NOTES FROM CARDIGAN Cardigan Mountain School Canaan , New Hampshire 03741 Issue No. 10
February 1979
Parent's Weekend kicked off the month of February at CMS , with the visit of 400 parents, alumni, and friends. Students, parents, and teachers were able to meet with one another in a one-to-one conference arrangement for the first time this year to d iscuss classroom achievement. Special events of Parent's Weekend were the Saturday afternoon basketball and hockey games, Nordic and Alpine ski meets, the play, CONTACT , written by Mr. Likshis of the English Department and directed by Mrs. Carey of the History Department ; the exhibition of the gymnastics team from Reading, Mass. ; and we can't forget Friday ' s music night in the Chapel featuring our own Cardigan students exhibiting talents both vocally and instrumentally (including the premier performance of the CMS rock band , FIX). We'd like to thank so many of you for coming - it was a pleasure to have you as our guests. Mid-t erm grades have been sent home , and we're proud to announce the following boys on Cardigan's High Honor Roll list: Richard Sincerbeaux '81 (Virginia Beach, VA) , Rick Lesser 1 80 (Kigali , Rwancia), David Trowbridge 1 80 (Bronxville , NY), Tom Graves ' 79 (Chevy Chase , MD), and Chris King 1 79 (Reeding, HA). These students . have earned grades of B or better in all courses with a grade of A in at least three full courses. The privileges that correspond with High Honor Roll are that these students may use the 7-9 p.m. study hours in any constructive way they wish as long as they do not distract others - and they are entitled to miss one day of school during the nex t marking period by prior arrangement with each of their teachers and t he Headmaster. Honor Roll students are Cran Eager 1 82 (Marblehead, HA) , Ian George '82 (Sewickley , PA) , Doug Bur ke ' 81 (New York , NY), Frank Horelli '81 (Helrose, MA) , Stuart Dixon ' 80 (Lake Forest , IL) , Tomas Guterres 1 80 (Managua , Nicaragua) , David Jacobs '80 (Portsmouth , RI) , David Mccusker 'GO (Melrose , VlA) , and Tom Willis '79 (Northridge, CA). These students have earned grades of B or better in all courses and may also use the 7-9 p.m. study hours in any constructive way they wish as long as they do not distract others . Senior Honor Roll students carry the same privileges as High Honor Roll students. Cardigan also maintains an Effort Honor Roll designed for those students whom teachers believe have an excellent attitude toward learning . These students must receive the effort grade of "1 11 i n each of their subjects. The following students are on Effort Eonor Roll: Peter Hadlock '32 (Hanover, NH), Doug Burke '81 (New York, NY) , Richard Sincerbeaux ' 81 (Virginia Beach, VA) , Stuart Dixon 1 80 (Lake Forest, IL), Tom Graves ' 79 (Chevy Chase , ND), Chris King ' 79 (Reading, MA) and Dennis Revere ' 79 (Beverly Hills , CA). With the addition of newly built Franklin House to our campus this
month , several room changes are taking place to make living conditions more desireable. Along with the changes came the reappointment of Floor Leaders. New Floor Leaders include Greg Heidenreich v79 (Hanchester, NH) for Clark-Morgan II, Tom Graves 1 79 (Chevy Chase, MD ) for Clark-Morgan III , Tim Byk ' 79 (Los Angeles, CA) for French I , Josiah Miles '79 (Arlington , VT) for French II and Chuck Lawrence ' 79 (Hewfields, NH ) for Franklin House. On February 16 at 2 : 00 a.m., Finland's Ahmat I · team arrived on the CMS campus. Their visit to Cardigan was arranged by Mr. Peck as a retribution for the two tours to Finland that CMS varsity hockey took in 1976 and again in 1978 . The exchange allows boys from both countries to stay in homes or dormitories of the players, attend classes, and take .part in both social and cultural events . The finale of the Finn's five day visit was the Cardigan/Ahmat I hockey game played on February 19 after the banquet in the Hayward Dining Room. The game was truly exciting. After a six minute " sudden death" overtime , the score remained tied at 7 to 7 . We were sorry to see the Finn ' s leave the next morning. Although their stay was a short one, many lasting friendships were for med. This month the Humanities program featured Mr . Al Ox ton from the Ht. Washington Observatory . Mr . Oxton lives at the top of Mt. Washington year-round and as a result , had many slides and experiences to share in regard to the highest mountain in the Hortheast. Mt . Washington has endured the world ' s worst weather conditions because of its location which is in the confluence of major storm patterns . Due to the severity of our own cold weather conditions during the first three weeks of February, Mr. Oxton's presentation was well timed. The last week in February has been unseasonably warm and our bodies are slowly thawing with the ice and snow. It is a good break to have this change in the weather now we are anxiously awaiting annual ski holiday!