Notes from Cardigan (December, 1972)

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PAID Canaan, N.H. Permit No. 1

Cardigan Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03741

Issue No. 2

December 1972

Since there are only two and one-half weeks of school between the Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations, you might think activity on campus would be confined to academics and athletics; but such is hardly the case. We have made notes of a few of the extra things that have taken place during this time. On each of the last two Sundays a bus full of boys went over to Waterville Valley to ski. Early December weather can be erratic, and last Sunday they left in a snow storm which shortly turned to rain. The slopes were in spots icy, slushy and rocky, but the boys had a great day in the fresh air despite less than ideal conditions. There have been two Saturday evening trips to use the Dartmouth pool always a popular activity. On Nov. 30th a group of students were guests of the Drama Dept. at LaSalette Seminary to see their production of"Twelve Angry Men 11 • To see a real play with live actors - even student actors - is much more exciting than even a fine show on TV. And it really tops off the evening when you 1 re invited for cocoa and cider after the show and have a chance to meet the actors you 1 ve just seen. As a special treat, Floor Leaders and boys holding elective positions went to Hanover one evening to see the new Movie 11 A Separate Peace••. So much for off-campus affairs. Remember the old fashioned spelling bee? They 1 re still just as exciting and nerve wracking as they were, and the tradition is very much alive here. It starts in each English class with a spell-down to find the top speller in the class. For round two, a spelling bee to pick the top three in each grade. Finally the real thing - in the auditorium with an official scorekeeper and a live audience, including the Headmaster, some faculty and a group of enthusiastic supporters - all pledged to silence. Top speller in this first round was Paul Chamberlain. His name will be inscribed on the trophy and if he should win one more time this year (rounds two and three in February and May} it will be his to keep. Second prize to Bob Chartener - like Chamberlain a ninth grader. Third prize was taken by a seventh -grader - Dave Killary. (What happened to the eighth grade?). One of the reasons we invested in a small computer of our own this year was to see if more boys would use it when not restricted by a schedule of time-sharing. The results so far certainly justify the expense; for our computer is being used two or three times the number of hours we used the Dartmouth computer last year. And more boys are involved, too. It makes quite a difference to have it available all the time - afternoons, evenings and weekends. The only drawback is the 1 imited memory storage capability. We see the need to add an additional memory unit and will do so as soon as funds are available. At the end of the first marking period thirteen boys earned Honor Roll status. They deserve to be recognized here for their fine work. Grade 6: Hugh Covert; Grade 7: Charlie Hickox and lain Morse: Grade 8: Bill Barry, Matt Bronfman, Charles Chandler, Tom Crowell, Charlie Gallagher, Mark Melvin; Grade 9: Hugh Auchincloss, Bob Chartener, Brian Kenning, Todd Obenschain. Of this group, two boys have the distinction of earning Honors in all of their subjects - this means grades of 85 or higher: Bill Barry and Bob Chartener.

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