The Sixth Grade
Then and Now
Sixth graders today are as integral a part of Cardigan's life as they were in the early years of the School. We asked the 1975 sixth grade to write this issue of the newsletter, and we hope you have as muc h fun reading and reminiscing as they had putting it together. Ourthanks to the sixth grade and to their teacher, Mrs. Charlotte Goldthwait.
In 1951, they lived in the Lodge on Canaan St.
February 1951 Michael Belanger David Helmstadter Jeff Knaebel
Norman Pierce Roger Remade James Turley Malcolm Lloyd
Greenwood House
Stowell Ho use
Now they live in dorms attached to faculty houses.
February, 1975 Front row: Erich M . Fahner, Louis LaFontisee, Michel D., Mrs. Goldthwait, James I. Anderson, Pedro Echeverria. Back row: Michael J. Shanley, Charles M . Reid, C. Sumner Woolworth, J. David Iverson, Wayne G. Wickman, Philippe C. Brooks, RobertW. Newhart. '
- X - ·-X
SPORTS Sumner Woolworth "I want to put someth in g in about the sports as that is the best part of school." I li ve in Ston ington, Connecticut. I enjoy sk iing at the Pinnacle a lot. I am the on ly Sixth Crader to make the Alpin e . Ski Team. My favorite subject here is English. Recreational Downhill Skiing-This group has had a ton of fun this year. Mo·st of the boys rent sk i is until they feel that they ·can handle bigger and better ones of their own. The boys are divided into two groups : the Clancy Mountain Group and the more advanced Pinnacle Group. These "Rec" skiers have lessons almost every day.
Buddha, The Winn in g Snow Sculpture
Recreational Touring-This is a small group which goes around the cross -country track and any othe r place they can think of.
Nordic Ski Team-This team works in two areas: crosscountry racing and jumping. The cross -country has won all five meets that they have had, and the jumping has done the same . Most of the boys both race and jump for their team. Their coaches are Mr. Collins, Mr. Heath and Mr. Lowell. Alpine Ski Team-This team has had a great season with al I of the snow the north country has had. No one has gotten hurt. There are twelve boys on the team and they have won all of their meets. They practice at the Pinnacle. The coach is Mr. Blanker. Varsity Hockey-Th is team has been playing some of the best games ever. We are sure that some of this is due to better ice conditions created by the Zamboni . With strong players and careful goal tending, they have won all of their regular season games and one tournament . The coach is Mr. Peck.
Bobby Newhart "My little brother and sister and I had fun playing in the 'S ubmarine' in front of Clark-Morgan so I'd like to tell you about the others which the boys built ." I come from Bel-Air, California. I am the o ldest of three children. I, too, came for summer school and then came back forth is year. As I was born on November 4, 1963, I must be eleven years old right now.
Here is what was built with all that white stuff use for it!
a good
Reserve Hockey- Some really good players are on this team. They have won all their games except one. They do not go away to any tournaments. Mr. McNeish and Mr. Anderson coac h these boys.
Greenwood ............... . . . ... . . ...... a Snowmob ile Haywood ................. Bobsled Run behind Hinman French II .. . . .. .. . . ................... .... .. Racing Car French I .... .. ........ ....... ... . ........... an Animal Hinman I ............... . ... . ........ Winnie -the- Pooh Clark-Morgan II .. .......................... Submarine Brewster I . ... .. . . . . ................. . .... Volkswagen Brewster II ...... . Buddha and Incense Burner and Gong Stowell ................ . .... . ......... . .. Wishing Well Proctor .. .......... .. ................... Welcome Sign
Third Team-They have had an on-off season . They have won two, lost one and tied one . They are all having a good time and learning a lot about hockey. Their coach is Mr. Ramos.
First Prize went to the Buddha, Second Pri•ze to · the Volkswagen, Third Prize to the Racing Car, Fourth Prize to the Well. It was a close " race" and I think every dorm did a good job.
Zamboni Mike Stuber "I want to write about the Zamboni as I play hockey. In fact I'm the only Sixth Grader who does play hockey this winter" I am another Sixth Crader who was at Sum m er School. My home is in Rochester, New York. I have blond hair and blue eyes - a nice guy! Hockey is the winter sport that I like to play. This is the first year of the Zamboni and it is working well. The ice is the best it has ever been. Maybe that is why hockey is good and our teams are good . Like most every piece of mechanical equipment, Cardigan had to adjust to it, and it had to adjust to Cardigan . There is common understanding now. Low temperatures have contributed to its efficiency. The Zamboni enters the arena.
CLUB NEWS Charles Reid " I'll find out what has been going on in the Clubs" I was here for summer schoo l and came back for the fu ll year. My home is in the Dominican Republic, so I speak both Spanish and English . This is the first time that I have seen snow and I think it is great. I like skiing a lot and it is fun .
Chess Club-The Chess Club has eight students. They want to have a schoo l chess tournament soon . The c lu b meets two times a Week . The school has chess sets for the use of the students . Photography Club-The Photography Club is a club where people learn how to develop and print film . There are two developing rooms and the students can use these any time they want . The club meets once every two weeks. They develop only black and white fi lm because color is too dificult and takes very expensive equipment. Each student has a locker for storing his equipment . Model Club-The Model Club is going to be using a Science room where they can paint the models and do some work . There are twelve students who meet twice a week . Each boy has to start with one model and then the other boys will criticize the finished product so that the next time they can do a better job. Drama Club-This group studies and produces plays. They have produced three plays so far this year and are beginning work on another. Two plays were given on Parents' Weekend. At least fifteen different boys have taken part in the productions. Magic Club-This is where you learn "MAGIC" ! All sorts of weird things happen . It is one of the largest clubs. Auto Mechanics Club-This club works in the barn at Ovila. They have completely rebuilt the engine in a 1955 Chevrolet pickup truck and they have restored to life a 1961 4-wheel-drive jeep stat ion wagon, which had been dead for three years. Some faculty have trusted their vehicles to this group for repairs! During the rest ot the year they will be learning to do tune-ups, to use the oxy-acetylene torch, to do some auto body work and painting .
Finally I got our new porta-pack working .
CHOIR Jimmy Anderson " I' d like to tell about the choir because I' m in it and love to sin g. " My family is in Mexico . I once lived in India for many years and before that w e li ved in Canada . This is the first time I've lived in the States for an y length of time. I was here for Summer Schoo l and then came back for the year. I am learning to sk i - at first there were lots of " wipe-outs " !
A good save for Card igan.
In the Cardigan Mountain School Choir ther·e are some boys who are singing solos for the very first time ." This year there are twenty-six boys - three 6th Graders, seven 7th Graders, eight 8th Graders, and eight 9th Graders. Some of the songs are religious, some are modern and some are love songs . Some are from the movies . We sing every Sunday and on special occasions. If we all know the songs I think that we then sing unusually well! (That' s when Mr. Finkbeiner gives us a party!)
Bert Wickman
"Video tape is a great invention and we're making it work for us"
Philippe Brooks "I gathered information from the Student Counc il. Since everything is so new to me, I needed some help."
I come from the great city of Houston, Texas! We used to live in Washington, D. C. I like Cardigan and I like skiing that's one reason why I'm here. It is FUN! I am 12 years old.
I was born on November 7, 1963 at midnight in France. I have just come here from Florida, arriving at the end of January. Mike Shanley
The Video Tape Equipment is new this year. It is operated by the Audio-Visual group under the direction of Mr. Fahner. The head of the A . V. group is Jim Bailey, an Eighth Grader. , We have two video tape sets in the school: a "port-a pack" and a studio set. Everything we have is worth $4,500. It is used to record and show programs like the "Asc:ent of Man" and the "America" series. The boys tape the program, which usually comes at a time when we are doing something else more important, like studying or skiing! We Sixth Graders have the "Man" series taped on Friday afternoon and then we watch it the followingThursday. The A .V. group has taken the "port-a-pack" to the Pinnacle where they've taped the ski team and then shown the skiers what they were doing right or wrong.
"I'll help on this as my job of getting all of the Sixth Graders to write a bit about themselves is finished." I was born on August 21, 1962. My sport is jumping and cross -country. I enjoy them both very much . My home is in· Connecticut.
This year the Student Council has had a number of events . One of the events was the Cardigan Carnival. Most of the dorms made their games. A couple of the games were the ring toss and the dart throwing (you would th row darts at the masters' pictures!) And there was also a basketball game and a bean-bag throw. At the end of the evening they gave out prizes to the lucky ticket holders. We have had a chapel meeting about the world food situation. Mr. Mahoney gave us a talk about starvation and he showed us some pictures of dying people . He put us in the place of these people. Papers containing two questions were passed out. One question asked, "Do you want to give up 15% of your weekly allowance?" Question two asked, "Are you willing to give up one meal per week?" Most of the people said, "Yes" on both of the questions. At the end of the first week we had over $30.00. The Schoo l Council is deciding to which helping organization it will give this money.
FILM FESTIVAL Erich Fahner "I'll writa about the Film Festival because I'm going to see every one of them." I am a day student and I live three miles away from school. For an activity I am on cross country touring th is w inter. Mr. Randall takes us out and he's told us that if conditions are right we'll ski to the top of Cardigan Mountain! I am one of the two Honor Roll students in my grade and my parents are happy about that.
The films that have been shown so far have all been silent ones. "Return of Draw Egan" was really funny. It was hilarious when Draw Egan moved his eyes as if he were seeing if someone was following. Here is the schedule fort he films: January 7: "Return of Draw Egan" January 21: "The Phantom of the Opera" February 11 : "The Gold rush" February 25: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" March 4: "In the Park," "Wife and Auto Trouble/' "Hurry, Hurry" March 11: "Little Rascals," "Hide and Shriek/' "Polly Tix in Washington," "Goofs on the Roof"
All are to be shown in Hinman Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
Sixth Grade jumper Shan ley after a " pro" performance.
18 31 February
2 2
5 March
8 13
Christmas Vacation ends at 9 P.M. S.S.A:T. for 8th Graders Parents' Weekend begins at noon Parents' Weekend ends after Chape l Mid-winter Recess begins at 10:30 A.M. Mid-winter Recess ends at 9 P.M . S.S.A.T. for 7th Graders Spring Vacation begins at 6 :30 A .M.
April May
June August
2 1 4
17 31 25 9
Spring Vacation ends at 9 P.M. Spring Term Long Weekend begins at noon Spring Term Long Weekend ends at 9 P.M. Grandparents' Weekend Commencement at 11 A.M. Summer Session Reg istration between 9:00 and 12:00 A.M. Summer Session ends
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. ACADEMICS Pedro Echeverria "I wanted to write something for this paper that had to do with our classes, so I asked a boy in each of the class sections to write down just a paragraph about what is happening." I was born on December 31, 1962, so right now I am 12 years o ld. I come from Guatema la City in Centra l America. I was the co-captain of my soccer team this Fall. First, I came just for the Fall Term , as my brother did two years ago. Then my parents let me come back after Christmas . I am glad because this ~s a great w inter for skiing. Though I had never seen snow before, I am one of on ly two of the Sixth Graders who can ski at the Pinnacle (so far)!
9-1 and 9-2
Nine-1 and Nine-2 English sections at Cardigan are being taught medieval literature by Mr. Randall. The 9-1 section is reading Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, 9-2 section is studying Canterbury Tales . Both sections must do a 1500 word report on any thing related to the books.
Our Math section is working on so lving of word problems. We have to translate the word problems into an equation and then solve it accurately. We have difficulty in translating the problems into the equations, so much so that we alm ost go crazy. Then we all quit! 9-3
We have been spending some time in writing descriptive stories and "newspaper editoria ls." The class also has a chance after writing enough papers, to turn one in for the Scribe. 9-4
8-1 In English we are now working on self-expression. Yesterday, we tried to tell how to operate a stapler without using any diagrams . One student read his instructions to Mr. Randall who followed them to the letter and ended up with staples in his hand! French has been go ing well. We just f ini shed a chapter on the geography of France where we studied the rivers, mountains and cities.
The best thing we have done so far this year is to read Of Mice and Men. It was very interesting. Everyone in the c;lass got involved in the d iscussions .
In Math we are getting into computer basics. We had been work in g with decimals, volumes and lateral surfaces.
We are studying the First World War. We take notes and have homework from our texts. Once a week we watch the " America" program on the new video-tape . We also see filmstr ips and wr ite reports on up-to-date news.
7-1 Our current project in English is to get out a class newspaper wh ich we'll ditto and hand out to the whole schoo l. Our first period rotates between Shop, Art and .oe·velopmenta l Reading. Period two gets us into Eng li sh where we try to absorb grammar and literature. Math is the third period where we're currently studying decimals. Next is History where we're studying the expans ion of the Un ited States. Last in the morning comes Science where. we're trying to learn the Metric System. 7-2
Our class has been working on creative writin gs based on a variety of topics - "A Mounta in Comes Alive," "Deat h, " "Life" and others. Then we worked on journalism and editorial s. We wr ite three papers - a rough copy, a working copy, and a final copy. Then we pick the best paper for grad in g. 7-3
Sixth Grade is now working w ith fractions in Math adding, subtracting and multiplying these " things." Once a week we watch " The Ascent of Man" on video-tape. This takes place on Thursdays during the conference time. We have gone on two winter picnics. One skating and one sk iing one. It is fun. Mr. C lancy prepares the food, we put it in our packs and head for a spot not too far away. Sixth Grade is doing very well in their work. We have more people on the Honor Roll than on supervised study!
PARENTS' WEEKEND David Iverson " I think that I can get the information for this" . I was born in Tulsa , Oklahoma, December 16, 1962. After li vin g in different h ouses in Tu lsa, we moved to A lderson, West Virginia, where we have a sheep farm. I have been to severa l schoo ls and now I'm h ere at Cardigan. Over two hun.dred and eighty parents were at Cardigan for the 1975 Winter Parents ' Weekend. During this time there were two plays in the Hinman Auditor ium - "S mart Guy" and " Refund ." Both were performed very well. There was a sk i meet and those parents who brought ski equ ipment cou ld sk i at Clancy Mountain or the Pinnacle. There was al so a hoc key game. Many boys left with their parents after chapel on Sunday for a few days of "wipe-outs" on other ski slopes or for w ipin g dishes at home.
J But, Mom, I'm not the best student!
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"I had wanted to present these notes in a 'time-lin e' way, but it just wou ldn 't work ."
I was born in Ch icago, Illinois, and then soon moved to Miami, Florida . I am 12 years old. My birthday was October 3, 1962. I have blond hair and blue eyes. Right now I'm struggling to keep my "Honors" in three subjects.
1962 JAMES F. SANFORD '62, is sa ilin g his trimaran " Troicha" through the Caribbean . It's 41' long and very comfortab le. He hopes to charter it out in St. Croix or St. Thomas. Jim spent the holidays in Nassau and enjoyed the loca l festival.
1963 TERRY BAKER '63, answered our questionnaire and / , '.)m that we learned his is now attending the University of Maine Law Schoo l, residing in Portland, Maine w ith his w ife Barbara and daughter Samantha Kay. JOHN HART '63 writes to let us know he is st ill in the hotel management business at the Music Inn in Lenox, Massachusetts . He' s st ill skiing when the weather permits and hopes to make a vis it to campus soon with his fami ly. GREG HINE '63, returned to find CMS about the same (in appearance at least) except a new gym (field house? ). Greg is now coowner of Hine/S nowbridge , manufacturer of bicycle and hikin g packs. Greg says the above may be purchased in Bou ld er, Co lorado. The packs are distributed in finer bicycle and specialty sport .s hops - or wr it e for a catalog: Box 1459, Boulder, CO 80302.
GREGORY HACK '63, informs us he is working at the Ferdinand Roten Ga ll eries in Baltimore and frequents the New York area. Greg is st ill sing le.
1964 ROGER EARLE '64 is now with General Dynamics in Groton, CT. JONATHAN LACOUR '64, writes to let us know he is now in New Orleans job hunting. Sin ce arriving in New Orleans he has run into BOB EUST IS , BOBBY MONSTED and BILL HESS. JAMES W . MART IN '64, writes from Wi lli amstown, Vermont . Jim received his BS in biology from Johnston State and also a Masters is in progress in entomology from UNH . Jim teaches biology at Wi lli amstown High Schoo l, Williamstown, Vermont.
1965 MICHAEL J. CLANCY '65, visited campus in November. Mike tells us he is attached to the Nava l Satel lite Commun ications site at the Naval Receiver Facility at Northwest, Va. Mike came home to visit with his wife Janet and new daughter, Meghan Marie.
CLIFFORD STEARNS '66 is now Farm Manager for Chestnut Farm in Sugar Grove, Ill. They're raising standard bred horses and he te ll s us that between farm in g and flying airp lanes he has a busy life. C liff says anyone in hi s area is more than we lcome at the farm.
STEVEN MERVIS '69, vis ited campus on January 6. Steve tells us that he is presently attend in g Syracuse University, majoring in marketing-photojournalism.
1967 BOB SMYTH '67, writes h e graduated from Denison U last June with an A .B.A. in English and now li ves in Brookline, MA. Current ly Bob is work in g at Paul's Mall and the Jazz Work shop in Boston wh il e trying his hand at writing on the side.
STEVEN AUGUST '69, visited the sc hoo l on Janu ary 21 and is attending the Un iversity of Massach usetts. Steve recently saw Rick Manson '69 at the alumni hockey game at Wi'lliston Academy.
1971 JERRY QUANTRELL '71, has comp leted his basic training in the U.S. -Navy at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center.
ROGER WHYTE '68 recently was a member of a go lf foursome at Burning Tree Country Club. One of the other members of the foursome was President ford.
R. TODD OBENSCHA IN '73, won 1st award for three dimensional scu lpture in the Summer Art Show at Staunton, Va.· and second pri ze for a wood cu-t print . He also won the 9th grade Art Award at Cardigan .
GEOFF BLAIR '68, was married in August of 1973 to Robin R. Rae of Winchester, Massachusetts . Geoff is now work in g for Provident Mutua l Life In surance Company of Philadelphia, as a life underwriter.