Autumn 1969
Cardigan's former School Leader, Steven W. August, wrote a. letter of thanks to the Headmaster three days following graduation. An especially touching note to the Headmaster, the letter was selected by Mr. Wakely for print in this first issue of the Newsletter:
June 4, 1969 Dear Mr. Wakely:
First of all, I would like to thank you and the staff at Cardigan for all that you have done for me in the past three years. The opportunities which I have been afforded have given me a chance to grow up as a young man. My year as School Leader was definitely the turning point of my life. I learned of the -problems of others and what I, as an individual, can do to help. I learned what friends could mean to oneself and what my friendship meant to others. My years at Cardigan will indeed be cherished memories throughout my life, and I can't thank you enough for all you have done to make it that way. I hope that in the future I can live up to the type of life I had at Cardigan and the way of life that I earned through your teaching. Sincerely yours, STEVEN W. AUGUST
Cardigan opened its twenty-fourth year with 15 5 boarding and 11 day students. On a day-student basis, Cardigan accepted four girls for enrollment. This is a first in the history of the school. Geographically, the boys who are attending Cardigan this fall come from the following areas: Canada, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Argentina, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, California, Washington, D. C., and the New England States. Greeted by members of the Student Council and the School Leader, Lewis P. Mercer, of Sarasota, Florida, the new students attended various meetings designed to familiarize them with Cardigan life. Tours of the campus,a hike (ca,ntinued on page 2)