Nonprofit Organization U.S. POST AGE PAID Canaan, N.H. Permit No. 1
Cardigan Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03741
Volume 5
Issue No. 2
February 1976
From all over the nation and the world, CMS students once again returned to Canaan. The old year had passed and the new one threatened to freeze us a ll, but everyone made it back with tales of their holidays. The hockey trip to Finland had been a success and the boys had many valuable experiences living and playing with the Finnish hockey team. Many thanks are due to all who helped to make this trip possible. We'd like to take this opportunity to we l come a new member of the Cardigan faculty, Richard Gallien, who joined us the week of January 19 to replace the retiring Mrs. Charlotte Goldthwait as teacher of the Sixth Grade. No stranger to the Upper Valley, he comes to us from Windsor, Vermont, where he had previously taught in the special education program. This year, the term 11 Parents 1 Weekend" took on a special meaning for two faculty families. First, on the night of February 5, Eddie and Fe Ramos became the proud parents of their first-born, a six and one-half pound boy whom they named Ramon. All three of the members of the Ramos family are doing fine, although Eddie has been looking s l eepy of late! Then, five days later, on the afternoon of February 10, Penny and Sky Peck became the parents of their second chi ld, a baby brother to Nicole, named Schuy l er, Jason. The baby was a bit ear ly, but is doing well, as are the parents. Speaking of Parents' Weekend, the weather which had been so co ld during January, gave us a respite for the weekend of February 6. That Friday, parents started to trickle in from noon on to join a ll of us here for individual conferences and to enjoy the sports and other programs planned for the occasion. Mr. Wakely officia ll y opened the two-day program at dinner that night, after which, visitors were able to drop into the Glee Club rehearsal. Saturday brought sti ll more parents to the campus, and most sat in on their son's c l asses, even participating in the discussions. The afternoon began with a talk by Mr. Wakely in the Chapel, followed by a performance of the Cardigan Mountain Schoo l Glee Club, under the direction of Mr. Finkbeiner. The sports contests a ll ended in victory for CMS, which cou ld not have been better if it had been plannedi Late afternoon was the time for receptions in each of the dormitories and a performance of A. Conan Doyle's 11 The Norwood Builder", under the direction of Mesirs. Dunn and Ladd (and a helping hand by Mr. Mahoney). Throughout the day, visitors could be seen admiring the crafts exhib it s set up by Mrs. She lton and Mrs. Fahrner, not to mention the Art Exhibits in Hopkins Hall and the Model Train Club's show in Clark-Morgan Hall . That night, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mit che ll, parents of Terry, were the hosts of a Parent's Gathering at the Dartmouth Outing Club. Sunday, after Chapel, the three day "Long Weekend" began, and by two o ' c l ock the campus was as deserted as it had been full a few hours before. All of us here enjoyed the weekend immensely and wish that those of you who did not make it cou ld have been here. With the winter as co ld as it has been, this ha s been a good year for snow and ice and all of our teams have done well. Final records will not be in for several more weeks, but as of right now, the standings are: Varsity Hockey - Won 11 Lost 3 Tied O;
-2Reserve Hockey - Won 5 Lost 2 Tied 1; 3rd Team Hockey - Won 4 Lost O Tied O; Alpine Skiing - Won 6 Lost 3 Tied O; Nordic Skiing - Won 4 Lost O Tie d 0. Both the Varsity Hockey and the Alpine Ski teams have further distinguis he d the mselves in competition this winter. The Varsity Hockey team took part in th e St . Paul's Junior Prep School Hockey Tournament held January 31 and February 1 i n Concord and came away with a 2nd place. The Alpine Ski Team journeyed to t he New England Junior Prep School Meet at Vennont Academy on February 15 and also came in 2nd. The boys did a great job in competition and in all other aspects of their stays there. These are performances that the School can be proud of . Mr. Wakely called a special meeting of the School in the Chapel on the mo r ning of February 13 to announce that the School would soon start construction on a new Recreational-Social Center to be added to the present locker complex. Although the snow is far from gone, plans call for groundbreaking to begin within the month, with an estimated completion date of early 1977, although we will be able to use many of the facilities by October of this year. The new building will offer expanded sports and locker facilities and a reception area to be used for entertaining special gatherings. In Memoriam. All of us here at Cardigan were saddened by the sudden passing of Nellie Clancy on January 2. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, January 6, the Rev. Harold Finkbeiner officiating. All .of us who knew Nellie always found i n her a warm and interested friend who was never too busy to stop and talk . Card i gan Mountain School has lost a good and valued friend.