Annual Fund Over Top At $91,000 and Still Going Strong Gifts and pledge s to this year's Annu al Fund are already over the $91,000 mark - and the campaign doesn't close until June 30th. After last year's successful Annual Fund, the goal for the current year was increase d to $70,000. Now this has been exceeded by 30%. What a wonderfully generous and enthu siastic group of supporters Cardigan has - parents, grandparents, Trustees, Alumni an d friends! What does this money do for Card igan ? First, in co mp any with almost every other independent schoo l in the country, tuition does not p_ay the fu ll cost of educating a boy at Card igan. So me of these An nu al Fund dollars are used to make up this difference - in essence a scholarship for every boy at the sc hoo l. Next, there are many things the Schoo l would li ke to have to make life more pleasant for all the students, things that ju st cannot be fitted into the operat in g budget. Annu al Fund dollars enab le the Schoo l to have some of them . Last year's Annu al Fund enabl ed a snow cat to be bought. Now after a new snowfa ll , the Pinnacle can be packed in t he morning so that sk iiers can enjoy a full afternoon of skiing in stead of having to spend two hours pac king in orde r to ski for half an ho ur . T hi s year, one gift to the An nu al Fund was a snowmobile fo r packing cross-country trails. With this winter's very odd weather, it has been a real blessing; many times cross-country trails have been useable because t hey were we ll packed when otherw ise they would have t urn ed to slu sh. As a result of spec ial gifts to the Annual Fund to advance an increasin gly enthusi astic hockey progra m, the School wi ll be ab le to purchase a used Zamboni ice resurfacer which is exp'ecte d to be installed in a spec ial building in t ime for next year's hockey season. An e lectric starter gate was purch ased this winter with another gift, and this has been used for both do wnhill and cross-country races. It is so ve ry much more accurate in timing these races than t he o ld system of shout in g "Go;" this is critical when races are wo n or lost by a hundredth of a second. With the boys' return from Spring vacatio n, new drapes will have been install ed in the Chapel - another tangible ev id ence of an Annual Fund gift. They rep lace drapes made whe n the Chape l was built, and which are now suffering from years of exposure to the sun. Another acq ui sition made possible t his year is video tape equ ipment. Th is sat isfies academ ic as we ll as ath let ic
Winners of "A ll Schoo l Spe llin g F in als" - Hugh Cove rt (1st place), Jeff Corbett (2nd place), Karl Peters (3rd pl ace).
Covert Takes Top Spelling Honors Every Janu ary and May Engli sh classes at CMS turn to spe llin g co mpetition, and stud ents and ad ults al ike all try to guess who the big winner will be. The first of these two yearly events began January 7 and 8 when all English students competed in classroom spe llin g bees. Three of four winners from each English class next moved on to grade finals he ld January 8 through 10. From t he grade fin als came t hirteen champions representing grades 6 throug h 9, who participated in t he "Al l Schoo l Spe lling Finals'.' held in the Hinman aud itorium Sunday evening, January 13. After all the dust had settled, the winners were: 1st 2nd 3rd
Hugh Covert (7th grade) - Jeff Corbett (9th grade) - Karl Peters (9th grade)
Hugh Covert also received the Spel ling Trophy . His name was engraved on t he award, and, if he wins the May s'pelling bee, Hugh wi ll be the proud owner of t he golden trophy with ,the bee o n top .