Words About Cardigan (Winter, 1971)

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WINTER 1971 JOSEPH M. COLLINS NAMED ASSISTANT HEADMAST ER Headmaster Norman C. Wakely recently announced the appointment 0f Joseph M. Collins to the position of Assistant Headmaster of Cardigan Mountain School. He is currently Director of Studies and Dean of Students at Cardigan. Mr . Collins came to Cardigan this year from Friends Academy of South Dartmouth, Massachusetts where he served ten of fourteen years as Assistant Headmaster. Mr. Collins, a graduate of Boston University, has an extensive background in education and associated work. He taught in the public schools in Melrose, Massachusetts, and has been Director at Camp Hale on Squam Lake in Sandwich, New Hampshire for the past several years. Our congratulations and best wishes go to Mr. Collins. We wish him the very best in his new position.

Joseph M. Collins, New Assistant Headmaster

CHAPE L PEW DED ICATIONS A REMINDER: Chapel pews can be dedicated to family, relatives, or friends by contributing $60 for a small pew or $160 for a large one. A rich, attractive gold plate will be engraved to the donor's specifications. Contributions received will go to the Chapel Fund. This Fund is used for general upkeep of the Chapel, choir music supplies, new equipment, and any improvements that become necessary in future years. Contributions received will go to the Chapel Fund. This Fund is used for general upkeep of the Chapel, choir music supplies, new equipment, and any improvements that become necessary in future years.

Mr. Lawrence Goldthwait

CARD IGAN TEACHER WRITES SCIENCE TEXT Mr. Lawrence Goldthwait, a science teacher at Cardigan Mountain School, has just returned to teaching after a four-year absence from the classroom. These years were spent concentrating on the writing of a ninth-grade earth-science textbook to be published soon by Ginn and Company of New York. He and his wife Charlotte live in Lyme, N.H. where she is principal of the elementary school. They have a 27-year-old daughter, Joan, who is a degreed nurse, and a 24-year-old son, Steven, a pilot in the U.S. Air Force. Lawrence Goldthwait's story is a fascinating one. His background in education is extensive - he taught at Colby Junior College, Kent's Hill School, the University of Maine, and St. George's School in Newport, R.I. He left teaching a little over four years ago because of the persistent science editor at Ginn who would not take "no" for an answer. Having refused several times to accept the job of writing a science text, Mr. Goldthwait finally agreed to take on the challenge. Because of the difficulty of the task, the Goldthwaits decided that he would have to put all of his efforts into the book and leave teaching until the assignment was completed. Since they both were familiar with and attracted to the Hanover area, they moved here . The author said it took him two years to really learn to write; it was a completely new job for him, and he had to learn to write more than the bare facts found in any standard earth-science text. Ginn wanted a book that taught, one that spoke to a student at his level and one that generated interest - it had to be student oriented. Although there was some freedom in writing the text, certain subjects had to be covered to satisfy college and university expectations, the New York Regents, and the requirements of the Department of Education in several states. Where do you begin when writing such material? Mr. Goldthwait explained that you first write a "process guide" (a general outline of the course} and a sample• chapter°, then a three-or-four-page outline of each chapter. This was hashed over with the editor regarding sequence, and some material was transferred to other chapters. A detailed outline of each chapter called the "writing outline" was the next step, followed by two weeks of library research for each of the 26 chapters. Finally, the actual first draft was written which the author rewrote twice before submitting to the editor who, in turn, sent them back with pages of corrections. The author has three loose-leaf notebooks full ~f such corrections. Mr .. Goldthwait felt that at the end of the first draft he became a good writer - "It was a writing job first, then a science job." Things became easier in terms of speed and lessening_ criticism.

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