Words About Cardigan (Summer/Fall 1970)

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Mr. Folsom helping boy in Summer School Reading Class

SUMMER SCHOOL '70 SUCCESSFUL Card iga n Mountain Summer School-Camp opened June 27 to 87 boys and 18 girl s a nd the seco nd coeducatio na l CMS schoo l cam p session was a complete success. Besides a great dea l of study, the boys and girl s fou nd their activiti es, camping tr ips, a nd special eve nts worthwhile a nd enjoyable. F ive day hiking trips to the White Mountains were enj oyed by many students. Along wit h the five day trips many hikes of shorter duration were a lso taken. Students were offered drama, and for the first time pottery, as part of the act ivity program in add itio n to the reg ul ar daily activit ies . Thomas Rouillard, schoo l- camp director, a nd Ray Jen ness, director of studies, were pleased with the accomp li shm ents of the experienced staff. Remedial a id was give n stud ents weak in the basic academ ic skills, a nd in seven short weeks considerable progress was made.

LIBRARY EXPANDED CMS stud ents will genera ll y agree that the most popular location at Cardigan is the library. Because of this popularity a nd because of the need for more working and learn ing space, the library located on t he second fl oor of Hopkins has undergone extensive renovatio n and remode ling. The Iibrary was extended across t he ha ll through room 227; a large custod ial storage area was tra nsformed into a n audio-visua l room, a nd a door has been constructed between t he Teachers' Room and the new section of the library (room 22 7) . The construction necessitated the removal of two walls arid the addition of new walls and partitions. The overa ll results have been a great improvement of the CMS library facilities. Students and librar ian are a happ ier lot as a result of t he needed changes. Work began September 14, a week before schoo l began, and was completed two weeks later .

Tuesday, September 15, · 1970 was actua ll y the first day of t he 25th Winter School sess io n. It a ll began w hen the facu lty arr ived on campus a nd met that evening in t he Hayward Dining Hall for dinner. Wives a nd children wer(; a lso in atte nda nce . Fo llowing dinn er the faculty met in the aud itor ium for their f irst ge nera l meeting and introductions were in o rd er. F irst to be introduced was Mr. Joseph Collins, B.S. (Boston Uni vers ity). Mr. Co llins is Director of Studies and Dean of Stude nts. Other new facu lty were: Mr. Laurence Go ld t hwa it, B.S., M.S . (Dartmouth Co ll ege) science teacher, Mr. Bruce J e nnings, B.S. (Uni versity of Wyo ming) science teacher, Mr. Kenneth J. McCaffrey, B.S. (H obart College) Chairman of the Mathematics Department, Mr. Schuyler V. Peck, B.A . (Ni cho ls Co ll ege) E ngli sh teacher, Mr. Gra ham N. Raynolds, B.A. (Brown Univers ity) Mathematics teacher, Mr. Michael D. Renner, B.A. (Da rtmo uth College) French a nd Spanish teacher. Mr. Richard R. Rearick was a lso we lcomed; he is a grad uate of Dartmouth Col lege and is Card igan's Ass istant Treasurer. Conferences a nd department meetings were held t he fo ll ow ing day, a nd class rooms were assigned . Books were distributed, a nd a var iety of notices a nd schedules began to appear in the teachers' mailboxes. New boys mo ved in Thursday, and after a sho rt period of time t hey fou nd themselves und erstand ing the announceme nts a nd written not ices that had confused them· ear lier. School Co un c il members arrived early a long with the floor leaders. The o ld boys began arr iving Saturday and by 5:00 P.M. most CMS students were on campus. The offic ia l beginning of t he 1970-71 schoo l year ca me that even ing when Norman C. Wakely, headmaster, declared school open at t he firs t o utdoo r convocatio n service held at C.M .S. School began aro und a campfire a short distance from t he beach area . C lasses began Monday, September 21.

IN MEMORIAM James Richard Williams 1955 - 1970 Graduated from Cardigan Mountain School June 6, 1970

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