The Chronicle (July 11, 1974)

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CARDIGAN CHRONICLE . Volume 19_ 11t; Issue 3




SECOND CAMPING TRIP SCALES MOUNTAINS The second group of campers to retur from the woods included Jimmy Deutser, Tom Cameron, Will Dowd, Steve Taberman, Ji!llIIJY Grubman and Will Lummis. Their .• three-day trip included climbing up and over both ivir. Chocorua and lYri.ddle Sister Mountain. After returning to campus, the took a second day-long hike up Firescrew Mountain and returned via trails on we~± known Cardigan Mountain.



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Chronicle Staff

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The following shows have beeri given new producers and casts ;-you can see: WHO'S IN A NAME???? By Erich Fahrner MY FAVORITE MARTIAN ... · Green Team Coach A CRACKERJACK QUIZ: Erich Fahrner BEAT THE CLOCK ... t'ether ball game between will give a fantastic box of crackerjacks classes to the one who first identifies the perTO TELL THE TRUTH i .. J. Grubman & W.Lummis son bescribed below. If you find out it's BRADY BUNCH ......• _. Th.e Fahrners you, keep it a secret after you claim HAPPY DAYS ....•... :. end of ·c·amp your box of Crackerjacks. If nobody else BAI'JICEK .....•..........•. Mr. Shelton guesses by next Saturday, a second stuLAWRENCE 'WELK •..... .'-i-Mr. Finkbeiner pendous box of Crackerjacks is yours. GILLIGAl1"'S ISLAND •.. M:r~·-niµm & C.;.M III (Last week's i'/.tystery Person was NEAL NIGHT GALLERY.- .. ~~-;-.-·;-:mr :' CeFFil°"tr MEYERS; the. winner was ..Alfred Gastongu2y_. )SIX MILLION DO~,"M.liN ·: : ;·: ·. :-: ~. ·Daily CLUES for this week's person: Was born in JOHNNY CARSON SHbW... Mr. Anders,pn \ & t~e 1960 1 s and has dark-colored hair. . . annoµn¢ements lives in New York .... Mr. Fahrner took a . HOGAN' S HEROS .•• \ ~ ...•.. Mr. McH,e;t ,sh bad_: pict,u f,e ! of our mystery person ... has BEWITCHED ....... :) t~•r·~•Mr.s.•_. . fcj9hger had macrame for one acti v-i ty . .. shares a LOVE OF LIFE ..... :;::· ~Shri-s--·&·Li n coln dorm room with two people . .. has a name with two A's , three S's and two G's . . .-: CARDIGAN CHRONICLE STAFF ~ Lelley Sartor, John Doheny, Craig PETER GOULD ' S HOROSCOPES Franklin, Peter Gould, Erich Fahrner, (for July 13 to July 20) Andy Finkbeiner, Victor Sein, Jeff Stefan1 ARIES (Mar. 21-April 20) · John Griswold, Lydia Crow, Sarah Wilkin-~ You will forget to wear your belt to son, Rob Newhart. · . (Any persons wishing . a meal. You . may find peanuts under your \ to contribute time or talen to the news- . pillow. I- paper, please see Mrs. Shelton.) •/ TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) ~ . Don ' t forget: Dodo bugs hit ! THE WEEK THAT WAS ~ GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Which student asked· Mrs . . Anderson to · You will be hit by Mr. Finkbeiner 1 s be a job sub for him/her?? ... What shoe. student told Mrs. Dunn she'd better hurr,y CANCER (June 22 - July 23) or she's be lat~ to class?? ... (·Isn't You will receive a letter from your there some way to' tell a big girl from a little brother vd th a stick a used gum little lady?). ~. Which sailing ~nstructor iii it. tipped over in a sailboat· with Secor last LEO (July 24 - August 23) week? ...• Which faculty me::nbers dcn't Watch out for flying blocks of ice. like to wear socks to_ the_,· dining room? eh, Mr . .Clancy and Mr:::, RiclJ,? .' ... While . (continued on back page) we I re at it' who ·r ~ ~ l ;f"_i:is~s the_kayaks




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