Notes from Cardigan (June, 1976)

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Notes from Cardigan

Nonprofit Organization U.S. POST AGE PAID Canaan, N.H. Permit No. 1

Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03741

Issue No. 4

June 1976

As this issue is being written, the 1976 Summer Session is nearing the end of its first week and the campus is beginning to settle down into the normal summer schedule. Winter school closed the last week in May, although "Commencement Week" actually began with the Baccalaureate service held in the Chapel on the 22nd. The week before graduation is the time when the departing senior class passes on its responsibilities to the incoming senior class and this changeover takes place in the form of the several awards and recognition ceremonies held prior to the Saturday Commencement. The first step in this process is the election of the School Leader for the forthcoming year and, in a school-wide vote, Stanley B. Smith, Class of 1977, was chosen to succeed Paul Leahy who had done an excellent job this year in that capacity. We are certain that next year will be a fine year also, under Stanley's leadership. On Tuesday, May 24, the elected officers, job heads, and floor leaders for next year were announced at the Investiture Ceremony. At this time, the person who is relinquishing his position receives his successor and passes on the reins of duty to him. Many congratulations to all these boys and our wishes for the best possible year for them. Thursday afternoon, May 26, was the next step in the graduation process. The Recognition Assembly was held in the Chapel and was the last time this year that the entire student body would be together. It was at this time that many of the awards were given out, beginning with the spring sports "Most Improved" and "Most Valuable Player" Awards and continuing with the academic department awards, the Room Inspection Awards, and the other awards which recognized excellence in all areas of endeavor here at Cardigan. After a picnic dinner on the Clark-Morgan lawn, most of the underclassmen departed for the summer vacation, leaving the graduating seniors and the 8th graders who would be serving as marshal ls for graduation. Friday was a day which was left relatively unscheduled with the exception of the Senior Banquet held that evening. The guest speaker was Don Cherry, coach of the Boston Bruins hockey team, who gave words of advice to the seniors and spoke about the Bruins to the gathering, to the delight of the true fans in the audience, and the enjoyment of all. Saturday was the day. We were very fortunate to have as our guest speaker this year Mr. John V. Lindsay, former Mayor of the City of New York and father of John V. Lindsay, Jr. of the graduating class. Mr. Lindsay advised the seniors to do their best in meeting the challenges of the coming years and to prevail against the temptation to let life carry them along, instead of being the shapers of their own futures. In addition to the awarding of diplomas to the seniors, the Commencement ceremony is also the time when the School Prizes are given out. These prizes are given in special recognition of excellence attained by members of the student body. The awards and their recipients are listed below. The Headmaster's Prize - Dana Gudmunder Blunt The Senior Prize - Hugh C. Covert The Hinman Prize - David Anderson Quinn The Founders Prize - Christopher Taliadoros The Caldwell Prize - David Anderson Quinn The Addison Memorial Prize for Creative Writing - Calvin Baxter Garwood The Pannaci Memorial Award - Paul Joseph Leahy The Faculty Prize - Paul Joseph Leahy ,·


During the Commencement ceremony, it was announced that Mr. Robert S. Gillette, President of the Board of Trustees, would be retiring from that position but would continue to se r ve the School as a member of the Corporation. Mr. John L. Tower, Vice President of the Board of Trustees, will succeed Mr. Gillette as President. We are very grateful to Mr. Gillette for all his efforts in behalf of Cardigan and we welcome Mr. Tower to his new position. Many of the faculty and staff were on hand for the first Alumni Family Weekend, held on June 12 and 13, to receive a representative sample of the Cardigan alumni body, including Paul Leahy and Chris Taliadoros who had only left two weeks before! The tone for the weekend was informal and the weather was beautiful. Saturday night, Chancy put on a roast beef feast in the dining room and those of us who were there very much enjoyed the chance to make new acquaintances and to renew old ones, trading stories and anecdotes about Cardigan's first 30 years. Mr. Wakely met with the gathering shortly before dinner to welcome them and to ask their help in setting the Cardigan Alumni Association in full motion. After dinner, many assembled in the auditorium for a showing of the Cardigan Mountain School film. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable weekend and we all look forward to many more of its kind in the future . Summer Session convened on Wednesday, June 23. This summer, we are filled to capacity with 135 students from all over the nation, including students from Europe, Central and South America, and Asia . The focus of the C.M.S. Summer Session is slightly different from that of winter school. English, Math, Developmental Reading, Language Training, French, and Typing are the courses offered and are more in the nature of tutorials than regular classes . The emphasis on small classes and on building a one-to-one working relationship are the keys to our program and the students come to us either for enrichment or reinforcement before entering the next higher grade. Supplementing this is a complete afternoon activity schedule ranging from Silversmithing to Lacrosse, with many special programs offered in addition such as weekly series on the Arts from the University of New Hampshire, instructing the students in Mime, Art, Music and Drama. Although the summer has barely begun, we have already developed into a family here on campus, and this is the real key for a successful and fulfilling summer. More on the Summer Session in the next letter. The Recreational-Social Center has taken on a 11 concrete 11 shape now; almost all of the walls are up and stacks of bricks and concrete blocks are stowed safely away on the site. Progress has been very good, and by the time the summer ends, the building should be resembling its finished state. Another building sight will soon be under way in the form of a new faculty house which will be erected beside Greenwood House. Groundbreaking is expected July 1. The house is a gift of Mr . and Mrs. Charles Banks , who also gave the funds for Greenwood House. Each faculty house brings the school closer to the ideal living situation for the students; that of living in a house in a smaller group than in the ·dormitories . We are very grateful to the Banks for their continuing generous support of Cardigan Mountain School. As of June 30, the 1975-1976 Annual Fund Drive will be closed. Participation has been good this year - the total number of donors as of June 28, 1976 is 291. The dollar total for this year is $68,482, about $1,500 short of our $70,000 goal, making the average gift about $236. We wish to express our gratitude to those who aided our programs here by contributing to the Annua l Fund and we hope that those of you who did not participate will help us next year . It is through your continued support and generosity that Cardigan continues to grow and prosper and in our current efforts to improve our facilities and programs, the Annual Fund is more important than ever. From all of us here at Cardigan, best wishes for a sunny and pleasant summer!

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