Annual Fund At $60,000 Cardigan's 1975-1976 Annual Fund Drive is in the fina l months - our books are closed as of June 30 - and we have both good news and bad news to report on this allimportant fund raising effort. In spite of the national economic situation, more peop le than ever saw fit to share their resources with the School. Overall donors increased by 9% over last year, with the greatest number of participants gaining in our alumni group, up 19%. This is a very heart-warming trend for all of us here at Cardigan, for your support of our efforts is encouraging to us all. Our bad news, while not too bad , is that the dollar total of the fund is barely holding ahead of last year. We are hopeful that the closing months of the drive will bring us up to our goal of $70,000 although we have $10 ,000 to go before the drive goes over the top. However, we have every confidence that this goal will be achieved. What does the Annual Fund drive do for the School? One way in which the money is used is to supplement the money brought in through student tuition ; in other words, to make up the difference between what the parents give and what it costs to educate a student at Cardigan. The Annual Giving Fund is also used to provide new educationa l materials to better serve the students' needs. For example, this year, part of this money has gone into the new Language Laboratory in Hayward Hall, adding greatly to the quality of foreign language instruction at Cardigan . In addition, th is past summer, Hinman Hal l and Brewster Hall each received a new roof to guard against the rains and snows of the winter months. In past years, the Annual Fund Drive has provided carpeting for the Chapel choir loft a.n d new draperies for the large Chapel window, a new Ford van with a large seating capacity for moving students from School to their various activities, the complete video-tape studio, the Snow Cat for packing the ski slopes at the Pinnacle and a Zambon i ice-scraping machine for the Covered Sports Area hockey rink. The fund also aids in providing scholarship monies to deserving students. These are some of the ways in which the Annual Fund Drive has been used in the past to make life at Cardigan a rewarding educational experience. The Annual Fund Drive is the means to realizing the dreams that Cardigan has for its future. The fund drive aids the School tremendously. Whatever we say to thank all of you who have responded to our needs will be inadequate. We hope that you will feel immense satisfaction in knowing that you have helped Cardigan during a period in which the financial pressure on us all is heavy. TheTrustees, the Headmaster, the Faculty and Staff, and the Students are very much aware of your support and are grateful for it.
Nellie B. Clancy It is with deep sorrow that we report to the Cardigan Mountain School Family the untimely death of Nellie Clancy on January 2, 1976. For thirty years , Nellie worked side by side with Dick in the operation of the ·Cardigan kitchen, where generations of Cardigan students came to know her well. All were well aware of her love and devotion to the boys, the School, and her family. Nellie always surrounded herself with an aura of sunshine! Very much in keep ing with the good things she.did for so many, the Nellie 8. Clancy Endowed Scholarship has been established in her honor by the Clancy Family.