Notes from Cardigan (February, 1977)

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Nonprofit 0 rgan i·zat ion u. s. POSTAGE PAID Canaan, N. H. Permit No. 1 NOTES FROM CARDIGAN Cardigan Mountain -School Canaan, New Hampshire 03741


Issue No. 7 N~w ~ampshire's long stretch of sub-freezing weather seems to have ended ~md.:ttie C.M.S. campus is now basking in the relatively warm temperatures of the past week • . Average temperatu~es have risen from -10° to 20° F·. · In terms of fuel · consumption, this spell has been a welcome change from the winter routine. · Parent's Weekend this year was cold, but sunny. During the three ·· · days it lasted, over 225 pa'rents and-friends visited the campus, ·with ,· almost half arriving on Friday, February 4. The normally busy schedule of parent-teacher· confirences was augmented by a number of special sports, arts, and social events. Matches in all sports were well played and . · · Cardigan suffered no losses in any competition. Parent's Weekend had originally been the scheduled ~ate for the dedication of the Kenerson Athletic Center. Due, however, to unavoidable delays, the dedication has been postponed until September 23, 1977. The gymnastics exhib"ition, featuring teams from Boston State College and Reading High School, took place as planned, giving many their first look at the interior of the completed building. Other events included performances by the Glee Club and C-Notes, a presentation of 11 Sherlock Holmes and the Second Stain", . a Father-Son basketbal.1 game, and a Parent's Gathering, held Saturday night in the new Social Center. The festivities concluded after Chapel on Sunday, leaving the students several days . for skiing before classes resumed. Ski Holiday fell on Valentine's Day this year. After a week of above average temperatures, the weekend brought several inches of new powder. Loon Mountain Ski Area was this winter's choice and the skiing was excellent; the lift lines short. The seniors had spent their ski holiday there two weeks before. All but a small group went to erijoy this unexpected day off from classes. The C.M.S. Varsity Hockey team has had a busy season. During the Christmas holidays, Coach Peck took ~the boys down to Massachusetts - for training and practice against some of the loca.1 teams· in the Boston Metropolitan area. Their season has been a good one, but the crowning touch was their taking . first place in the Pocumtuck-Eaglebrook Tournament on February 12. Besides Cardigan, three other schools were involved in the The Cardigan team defeated those ·-from Eaglebrook, Fay, and Fessenden to bring home the trophy, which wfl 1 ,be on display in the new trophy case . until next year's competition. The team has good reason to be proud of their effort and sportsmanship in the tournament.

Two other teams have also been practicing hard this winter, though neither of them has yet faced interscholastic competition. Cardigan's first.wrestling team is coached by Mr. Bruce Barrett, a member of the physical education department at Mascoma High School and one of the resident dormitory masters in French Hall. The mats and other equipment were donat~d by Mr. Frank Stella, father of Paul Stella, Cardigan 1966. In recognition of his gifts and devotion to promoting wrestling at Cardigan, The Stella Wrestling Room will be dedicated in his honor. The basketball team has also been working out since the beginning of the Winter Term, and they are eagerly anticipating their first game, upon the completion of the gymnasium floor. The students are not the only ones who have been enjoying athletic recognition this winter. Mr. Lawrence Goldthwait of the Science Department, has long been an excellent amateur speed skater and has placed first in his age group in the Senior Olympics Speed Skating competition for several years. On January 22-23, he attended this year's competition in Lake Placid, New York and walked away with another first place, after having established a new record which beat his bld one! Mr. Jay Rand, a member of the English Depa'rtinent and Nordic ski jumping coach, is also a member of the U. S. Olympic Ski-jumping team. Mr. Rand has continued to participate in weekend competition this year, taking second place in the Eastern Championships in Salisbury, Connecticut in January. Over Parent's Weekend, he took part •in the U. S. National Championships in Laconia, New Hampshire, and the ;following weekend, in the-Master's lntern.a tional meet in Lake Placid, where he took a first place. Congratulations to those two men! · · Mr. Wakely confessed after dinner on Ski Hot iday that he. too had been in recent competition. On Thursday, February 10, he sneaked off campus to compete in the Dartmouth Winter Carnival Citizen's Ski Race in 1-ianover, New Hampshire. Of the more than 160 who began the race, only about 130 finished the race. Mr. Wakely completed 15K in bne hour and nine minu~es. The Humanities Committee offered two programs in January. The first, a viewing of David Wolper's 11 Day of Infamy", a documentary about the bombing of Pearl Harbor was presented on January 14. T_he second program this winter was of a completely different nature. Six of Cardigan's faculty, members of the Canaan Players, presented the first half of Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple'', on January 29. It was a command performance, due to the enthusiastic response that the play had received several weeks earlier in Canaan. Response to the 1976-)977 Annual Fund has been excellent and, as this issue goes to press, we are well over our goal of $70,000 • . Support of this ni:lture helps ;immeasurably towards meeting expenses in a time of rising pri_ces. With four more months left in this fund year - great! With Senior Ski Holiday just past, the 9th grade is looking forward to its next trip, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Field trips ~re an lmportant part of the currJculum and every effort is made to present the . widest possibJe · array of interesting and informative trips for each class. Plans are now being drawn for a day tr.ip to Mark Twain's mansion in .Hartford, Connecticut and the 8th graders can look forward to their day .i n Sturbridge Village lat~r in the. year. The 7th grade will take ~dston's F~eedom Trail this spring, coinciding with their readings on the Revolution iri .History • • .I

, . · The schoo 1 year -has · passed · its · ha 1fway mark 'and there is J_ess · than a month before Spring. Vacation. With a•.full calendar of events planned for what is left of the Winter Term, it should be an active and enjoyable time!

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