Notes from Cardigan (May, 1982)

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NOTES FROM CARDIGAN Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03741 Volume 1

May 1982

Issue No. 4

The great white giant of winter has finally gone, leaving but a few dirty piliows here and there among the trees. For three weeks the boys, dismayed as the storms persisted in dropping the white stuff in, over and around all possibili tie-s for outdoor sport of spring, trekked to the CSA for practice. Then the sun shone, the winds dropped to gentle breezes, the ice went out on Canaan Street Lake. The fields of Cardigan, where suddenly the green grass rose, saw baseball, tennis, lacrosse, and the waters opened for sailing. BeaQtiful New Hampshire had redeemed itself! The roads too welcomed the CMS crack cyclists, all frost heaves down. Really Spring! Result: over the big event to welcome spring, Grandparents' Weekend May 1st, 2nd, the CMS athletes were ready to go for broke . Academics at CMS have reached that point in the year, with final exams looming, when schedules are tightening up to complete courses, admissions to preparatory schools are stacking up bright futures for seniors, supervised study hall is well attended by those needing to spend extra time under close guidance, and special projects to extend classroom experience are providing enrichment. Such was the Humanities Program film, The Day After Trinity shown before the whole school, Sunday evening, May 2nd, introduced by Mr. Blunt, Science Dept. Chairman, whose class has been studying "Ground Zero" activities. Mandatory attendance pressed upon students the urgency of reviewing the film's presentation of the dawn of the nuclear age in the light of the rising spectre of nuclear war possibilities. Discussion groups organized after the film to stir lively interchange in the dormitories . Another special educational event was the week 6th graders spent with their teacher, Mrs. Small, on Cape Cod, staying in a Coast Guar-d station in Truro, studying nature on the beaches, trails and having fun fishing (spotting whales in Provincetown Harbor!), climbing the Pilgrim Monument, learning importance of protecting wildlife. Under supervision of Mrs. Carey, Social Studies students also went afield for enrichment: Apr. 14th to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts where 8th grade Honor students saw an exhibit of Life in the New Kingdom of Egypt. Another Boston visit took the 7th grade on its annual look at Revolutionary War Sites, explained by Mr. Mahoney. Another honors recognition is provisionally on the books for May 14th to coincide with a CMS campus meeting of the Trustees, when Honor Society tapping could take place.

High Honor Roll was earned for Third Mid-Term by Grade 6 students B. Amos, A. Black, C. Small; 7th Gr. J. Cohen, C. Ladd; 8th Gr. A. Cohen and M. Sukhavanij; 9th Gr. N. Dorion, S. Miller and J. Yrjanen. Honor Roll for those with B or better went to Gr. 7, F. Caspersen, P. Gund, R. Lester, and L. Stone; 8th Gr. A. Baril, B. Christensen, M. Cicia, A. Georgescu, M. Koch, J. Loud, A. Samos, H. Stevens and J. Whalen; 9th Gr. D. Archer, J. Cassidy, E. Collins, R. DellaRusso, D. Diebel, I. George, D. Gray, E. Krayer, R. Maloney, F. Mayfield, and W. Rice. Effort Honor Roll Gr. 6 C. Small; Gr. 7, D. Block, L. Stone and G. Wyckoff; Gr. 8, A. Baril, C. Humann, J. Loud, M. Sukhavanij, J. Turrel; Gr. 9, D. Gray, E. Marshall, F. Mayfield and S. Miller. A faculty honor went to Mrs. Rita Carey who was awarded one of 25 fellowships for the New England Studies Institute at Dartmouth this summer. Faculty member William Farrell had an article in Bicycling for April on Knees; Mrs. Debbie Crowell had one of her flower photographs published in N.H. Profiles Spring issue, 1982. With the current fiscal year rapidly coming to a close, we want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have so generously supported Cardigan's fund-raising efforts this year. Our Annual Fund is still some $28,000 shy of our June 30 goal of $90,000. However, we are confident of obtaining this goal with the continued help of the Cardigan Family. The new Learning Center is progressing well - with a Fall 1982 completion date within reach. We still have $2.5 million to raise toward our goal of $5 million. Our level of success to date is a direct result, once again, of the ongoing support Cardigan receives from all those associated with the school. Other items in our busy spring at CMS: Grandparents' Weekend was notable besides athletic events for one of the best gatherings of these senior citizens ever, including the 7th year for Mrs. Edmond Jangro, grandmother of R. DellaRusso, a record for the 10 years since the Weekend began as an annual event. Headmaster's Day released everyone from classes to go fly kites, play ball, eat outdoors and have fun, a story in detail by J. Loud, 8th grader, to appear in the June Cardigan Today/Tomorrow. Trip to Greece and Turkey under supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Carey during Spring Vacation took John Cassidy '82, Henry Lee '83, Jon Mayer '82 and Tom Taliadoros '82 to all the historic sites, a 4-day highlight being the classical tour to Corinth, Mycenae, Olympia and Delphi. Watch for Cardigan Today/Tomorrow in June, when we will wind up the year with reports on all the excitement of Commencement Awards, progress on the new Learning Center and other steps into the future CMS has paced out for your sons as they bring to a climax another tremendous CMS year.

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