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NOTES FROM CARDIGAN Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03741
Issue No. 7 The 1977-1978 school year is just over two weeks old at this writing. Cardigan's thirty-second year brings to campus 169 students, four of whom are day students. Of the 68 new students, 34 were here for the 1977 Summer Session. This Fall, twenty-five states and six foreign countries represented on campus. Cardigan welcomes eight new staff members this year: Mr. Robert Stevens, representing the :Qaka Food Service, is the s ·c hool' s new Chef-Steward. He brings to his new ·post many years of experience in food preparation, having served as Chef' and Assistant Dining Hall Manager at Plymouth State College for two years and having spent twenty years in the hotel business in various locations around the country. He and his staff were responsible for the excellent food during the summer and they have continued to provide a series of fine ~eals during Winter School. The Stevens' son, Michael, is in the seventh grade at Cardigan. , Mr. Ralph LaPointe, the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, comes to Cardigan from New Hampton School, where he was Superintendent of Maintenan~e for fifteen years.
Mrs. Margaret Fedor, has become School Nurse, following Miss Howe's retirement. Mr. and Mrs. Fedor are beginning their fifth year at Cardigan this Fall. .Joining the teaching staff this Fall are: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carey, teaching Language Training and English respectively. The Careys moved to Cardigan for the Summe·r Session. They spent several years teaching English as a Foreign Language in Istanbul, Turkey. Since returning to the United States, they have lived in Burlington, Vermont; Lebanon, New Hampshire; and Canaan. Mr. Carey coaches Fall Intram.urals and Mrs. Carey will take over the Drama Club and The Blaze. From the Summer Session also comes Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perrinez.A native of Chile, Mr. Perrinez has taught in the Lebanon Public Schools and will be teaching shop and coaching soccer here. Mrs. Perrinez, will be sharing the nurse's duties with Mrs. Fedor • .Joining the English Department is Mr. William Hart, who will also assist in the sports program, coaching soccer and skiing. Mr. and Mrs. Hart taught in Charlotte, North Carolina for two years before moving to Nobleboro, Maine where they lived the last two years. In the Developmental Reading Department is Mrs. Laurel Richards of' Enfield, New Hampshire. Mrs. Richards spent two years in Maine as a speech
-2therapist and then a year in the Hanover schools while working toward her certification in Reading. A very special event took place on Friday, September 23, when both the Kenerson Athletic Center and Banks House were dedicated. The dedic.a tion of the new athletic complex was held at 11:30 a.m. in the gymnasium. Mr. Savage C. Frieze, Jr., Vice President of the Board of Trustees, dedicated the new building, which was then accepted by Mr. John L. Tower, President of the Board of Trustees. In their speeches, both Mr. Frieze and Mr. Tower honored Mr. John B. Kenerson, a member of the Corporation since 1975 and of the Board of Trustees since 1945, That af'ternoon Banks House was officially dedicated and accepted on behalf of Cardigan Mountain School · following which Mr. Charles 0. Banks, donor of the new house and member of the Corporation, spoke briefly. At the annual meeting of the Trustees and members of the Corporation, it_:was announced that Mr. John H. Hinman, President of the Board of Incorporators since _1945, would relinquish· that post as of September 23 of this year. Cardigan Mountain School is deeply grateful for his guidance and devotion throughout its thirty~two yea:r history. We wish him great luck .and happiness on this his 92nd year. On Monday evening, September 27, a trio of talented young musicians entertained the School :with a variety of numbers, ranging from arrangements of Benny Goodman tunes to songs of the Beatles. The trio had visited campus - this past summer · as· ·pa.rt of the University of New Hampshire's Caravan Series. Since the end of Summer Session, both Mr. Heath and Mr. Sachs have been clearing trails and marking new ones for this winter's ski season. Mr. Sachs has been clearing the Pinnacle for the alpine ski course and Mr. Heath has been 'felling trees and clearing brush behind Clancy Mountain for new cross-country trails. To all, our best wishes for a happy Fall!