CARDIGAN CHRONICLE Volume 1974, Issue 5
A SERIOUS NOTE FROM GRANITE STATE ELECTRIC Canaan Town officials have passed along this vital information to Cardigan Mountain School: (Canaan, N.H.) The Granite State Electric Company has learned that due to several severe electrical Storms this summer, it has become necessary to blow out the dirty electrical lines. Old equipment in the Canaan area works on a ~u~t1nn principle and the main compressor in Enfield will be used on the reverse system to blow out the accumulated debris. Dirty lines are causing low voltage in the ~pper Valley communities. Therefore all Canaan electrical lines will be bl9wn out on Monday, July 29 at 3 p.m. Cardigan asks that all students and faculty be sure to place masking tape over all electrical outlets sometime during the day before 3 p.m. Everyone should be doubly sure that all outlets are covered with tape because uncovered outletts will explode electrical dust into rooms, causing a great deal of room untidiness. Dorm masters are asked to cover all dormitory telephones with paper bags since some residue is also blown out through th~ phones. Electrical dust stains badly and is almost impossible to remove. STRAIGHT FROM L. T. CLASS ••••• What do you have when you cross a •••• Turtoise and a seal? A Tortoiseal. Burrow and a robin? A burrobin. Chimpanzee and a zebra? A chimpanzebra. Turtle and a leopard? A turtleopar~.'. Pig and an iguana? A piguana. Salmon and a monkey? A salmonkey. Perch and a chipmunk? A perchipmunk. P1acock and a cockroach? A peacockroach.
July 1974
Canaan, N. H.
SAMPLE MONDAY LETTER (For those who need it~ a public service composed by Craig Franklin.) DON 1 T FORGET STAMP, STATIONERY, and WRITE IN PEN. And most of all, ADDRESS THE ENVELOPE. LETTER Your address City, state or co_u ntry Date Dear Mom & Dad: How are You? I'M I'm having a___ time here. writing you because assi gnrnent.
Or e 1se I 1 11 get _______ • I have to go now and Love,
P.s, Please send me 'Thank you. (If you figure out what the blanks mean, you will get a - - - - - - • C.F. )
••••• IMPORTANT •••• From July 30 to August 1, there will be a movie crew on campus. Many of the scenes will be crowd scenes, and a number of students will be required for extras. Pay for extras is $5.00 a day. Sign up on Monday at lunch at Mr. Dailey's table. The movie being filmed is JUST AM 0LD-FASIHOrJE0 SUMMER.