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August 1972
Everytime we stopped, people from all over would stare at our This is the second and last unusual-looking bus. issue of the 1972 Cardigan ChronWe arrived at the circus at icle. Many of the pl~asant memories 7:15. We unloaded, got our tic6f tha summer of '72 will warm your kets and went in all different winter months as you turn the pages directions. of this paper, We then got 25¢ tickets and Come with us now to those thril-went in and saw the zoo. We ling days of yesteryear. From out walked in and saw tigers and . of the past come the thundering elephants, and then fed them 1·,, ,J ~steps of the old dorm masters. peanuts. When we got into the Hi-ho Cnrdjean! Who was that kid circus, there were hardly any with the bandanna Rround his neck? seats vacant. But we finally He's gone, and I wanted to thank found enough seats for 3 near him. Oh look, he left a silver the third ring. A few minutes dining room tray. He must be the later, the circus started. lone waiter! There were various performances. There were jugglers, and CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HONOR monkeys performing, and there were ROLE BOYS AND GIRLS dogs jumping over hoops. Now and then, a man would Barnett, Bixby, Bollert, Church, scream "Popcorn, Cotton Candy." S. Conger (High Honor Role), W. and he would stand right in our Conger, B. Day, Engelman, Fitzway while we were trying to watch patrick, T. Gardner, Gervais (High the circus. He would scream in Honor Role), Herndon, Hinmans, J. our ears and make it really hard and M., (the dynamic Duo!!!!!) John- to watch the performance, son, Landman, McBain, Merizalde The show ended at 9:30, and (Que?!?!?)~ Mishaan, Nolan, and we then made our way to the bus. Schmanska. We took our seats and sat there Honor Role is achieved by for 1 hour, wondering what was consistantly earning A and B going on. We were then told average or better. that the engine had broken down High Honor Ro le is achieved and we were waiting for some cars by maintaining an A average or from c.M.S. to pick us up. We higher. sat in the bus from 9:30-11:30 How do they do it? For all eating pistachio nuts and cracking the answers, send for my free jokes. booklet "Free Booklet", along with Finally, at 11:30, a few cars $20.00 to cover postage and handling.arrived, and everyone piled inside, Paul · Chamberlain Everyone was exhausted and we Hinman Hall were glad to be back, even though Canaan, N.H. we didn't get to bed until 12:39. -Amy Fitzpatrick At 6:35, on July 31, a bus prepared to leave for the Sells CAMPING TRIP and Grey Circus in Hanover . . The passengers consisted of kids. who We, the hikers, left school had made the Honor Role. The bus at about 7:15 ~nd got to Lincoln ride was a long, but exciting ride, Gap in the Green Mountains at