Words About Cardigan (Summer, 1975)

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The culmination of the Green and White competition was held on the final day of school after many of the parents had arrived. Called "The Great Race, " this traditional event involved all the students and a great part of the campus. It Starting with a sack race at the main gate, the relays progressed by bicycle, running, crawling, in three-legged combination, bouncing a tennis ball, dribbling a basketball, kicking a soccer ball, swimming and pushing a wheelbarrow from the starting point roundabout most of the campus.

1975 SUMMER SESSION FILLED Applications for Cardigan's 1975 Summer Session arrived in record quantity all during June, and as the June 25th opening day came near, it was finally necessary to close enrollment. When the rush of registration day ended and the session was underway, 135 boys and girls from twenty-one states (Maine to California, Michigan to Florida) and seven foreign countries were on campus. This was the largest Summer Session in Cardigan's history. As usual, the greatest number from one state were from New Hampshire with New York, Texas and Massachusetts following in that order. As the session progressed, diversities in origin, cultural backgrounds and age were forgotten and boys and girls became residents of a particular dorm, members of the Green or White intramural teams and a fine group studying, learning and playing together. The Summer Session academic schedule was designed to crowd as much as possible into six and one-half weeks, so classes were held from 8 am till noon every day except Sunday, and there was study hall in the dormitories each evening except Saturday. Play is important also , and the recreation programs included a great variety of water and land sports and activities . Two or three times every week the Green and White intramural teams competed in a variety of activities which included: soccer, tetherball, waterpolo, gatorball, tennis, sailing, basketball, street hockey, a fishing derby and a hole-in-one contest.

"CREATURES OF IMPULSE" An annual highlight of the final day of the Summer Session is the production of a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta under the direction of Mr. Harold Finkbeiner, head of Cardigan's music department. This year his musical company did "Creatures of Impulse" a little operetta written by Sir William Gilbert many years before his collaboration with Sir Arthur Sullivan. Nine boys and girls worked every afternoon through the summer learning words, music and action for their lead roles with nine chorus members not only learning their parts but also helping to build, paint and move sets. In the scene above, Peter, a village youth, played by Robbie Newhart, is trying to persuade The Mysterious Old Lady (Laura Feigenbaum) to leave the village . She is evidently disinclined to do so. Mr. Finkbeiner's son, Andrew, who has often played a role in these summer productions, this year helped his father with the musical direction of the show. The front part of the Chapel was transformed into a little village in Flanders . Scenery used by Cardigan's Drama Club was painted and moved into place for the occasion, and special lighting was rigged for this production . The effort was well worthwhile, and "Creatures of Impulse" certainly ranked as one of the finest musicals ever produced in a summer session.

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