Words About Cardigan (Spring, 1971)

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25 YEARS For 25 years Cardigan Mountain School hds been in existence. The school, conceived from a dream, rapidly progressed from a small private middle school with an uncertain future to one of the finest ones in our country. It's what Harold P. Hinman, William R. Brewster, and th e other dedicated co-founders envisioned that makes Cardigan great today. It is a school for boys dedicated both to academic growth and to other Jess easily described objectives. Cardigan Mountain School doesn't have a fancy "new" approach, but rather uses logical and sequential methods to fully develop the individual. Classroom learning, physical activity, spiritual development, and social atmosphere are carefully and properly blended to provide its most important service. Cardigan combines the old with the new to achieve success. Its goal is an intelligent, happy, we/I-adjusted boy. We are proud of the past and present,· we are proud too of those boys who have benefited from their Cardigan experience. May we be as successful in the next 25 years! Harold P. Hin man


25th Anniversary Edition


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7947 - Kent Lighty, Richard Clancy (with CMS for 2 5 years and still our chef), and Dan Fleetham.

7946 - Ski lessons outside the old Cardigan Mountain School on Canaan Street

7954 - Alan Ellis receiving diploma from Mr. Hinman 7956 - A game of softball by the old barn once located on CMS campus.

7948 - Can you name those pictured?



7954 - Mr. Stowe presenting priz es at Commencement Exercises.

7954 - George Clement in costume for Christmas Pageant.

7959 - Cardigan Mountain School Band.

BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 1971 Eric Robert Anderson William Fisher Aust in Daniel Owen Barry, Jr. David Richmond Blackett Edward Newe ll Burke, Jr. Sheldon Gray Caplan John Hughes Chand ler, Jr . Jonathan Schirmer Church Graham Butler Clough Robert Sewall Davidson Jose Maria De l Rio Sone Morgan Pau l Dickerman, 111 Stuart Alan Eisenkraft Jonathan Marc Fe ld man Pete1· Humphrey Foote Jonathan Full er William Wesley Gaines Courtney 5. Ga lIuzzo

Morgan Mclane Gid d ings , Michail Harvey Gordon Kenneth Bar low Gould Richard McKenzie Hall Marc Ci·awford Ha lsey Br ian Burns Hatcher Thomas McCutcheon Haxa lI Jeffrey Sch uyler Ho lde n Peter Jacob Johns Ken net h Ear l Lary Ken neth Phe lan Lawrence Gerome James Leone, Jr. Char les Carpenter Link 5. Jonathan Lowe Re id Alexa nder Mahaffy, Jr. Tho mas Hargrave Maye r, Jr . Timot hy Maclean McClel lan Stewart McCracken, Jr. · 3

Gregg Richard Moore William Thorburn Moore, Jr. Edwa rd Be nch Nielsen John Woodward Pr ice Gregory Bronson Rausch Steven Albert Ris Burr Cu nnin gham Robb in s Laurence Hungerford Roberts, George Schimenti Edmund 5. Scott Henry James Simpson Michael Ward Stanton Erik Newman Steele John Victor Stege Michael Lewis Ta ll ey Dav id Michae l Timlin Robert Eugene Tourison Rich ard Wi ll ard Wh iting, Jr ..


SUMMER SCHOOL BEG-~NS JUNE 26 The 1971 Card iga n Mountain Summer School is schedu led to begin Saturday, June 26. Students wil l arrive between the hours of 2 and 5 that afternoon . Direct ing the Summer schoo I program th is year wi 11 be Norman C. Wakely, Headmaster. Mr . Norman S. Jason, who has taught severa l summers at CMS, will act as Director of Studies. Emphasis wi ll be o n the academ ic needs of the individual th is summer, tak ing the st ud ent from where he is a nd _progressing carefu ll y from this poi nt. Mr. Wakely stated that by necess ity a great part of the program is diagnostic in nature. "It is important to find where a st ud ent's deficie ncies are and at what particular leve l he is funct ion ing in a given academic area before he lping the student," Wakely stated. Work in Eng li sh, mathematics, French, and developmental and correct ive reading will be offered th is year. Also ot her specia li zed academ ic needs wi ll be served. Mornings will be devoted to classroom work. The afternoon schedu le will in cl ude a var iety of o utdoor activities. Mr. Dona ld Johnson will lead sma ll gro up s of students on five day camp ing trips to the mountains of New England. They will ga in invaluab le outdoor exper iences as they climb and hike the rugged mountain chains. Many other spec ial eve nts are a lso planned. Every day will be fi ll ed with meaningful exper iences. With all the var ied act ivit ies, Mr. Wakely looks forwa rd to another successfu l summer season.

19 71 - Mr. Robert Brayman conferring with student (Jody Stone). Mr. Brayman has been teaching at Cardigan for 14 years.



- Those return ing from spring vacation found the doors to the rooms on Brewster I painted glorio us cir cus co lors of yell ow, orange, blue, green a nd red. The boys were given their choices before they left in March - it really looks ali ve to say the very least. - With the melting of snowdrifts, we began to see t he disappearance of big casts from our over-active skiers. We susta ined no fewer t han four broken bones this past seaso n. The first being Bruce Beatty, our Brazi lian who was sai ling down Clancy on his first trial on the boards. - One of the newest looks in library furniture is now o n display (and in act ive use) in the CMS library . Te n long-awaited stud y carre ls arrived in March and provide the ultimate in private study styles. The problem now is how to squeeze 35 kid s in to 10 high-priority spaces. - Some young men's fanc ies have tur_ned to thoughts ·of finance this season. A merger between John Chand ler (Wishy-Wash Car Cleaners) and Er ik Steele (Housecleaners, Inc.), both ninth graders, promises the cleanest cars and apartments in lo t hese many yea rs at minimal prices. - The latest in great Saturday eve ning act ivities was a sea venger hunt, set up by Mr. and Mrs. McCaffery on Brewster II. Items such as one li vefly,a 1954pennyand 3 black jelly beans kept an entire floor occup ied for the better part of their free t im e. - Another unusual activity has been the frequent offer ing of airplane rides, at the courtesy of one of our fac ul ty pilots, Mr . Graham Raynolds. On a share-the-cost basis, the passengers have been ab le to get a great look at su r'ro unding CMS terrain for about $3.00 each and an afternoo n of do-it-yourself flying. - The yo-yo craze is over . After a winter spent witt, faculty gnashing teeth and confiscat ing during classt ime, t he vars ity champs have retired and are moving into new fie ld s, such as clackers.

1971 - Richard Clancy, steward-chef, has been with Cardigan since its beginning in 1945.


FACULTY ITEMS Recent arr ivals on the Cardigan facu lty had a recent arriva l ... Our congratu lations go to Mr . a nd Mrs. David Buck who are the proud parents of t he ir firstborn, Joshu a David. Joshu a was born Friday, March 12, and is a ha nd so me, hea lth y boy. Mr. and Mrs . Buck jo ined the Cardiga n fa mil y January of this year. Mr. Buck is teaching math and coaching reserve baseball.

FORMER STAFF Ed Potter is now teaching at Moses Brown School came by for a visit recently . j ack Heagy attended a n educationa l meeting recently and showed Mr. Wakely a picture of his new little girl. He is still li ving in Swickley, Pennsylvania. Bob Gagne - Mr . Wakely had an enj oyab le visit over breakfast with Bob in Paris. He will have co mpl eted hi s work for his Masters in French by Ju ne and then plans on buying a V. W. Camper and rea ll y seeing Europe before returning o n September 12th . Brad Babcock and wife Brend a spent a week at Cardigan during the Chri stmas ho lid ays skiing. We 're happ y to hear t hey will be at New Engl and Co ll ege, Henn iker ne xt year. Norm McCartney a nd his wife Mena came to see the Card igan movie in Dallas. He is teaching at the Cistercian Prep School. Also attending the movie were Mr . and Mrs. Harry Beaudry of Fort Worth. Richard Weeks '59 has been named head of the Middle School at Colorado Academy for next year. Dan Hazen laid out the red carpet at St. Steph en's School for t he Wa kelys during a brief visit t hi s winter.

7971 - Mr. R ichard Rearick joined us this year as Assistant Treasurer.

7977 - Mr. Harold Finkbeiner, chairman of the music department, has been with CMS since September of 7969. Mr. Finkbeiner performed a piano recital April 23 in the School Chapel. Students, faculty, and many guests were entertained by h is excellent p erforman ce.

7971 - Mr. j ohn Rich joined Cardigan last year as Director of Admissions.


ALUMNI NOTES ARTH UR COX '62 is now a- retired S/Sgt. U.S.A .F. after four interesting years - most of which were spent in Europe . He is now working as a salesman for an industrial w holesaler and is to be married on April 24th to Mary Smith of L umberport, West Virginia . A L AN HIRSH '65 is now a student in Paris and is planning to transfer to the States this next fall. The Wakelys had a nice visit with Alan in Paris in March . JO H N PAULL '67 stopped by for a · brief visit during his Spring vacation from Rollins College. PETER GERRARD '66 is attending Franklin Pierce College and enjoying it. He also reported on a recent visit t hat ANTHONY '64 is a senior at Harvard . ED R !GH TER 's ( '62} brother-in-law, Jay Rand of the U.S. Olympic Team was here visiting recently and reported that Ed is still stationed in New York City. He's also attending College there. PA T RUSS '68 came by to say he was enjoying North Yarmouth Academy. During a recent showing of the Cardigan Movie through t he South and West the Wake/ys : saw JO HN McK I NNEY SS '70 and NANCY WA LTERS SS '70 in St. L ouis; had a nice visit with DA V /D PEA KS ' ('69) family in Houston and SPENCER HILL 's ( '66} family in Dallas; met with TONY HA R R IS '60 and his new wife in Carmel, California; had a nice evening with JACK N I CHO L S '69 and his fam ily, plus saw his horses; visited with AUSTIN MORR IS' ('67} mother and just missed seeing Austin. Austin enlisted in the Marine Corps. after graduating from Menlo School last j une. ROSCOE C. I NGA LL S Ill '66 informed us that he is hoping to travel to California to work fo r National Parks and Recreation .

On February 27, 7977 Karen Lee Gage and CAR L LEW IS NYDEGGER '66 were married in Co,ycord, N. H. CAR L E. HAR TDEGEN, Ill '67 is traveling around the world on a research ship according to a recent note from his grandmother. CRA !GE A. BENED I CT '69 is at Suffield Academy where he is on the wrestling team. Though he is not quite undefeated, he has done an excellen t job, and the Suffield Bell . recently printed a picture of him at 738 lbs. after a victorious match. Seen at the Cardigan Boston Area Dinner Meeting Thursday, April 75 at the Wellesley Country Club:. TOPPER STONE '66 PETER GARDENT '65 and his lovely wife, Ellen DEMETRE SA ME LL AS '70 PETER ALBEE '58 PA U L MOORE '68

These students all have something in common. A II had brothers who attended CMS. First row - Keith Burton (Mark '67), Frazer Watkins (Bill '65}, Ted Scott (Duncan '69}, and Gregg Williams (Jim '70). Second row - Tayo Sands (Mike '65, Jonathan '60, Topher '77 ), Mary Wakely (Charles '70), Sally Goodspeed (Givens '67, j erry '69), Bruce Bedford (Sherm '65), and Jonathan Church (Tony '67). Not pictured: j ohn Wynne (Ken '65).

At left are brothers now attending CMS: First row - Jim and Erik Steele . Second row - john and Dan Barry, Ed and Paul Goldschlag. Third row Scott Dodson (Brother Randy not pictured), Gerry and Gene Leone, Robert and Timothy McClellan. Last row, left Steven and Mike Talley.



Cardi ga n Mo un ta in Schoo l Ca naa n, New Hampshire 03741

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