Letter From Assistant Headmaster
Mr. Joseph M. Collins, Assistant Headmaster
It hardly seems possible that another school year is drawing to a close. In recent weeks several students have expressed the opinion that the year has passed quickly - an opinion usually shared only by those of us in our advanced years. Looking back over the year it is easy to see why the time has flown by. It is a condition that occurs only in a good year - the difficult ones last forever!! The basic ingredients of a school are people, programs and facilities and this year we have a very happy blend of the three. The progress that our students have been making over the past few years has been very encouraging and has shown itself in many ways. There is developing noticeably more seriousness of purpose and academic determination by more of our students. The caliber of those schools to which our serious students are applying and to which our underclassmen aspire is greatly improved and even more important is that they are being accepted and sought out by Continued on page 2
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