Words About Cardigan (Winter, 1972)

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We Are 80% There

Gene Leone receiving Spelling Trophy from Mr. Wakely .

First Spelling Bee The good old fashioned spelling bee generated a great deal of interest this past January . The English Department, in an effort to place more emphasis on spelling, sponsored an "all school" series of spelling bees that began with competition in English classes. Winners from the English classes met several afternoons, and, from the grade spelldowns, came representatives who would meet in the finals. The finals were held Tuesday evening, January 18 . Nine boys competed for first, second and third prize medals. The winner of first place was awarded a trophy also. The championship bee was held in the auditorium and, although attendance was not required, most students came to tfiis session. After the dust had settled, Eric Douglas, eighth grade, had captured third place. Greg Peters, ninth grade, had won second place honors, and Gene Leone, ninth grade, had taken top honors. Gene's name was engraved on the trophy which was placed in the Hopkins Trophy Case. Another such bee •will be held in March and again in May . If a speller wins two out of three championships, he will be allowed to keep the trophy . Needless to say, Gene Leone and many others are spending some free time studying their dictionaries.

We are very encouraged by the participation in this year's Annual Giving Program . The drive still has several months to go, but we are already more than 80% on our way to success. In our first report, we had received some $13,000 towards our goal of $60,000. To date, we have received more than $49,000 . In addition, we have pledges of more than $4,000, bringing our possible total to $53,000. Monies actually received have increased 48 % over this time last year. The number of donors has grown 31 % with the largest increases in the Current Parent and Alumni groups, 53% and 29% respectively . The dollar volume in those two groups respectively more than tripled and doubled! To continue statistics, we find that the percentage of those who have given in each group is quite small, to wit: Alumni, less than 4%; Current Parents, 41 %; and for the Past Parents, 41 % of our regular donors, but only 6% of their total numbers. Of the two remaining groups, the Trustees and Incorporators gave us 100% participation . The other one, Friends and Neighbors, is not a group to which we attach statistics. In conclusion, it is unfortunate that while we have 80% of our goal, it is the last 20% which is the hardest. If we can get larger participation, however, we can make it.

Language Training Department Reports To Trustees On Friday, February 11, 1972, Mr. Samuel Coes, Chairman of the Reading Departments at Cardigan, made a report to the Winter Trustees' Meeting on the school's reading program . Mr. Coes reported on the state of the program, on innovations made during the past two years, and on the future changes and modifications which are planned. The report was followed by a short question and answer period. The following is a brief summary of Mr. Coes' report: The reading program at Cardigan focuses _on three different areas of instruction and classroom activity . The most important is Language Training, the remedial instruction in reading which is becoming such an important aspect of the school life of so many students. Placement in this program is determined through analysis of standardized te-st scores, reading surveys, teacher recommendations, and individual diagnosis. Approximately 40% of the student body is now

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