Winter 1970
'AKOKAWE" "Mbari - Mbayo" is a Yoruba phrase meaning . "to delight the eyes and enlighten the . mind" and it aptly describes the aim of the Players, which . was to bring essential and entertaining aspects of African cultural life to · American audiences in theatres , social clubs and college campuses. They are a group of African and black American actors and performers who are dedicated to the presentation of the true culture of Africa in this country. Their presentation of "Akokawe" was designed to show the cultural richness of Africa and to show, through songs, poems, proverbs and stories, how the traditional oral literature of Africa adapted itself to the demands of written literature and has now produced the great writers such as Wole Soyinka of Nigeria, Leopold Senghor of Senegal, and the late Patrice Lumumba of the Congo . The Players performed on the Cardigan campus in January in the Chapel before an audience of two hundred .
Some Great Stuff Under the direction of Mr. Earl Aldrich considerable initiative has been made to expos~ Cardigan students to beneficial programs in the arts and the entertainment area. SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE
Rushing off to the Leverone Field House at Dartmouth College, 30 seniors attended a performance of the hard rock group, Sly and the Family Stone . The record attendance of six thousand danced in the aisles, on chairs, on the stage, and on the lawn which borders the Dartmouth football field. (Continued on page 5)
Planned specifically for ninth grade first annual Spring Tour has been c2 designed to be of educational value as we offer the pleasurable experience which a into the Mediterranean Sea invariably offei The group of ninth graders will der direct flight from Boston on Tuesday e March 17th, for Rome. After two days the historical treasures of Rome , they w Venice, from which port the modern crui HERMES will take them for a fourtE voyage to some of the most significant p the ancient world, including Piraeus in ( Haifa in Israel, Antalya in Turkey and islands of Cyprus, Rhodes and Patmos. Th be in the Holy Land for Easter. In Greec will visit such time-honored places as Cape Sounio!}, Corinth ·and Mycenae. Th four days of the voyage will be spent in 1 where guided tours of the Agora , the Ac1 the amphitheatre at Epidaurus, and the 0 stadium, will climax what we believe wil unforgettable experience . · The trip will be conducted by two m of our faculty, who imme·diately prior to recess will hold instructional sessic preparation for what will be seen in R01 Venice. Later, aboard the HERMES, illu talks will present · background infor regarding the famous ·places to be vis Greece, Turkey and Israel. The group will return by air from Atl Boston on Tuesday, April 7th, arriving l Cardigan that evening.