August. 1971
Welcome to the second edition of this summer's Cardigan Chronicle, a famed newspaper, read all over the world. The editor is fearless Jim Nagle, and his assistant is . Greg Schwartz. The man ' of the h6ur, Mr • . Buckler, i~ advisor. Our motto is "alt the: trivia that's fit to print," so get ready for an exper ience. THE MORNING POLAR BEARS In the morningof the blueish sky, when the sun is breaking through the clouds, down over the hill come the Polar Bears at six-thirty. The Big Bear, Mr. Wakely, comes down to be in charge the first one in the morning and Mr. Coes comes down then, too. Then sleepy-head, Mrs. Dixon comes down and swims a couple of laps and is wide awake to start the morning. Next come the rest of the Polar Bears: J. Bagley, R. Bagley, E. Beaty, M. Beaty, Black,, C. Bunton, Burton, Dennison, Feroleto, ~illette, Goode, Hazen, Hickox, Imperiale, Iverson, Jackson, c. Jason, Jones, Kane, McRoberts, Mitchell, Morse~ Mull, Nagle, Otto, Po~te, Pou, Ri~~o, Rowland, Ruotolo, Sager, Schwartz, Stamm, s. Stevens, L. Suplicy, M~ Suplicy, Sutton, Thomas, Thompson, Vogel, Wakely, P. White and Zuitl. - V. Sager BREWSTER I Are there ghosts in Brewster? The first week here -I was in my room on a windy night and I heard footsteps in the halt. In the next _minute · I heard 11 8000 11 • It was supposed to be Mr. Dixon but was
it? Also if you saw a knife or a Teddy beaf floating in air in my room there is a reason. One night at 12:00 I heard this sound/ I hid under the · covers. It was going, "Out! Out! Out! 11 I looked and I saw a cat purring. But was it the _cat? Think about it!! Everything is nearly normal otherwise. - Keith Federman FRENCH II Let me take you on a second floor tour: French Halt II begins with Schwartz, the antiestabtishmentarianist. Next, after the bathroom, is Vogel, our famous character and his roommate Virgil, who is our famous knee man. McRoberts is our ear man and Stevens our fuzz man of the whole dorm. Peter Douglass grows his own oranges and th~t•s what we have for orange · juice. His roommate M. t~hite hates Douglass• orange tree and threatens to chop it down with his ax of gotdt Ed Goldschtag is our camera man and played in the part of the lawyer in "Count Dracu 1a·".
My roommate -is Pa~ker Thomson, an expert sailor. I, mysetf, · am also a camera man. That covers the floor but so does a rug -and that's quieter. FRENCH I Th;ngs aren't going our way this