July, 1973
• . • • . '' Students are commonly -troubled with cacexia1 , bradiopepsia2, bad eyes, stone and collicke, crudities, oppilations,3, vertigo, windes, consumptions, and all such diseases as come by ovemuch sitting, they are most part leane, dry, ill-colored spend their fortunes, lose their wits, and many times, their lives, and all through immoderate paines and extraordinary studies. 11 Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) : 1. Condition of general bad health 2. Slow digestio~ 3. Constipations '
back into our rooms and pretended to be asleep. After she left, Fungus came to the doorway and began basking. Finally someone kicked him out and we went to sleep at last. Greg Causey HAYWARD HALL
If you ask me, our dorm, Hayward · Hall, is inc~edible. There are girls from all over the world. Lolo Beaty is from Brazil and speaks Portugese fluently. Jeanette McKenna also speaks Welcome to Cardigan Mountain SWiiiller French very well and is from SwitzerSchool! Little did the students realize land. B.B. Conger and her family are that they had an advocate who lived in the Hawaiian. You can hear showers and 17th century. Although the first letters crying all at the same time. We do home might have indicated sympathy for every thing from cartwheels in the hall Robert Burton ' s description of their to flashlight fights after dark. You plight, the students by now seem cheerfully might say it ' s sometimes hard to sleep resigned to their fate. Miss Howe, the before the bell rings in the morning! school nurse, has reported only one Only five out of thirteen girls are in serious case of cacexia, and two mild the Polar Bear Club but that is enough cases of oppilations. It seems that the Thanks to Mr. and . Mrs. McNeish, Mr. and teen-ager here is less prone to the disease Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Schmanska, our or "over-much sittingn than he once was! dorm is tops. Tracy Bean DORM LIFE It has been said that we in French Hall are the best students the hall has ever had, but they don't know the truth about the real French Hall, Really, we ' re a bunch of adventure-loving kids. Sometimes at night we get up at 10:00 p.m. One night I ' ll never forget--but of course I won't mention names. Well, I was peacefully sleeping in bed when I heard a big "boom". I looked out my door and saw a boy sliding down the hall. Then crash! Someone ran into a door and cut his knee. Just then a cat came in and jUI!lped on a boy's bed. It crawled all over his face . The boy thought he was having a nightmare, and started yelling, "Help me! Help me!" Mrs. Peck appeared .and said. "Why aren't ya'll in bed? 11 She turned on a light but no one was in the hall. We had all snuck
BREWSTER HALL Brewster Hall is the home of about twenty boys, four faculty members, and their wives and children. Brewster has three floors. The masters' apartments are at the end of each floor. There are four dogs, seven cats and one gerbil who also live in Brewster. Most of the boys ' rooms are neat and clean. In each room ·there ' s a desk, a bed, a dresser and a closet. A lot of the rooms have posters and pictures on the wall. We have a good time. We have fights sometimes and get into trouble, but we get along. David Winters Brewster Hall is a place where excitement never stops. All kinds of