$60,000 Annual Giving Fund Goal
Cardigan's 26th Year Begins
The Annual Giving Program is barely underway, and we already have over $13,000 in hand. This year, we have a terrific . team helping us headed by John L. Tower, an enthusiastic supporter of the school and a Trustee since 1964. Under him, there is a chairman for each grade: George D. Iverson, the father of a new boy who attended the Summer Session this year, who is taking care of the 6th Grade Parents; Kenneth Wynne, Jr., who is head of the 7th Grade Parents - he had this group last year; Eugene Goldschlag for the 8th Grade - this is his first year as chairman, although he has had two sons at Cardigan for several years; and Robert N. McClellan; Jr., also a veteran as Chairman, this year of the 9th Grade - he has had several sons who have graduated from Cardigan, one who did so just last June. Savage C. Frieze, Jr. is Chairman of the Past Parent Group, and another enthusiastic supporter of Cardigan, so much so, in fact, that he was elected to the Board of Trustees just a month ago. This is the second year that he has headed up his group. With the strong spirit and dedication of these men, we are in high hopes of exceeding our goal of $60,000 for this year. The Alumni Chairmen have not yet started their drive, but they are: Richard D. Morrison '50 and also a Trustee since 1969, Charles D. Margeson '51, Palmer D. Sessel '58, Peter E. Gardent '65, and Steven W. August '69.
Cardigan's twenty-sixth year officially began Saturday evening, September 18, 1971 when Headmaster Norman C. Wakely formally declared the school open. Mr . Wakel y welcomed the students and faculty at the Special Convocation Exercises held in the Chapel. Fifty-eight of the boys welcomed are new students who will be spending their first year at Cardigan . Only three members of the faculty are new to CMS. New faculty: Mr. James Crowell joined the science department and Mr. James Wilson is teaching seventh, eighth and ninth grade English. Mr. R. Alden Burt is the new art director. Mr. Burt is not only an experienced art teacher but is also a talented and accomplished artist. Mr. Robert Gagne returned to Cardigan after a year of foreign study to be Chairman of the Foreign Language Department. Students from all over the nation and world will be learning together this year. A breakdown of the CMS student population by state and country:
Thank You To the Class of 7970 and the Cardigan Mountain School Faculty. We wish to thank all of you who took part in the dedication of the Memorial Pew to our jimmy. We can think of no better way for him to be remembered than in the Chapel of the school he loved so much.
With Sincere Appreciation, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Williams, Gregg, Stephanie, Chris and Kent
Number Count by State: California 1 Colorado 1 Connecticut 8 Florida 5 Georgia 1 Illinois 3 Kentucky 1 Louisiana 2 Maine 2 Maryland 1 Massachusetts 27 Michigan 1 Minnesota 1
Mississippi 1 Missouri 4 New Hampshire 20 New Jersey 2 New Mexico 1 NewYork14 North Carolina 1 Ohio 4 Pennsylvania 5 Texas 4 Vermont 5 Virginia 4 Washington, D. C. 3
By Foreign Country and Territory: Argentina 1 Belgium 3 Bermuda 1 Braz il 1
Canada 2 Dominican Republic 1_ France 1 Puerto Rico 1 Thailand 1
With students from so many places and with a faculty from all parts of the United States, the educational experience should be excellent this year. The first two months of school have convinced many already that this will be a very good year.
-Cardigan's 20th Summe_r Session -A Success Eighty students from all over the country, for that matter the world, spent seven weeks (June 26 through August 14) on the CMS campus this past summer attending Cardigan Mountain School's 20th Summer Session . Of the eighty students attending the session, ten were girls. Mr. Norman C. Wakely, Headmaster, directed the summer session and Mr. Norman_ S. Jason was Director of Studies. Mr. Donald Blunt directed the recreation program. As usual, it was a v·e ry active summer. Mornings were devoted to academics. Small classes of two, three or four met with teachers for math, English and French. Some attended special classes in corrective reading with Reading Department Chairman Samuel H. Coes or a member of his department staff. To balance off the day, activities took place in the afternoons. Besides the regular camp activity offerings, this summer brought forth many special events. These were met with great student enthusiasm. One such special event was "The Blunt Great Race". In this the students were allowed to choose one of several modes of transportation to race to a pre-announced destination . Much student preparation went into this event, and everyone who participated had a great time. Five day camping trips to the .mountains were very popular again this past summer. Probably the most popular event was the Atlantic fishing trip. All students took part in this. In all, it was another successful summer at Cardigan. Our congratulations to the fine staff of teachers and administrators who were responsible for the total summer program.
Mr. Coes and summer students during afternoon swimming period
Action In Mixed Doubles
Mixed Doubles Championships Once Again Held At CMS Cardigan hosted the Canaan Invitational Mixed Doubles Tennis Championships Saturday and Sunday, August 21 and 22. The Championships are sponsored by the New England Lawn Tennis Association. Players from New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and one entry from California took part in the tournament. Unlike last year when the matches had to be played in Cardigan ' s Covered Sports Area because of rain, the weather was perfect for tennis. Eric Moore, Tournament Chairman and resident of Canaan, was delighted at the large turnout for the two-day event. Eric Moore was not only a successful Chairman; he was also a pretty fine tennis player. He and his partner, Gerry Young of Durham, N.H., reached the finals on Sunday afternoon. They faced Linda Darling of Grafton, Mass. and Harlan Cukland of Burlington, Vt. Though Young and Moore played very well, Darling and Cukland were excel lent and won by scores of 6-2, 6-2. Although he lost in the finals, Mr. Moore left the matches Sunday with the biggest smile of all, for everyone agreed that this had been the best of the successful past tournaments held at Card igan.
FOCUS ON CAMPUS The Beavers, a strictly volunteer group of students, have devoted the fall season to the construction and improvement of the dam at the Fifield outlet of the Canaan Street Lake. Under Mr. Coes' supervision, the group will soon have stopped up all the leaks· and renovated entirely the dam itself - No small job! (See picture this page. )
'* * * * * Our belated but genuine welcome to two new faculty families - Mr. and Mrs. James Crowell, Debbie and Tom and Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and son, Reef.
* * * * * Dining room cheerleaders seem to be the rage this year. Eric Brox '72 is the standout for student ranks and Mr. Wilson heads up the faculty groups.
Mr. Coes helping student volunteers aJ Ej_eave_r~Dq!Jl__ Project as cement is poured
* * * * * Participants began their day at 7 : 15 a.m. After morning inspection, they ate breakfast in the CMS Dining Room and readied themselves for the workshops. Discussion groups met at 9:15 a.m. There were four such groups meeting every workshop period, each led by an adult staff member. Groups investigated and studied different problems. One talked about "Student Council Organizational Problems;" another discussed "How Student Organizations Are Created ." "How to Write a Constitution" and "Communication with Faculty and Administration" were also discussion topics. During the six days of workshop meetings, dozens of topics were discussed. Discussion and project groups met both during morning and afternoon hours. There were some leisure moments away from work for the young people. They were able to go swimming at the CMS Beach. There were campfires, songfests, a dance, banquet and talent show which gave them an occasional break from their busy classroom activity. The students left wanting to return again next year. They felt that they had gained a great deal from their _total experience at Cardigan. It was generally . felt that each would be better able to serve his own school government as a result of the workshop. Miss Jeanette Cutts, Workshop Director from Franklin Junior and Senior High School in Franklin, N.H., deserves a great deal of credit for the well organized workshop sessions and the activities that took place. Upon leaving, many students expressed their appreciation to her and credit~d her with a job well done.
1971-72 seems destined to be the year of bicycles and tether balls. When students aren't working out on the playing field or studying, this seems to be where most of the action is. Mr. Nyhus is back in the shop. Boys in the shop program are relieved to have another chance at carpentry and hope he continues his fine recovery.
* * * * * Our Eaglebrook Victory Bonfire turned out to be quite a bit more valuable than most realized. Seems we burned a good supply of Mr. Stanley's prized barn boards.
* * * * * Most people are happy with the routine which features no afternoon classes. It also opens up the afternoons for a bit more free time. No one seems to really miss those great big study halls in the auditorium.
For the fourth consecutive summer, Cardigan Mountain School was the site of the Seventh Annual Student Council Leadership Workshop. The session, sponsored by the Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island State Association of Student Councils, met from Monday, August 16 through Saturday, August 21. Some· sixty student delegates took part in the busy six day workshop. Many students traveled hundreds of miles and gave up part of their summer jobs to attend the gathering. Some students paid all their own expenses to attend.
The Brewster Art Room is an active place this year. Students have become involved in art. It is encouraging to see a large percentage of the student population interested in creative endeavor. Continued on page 4
Art Program - Continued from page 3. The reason for the phenominal upsurge in art interest is R. Alden Burt who came ·to Cardigan from the Lebanon Public Schools. He has been Art Coordinator for the Lebanon system for the past five years. When asked just how one goes about teaching art, Mr. Burt made it sound simple. He said that it all starts with the students learning basic drawing. This, he indicated is the first step in developing a sound art curriculum. According to Mr. Burt, eventually students can become involved with much more if they first learn the basics. His students will soon begin work on sculpture and learn printmaking and design. The most ·successfu l aspect of the program is the Art Club. Students are encouraged to drop in during free time to simply have fun. Mr. Burt believes that this is often their most productive time in the art room. Already there are fifty-fi ve students attending art club sessions regularly. The fact that Cardigan's new Art Director is an accomplished artist also helps create student enthusiasm. Since school began , there have been two displays of paintings and drawings by R. Alden Burt shown in the art room. These were well received by parents and students on opening day and New Parents' Weekend.
Larry Bloom receives instruction from Mr. Burt in Brewster Art Room
Sixty boys and ten coaches returned to Cardigan from Xavarian High School in Westwood, Massachusetts from Sunday, August 29 to Saturday, September 4 for the annual Xavarian Football Camp. This is the second summer the Westwood team has traveled to Cardigan. Head Coach Frank Defelice was the man in charge of this session. All drills, scrimages and activities were carefully planned and closely scheduled by the coach. Coach Defelice believes that football is a game of regimentation. Thus, for the week, the boys were kept in a tightly regimented routine. The coach's a philosophy is a valid one; the team's performance proved this after a week of tough workouts. Two demanding workouts were held each day. The boys received a small amount of free time, but on the most part, there was much work and little recreation - unless the football scrimages could be called recreation . The team left the Cardigan campus only once. They traveled to Hanover to watch the Dartmouth team practice. Saturday, the last day of camp, the Xavarian squad scrimaged Winthrop High School of Winthrop, Massachusetts. They were also in the area attending a football camp. Xavarian is a private Catholic High School. The kind of competition they meet each fall makes football camp almost a necessity. According to Coach Defelice, Cardigan is a fine location for such a camp . The clean, fresh air and seclusion make it ideal. The coach expressed the desire to return next summer and said that everyone at Cardigan was cooperative and always helpful.
Mr. Buck giving tennis instructions to Summer stu~ dents - See story on page 2
NEW PARENTS' WEEKEND Many more parents, relatives and friends of new students than expected attended "New Parents' Weekend" Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9. Over one hundred arrived at Cardigan during the two-day period . _ Parents and friends visited classes, watched both reserve and varsity football and soccer in action, met the teachers and, in general, just had a wonderful time. The most interesting aspect of the weekend was the parents' reaction to classes. Most parents were very happy with what they saw happening in the classroom and were ·surprised at the enthusiasm of both teachers and students alike. There was also a slight frustration voiced by one parent. One father commented, after visiting .his son 's Social Studies class, "I felt bad that I wasn't a member of the class. I wanted so much to come back Monday to continue the class discussion." In all, it was a most successful weekend. All who were involved found it more than worthwhile.
NOTES Mrs. Stokley writes of her son, DONALD J. STOKLEY 55 '55: "Don moved in May to 199 Lakeview Avenue, Pointe Claire, P.O. , Canada. He is now manager of the Deaconsfield Golf and Country Club in Pointe Claire, is married to a delightful French Canadian, and has two children - a girl Susan, age 6, and a son Eric who will be 3 in August '71." RONALD N. ADAMS 55 '57 is teaching History and Social Studies in the Greenwich High School. He is now living at 286 Sound Beach Avenue in Old Greenwich. Apparent l y all's well in the RONALD WARDEN '55 family. Ronald became Chairman of the N.A.1.5. Library Committee over a year ago. Their "Books for Secondary School Libraries" was due to be published by R_R. Bowker Co. of New York City. PAUL MORIARTY ' 56 is now personnel manager of Moriarty and Associates in Scituate, Massachusetts. CHARLES I. KAPLAN '57 has moved and is living at P.O. Box 1306, West Palm Beach, FL 33402. He recently passed the Bar Examination in Florida and is now practicing in the Palm Beach area. Congratulations are in order for HENRY N. WHITTELSEY '58 who was married September 12 of this year to the former Frances Cerra. The wedding took place in New York City. In a letter to Norm Wakely, BLAKE MUNRO '59 said that he is now a registered representative for Bosworth, Sullivan & Company in Denver. GILBERT R. SUITOR '60 graduated from the University of North Carolina in June of this year after spending two years with VISTA . He is back in Deerfield, Mass., although his address there is probably tern porary. During his vacation, E . N IC HO LAS WILSON, Ill '60 visited Cardigan. He is now Deputy Sheriff with the King County Department of Safety in Seattle.
Belated congratulations go to Sgt. "HOWARD B. BISHOP, Ill '61 who was married November 28, 197 0 to Sandra Romei'ser of Canandaigua, N.Y. Howard has been in the Air Force for three yea rs, in eluding one year in Thailand. He is presently stationed in England for two years, with one year to go .
summed it up by saying, "The satisfaction is unbelievable." CARL VILLANUEVA '65 reported on his questionnaire that he has less than two years to go in the U.S . Navy. His homeport is Norfolk, Virginia. JOHN S. KILNER, Ill '66 has been recording on Capitol records for the past year and a half. So far, he has 4 albums to his credit.
DAVID ELLIOT '61 hastens to report that he is not married as was printed in a Cardigan newsletter. He thinks that one of his Navy "buddies" must have submitted this information as a joke!
Another visitor to the campus was JAMES P. SHETHAR '66 who came in May. After Cardigan, he graduated from Milford High School, then spent two years at Ottawa University in Kansas. He is now traveling around the country and will return to complete his education after that.
CHARLES A. POOLER, JR . '61 visited the school last September and said that he had attended Beloit College and Boston U niversity. He is presently · working at the Boca Raton Hotel but plans to move back to the Hanover area nex t year.
PAUL STELLA '66 writes that he is now attending Beloit College. He can be reached at Blaisdell Hall at the college in Beloit, Wisconsin.
According to his father, C. RONALD SPAULDING '61 "has just started his fourth and last year in Columbia Dental School. He graduated from University of New Hampshire in June 1968 with a major of Bio-chemistry from the pre-med group. He married his high school steady in 1969 when she graduated from UNH - Laurie Gibson."
In a recent letter to the headm aster, AIC RICHARD B. BERGESON '67 wrote, "Present ly I'm in the Air Force, stationed in Germany at Zweibrukon Air Base . . . I hope that everything is going fine at Cardigan. Germany is a marvelous place, and I hope I'll be able to see a lot of it. I should; I'll be here until August 1974." Anyone who wants to write him may do so at Box 964, 2143 Comm. Sq., A.P.0. New York 09860.
HARRY M. RAE '63 is aboard the U.S. Vesuvius which returned to Viet Nam in January. Another marriage took place this year, that of Doris Ann Nagel to PETER M. ATWOOD '64 on June 26 in Ithaca, N.Y. Best Wishes and Congratulations to them!
In an address-change notice, CARLE. HARTDEGEN, Ill's '67 grandmother writes, "Carl is going around the world on a Research Ship. Do not myself know how to reach him. The above is his permanent address." Which is c/o Navy Sofar, F.P.0. New York
DAVID BISHOP '64 graduated from David & Elkins College in West Virignia this past June. He and three others have started a business importing and marketing.
09560. On his questionnaire , GORDON McCOWN, JR. '67 said that he is n·ow a Fr e shman at Denver University .
JAMES NIEDRINGHAUS '64 has recently moved and is now working at Mutual of New York in Denver. In June, STEPHEN J. GIKAS '65 paid a visit to the school. He attended Hellenic College in Brookline, MA and transferred to St. Michael's College in Winooski, Vt. Steve wrote on a news note, "Not married, no intentions as yet, all faculties intact." VICTOR
THOMAS 0. DOGGETT, JR. '68 graduated from the King School in Stamfo'rd, Ct. and is now living at home in Stamford. BENJAMIN P. ELLIS '68 also dropped by. the school this summer . He graduated from Salem High School this past June where he was awarded the most versatile actor award. Ben w ill be entering St. Joe's Hospital School of Practical Nursing in Nashua this .fall. In a letter to Mr. Fahrner, PHILIP R. TOOHEY, JR. '68 writes that he is a freshman at Bethany C.ollege in Bethany, West Virginia and · doing well. Phil also asks if Mr. Shelton ever found that obtuse projector. GEOFFREY M. B. TROY '68 has been accepted at Swarthmore College where he will be a freshman this fall. WILLIAM M. WALKER, JR. '68 was another recent visitor to the school. He is li ving on a farm not a commune, he says - near Drewsville, N.H. and is looking for a job in a ski area. Previously, he was living in East Hampton, Long Island and playing in a band for a living. During a visit to the school in September, JOHN R . KEILHAUER '69 said, "I'm going into my senior year at Williston and having a lot of fun." In another letter, JAMES G. AUCH I NC LOSS '70 thanked Cardigan for all they did for him, particularly teaching him what respo nsib ii ity is. Last May, RODNEY GOTIER '70 wrote the Headmaster from Wooster School where he got a 4.9 average for the thircf straight time. He sai9 that Honors is only one point up the line - 5 .0. DEMETRE G. SAMELLAS '70 is doing well at Lawrence Academy in Groton, Massachusetts.
Do you know of any news that you'd Iike to share with our readers. If so, please jot your item in the space provided below and send to : Cardigan Newsletter Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, N. H. 03741
'65 visited the school in September with his brother John. Victor is a Junior at Georgetown University in Washington , D.C. This past summer he worked in their government program, involving "VISTA" type work in that it taught the participants to help others help themselves. Victor
Discussion group meeting at Student Council Leadership Conference. See page 3 for story.
The weather has been unseasonably warm at Cardigan this fall. Here Walter Thomas '73 walks to class, barely needing the jacket he is wearing.
Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03747
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