine people on each team so there were many collisions and pile~ups. Many people were tossed and flipped around. After nearly forty minutes the. balls were alt held, for one boy .had dislocated his knee. The Green team won, 16 - 5.

Page 4 GREEN AND \'-'HITE SOFTBALL The Green and White gap is closing with the Green team ahead by ten points over the White. July 20, 1971, Green 3 played White 1 in softball and won eight to six, White 3 played Green 2 and won four to three, and . White 2 played Green 1 and won eight to five. Now the total score as of July 27, 1971 is 151 to 141 in favor of the Green. The White team chalked up 68 points and Green zipped 41 points for their side ,

APOLLO 15 STOPS CMS CLASSES On July 26, at 9:25 A.M. everybody got out of their classes and went back to their dorm or to the Wakely's house to watch the blast-off. It was very interesting for they showed some camera angles that they have not shown before. We did not stay long enough for the animation because we had to go back to our classes when the rocket was almost out of sight. - Charles Metz

- Professor SURVEY ON .SPACE PROGRAM TERRIFIED I was walking through our woods at home just after sunset. Suddenly I felt the hair on the back of my head inching its way up my head as though something was behind me pushing it up. At first I was scared to look back but then I thought just one quick look. I glanced back and there in the dense woods just behind were two green eyes staring right towards me.

The eyes seemed to be moving so I started to walk faster. The eyes were ga1n1ng. I started to run, they were still gaining, and just behind me. Just before I caught sight of my house, the eyes leaped and some sharp, hairy claws dug into my back. I fgll but stumbled and scrambled to my feet I ran hoping to reach my house. I didn't look back but I heard it stop. As I crawled to my house my back was dripping with warm blood. But I had escaped some green-eyed sharp, hairy, clawed Creature and I was thankful. - Peter



On Monday July 26, 1971 all students of Cardigan went to watch the launch of Apollo 15. Later that day I went around asking people what they thought of the space probe. The answers are below: 1.

Walter Thomas: It's useless The- money should be used for rebuilding the slums. 11


Frank Feroleto: 11 It 1 s a waste 6f money. We should use the money for the earth not the moon. 11


Brooks Wal lace: 11 I think it's g.ood; we should keep the space program. 11


Jim Gillette: space program. good. 11


I'm for the I think it's

~oger Brelsford: . 11 ! think it's good but the cost is too great 11


Keith Federman: · 11 1 think it's


7. ~ter





1 think it's good but it costs too much."


Doug Lilly: 11 1 think it's bad because the money is wasted. 11

Page 5 SURVEY (cont'd)



Steven Stamm: 11 I think the money This summer there was a large Effort should be used for fighting pol- Honor Roll which is a student who got . .1.ution. 11 all A1 s and B1 s for grades. The boys and girts were: 1o. Mary \!Jake 1y: 11 1 thin~ the space probe is one of the biggest Robin Bagley Scooter Mitchell wastes of money this nation ever Meg Beaty John Otto made! I think it proves that Chip Caldwell John Rowland America has no priority, when Jim Nagle Virgil Sager people are living in shacks Pete Douglass Greg Schwartz and the trees and grass are Jim Douglass Nora Sutton dying. It 1 s time to stop spend- Wendy Conger Brooks Wallace ing millions of dollars on three Chris Gaul Mike White guys where millions could benifit Doug Grayson John Zuill 11 from it. · Mark Grayson · . Jerry Jones Mike Imperiale Peter Kane Cindy Jason Cynthia Innis HORSEBACK RIDING Marcie Innis Steve Lewis Randy LaPlante Robert Carley Horseback riding is a lot of fun Kirk Maassen Mischel le Rizzo but most of us wished they would teach Lindsay Merri 11 Western style instead of English style. In horseback riding this week there are: Mark Grayson and Brooks Wallace made B. Black, C. Bunton, M. Innis, M. White, high effort honor roll. B. Allen, and Keith Burton. The names of the horses are Dolly, Pinna, Bullet, - Jim Nagle Bonnie, Jewel, Red and B.C., short for Bone Crusher. TERROR FROM BEYOND TIME Jewel is M. l-Jhite 1 s horse, Red is the teacher's horse, Pinna is B. Allen's, Continuing Chapter 4 Bullet is mine, Dolly is M. Innis', Bonnie is B. Black's and B. c. is c. Bunton•s. Then it struck me, those two gold links on the front of the book were the We leave school at 1:30 so we miss same as theset Two gold links, what rest period. Then we get there and saddid they mean, what hidden being was dle up the horses and meanwhile we talk showing me this? Being? Being? The to the horses and put bridles on. Then being was the man who lit the marsht we walk the horses to the ring and ride I looked at the firemen trying to put for an hour and a half. On Thursday, out the fire still. There was nothing two horses, Dolly and B.c. has a kicking to burn, but the flames went on. The match, while t. Bunton fell off, narrowly great oak which stood right by the missing getting hurt. We hope to go on marsh had not a leaf burnt. trails in the woods by the end of the week. A policeman knocked at the door; it was the same one who had fainted. At the end of the riding classes His eyes fell upon the book and he we get off the horse and put them away fainted again. Then he rose with his and take the br1dles off and put them in eyes wide open. I picked up the book, the stall for the night, and go back to but he grabbed it, still in his trance. schoo t. He opened to the page with the gold links and read slowly, deeply and softly. - Keith Burton

Page 6 TERROR {cont 1 d} "Man from the later, I am Claroose ma Palathamoose, 11 with that the ground shoo!!:! "I have come to save your world. Long ago before the age of ice, before the age of the sun, there lived a race of people called Pickimas. They lived in the area you call Egypt. Alt was Good until Evil placed two gold links in the marsh. I · found they must be linked, so the world will not explode from the painful ~nowledge of humans. I was sent to tell you to find them. The fire wilt die. It is to keep away evil. Go you have one day. Go!" I went. As I came near, the fire went instantlyg the firemen packed and went. I searched and searched and found one link. Then I went on. On and on and on. Then, when there was about an hour's more time a queer pressure was banging at my brain. It grew; I couldn't stand it! It was killing me! A second to find it; I dropped to my knees; something touched my finger. It was coot. The pressure ran from me; it was the 1ink.

THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL The hike consisted of Meg Beaty, Loto Beaty, Robin Bagley, Wendy Conger, Cindy Jason, Lisa Suplicy and myself, Nora Sutton. Also it included our fearless leaders Papa Johnson, and Maxy. July 26. We got up about six o'clock alt ready to go. We ate breakfast and we were off to the White Mt. National Forest Toll Road where we were left. Max led the way up the Great Gulf Trail to shelter No. 3 where we stayed for the night. Mr. Johnson and Max played a game called 11 Rabbit". This was when they would sit on the edge of the forest and bait the rabbit. Max won at that. Lisa Suplicy made a record of 13 marshmetlows being cooked on one thin stick. Also Max went crazy and started square dancing Tuesday, July 27. Max, Meg and I had to hike up to shelter No. 2 to make sure that it wasn't filled. On the way up Max and Meg had a dialogue it went like this:

Max - 11 !-lurry I got up. A grave-face on a tall Meg - 11We 1 re man looked down on me. He took the links, Max - "I can attached them together, and they disappeared. Then he fell dead and sank This went on in the mud. minutes. The earth awaked, thunder rolled, tightening struck where the man sank and to this day that place is always burning. THE END • John Zuill

up Girls!" not men, you know. 1 1 te 1t that. 11 about every ten

Max's favorite song of the day was "Hey! Good Looking \,Jhat' s Cookin 111 and 1 1\·Je'll fix your \,Jagon. 11 Wednesday, July 28. We took a day hike tip the Six Husbands Trait. We had to climb through caves and ladders. There was also snow on the Mountain. Max, Meg and I had a snowball fig~t. Mr. _Johnson's name - "Shortie Short Cut. 11 And Guess what? Pink lemonade turns on Max and Papa Johnson! !

Page 7 MOUNTAIN SCHOOL (cont'd) Thursday, July 29. We woke up and started for Mt. Washington, but guess what, you guys? -- We couldn't make it up Mt. Washington11111! Friday, July 30. This was the last day. We_hiked from Great Gulf Shelter No. 2 to the White Mountain National Forest Toll Road, and Mr. Rearick picked us up. - Nora Sutton

POEM Live your life the way you want to. Throw out the old and bring in the new. Find the cost of freedom, Dig it out of the garbage pile. Keep the land filled with love, Let your dove fly. High above the dove flies, The sky is his alone. Bleed a little for Peace, Lay down your guns. Join with us, we have no rule, Love is coming to a song. Find the cost of freedom, Buried in the earth Find the cost of freedom, It's everywhere you are. You 1 re the savior of the world. Don 1 t let it fall apart - G. Schwartz

THE HISTORY ~~--------~-OF THE - ----,YO-YO _,_ .......~

The Yo-Yo originates from as Filipino jungle fighting weapon recorded in the 16th century, weighing four lbs. with a 20 foot cord. The word means "come-come.'' The craze was started by the toy manufacturer, Louis Marx (U.S.A.) in 1929. The most difficult modern yo-yo trick is the "double handed, crossov~r loop-the-loop. 11 Arthur Pickles, the 1933-53 yo-yo champ, once achieved 1,269 consecutive loop-the-loops. The individual endourace record was eight hours and 32 minutes by David Rose at Chadd's Department Store, Hereford, England on June 23, 1970. The group Marthon record is 76 hours set by six students with three yo-yos at Brierley 1 s store in Leicester, England on March 1-8, 1969. Can anyone at Cardigan match this? - J. Dennison





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