Words About Cardigan (Spring, 1972)

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Mr. _ and Mrs. Wakely Visit South America Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Wakely left Monday, March 27 to tour parts of South America. They returned Tuesday, April 18, a short three weeks later, after visiting twelve South American countries. In the following article, Mrs. Wakely comments on those busy but enjoyable three weeks: The Southern half of the Americas is exotic, cosmopolitan, history-rich and scenically stunning with the charm and antiquity of the continent intact. We went there to visit schools, to say hello to alumni, visit with present parents, alumni parents, prospective parents and friends. Our goal was to carry the Cardigan words to as many new and old friends as possible in twenty-two days. We visited twentyfive schools, stayed in twelve different countries, dealt with eleven different currencies and heard three different languages. It was a very rewarding experience. The schools range all the way from a multi-million dollar American cliff-hanging plant in Rio to warm friendly parochial schools to a charming little Indian school on the edge of Lake Maracaibo to all of the International Schools trying to provide an American education for our Americans living and working abroad. Each had its own personality and way of doing things, and yet it was interesting to see the threads of continuity running throughout the fabric of education which they had as their goal. Our biggest delight was of course seeing "old" friends: Terry Baker '63 and his wife Barbara who are stationed in Panama until June and then Uncle Sam is going to let him cool off in Newfoundland just twenty miles from Bob Brayman's home; Juan Velasquez '72 in Lima, Peru gave us a delightful evening and a nice tour the next morning of his school; Dan Barry '71 and John Barry '72 in Buenos Aires both looking wonderful and being great hosts along with the rest of the Barry family; John Dennison S.S. '71; Marco Suplicy S.S. '71, Lisa Suplicy S.S. '71; Lolo Beaty S.S. '70 and '71, all in Sao Paulo, [Meg Beaty S.S. '70 and '71 is now in school in Switzerland, brother Bruce '73 was studying hard (we hope) back at C.M.S.] saw the movie with glees of remembering; Mike '71 and Steve '72 Talley in Rio de Janiero who were at the airport to greet us at 7 : 30 one morning and spent the day being our Portuguese speaking guides - we were irnpressed as to how quickly they have picked up the language; a lovely evening with the Sichels family in Caracus - son Steven S.S. '68 was in the states going to school; Jose del Rio '71 was at the airport with the Sones to greet us in Santo Domingo - he's enjoying Blair

Academy; Carlos Pou S.S. '71 flew over those Puerto Rican mountains to spend several hours with us in San Juan; and · on our final stop in Montreal there was Chris Carnell '64 to tell us about the busy life of a pharmaceutical salesman in the Maritime Provences. New friends were many and we enjoyed each and every occasion from lovely dinners, to lunch on the Ecuator, to Indian villages, to canal boating and intriguing boat storage, to seeing coffee and sugar cane growing, to running a Copacabana Beach, to seeing a flower market, to attending a local circus, to having a magnificent flight over lhe Andes, to observing various Indian dress and ways of life to trying all the various foods of each country and to school visits.

Trustees Plan For The Future This year, the Board of Trustees created a Long Range Planning Committee and asked it to conduct a survey among our parents, students, alumni, and faculty to help develop a picture of Cardigan's role as an independent school in the Seventies. Much effort went into planning the questionnaire with many versions being drafted before the final form was achieved. John Coffin , Chairman of the Committee, is extremely appreciative of the results. It is very apparent from the 300 that have returned thus far that a lot of time and thought has gone into answering the questions; and more important, people have been frank in their replies. We have been busy analyzing the results so that a preliminary presentation can be made to the Trustees and lncorporators at their Spring Meeting on· May 12.

An Invitation PARENTS, ALUMNI, AND FRIENDS Cardigan Mountain School cordially invites you to attend Commencement Exercises Saturday morning, June the third nineteen hundred and seventy two at eleven o'clock at the Cardigan Mountain School Chapel_ in Canaan, New Hampshire

Mr. and Mrs. Sadlon and Ten CMS Students Tour Greece

Annual Giving 7" Latest Report All of us who have worked on this year's Annual Giving Program have been very pleased with its progress. We are now heading down the home stretch with just a few thousand dollars to go before we reach our $60,000 goal. Most of our pledges have been fulfilled so that we now have $52,462 in hand with $3,180 remaining in pledges for a total of $55,642. Because of the tight enrollment situation, we are finishing this school year with a small deficit. This will be offset by the donations that we have already received, but there are still many things that need to be done . One of the most pressing items is the need for some $10,000 to replace our old school bus. The 40-seater we have in mind will be more comfortable , more economical, and most important, safer than the present model. We are pleased to say that we already have $1,000 earmarked for this purpose . Any donations of any size are welcome! While the participation is still not what we had hoped for - with the exception of the Trustees and Incorporators with 100% - we are looking forward to an increase in the last few weeks before the end of our fiscal year on June 30.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Sadlon escorted ten Cardigan students on a school sponsored tour of Greece during Spring Recess. The Sadlons, Bruce Bedford, Nicky Bhirom Bhakdi, Rob Lenk, Don MacDonnell, Scooter Mitchell, Chris Nielsen, Sandy Stone, Parker Thomson, !=razer Watkins and Chad Smith left March 15 and returned April 5 from a very educational and enjoyable experience. The following is an article written by Mr. and Mrs. Sadlon regarding their Mediterranean journey : CMS GOES TO GREECE - A tale to match Travels with Charley and Mrs. 'arris Goes to Paris which any one of the 10 boys (or Mr. & Mrs. Sadlon) will tell with a couple .of hours and a projector. The bleak beginnings of the journey in the snow at Cardigan and the cold of Montreal were . forewarnings that anything to come was bound to be better. And, we were not disappointed . The myths of the gods and the ruins of ancient Greece came alive much due to our guide Nana, who taught us expertly and quizzed us unmercifully throughout our Classical Tour to Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Nauplia, Olympia, Delphi and of course Athens. By the end of this leg of the trip, we were not only schooled in the ways of the ancients, but skilled in the arts of bargain hunting, lizard catching (some of us), olive eating, rubble climbing, note-taking perched on columns and photographing at the bus speed of 60 kilometers. We were 12 seasoned travelers, when in A thens for the second time, and now knew "please", "thank you" and our names in Greek. Mr. Constantine Nicoloudis (our travel associate in Greece) with mustache, watch fob and the air of royalty, entertained us in his penthouse apartment after a grueling exam on names, dates and places. Rob Lenk, high scorer on the test, received a 1st century B.C. oil lamp as his prize. After a· second visit to the Acropolis, a tour of the National Archeological Museum, a worm's-eye-view of a most impressive parade on the Greek's Independence Day and general roaming around Athens, we flew to the island of Crete. Here, we enjoyed 3 days of touring and the ancient sites of the Minoan civilization and the newer "hippie·" civ- · ilization in the caves of Matala. Shopping and riding in "bump-bump" cars at the local fairground also took up a great deal of our time and money . · Our final stop was the island of Rhodes, where we spent 7 glorious, summertime days. In between an excursion to the magnificent Acropolis of Lindos, a tour of medieval Rhodes and a day's trip to Turkey (where we perfected our bargaining) , we successfully covered every square inch · of the island and its beaches on foot, or more popular (much more), by motorbike. On Easter Day, we were treated to good ol' hamburgers and hot dogs at the country villa of an American family (friends of friends of Cardigan). Our farewells to Rhodes and Greece were too early in the morning and not very sincere at that - we knew we would all try to go back.

CMS group at ancient City of Corinth.

Trustee News Note In the winter edition of WORDS ABOUT CARDIGAN, we neglected to list New Trustee Savage C. Frieze, .Jr. as being Vice-President, Sales as well as a Director of Lowe Paper Company.

View of Erechtheum and famous olive tree on the Acropolis of Athens. 2


Best Wishes To The Class Of 1972 JAMES EDWARD BATTLES East Kingston, New Hampshire


DAVID R.C. BECKETT South Burlington, Vermont

STEVEN JOSEPH LEWIS Springfield, Illin ois

BRUCE RUSSELL BEDFORD Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts

WILFRED DONALD MacDONNELL, Jr. Birmingham, Michigan

ERIC RAYMOND BROX Dracut, Massachusetts


SCOTT PAUL CAMPBELL Greenway, Virginia

CHRISTOPHER HENRY NI ELSEN Wei lesley, Massachusetts

DOUGLAS GRIFFIN CAREY Cape Cod, Massachusetts

TIMOTHY JOSEPH O'BRIEN Swampscott, Massachusetts

JON CHRISTIAN CAVERLY Bennington, New Hampshire

GREGORY MARK PETERS Beverly Farms, Massachusetts

ANTHONY MICHAEL DeBOISE Worcester, Massachusetts

DAVID LYFORD ROBINS Marblehead, Massachusetts


JOHN EDWARD ROBINSON Milford, Connecticut


PATRICK 0. RYAN Watertown, New York

PETER WILLIAM DOUGLASS Fort Lauderdale, Florida

HENRY KING SCHULTZ Napanee, Ontario, Canada

FRANCIS VICTOR FEROLETO, Ill Fairfield, Connecticut

MANUEL JOSE SONE STU RLA, Jr. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

BRIAN GERARD GEANY North Scituate, Massachusetts

SCOTT ARTHUR STEVENS Manchester, Massachusetts


WARREN TUTT STONE, Jr. Haverford, Pennsylvania

SHEPPARD GRAY GRISWOLD Greenwich, Connecticut




RICHARD MACY HARRIS, Ill Rochester, New York




SCOTT WINSLOW HILLS Norwell, Massachusetts

MICHAEL BRIGHT WHITE New Orleans, Louisiana

THOMAS JAMES HOWSE Phoenix ville, Pennsylvania

GREGG FOWLER WILLIAMS Grafton, New Hampshire

PETER DAVID KLINEFELTER Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



JOHN CHARLES WOODS, Jr. Bernardsville, New Jersey



Faculty N~ws Note

It seems that many of our graduates have moved NorthGILBERT R. SUITOR is another Some of you older graduates will remember Mr. and .Mrs. one of them. Gib recently moved Edward T. Peach who were on the teaching staff from to Raymond, ME and is working in the Office of Economic Oppor'46-50. They have recently moved to R.D. 4, Wiley Lane, tunity in Augusta as a Supervisor. Newtown, CT 06470 where Ted is selling real estate. Dolly ANDREW R. VALLON is a techis a guidance counselor at the John Read Middle School nician with C.B.S. Radio Network nearby in Redding. in New York City. Before that, Andy was in the U.S. Army wife Susan have two children, Armed Forces Radio and TeleRobert, Jr. born 1/9/67 and Ben- vision in Frankfort, West Gerjamin F. born 3/30/69. We have · many for three years. Ria and he found that many CMS graduates are living in New York City with '48 have joined the U.S. Marine their son, Justin C. born 1/31/69 We hear that THOMAS W. Corps. S.Sgt. TOBIAS LLOYD and are looking forward to their next, due in August. A First Aid DODGE has moved from NH to van ESSELSTYN is among them, stationed in the Presidio of M6n- emergency ambulance is BRUCE Steep Falls, M·E. C. WILSON 's office. He is a Mediterey, CA. Toby and his wife cal Aide associated with the BosCarolyn have two children, Keetja '49 ton City Hospital and lives in Fay born 8/6/68 and Katrina nearby Quincy with his wife, ElizWhen we wrote to FREDERICK Blackman born 12/11/69. abeth Ann. G. LIPPERT, Ill, we received a wealth of information on his '57 '61 doings. When queried , Fred said that the "Dr." represents both an JOHN C. QUIGLEY went on to M.D . and a Ph.D. First he earned New Hampshire Technical School Having noted that many CMS his B.S. at the U.S . Naval after graduating from high school. graduates are moving North, we Academy. Some years later, '65, He is now employed by Raetheon find that BRUCE FENN, 111 has he received his M.D. from the in South Lowell, MA and living moved down country from ME to University of Vermont. He and over the border in Hudson, NH. Princeton, MA. He is an Operation Officer of the Worcesterhis family just returned from 15 North savings Institution in Fitch'58 months in Stockholm where he burg. Patricia and he also have earned his Swedish Ph.D. for biomechanical orthopedic research in Another up-to-<Jate address came two children , Bruce Hamilton and a hospital there. Fred is currently in - RICHARD M. FISHER is Jennifer. Up-to-date information an Assistant Professor of Ortho- living in Malden, MA with his wife on GARFIELD H. Ml LLER tells pedics at the University of Wash- Marguerite and their three chil- us that after he graduated from ington in Seattle and will let us dren, Elisabeth S., Richard D., Hotchkiss, he joined the U.S. know his permanent address when and Colin N. We are unsure of Marines where he served for two they get settled. His three chil- their ages as their birth days were years. Field then went to Columbia and is now a student at Bosdren are Nina nearly 10, Felicia 4, given, but not birth years. and Todd 2. LLOYDS. KINGS WELL is now a ton University Law School, due to graduate in '7 3. After graduteacher in the Ephrata (PA) '54 School District. He went to Mor- ating from Cardigan and K.U.A ., avian College and is now HOWARD J. MILLER earned his B.S. from American International RAYMOND J. TURLEY is living attending Millersville State College for his Master's Degree. College, then went on for one in Chicago, IL and working in sales for Continental Can Com- Brenda and he have two children, year at the New England Institute of Embalming. His name is on his Philip Charles born 1/22/67 and pany. Keith Allan born 7/1/71. PETER own funeral service, and he also B. MOORE graduated with a B.A. teaches history, economics, and '55 from Middlebury College and is physiology at Notre Dame High KENNETH J. HENDERSON is a presently living in Ames, IA and School in Fitchburg, MA. Linda Copy Group Supervisor for an ad- working for a degree in Physics at Ann and he have two children Dustin Howard born 4/29/69 and vertising firm , Ingalls Associates, Iowa State University. The U.S. Douglas Everett born 11/6/70. Inc. in Boston. Katharine and he Marine Corps has JACK G. are living in Marshfield Hills, MA WOODS as an Officer Candidate. Through an address correction request, we learned that with their son, Alan Edward born Jack and his wife are living in Fart Collins, CO with their young EDWARD M. UPSON earned his 1/30/70. son, Shawn Edmond born B.A. from the University of Den6/15/71. '56 ver in '69 and is now working for Bradley and Upson, Inc. a general '59 We are told by his mother that contracting firm. JAMES I. GRANT V. KINGSWELL owns WHITE is a salesman for Klaffs, his own hairdressing business and Patricia and ROGER A. an electrical supply company. is living in Lancaster, PA. Con- FINDLEY are living in Garfield , Jim, his wife , Judith, and his gratulations go to FRANK L. NJ with their daughter, Cynthia l½-year-old namesake are living in born 10/66. Roger is enrolled MOORE, 111 and his wife Jean Norwalk, CT. His twin, whose first child , Nathan A., was nights at Rutgers University, al- MICHAEL F. WHITE, is also a born this March 4. They are living though we did not learn what he salesman, but for General Electric in Phoenix, AZ where Frank is studying or where he is Supply Company in Boston, MA. works for Honeywell in the com- working. Mike and his family, Barbara and puter end of the business. Melissa-almost l½, are living in Another graduate is self'60 Framingham, MA. Congratulaemployed. ROBERT C. MORRIS tions go to NICHOLAS WYETH has his own building company in We recently learned that JAMES who was married on New Year's Peterborough, NH. Rob and his S. GRAY is living in Atlanta, GA. Day. He and Janie are living in

Alumni Notes


New York City where he works at E. Coe Kerr Gallery.

'62 When MICHAEL F. BIXLER graduated with a B.S . from Rochester Institute of Technology in '69, he joined the OCS, U.S. Navy in Newport, RI. He was married Dec.ember of that year, then spent two years as a Lt.J .G. with the U.S.S. Elkhorn out of Pearl Harbor. Right now, Winifred and Mike's address is listed as c/o David R. Godine, Printer & Publisher in Brookline, MA. Star Paper Company, the family bu.si- · neis, has PAUL N. PETERSON in charge of the warehouse. JOSEPH D. S Kl BIS Kl is employed by the City of Atlanta, GA in the Dete·ctive Division of the Police-Crime Department. He trained for this at the State of Georgia Police Academy after graduating from Toccoa Falls College. FREDERICK W. UIHLEIN, JR. is President of his own company, Rip Line, Incorporated, a building firm. Rip prepared for this at Marquette University and Miami Dade Junior College before that. He and Susan now have three children, Lisa Ann age 5, Kelly Frances age 3, and Alison Jane age 1, and are living in Mequon, WI. Another August baby is due, this time for Kathleen Mary and DAVID vanESSELSTYN who are living in Santa Ana, CA. Fol1owing graduation from Monmouth College in IL, David entered the U.S. Marine Corps as a 2nd Lt. He is now a 1st Lt., a Radar Intercept Officer in the F-4. '62 Summer While visiting the school some time back, MARK K. FOLEY told us that he is married , has one child, and is living in Rutland, VT. He graduated from Manlius School, went on' to Norwich University, and then studied nights at Castleton State College. '63 The International City Bank in New Orleans, LA has p!Jt ROBERT M. MONSTED, JR. in their Executive Training program. Bobby got his education at Storm King School and Centenary College where he graduated with a B.A. in '70. He and his wife, the former Peggy Simpson, have ·been married since August of '70 and are living in New Orleans. LEONARD G. OSSORIO has been at Prescott College in AZ and enjoying it tremendously, particularly in the Challenge/Discovery program. In the college's p-:_mphlet, there is mention that

Continued on next page

Alumni continued the first kayak crossing of the _Sea of Cortez was made by Prescott students and faculty from Baja to the Mex ican mainland. They w·ere told by experienced people that it couldn't be done , and Len was among the group. In fact, in the pamphlet and on a poster, there is a striking photograph of Len and a fellow kayaker crossing the Sea. In a news release, again from Prescott, we learned that he led s~yen students on "a major mountain climbing expedition in Mexico that will be remembered as a true learning experience. The · members ..• succeeded in climbing volcanoes Orizaba and Oppocatepetl." They did not reach the summit, almost 19,000 feet, of the first mountain until the second try. The first one was interrupted by a freak blizzard, forcing them to dig into an ice cave and survive "freezing, su.ffocating, and an avalanche. On the second attempt they reached the summit without mishap and returned to base camp." The second mountain, almost 18,000 feet, was to be climbed in one day, but when they were over 12,000 feet, a rock struck a climber in a party further up and "instantly flipped him over and sent him tumbling down the slope, unconscious." One of the Prescott group tackled the Mexican as Len hurried down to administer first aid. The men in the party brought the climber down the mountain with the help of other climbers, and it was considered that the "actions, cohesion and quick thinking of these members of the Prescott Col1ege . . . probably saved the climber's life." The following day, the ascent was made without mishap . Congratulations are in order for STEVEN G. PAQUETTE who was married on February 8 to the former Elaine Gasquy . They are living in Modesto, CA where Steve is a freshman. His military is complete, Steve having served two years, one in Vietnam. '64 We have a new address for CHRISTOPHER D. CARNELL who is now living in Armdale, Halifax, Nova Scotia. ANTHONY R. GERARD went to Governor Dummer after graduating from CMS. He then went on to Harvard College where he graduated last June . We look forward to learning what Tony is doing now . After interrupting his education to serve in the Marine Corps from '69-71, KONSTANTINO K. LANGFELD has now returned to the Un iversity of Denver to complete his studies. MALCOLM C. MORAN earned his B.A . from the University of the South, Sewanee, TN

last June. He is now working for .the U.S. Government, although we don't know in what capacity! From an address correctiofl form, we learned that LOUIS S. "Bud" S Kl NNER is working for his father at Wallboard Construction Company in East Natick, MA doing inventory and shipping. FREDERICK J. WARREN , JR.'s stint with the Army took the form of a year and a half with the 101 st Advanced Infantry. Following his discharge, Fritz went to New Preparatory School and is presently finishing his freshman year at Denver University. We have some partial updating on ROBERT M. WINKLER. Bob graduated from Blair Academy, then Community College in Bethlehem, PA. Karen and he have two children, Robert, Jr. born 1/8/71 and Christopher Stanley born 3/18/70. After Holderness, STEPHEN A. WORCESTER went to Middlebury College where he got his B.A. in '71. Since then, Steve has been seeing the world. He crewed on a 7 0-foot schooner from New England to the Virgin Islands from July to February. The last we heard, he was planning to head west, and after that,


'65 Another new residence, this time for JOHN B. CLARK who we learn is living in Burlington, VT. Following completion of a pressman correspondence course in newspaper press work, WILLIAM J. DRUMMEY, Ill became a journeyman pressman, although we don't know where! DAVID P. JOHNSTON will be getting his B.A. this June from Denison University where he went after graduating from Suffield Academy. On a postcard to this newsletter, we learned that JOHN H. "Jock" PEARSON , JR. is graduating from the University of Hartford this year and that he is manager of their newspaper and captain of the tennis team. JOHN S. _SHANER enrolled at the University of Maine at Yarmington after graduating from Kents Hill. Jack has been heavily involved in skiing at the University-Captain of the Ski Team, member of the team for four years, President of the Ski and Outing Club for last two years! After graduating from Marvelwood School in '69, DAVID P. WARNER joined the Army. He is now a student at Roanoke College in Salem, VA in the class of '74. RICHARD W. WILBY, JR. has been putting his efforts into the field of art. In the spring of '71 , he had a showing of drawings and paintings at Hillson Art Gallery at Deerfield Academy.

'66 ROBERT H. FOLEY is now living in Grants Pass, OR. We also have only partial updating on PETER C.R. GERARD who graduated from Trinity-Pawling School in '70. In the middle of March, we had a visit from DAVID S. HOGAN who is in charge of the floor at Yield House in Peabody, MA and is enjoying it very much. Last October, DENNIS P. JOHNSON and Glenda Darby were married in the Chapel at Cardigan . They are now living in West Lebanon, NH, and Dennis is working for New England Telephone. According to David Hogan, DWIGHT C. KENYON was married last fall - belated congratulations, "Chris"! WILLIAM H. "Hardy" LITTLETON tells us that he is presently at Nichols College in Dudley, MA. After graduation from Chestnut Hill Academy, GORDON W. MclLVAIN went on to Oglethorpe University where he is now a junior. Following a year at Belknap College , WARREN F. MORRIS transferred to Cape Cod College where he will get his B.A. this June. He is planning to be married August 5 to Lynn Brophy, WALTER C. "Chip" OBERNDORF is a student at Babson College in Wellesley, MA. JOHN D. PLACE, 111 is finishing his junior year at Clarkson University. We have learned that DA VI D M. SCOTTEN is now at Northwood Institute where he en rolled after graduating from Tabor Academy in '69.

'66 Summer We hear that WILLIAM S. MONSTED graduated from Woodberry Forest School in VA and is now a student at Florida Presbyterian College in St. Petersburg.

'67 I r:i a letter to Norm Wakely, ROBERT D. BIRCH writes, "I am now settled in a large 'turn-ofthe-century' villa. Life here on the French Riviera is certainly quite different from that in Northfield, Vermont. Classes this year [are] a challenge in that there will be not one word of English. As I mentioned above, life here is truly fantastic. In the garden there are palm, lemon, orange, olive and mimosa trees. Up until [November] when it turned chilly, I spent a lot of time at the beach .•• because classes didn't begin until November 4." Bob will be returning from Ole-Nice in June. When JOHN D. "Doug" GORMAN visited Cardigan at the end of March, he said that he was planning to join the Navy. He has


completed two years at Huron College in Huron , SD and plans to finish school when he gets out of the service. MARC E. HOWE is working as a machine operator and Assistant Foreman for ProtoType Packaging Company, a plastics firm in Sloatsburg, NY. THOMAS S. "Scott" MONSTED is a Fine Arts major in the class of '74 at Loyola University of the South in New Orleans, LA. Excerpts from a letter to Norm Wakely from GUY A. SWENSON, Ill read as follows: "I am at Occidental College again this year and enjoying it a great deal. Last year was a very succes!j_fu -1 year ... This last summer I stayed with my cousins in Rhode fsland , raced sailboats and worked in a fiberglass plant .•• I am presently spending two hours a week teaching Social Studies and one• teaching Reading to 6th graders in a public school in Pasadena, (CA). It is part of an education course I'm taking-a very interesting experience, though I' m not sure if I want to be a teacher ... " After leaving Cardigan, LUIS T. TRUNEANU went to school in Venezuela, then came to Boston where he graduated from the Chauncy Hall School. He is currently a student at Tufts University going for his B.S. and M.E. and living in Medford , MA.

'67 Summer

JOHN T. "Tom" STONE enlisted in the Army in June last year. He has finished his Airborne training and is presently in an NCO school at Fort Benning, GA.

'68 In a letter from his father, we learned that PETER M. ABBOTT "was successfully graduated from Hoosac" in '71, that he \\las "on his own in the Virgin Islands,''. and that he tentatively has Franconia College in mind for this· coming fall. All the Abbotts send their regards to any of .Peter's teachers who remember him. According to our records, WI LLI AM R. PRESCOTT has moved to North Hollywood, CA . Belated , here is some "news" of DAVID A. RITCHIE, Ill. Tex is Down Under. As he says, '"Down Under' doesn't mean that 1've .•. picked up LSD, it means .•. Australia ... I spent a month and a .couple of days in jolly old England [last] summer and had the good fortune of meeting the High Commissioner of Australia to England ... We spoke for awhile and within- five minutes I was convinced that Australia was for [me], at least for a year! ... You'll find the following very hard to beli'eve, but

Continued on next page

Alumni continued last May I went up to see Harvard · expecting nothing short of. an uproarious laugh ... Either D.D.'s escapades at CMS are ancie[lt history, or they were not put on record or something, but Harvard actually thinks that they can handle me in a year or two after next." Tex's address is: Fern hill Pastorial Company, Fernhill, Mulgoa, New South Wales, Australia.

'69 We learned from a lette r sent earlier in the year to tt,e Headmaster that RICHARD I. PIGOTT is in his lasl year at Avon Old Farms a nd is hoping to be accepted for a southern college, his first choice being St. Andrews Presbyterian in NC. '70 Some time back, JOHN C. COS GROVE wrote that "I've finally found a school that I re al ly like. I have left the high school at Indian Hill (OH) and switched to the Northern Kentucky Area Vocational School in Covington, KY ... I have decided to go into carpentry and housebuildin g.'! JAMES 5 . FOSTER, JR. visited the school recently and told us that he was going to The Mills School in Fort Lauderdale, FL where he is taking golf and sw imming. This summer he plans to spend in North Conway, NH.

Mr. Wakely's boat, the U.S. S. Fixit, This unusual photo of a tree was taken a few feet anchored in front of Clark-Morgan Hall. from Clark-Morqan Hall. Do you know of any news that you'd like to share with our readers. If so, please jot your item in the space provided below and send to: Cardigan Newsletter Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, N. H. 03741



Through a letter to the school, we heard that MORGAN P. DICKERMAN, Ill played Junior Varsity Football at Darlington and was enjoying school life very much. BRON C. "BC" GERVAIS' family have recently moved to East Longmeadow, MA.

Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire 03747



26th YEAR

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