$60,000 Annual Giving Fund Goal
Cardigan's 26th Year Begins
The Annual Giving Program is barely underway, and we already have over $13,000 in hand. This year, we have a terrific . team helping us headed by John L. Tower, an enthusiastic supporter of the school and a Trustee since 1964. Under him, there is a chairman for each grade: George D. Iverson, the father of a new boy who attended the Summer Session this year, who is taking care of the 6th Grade Parents; Kenneth Wynne, Jr., who is head of the 7th Grade Parents - he had this group last year; Eugene Goldschlag for the 8th Grade - this is his first year as chairman, although he has had two sons at Cardigan for several years; and Robert N. McClellan; Jr., also a veteran as Chairman, this year of the 9th Grade - he has had several sons who have graduated from Cardigan, one who did so just last June. Savage C. Frieze, Jr. is Chairman of the Past Parent Group, and another enthusiastic supporter of Cardigan, so much so, in fact, that he was elected to the Board of Trustees just a month ago. This is the second year that he has headed up his group. With the strong spirit and dedication of these men, we are in high hopes of exceeding our goal of $60,000 for this year. The Alumni Chairmen have not yet started their drive, but they are: Richard D. Morrison '50 and also a Trustee since 1969, Charles D. Margeson '51, Palmer D. Sessel '58, Peter E. Gardent '65, and Steven W. August '69.
Cardigan's twenty-sixth year officially began Saturday evening, September 18, 1971 when Headmaster Norman C. Wakely formally declared the school open. Mr . Wakel y welcomed the students and faculty at the Special Convocation Exercises held in the Chapel. Fifty-eight of the boys welcomed are new students who will be spending their first year at Cardigan . Only three members of the faculty are new to CMS. New faculty: Mr. James Crowell joined the science department and Mr. James Wilson is teaching seventh, eighth and ninth grade English. Mr. R. Alden Burt is the new art director. Mr. Burt is not only an experienced art teacher but is also a talented and accomplished artist. Mr. Robert Gagne returned to Cardigan after a year of foreign study to be Chairman of the Foreign Language Department. Students from all over the nation and world will be learning together this year. A breakdown of the CMS student population by state and country:
Thank You To the Class of 7970 and the Cardigan Mountain School Faculty. We wish to thank all of you who took part in the dedication of the Memorial Pew to our jimmy. We can think of no better way for him to be remembered than in the Chapel of the school he loved so much.
With Sincere Appreciation, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Williams, Gregg, Stephanie, Chris and Kent
Number Count by State: California 1 Colorado 1 Connecticut 8 Florida 5 Georgia 1 Illinois 3 Kentucky 1 Louisiana 2 Maine 2 Maryland 1 Massachusetts 27 Michigan 1 Minnesota 1
Mississippi 1 Missouri 4 New Hampshire 20 New Jersey 2 New Mexico 1 NewYork14 North Carolina 1 Ohio 4 Pennsylvania 5 Texas 4 Vermont 5 Virginia 4 Washington, D. C. 3
By Foreign Country and Territory: Argentina 1 Belgium 3 Bermuda 1 Braz il 1
Canada 2 Dominican Republic 1_ France 1 Puerto Rico 1 Thailand 1
With students from so many places and with a faculty from all parts of the United States, the educational experience should be excellent this year. The first two months of school have convinced many already that this will be a very good year.