Mr. _ and Mrs. Wakely Visit South America Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Wakely left Monday, March 27 to tour parts of South America. They returned Tuesday, April 18, a short three weeks later, after visiting twelve South American countries. In the following article, Mrs. Wakely comments on those busy but enjoyable three weeks: The Southern half of the Americas is exotic, cosmopolitan, history-rich and scenically stunning with the charm and antiquity of the continent intact. We went there to visit schools, to say hello to alumni, visit with present parents, alumni parents, prospective parents and friends. Our goal was to carry the Cardigan words to as many new and old friends as possible in twenty-two days. We visited twentyfive schools, stayed in twelve different countries, dealt with eleven different currencies and heard three different languages. It was a very rewarding experience. The schools range all the way from a multi-million dollar American cliff-hanging plant in Rio to warm friendly parochial schools to a charming little Indian school on the edge of Lake Maracaibo to all of the International Schools trying to provide an American education for our Americans living and working abroad. Each had its own personality and way of doing things, and yet it was interesting to see the threads of continuity running throughout the fabric of education which they had as their goal. Our biggest delight was of course seeing "old" friends: Terry Baker '63 and his wife Barbara who are stationed in Panama until June and then Uncle Sam is going to let him cool off in Newfoundland just twenty miles from Bob Brayman's home; Juan Velasquez '72 in Lima, Peru gave us a delightful evening and a nice tour the next morning of his school; Dan Barry '71 and John Barry '72 in Buenos Aires both looking wonderful and being great hosts along with the rest of the Barry family; John Dennison S.S. '71; Marco Suplicy S.S. '71, Lisa Suplicy S.S. '71; Lolo Beaty S.S. '70 and '71, all in Sao Paulo, [Meg Beaty S.S. '70 and '71 is now in school in Switzerland, brother Bruce '73 was studying hard (we hope) back at C.M.S.] saw the movie with glees of remembering; Mike '71 and Steve '72 Talley in Rio de Janiero who were at the airport to greet us at 7 : 30 one morning and spent the day being our Portuguese speaking guides - we were irnpressed as to how quickly they have picked up the language; a lovely evening with the Sichels family in Caracus - son Steven S.S. '68 was in the states going to school; Jose del Rio '71 was at the airport with the Sones to greet us in Santo Domingo - he's enjoying Blair
Academy; Carlos Pou S.S. '71 flew over those Puerto Rican mountains to spend several hours with us in San Juan; and · on our final stop in Montreal there was Chris Carnell '64 to tell us about the busy life of a pharmaceutical salesman in the Maritime Provences. New friends were many and we enjoyed each and every occasion from lovely dinners, to lunch on the Ecuator, to Indian villages, to canal boating and intriguing boat storage, to seeing coffee and sugar cane growing, to running a Copacabana Beach, to seeing a flower market, to attending a local circus, to having a magnificent flight over lhe Andes, to observing various Indian dress and ways of life to trying all the various foods of each country and to school visits.
Trustees Plan For The Future This year, the Board of Trustees created a Long Range Planning Committee and asked it to conduct a survey among our parents, students, alumni, and faculty to help develop a picture of Cardigan's role as an independent school in the Seventies. Much effort went into planning the questionnaire with many versions being drafted before the final form was achieved. John Coffin , Chairman of the Committee, is extremely appreciative of the results. It is very apparent from the 300 that have returned thus far that a lot of time and thought has gone into answering the questions; and more important, people have been frank in their replies. We have been busy analyzing the results so that a preliminary presentation can be made to the Trustees and lncorporators at their Spring Meeting on· May 12.
An Invitation PARENTS, ALUMNI, AND FRIENDS Cardigan Mountain School cordially invites you to attend Commencement Exercises Saturday morning, June the third nineteen hundred and seventy two at eleven o'clock at the Cardigan Mountain School Chapel_ in Canaan, New Hampshire