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CARDIGAN CHRONICLE Volume 1974, Issue 6
HARD DRIVIN i WOMEN ( Climbers , that is ! )
August 1974
Canaan, N.H,
WHAT DO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON? ';Dear Folks; Casey Bierer, Tom Bowen, Fred Brown, Nat · Alexa, Helen and I slept together, Brown, Christina Carr, Fran...k Chiavarini, That I s not all either, We also Kenny . Chiang, Mike Dannin, Tom Deakman, Christy Dodds, Mary Dulworth, Billy Dunnr.. (censored), Aleisa Dolloph, Alan Fahrner, Amy .frankLove , Randi " lin, Dave Freeman, Tom Gardner, Claudio Guerra, Jeff Heinzel, David Jef'f'rey , Lou Yes, that was the kind of week it was, The trjp p.L·ogram t-,ook its fi.r:Jt o~''''P ,-£' T,n11'011tis ce , Fi·a n cesca J,aPrelle, Beth Marrion , David Millar, Ricky Mills, Mark girls deep into the heart of the Pemi w.1.ia..c.rness, · ·. It was a very successful Natka, Cliff O'Reilly , Bobby Perkins, trip wi th i:h,=,, highlights being: a jaunt Luis Ramoa, Larry Saulnier, Traci Saulnj er of 5 miles in 6 hours on the first day, Scott Savsovltz, Kim Siebel, Doug Sinclai~ a chipmunk raid on our sunflower seeds Aaron Smith, Alex Stahley , Jeff Warcup on Tuesday, the Chute at Franconia Brook Bert Wickman and Bernt Womack. on Wednesday, an ascent of Mt, Carrigan (4680 ft,) on Thursday and a 6,5 miles If anyone figures this out, a GIANT in 2 , 5 hour death march to Mac's on crackerjack prize is his. ------ - - - - - - Friday, The lucky ladies on this trip Mark are planning a special surprise for were: Randi Caplan, Mary Dulworth, each and every person who -, limbed with Maginel and Melissa Galt, Helen Hummer, them this summer. Alexa Scott and Crane Trowbridge, And, As this is the last issue of the of course, Mrs, Jackie Anderson, year, both Bob and Mark would like to It should be noted that this week thank all who have helped them mal{e this did take its toll on CMS staff members, climbing season so successful. Especi~ll~ Both Mark and Bob had to be restrained John O' Connor and Mr. Eric Anderson and at weeks I end by strait jackets as both the big green van. were suffering from shock and a mild Keep on climbing; Fight the Smog cas e of insanity broµght on by mental Snailway and the German Bunker and have cruelty, a good summer! Tnis week , after a quiet weekend in the local asylum, Hogan and Durling Productions will present nA Three Day _Death THE MYSTERY PERSON by Aleisa Dolloph March ii through Mt, Washington and surrounding peaks, The climbers this week The last :reystery person for the are Marshall Smith,; Tom Cameron, Jim summer has changed jobs t~ree times in Deutser, Will Dowd, Dave Iverson, John the last six weeks, lives - with a.dog, and 0 1 Connor and Steve Taberman . is old enough to smoke. This Wednesday evening, Hogan and Other clues: has lived all over the Durling Productions proudly presents world, has hair of a different color "Goofer Balln in the dining room. This th&~ any other girls', can type over· will be the capping off point for the 60 words a minute ; has four syllables sllillI!ler climping season and all the people and two d's in na~e. who travele d with Messrs, Hogan, Durling and Heath are invited. ' ( See Aleisa for your Crackerjacks . ) The ball starts rolling at 7 : 30 p,m, sharp, Very casual dress is the order of the night, At this writing, Bob and
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: THE CHRONICLE EQUESTRIAN AWARD OF THE "An official piece-by-piece count WEEK goes to Chris Dolloph, who was has revealed a total of 32 raisins in one awarded one red and three white ribbons box of raisin bran, Can anyone beat that?''for showing his horse Misty at the North Haverhill Fair on Friday, Aug. 2. The A PERSONAL NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER red was for fitting and showmanship, Rumbles concerning our Chronicle Good show, Chris! practical jokes have reached the press ~ \,-v\.;\./\,'u'Jl\. \\.M A\.V.A\\• J.A,\iV\.,\..\AN\A\ room, Some students have read some of $ These spots are not the product of the our seemingly true statements, believed many campus dogs, although they are doing them and been very disappointed when they their thing freely and with noticeable discovered these statements were false, disregard for barefooted or sandal-shod (How many bumper cars did you see?) humans, The canine efforts usually disPart of their disappointment is due appear with the action of sun, wind and to feeling foolish perhaps. Victims of rain; spots of chewing gum,however, seem practical jokers usually always have such to thrive on the action of the elements, feelings, Anger at those who played t~e remaining ever sticky and ready to attach j o k e ::: usn'lJ .ly :follows. themselves to any passing sole. Before bi tt~0rness sets in, may we Work detail might find this an interplease suggest that you try to see our esting project to work at with old knives practical jokes in another light? The and rubbing alcohol. Turning out whole big lesson to be learned :from this is dormitories armed with nothing but waste-• DON'T BELIEVE ALL YOU SEE OR HEAR, baskets is likely to prove ineffective, People all too often believe the If we had a functioning Science Dept, printed word secause it is ·printed word, this summer, they might take on a project They don't look beyond the page to the to compound a chemical potion designed real facts behind the printed word, They to dissolve the unsightly spots, Miss are too lazy to really question things Howe could be approached to see if any and careless enough to believe whatever of her stomach remedies might have a is in front of their eyes. soothing effect on gum blobs, We might We should all be more and more try rubbing dog food into each spot in skeptical, or questioning, about all kinds the hopes that this might prove so appeal of things, The printed word is one of ing that the local dog pupulation would those things, spend every waking moment chewing, clawIt's not really very hard to put ing and scratching at these spots, We something into print, run off several might also make wooden duckboards for all hundred or thousand copies. Anybody with the sidewalks in hopes that future de~ . the desire and resources can do it, posits would e ither fall through the But there is always more than one cracks and disappear into the dust, or, side to every story, Sometimes there are if they happened to stick to the boards, more than two.Be aware of this and don't that these could ultimately be removed get your thinking secondhand. with a hammer and chisel. In a somewhat We hope you've learned to be more defeatist attitude, we have considered skeptical this summer, To prove that digging up all the sidewalks and seeding there are at least two sides to every them over on the basis that students story -- you might agree with our thoughts walk on grass anyway. Then again, perhap: here, but then again you' re still mad we could stock wooden shoes in the athlet• about being fooled 1 right? is store and require these to be worn at '·" - ~'--A--L...L-.__, L _._~-- -·'-·· '- ·· L.L _L- L .L....-L -L.A all times. When whatever sticks to the ANOTHER LETTER TO THE EDITOR: soles could be removed with a rasp or Page 26a of the CMS student handbook sandpaper. outlines se'b.O01 · . policy that the use of An any rate, your attention is chewing gum is not considered gentlemanly kindly requested in hopes that this or ladylike,· Despite this longstanding problem might have a speedy solution, and well-publicized policy and the shining ' example of our current faculty in eschewing chewing, this nasty habit does seem THE END IS IN SIGHT!!!!!! to ee proliferating as evidenced by the increasingly noticeable number of sticky spots arrearing on campus sidewalks,