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SOCCI:~-t -;::.v EF..Y s u~JDAY HIKIIJG GROUl? c mrqUErtS PEI,iIG:SWASSE'l' WILDS For soccer players 9 CHS summer school by Bob Hogan has ·ueen only a means to an end ..• playThe third week of our s1.1r.1.mer hiking ing soccer. Ever~y Sunday has featured a season was highlighted by a racoon in·soccer game between the Cardigan team and vasion in the Franconia Brook area of the a i:ias COilla team of varying ages , skills Pemi ~7ilds. T'.ne week started a.T1d ended and experience. on a rainy note, but in between there -;,. rere On July 7 ~ C1''1S won 3--0 against their three gloriously.sun-filled days of hiking . opponents, with Jody Collins scoring two .-A fairly strenuous jaunt up the goals and Jin Grubman scoring one. Tne steep slopes of Mt. Carrigan rewarded the second game on July 14 was also a Cardi g an hikers with a spectacular view of the \,rin , 2 --0 : . Jeroen Kerrebijn scored one entire White Ifountains . goal on a ' penalty kick and Jim Grubman The hikers on this trip were : Chuck scored a goal on a head , after a cross by Banis, Joshua Lawson, George Morrison• l:like Otto. 'f uis last bit of action was Peter Hash , Scott Hickel , John 0 1 Connor, described b y : ir. Hicks as a fine bit of Mike Otto and Lincoln Turner. scoring and a classic soccer play. The climb welcomed a new head of · i.'.i:em·cers of the CHS team practice the trip program in the person of Mr. Bob Juring afternoon activities , some players Hogan from Boston, !"Iass. and the return picking up the first period and others of i".ir. Steve Eeath O a science instructor the second. T'ne pla-yers presently on the h ere at CNS in the winter school. Ci·,IS soccer squad include : lJext week I s trip goes out with Mr. Line(forwards) . Hike Otto , Jody Hogan at the head and assisted by Mr. Collins , Jeroen ?:errebijn , John 1'.i agrane, Hark Durling of .!L•nesbl.iry , i.1Iass. , a recent Jim Grubman , Cnuck Banis, Greg Saulnier, graduate of ~;orthern Essex Comm.unity ?hilip Law, Clay Grubman, Charlie n eid ~ College. CRAC1·~ .'--=~ - :~RJ~A..,....,.,C~K~ ,~~u~1~z,------.:::5y~~J~o~h~n:-.-Doheny Randi Caplan, Chris l~asperzak and Andy Feffer. John Doheny has done it again~ His iial:fbacks ; Jona Wakely ~ lfathan Pusey ~ latest r;-,ystery person is a real Crackerf ·,. John Doheny, Tom Bale.win ~ Jay Blair , jack. A box of same goes to the student Steve Haskell , Todd ;·Jils on , John O1 Connor , identifying the possessor of the follow Josh Lawson , Gretchen Breckwoldt~ Kirk ing ; Fraru;:.lin " Stuart .Andrews , l,iike St'uber, CLUES : Can really be called only four Jeff Leventhal , Joey Bergner , '" ··.. Kevin years old .... Is frequently found near the Gilbert and Chris iiilliams. waterfront ... :-rice lines• and slender .. . Fullb.acks . Ji:m Reynolds , Doug iJiacCan swim very 1rell. ... Has a C in name .. . ~Ji chol ~ Andy Iia.1-i:::ilett , Cynthia Fi~b einer, needs lots of protection · from the summer Lydia Crow, Josh La•;1son and Tom Guerra. sun. Goalies : Lincoln Turner , Lothrop (Last ,reek I s myster.1 person, se-Horris and Xevin Gil"bert. lected by 2rich Fahrner : LISA GLASSBEnG. .... •"_,.;' -- .,.... _. ··- ........,'-..•' .... ..... __ /.,._,'--..._ .... _ - - --·- ' .. _ ..... ..,. ' __,._ ,l·-'-- -"-- _,-:, _,z_,.,.; W inner of the Crackerjacks: John Doheny.) . -:, Cful.DIG.A..i! CERo; rICL~ STAFF I / ~Celley Sartor . John Doheny • Craig ~ QUESTION ; If two vs company , and three s ! Franklin ,. Peter Gould , :::::rich Fahrner , z a crowd 1 what are four and five? f Andy Fin..i<.beiner, Victor Sein~ Jeff Stefani11jAi.JS\'i"ER : :Tine. f John Griswold 5 Lydia Crow and Sara."l-J. Wil- , f kins.om•; __ _4ny. . :perscm.s wi·shiEg··to :.c:ohtribute,:" Q,UESTIOlJ; Uh.at goes ha . ha, ha. plop? 1 time or talent to the newspaper. please /. A.1\J"StfER : Som:e·oody laughing his head off. ( see ~,]rs. Shelton. { 1
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