The Chronicle (July 4, 1974)

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CARDIGAN CHRONICLE Volume 1974 , Issue 2


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July 19 74

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Canaan, IL H.

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by Andrew Finkbeiner & Joh n Doheny On the Hight of July 1 , 1974 , water was found trickling down the walls of the Finkb einer apartment. Knowing that the Mc:Neishes were not home, Mr. Finkbeiner rushed up the stairs, opened the door and found the bathroom flooded with about 1/4 inch of water over the entire floor . WHO' S IIJ A NAME ? ? ? ? By John Doheny Mr. Hunt , and HR. Coffin manned -t he mo-ps and helped Richard Kornman wr.. ile Mr. Fink.beiner went to Mr. Randall to tell The Crackerjack quiz of the week: John him about the incident . (His remark was Doheny will give a fantastic box of unp rintab l e . ) crackerjacks to the one who first identApparently t h e g ask et broke wh e n ifies the person described below . If t h e pump f inally turned t h e water b ack on. y ou find out it ' s YOU , keep it a secret The carpet floated in the water , the after you claim your box of crackerjacks scales were full of water ; Wnen gaskets If nobody else guesses by next Sat rday , break . .... instant swimming pool. a second fantastic box of crackerjacks is yours. FIRST CAMPING TRIP : SHORT AIJD 1f"BT The first group of campers to set forth from campus left on July 2 at 8 a.m. for hiking and camping in the Sandwich ifotch area . The boys on the trip were Andy Feffer , Bill Wallace , Jimmy Anderson , Mark Clay ton , Marshall Smith , Kirk Fran.'.{•lin :, ii.eal Meyers and Shawn Miles . Oh July 4, the group clim-b ed Cardigan and after watching the spectacular fireworks from the Canaan Fairg rounds and the Cardigan campus , they prepared to . spend the night. To say the very least , t h ere was a thunder and lightning storm during the night. It was not pleasant being there so the group returned to campus, got very little sleep and spent a very long July 5 recup erating .


CARDIGAll CHROiUC;.;;-;;-T-:;;;-



I Kelly Sartor, :Erich Fahrner , John Doheny ' Fin..'l{beiner , Crai g Franklin , Peter Gould _ and Victor Sein . (Any p ersons wishing to contribute time or talent to the newspaper , please see j Mrs . Shelton).

I Andrew

CLUES : This person wei ghs between Was born when the Beatles were famous performers . Eyes are the same color as hair. Has one brother named Mike and just recently moved . Went to school in ~ ew England this past year. Has a ' 1Y'; in name.

65 and 85 pounds .

THE DODO BUG by Peter Gould I personally didn ' t believe in t lte Dodo bug until January (the dodo ' s main mating season.,,1 when I was hit. (Girls, don ' t ask me to show you the spot . ) The Dodo b ug never bites. It hits . You see , they travel at supersoni c speeds and are extremely nearsighted. The result: i t often hits thin~s it The main effect of being hit by a Dodo bug is wh er2ver y ou have been hit swells up to immense proportions. The reason for this is that the bug carries large amounts of silicone in its 11beak . !J. The silicone is ejected whenever the Dodo bug is startled or frightened. (After all, who wouldn't be startled when hitting Mr. Fahrner at 250 mph ? ) A MODERN HISTORY OF THE DODO BUG : Until 1972 , the Dodo bug was a much debated subject in scientific circles. At

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