Words About Cardigan (Summer, 1976)

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1976_ Summer Session This year the Cardigan Mountain School Summer Session ~as again fille_d to ca~acity, with over 130 students ranging in age from nine to sixteen attending the si_x and one-half week program. Twenty states and such foreign countries as Japan, Holland, The Dominican Republic, Belgium, Mexico, Iran, Luxembourg, and Canada were represented, giving the students a unique opportunity to meet and get to know young people from all over the world. Summer Session began on June 23 and for the first few days the students were quite busily occupied, familiarizing themselves with their classes and activities, their dormitories, and their schedules. Each student attends classes in the morning and participates in activities in the afterno~ns, ~ith lunch, jobs, and a one ·hour reading and rest period in between. Classes are small and instruction is individualized. Students work at their own speed and instruction begins where they left off in each academic area at the school last attended. Many of the students return to Winter School in the fall. Students enjoy different activities every two weeks and t~ke part in three activities daily to give them a taste of many different sports and crafts. Most of these are instructional in nat~re and the competition is intramural. One major exception to this past summer was a baseball team which played Little League teams from nea.rby Enfield and Canaan. One of the traditions of the Summer Session is the summer-long Green and White competition, in which the youngsters compete with their own age groups for points on the Green or White Team . A number of different types of Green and White activities are held during the course of the summer. This competition takes place after dinner on Tuesday nights and during the free afternoons of Wednesd~y, Saturda~, and Su_nday. The battle was fierce this year, with the Whites leading almost all season, having gained the edge on July 4th. Going into the last few days, it looked as if there would be no contest: the Whites were leading the Greens by a seemingly wide margin of ninety-six points. Everyone was surprised when on the final afternoon of the session, the Greens walked away with the Great Race, a mammoth relay of over twenty-five different events involving every student and almost every available inch of the campus. The Green team won by a slim five point margin and were named the victors for the summer. The White · team, which had so consistently held the lead was awarded for its efforts also. ' Free afternoons are often the time for off-campus trips, when groups of fifteen to thirty board the bus and are taken to some of the many inte~esting spots in New Hampshire and northern New England. Students climbed Mt. Cardigan, explored the Polar Caves near Plymouth, New Hamp_s hire, visited the Montshire Science Center, and climbed and camped in the White Mountains. Cardigan reflects and is proud of the New England tradition and encourages its

students through field trips to further their understanding of northern New England's culture and traditions. The Summer Session involves much more. During the course of the month and a half, the children, many of whom have never been away from home for a prolonged period , learn to make use of their own talents and improve their study skills and basic knowledge. But more important they learn how to work with one another, how to live with boys and girls of different ages and different social, economic, and geographical backgrounds, and, a major achievement, how to use the responsibility given them as members of the Cardigan community .

Annual Fund Goal

$70,000 At a meeting held during New Parents' Weekend, October 9-10, Mr. Wakely officially launched the 1976-1977 Annual Fund Drive. This year's goal is $70,000 . Last year's . drive, ended on June 30, was successful and we hope that this year's drive will be even more successful. Although the fund drive is still in its early stages, now is the best time to make a pledge or send in your contribution. ca·rdigan is fortunate to have had such good response in the p·ast and it is only because of this participation that the school has been able to continually improve its facilities and educational programs. The Recreational-Social Center and the new faculty house are perfect examples of what the support of the alumni and friends of Cardigan can do for th,e school. The Annual Fund is an integral part of our operations every year and we are hoping for this to be the best year yet.

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