Annual Fund Nears $100,000 Gifts and pledges to the current Annual Fund already total in excess of $98,000 as this issue goes to press, and they are still coming in. It's beginning to sound like " The Impossible Dream" come to Cardigan! We have the opportunity here to see newsletters from many schools and colleges around the country, and this year one note runs through all of them -an unparalleled increase in expenses of all kinds, many of which could not have been anticipated in budgetary plans. We, of course, are no exception. Because you have so generously supported the Annual Fund, we can now look forward to maintaining a balanced budget despite many cost increases and unexpected expenses. These are some of the items that have plagued our Director of the Budget since September: - cost of supplies for the kitchen and dining room (paper goods, plastic products, and dish replacement) running 33% over budget -over$4000 spent to repair the dam at the outflow of the lake which was damaged by flooding last June . - fuel oil costs will probably exceed budget by 70% - increasing food prices have raised costs over $7000 since last year On the more positive side, we were able to give substantial scholarship aid to four additional boys who would not have been able to attend Cardigan without this help. To enrich our program in the arts, we have ordered a new high fire kiln and an additional potter's wheel so that more boys will be able to do more and better work in pottery. We have also contracted for new drapes in the dining room. When you next come to campus, we hope you'll agree that they have made a great improvement in the appearance of this very important area of school life . These items , plus those mentioned in the last issue (video tape equipment, Chapel drapes, Zamboni, and building) total over $58,000-all made possible by exceeding the Annual Fund goal by $30,000. That's like a two-forone return on investment- a modern miracle come true at Cardigan this year. ,,
Mr. James Marrion, Athletic Director, during an active football practice.
An Invitation PARENTS, ALUMNI, AND FRIENDS Cardigan Mountain School cordially invites you to attend Commencement Exercises Saturday morning, June the first, nineteen hundred and seventy four at eleven o'clock at the Cardigan Mountain School Chapel in Canaan, N.H.
Participation Excellent in Spring Activity Program This report is from the Athletic Department and was filed in late April. Some of the events reported on have already passed, but due to press deadlines, we are not able to report all the results of sprimg sports contests. The students reported to the auditorium on March 1st. to sign up for Spring Activities. Excellent participation h~s taken place with something available for each boy depending on his interest. Following is a breakdown of the various activities and the number of boys going out for eac h ; Lacrosse 28; Tennis 23; Rec. Tennis 24; Baseball 44; Sailing16; and lntramurals 16. This spring more boys are participating in interscholastic sports than have in the past. This is certai nly a very healthy indication. School spirit has improved greatly and the fine attitude has carried over into the academic field. · Considering that spring is a short season, all the teams will have their work cut out for them. The Lacrosse team had its first scrimmage on the 15th of April with Proctor and then traveled to Mt. Hermon and defeated their· 3rd team 8-2 on April 20th. The Tennis team opened the season in fine style by defeating Vermont Academy J.V.'s. Both Reserve and Varsity Baseball teams open their season on the 23rd and 24th of April respectively. The Reserves go against Hartland and the Varsity against Holderness. ·on April 27th the Sailing team visits Mt. Hermon. Between the Varsity and Reserve Baseball teams they will have ninete,e n contests; the Lacrosse team will play nin e games; the Tennis team will compete in eight contests, and the top four pla~ers will travel to Fay School to compete in the Fay Continued- on page 3