The Chronicle (July 18, 1974)

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SOCCI:~-t -;::.v EF..Y s u~JDAY HIKIIJG GROUl? c mrqUErtS PEI,iIG:SWASSE'l' WILDS For soccer players 9 CHS summer school by Bob Hogan has ·ueen only a means to an end ..• playThe third week of our s1.1r.1.mer hiking ing soccer. Ever~y Sunday has featured a season was highlighted by a racoon in·soccer game between the Cardigan team and vasion in the Franconia Brook area of the a i:ias COilla team of varying ages , skills Pemi ~7ilds. T'.ne week started a.T1d ended and experience. on a rainy note, but in between there -;,. rere On July 7 ~ C1''1S won 3--0 against their three gloriously.sun-filled days of hiking . opponents, with Jody Collins scoring two .-A fairly strenuous jaunt up the goals and Jin Grubman scoring one. Tne steep slopes of Mt. Carrigan rewarded the second game on July 14 was also a Cardi g an hikers with a spectacular view of the \,rin , 2 --0 : . Jeroen Kerrebijn scored one entire White Ifountains . goal on a ' penalty kick and Jim Grubman The hikers on this trip were : Chuck scored a goal on a head , after a cross by Banis, Joshua Lawson, George Morrison• l:like Otto. 'f uis last bit of action was Peter Hash , Scott Hickel , John 0 1 Connor, described b y : ir. Hicks as a fine bit of Mike Otto and Lincoln Turner. scoring and a classic soccer play. The climb welcomed a new head of · i.'.i:em·cers of the CHS team practice the trip program in the person of Mr. Bob Juring afternoon activities , some players Hogan from Boston, !"Iass. and the return picking up the first period and others of i".ir. Steve Eeath O a science instructor the second. T'ne pla-yers presently on the h ere at CNS in the winter school. Ci·,IS soccer squad include : lJext week I s trip goes out with Mr. Line(forwards) . Hike Otto , Jody Hogan at the head and assisted by Mr. Collins , Jeroen ?:errebijn , John 1'.i agrane, Hark Durling of .!L•nesbl.iry , i.1Iass. , a recent Jim Grubman , Cnuck Banis, Greg Saulnier, graduate of ~;orthern Essex Comm.unity ?hilip Law, Clay Grubman, Charlie n eid ~ College. CRAC1·~ .'--=~ - :~RJ~A..,....,.,C~K~ ,~~u~1~z,------.:::5y~~J~o~h~n:-.-Doheny Randi Caplan, Chris l~asperzak and Andy Feffer. John Doheny has done it again~ His iial:fbacks ; Jona Wakely ~ lfathan Pusey ~ latest r;-,ystery person is a real Crackerf ·,. John Doheny, Tom ~ Jay Blair , jack. A box of same goes to the student Steve Haskell , Todd ;·Jils on , John O1 Connor , identifying the possessor of the follow Josh Lawson , Gretchen Breckwoldt~ Kirk ing ; Fraru;:.lin " Stuart .Andrews , l,iike St'uber, CLUES : Can really be called only four Jeff Leventhal , Joey Bergner , '" ··.. Kevin years old .... Is frequently found near the Gilbert and Chris iiilliams. waterfront ... :-rice lines• and slender .. . Fullb.acks . Ji:m Reynolds , Doug iJiacCan swim very 1rell. ... Has a C in name .. . ~Ji chol ~ Andy Iia.1-i:::ilett , Cynthia Fi~b einer, needs lots of protection · from the summer Lydia Crow, Josh La•;1son and Tom Guerra. sun. Goalies : Lincoln Turner , Lothrop (Last ,reek I s myster.1 person, se-Horris and Xevin Gil"bert. lected by 2rich Fahrner : LISA GLASSBEnG. .... •"_,.;' -- .,.... _. ··- ........,'-..•' .... ..... __ /.,._,'--..._ .... _ - - --·- ' .. _ ..... ..,. ' __,._ ,l·-'-- -"-- _,-:, _,z_,.,.; W inner of the Crackerjacks: John Doheny.) . -:, Cful.DIG.A..i! CERo; rICL~ STAFF I / ~Celley Sartor . John Doheny • Craig ~ QUESTION ; If two vs company , and three s ! Franklin ,. Peter Gould , :::::rich Fahrner , z a crowd 1 what are four and five? f Andy Fin..i<.beiner, Victor Sein~ Jeff Stefani11jAi.JS\'i"ER : :Tine. f John Griswold 5 Lydia Crow and Sara."l-J. Wil- , f•; __ _4ny. . :perscm.s wi·shiEg··to :.c:ohtribute,:" Q,UESTIOlJ; goes ha . ha, ha. plop? 1 time or talent to the newspaper. please /. A.1\J"StfER : Som:e·oody laughing his head off. ( see ~,]rs. Shelton. { 1


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THE STAJ.'JLEY CUP BACKETBALL GAME by Jeffrey Stefani Here , in the Boston Garden, ladies and gentlemen, the Cardigan Cougars are playing against the Boston Celtics. The score is 89 - 73. for Cardigan, folks! This is a total report . Dunn(or DUIDID.) just managed from a yard away to miss the basket. The ball falls back into the court and Boston has it now and they ' re heading toward the Cardigan basket. Tweet! The first half is over and the score is 90 -~ 75 for Cardigan. The players soon reappear on the court and the ball is bounced high in the air and each team mate jumps up and tries to steal the ball. Finally Crocker gets away with it but gosh • what a clumsy guy• he stumbJ.ea over the ball and lands fl a t: on his face. Boston receives the ball and scores. Cardigan gets to put the ball in play and Fahrner takes it ... he runs the court and scares everybody off it but when he gets in front of the basket and he I s all alone and throws, he misses because there was a mosquito on the ring of the basket and he doesn 1 t have the heart to hurt it. Then Boston starts playing and wow , watch those points agglomerate themselves. The score is 235 to 111. Now Dailey has the b~ll , passes it to Sobolowski, who passes it to Rich, who fails to pass. McHeish stumbles at Finkbeiner' s feet, who fortunately takes the ball and passes it to Anderson, ·who gets the ball swiped frcm .him after . two ·.s~ccnds...:.s.nd..-gosh·!:-. _P·m never going to broadcast a Boston=CMS game again , beause I have a too small mouth to talk that big.

THE GRAPEVINE ~'-(J'~~..00-~ by Lydia Crow and John Griswold · Did you know that Lynn and Joey broke up? Lynn is free! Again! Ten to one, we can tell you where Gretchen is today. Another breakup: Tom and Maggie ... finally. Who knows who'll be the lucky guy next time? Randi seems to be happy to be back with Jeff. · There I s a rumor that Philippe LaPrelle is afraid of winged insects. G~sh, what a chicken. FIIifKBEDJER (continued) decided to become a minister since it is easier to fake being a minister than fake playing the organ. So he enlisted in the Arch Snodgrass Correspondence School for Ministers. As a minister, he found it very hard to raise funds for his church, so he started his mm country and western band consisting of only local ministers. They called themselves the 1;God Sends. 11 This was when his musical career began in earnest. When playing in this country and western band, he was bitten by a dodo bug. Everybody made fun of his extreme lower back . He became exceptionally angry. Because of this he made a deal with his Chines:e cook, Yung Boo. The deal was the Yung Boo would teach him Karate if Hr. Finkbeiner would teach him B- flat kazoo making and playing. His directions were thus: First you build a piano. Then when you have left--over wood, you build a kazoo. (to be continued)

A SERIES OF UPS .ArJD DOWNS I i.if /-;/---_;r-/~--;/-;"'~-,/-?-/-/.:..,,,'-,/ / / / / EARLY FIHKBEINER HISTORY by Peter Gould & Andrew Finkbeiner SPECIAL MOVIE BULLETIN: The inovie for July 27 will NOT be ,:Light in the Forest. ;, The Finkbeiner was born in Acne, Nebraska, in 1947 on April 1. At the age It will be 0 Babbi tt. :: of one and one half. he wrote his first sonata. This was a very hard task since Frank: Ma, it's a good thing he had to build his piano first. He had / you named me Frank. ' enough wood left over so he could ~uild -,~-~ a kazoo. He started to ~lay th~ p1.a...T10; \)\.\\_; , \J\,, Mother: Why? ·'less kazoo, more sauce~ "' he ha1.d. However, \ L\}) Frank: That I s what everybody his sonata sounded better on the B-flat ·)\-J calls me. kazoo. This was unique because there is (c\"'- \() ~ City Slicker: I just ran over no B- flat kazoo. The Finkbeiner .started to play the your rooster, and I'd like to organ in a chapel, after moving to Hobal, replace him. Farmer: Fine, Penn. This was difficult because he did let's hear you crow. not know how to play the organ. So he



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