CARDIGAN CHRONICLE Volume 1974 , Issue 2
D \ S r-\ 51-t:·R ST ~ \ Kc::. S
July 19 74
\-\ \N \\ \ RN
Canaan, IL H.
\--\ 8 LL
by Andrew Finkbeiner & Joh n Doheny On the Hight of July 1 , 1974 , water was found trickling down the walls of the Finkb einer apartment. Knowing that the Mc:Neishes were not home, Mr. Finkbeiner rushed up the stairs, opened the door and found the bathroom flooded with about 1/4 inch of water over the entire floor . WHO' S IIJ A NAME ? ? ? ? By John Doheny Mr. Hunt , and HR. Coffin manned -t he mo-ps and helped Richard Kornman wr.. ile Mr. Fink.beiner went to Mr. Randall to tell The Crackerjack quiz of the week: John him about the incident . (His remark was Doheny will give a fantastic box of unp rintab l e . ) crackerjacks to the one who first identApparently t h e g ask et broke wh e n ifies the person described below . If t h e pump f inally turned t h e water b ack on. y ou find out it ' s YOU , keep it a secret The carpet floated in the water , the after you claim your box of crackerjacks scales were full of water ; Wnen gaskets If nobody else guesses by next Sat rday , break . .... instant swimming pool. a second fantastic box of crackerjacks is yours. FIRST CAMPING TRIP : SHORT AIJD 1f"BT The first group of campers to set forth from campus left on July 2 at 8 a.m. for hiking and camping in the Sandwich ifotch area . The boys on the trip were Andy Feffer , Bill Wallace , Jimmy Anderson , Mark Clay ton , Marshall Smith , Kirk Fran.'.{•lin :, ii.eal Meyers and Shawn Miles . Oh July 4, the group clim-b ed Cardigan and after watching the spectacular fireworks from the Canaan Fairg rounds and the Cardigan campus , they prepared to . spend the night. To say the very least , t h ere was a thunder and lightning storm during the night. It was not pleasant being there so the group returned to campus, got very little sleep and spent a very long July 5 recup erating .
CARDIGAll CHROiUC;.;;-;;-T-:;;;-
I Kelly Sartor, :Erich Fahrner , John Doheny ' Fin..'l{beiner , Crai g Franklin , Peter Gould _ and Victor Sein . (Any p ersons wishing to contribute time or talent to the newspaper , please see j Mrs . Shelton).
I Andrew
CLUES : This person wei ghs between Was born when the Beatles were famous performers . Eyes are the same color as hair. Has one brother named Mike and just recently moved . Went to school in ~ ew England this past year. Has a ' 1Y'; in name.
65 and 85 pounds .
THE DODO BUG by Peter Gould I personally didn ' t believe in t lte Dodo bug until January (the dodo ' s main mating season.,,1 when I was hit. (Girls, don ' t ask me to show you the spot . ) The Dodo b ug never bites. It hits . You see , they travel at supersoni c speeds and are extremely nearsighted. The result: i t often hits thin~s it The main effect of being hit by a Dodo bug is wh er2ver y ou have been hit swells up to immense proportions. The reason for this is that the bug carries large amounts of silicone in its 11beak . !J. The silicone is ejected whenever the Dodo bug is startled or frightened. (After all, who wouldn't be startled when hitting Mr. Fahrner at 250 mph ? ) A MODERN HISTORY OF THE DODO BUG : Until 1972 , the Dodo bug was a much debated subject in scientific circles. At
...J.l.L .. . <.1.,--' ,J '' Does lt 2xist.? ·· "i:~m; Dodo ·:::iug is t h2 la:; •·. S!~"t',r::.v,:\r ~':~· -~½_·; famous Dodo :famj_J_y t~·m,Jrig i t s d.c ~;r a:c~ the:. D,....•:>... 1:;.;. , ... a_ .~u:J'.~ ~~.1.e D.... l:.J f°i:::11 .
Arno{lg tl:..e Z.C•ni<Jg is~,:=; i :.. ,~_)J.,reJ. 1.n t h e controversy •,: :.;.s Lr, °\•iiJ.J.ts Convesky , Fho sper.t his e i.::: ~ii:'2 :i.if,2 -t r-j: :i.::ig '!°,o prove the ex:i.~3.;_:f:'nce of 1-b .: Dod0 .!\.Li .:.r'OJ.' his father 1 s sak. f). He clied heart .. bro}_~,:1 •,,::-. :;he ?.f!C rJ:.· 83 upon i'iuc..::ne:; out l1is f&th3r w.s.:•~:t"'d h im to :f.'ir,_cl_ his Au.n t :Dodo. 'lh e :?~Yi ,.,t i .~ . ·t :.18.t t :;_v., Dodo b :.1g r2main-=d a-r:icl.isco•,•r.-::1'.'ed unti l 3.943 :°l.,L 1.L'ex-1~~ n 5ar t:::ie s:i. te of ·::.he first when 30 l~ &,ttle vTc.1.·c hit hy- a swa;:·r,1 .--,t Dodos . Tb.-] -s left fat cows and puz,,J.e,i. cowboys . After thr-.t , n oth ing v~as 1:1-=a:l'.'d of the Dedo u!ltil 1 96(l i.n iJe1, ,Tcrs2;,,when a r,•;:~rlet named Raquel Wel c...h. ·,ms hit in very strange y laces ,-;,ith (1:hP.rr.) s t a.rtli l'.' g -r-e ::~.1i-::.s. I,". JS 72 , the :8odo wz.s :i:'0U11d a g ai.r.. i.n i'ir.w !{ciJ1J:;;,::::hire when (•Llt ' J·w-..: iJi::.·. Fa:;.1.:·c-D.,::::r ·,:as hit. I +, ·-ras wi +,h th .:,,-c h i ..., that the Dodo bug's existenc-e ,ms proveE. Last y<2ar in 1973 a s,ra1·::u. of Dodo b;_ic;c, set ;)ff A. st::-ir..g of UFO :=;ightings. Lakely a grO'..l:'J uf s cier..tists h2.,.re been arg uing ~:bout :::i. walking kitE:eating tree named t~1e Do ·ic, t.ree .
··- ·-----·-.- · - - - - ---- -
H I Tilli BOYS 1 ROOM C:.'1urbuck ~ Halm, and. :feller
HARD DAi. 1 S NIGli'I' •.. ,
Stndents on ~• ?:.k c",eteil
C'~V.'.:::E::./,_ '-':.1: i,1.t1 a.t is i-'c -~l1d.t 1-r~ b:L dde11 int t.he 1n.1 .y ~aor r iae;e, b,':?;_1ind. the g a1·bD,ge :i,;,-<l ~ in the closet a..-ia. under tl!<:: ,_;, d .:::• ::; ~
. , ... Wiler'; were you wh ,:::n the wat~:r· off?. • • • Our sympc1i;h:i_e_:, ·:;o ))i:wi.rl Heller, who became aux- :fi1-st l;os1Jj_t.a:. v1 s:a this season ••••• First :ong ·:·-:.:n u. ,rn1··l~ detailers ccm<= in. threes this ... , .. ~fr. FinkbeineY repo r~s the HMS :0 :::-H,'Li..,,JRE , is now in re:h-=:ars al wi 1-.h ., -f', ·,1--·1- C"""'t of 18 · La"' ·'-V '·Tee"' ·' ..,;:'\ T' .r,r• ,• ;, c;, - v_ l'V \ . :.,.,. - .. of •~r.acke::--jacks for the facul~y n:o.r:11= puz z:.e: .ALFRED GAST()l'JGUAY, '.I E.1:.t
·---- -----------'Ite foll,J,-rlng was seJ.ected 1):y the Engl department as a::. essay c.esery·5.iJ'.; of publ:icatiou. HY YAVORI'I'E ANIHAL by Kelly far-Lo:::· Hy -~,xvorite anirn.'3.l is the J se·ve:cal reasons . fer being in-
te:i:ented in cats. Cat::; 1:1.r,3 usualJ.y ,·ery beautiful anri h\~;:·lliger:t . C~;cs do many strange but interesting U:,ings. When I was a you.~g child, I had a pet cat .Chto . Spanj sh for c:::i.t . During that tim-=. Gato I became ver-J close . O:ie incident tb.a;}; :fa.;;cir.. e.tet, r:i-::~ rrc1•· • b 11t li tera..lly scared me out of ;"0 -;;, w:i.ts ~T::.~ (In~j_dentally , C-?..t,o we.s a ve;::r playful: a.nim.aj. ar:;d this 1-:ras one of his f'avori te :pran...~s, );.iy when Gato }:new I was (~oming, he wcmlrl · b.:Ule "bchinc. the nearest enclosure , a.'l'.l open door . Then, wheu ::: ·(.re~1r, tha;3 pa:r:ticular do'.)·r, 1t0W.d pollll•..: 2 out rig..',,·;-. 5.n front of :me 11:1.>l s.:-a::e me to dee:tt,. Evidently Gat o knew how much thi.s scared me and h r:: :'i.hl it eve r;{ time I was n '-: expecting :i. t .
LCVl.'; S'J:'ORi .• ••• ,Jimmy G. au-~ ~Iel.E:::i.
iiE AI:L~ 1 'i ' :IBAVY • h.C ' 8 t~Y EE~ ,;l.'IF,R •. Jh,ru.y Gr11b ma.;.·a ·cc CJ.ay
BAlJD ON TJf.~ PillT ••• • wiJ.l Dowc:1. , Peter C' &
i.uis G:rullon
'..:.'KG s ·:ChEAK •••• Ar:J3.y Fefft:r.
1-10DSTER :MAS};::.._ __ _ Mr. Ai.1d-=:;:-$;);::_
THE AGGIE FIGH'.i' SONG,, •. I1Tr , Sb.eJ:i·. ::m
I J'.U WOHAJ.IJ •••• Alexa Scott by Kelly S2.ri,or