PARENT'S WEEKEND HELD FEBRUARY 3-5 Cardigan Mountain School welcomed over 200 parents and friends to its annual Parents' Weekend, held the weekend of February 3-5. Guests began to arrive early Friday afternoon to begin the weekend of special programs and parent-teacher conferences. The first contest of the weekend was the Instructional Hockey team's first game of the season against the W. Lebanon Youth Hockey team, which was won by Lebanon, 5-4. Friday night, a special figure skating program was presented by a professional skater from Manchester, N.H., in the Covered Sports Area. A full class schedule on Saturday morning gave the opportunity for parents to visit their son's classes and talk with the teachers. Following the buffet luncheon, parents gathered in the Chapel for a program of light music by the Glee Club and C-Notes and a welcoming talk by Mr. Wakely. The afternoon saw athletic contests by every team, ending in four wins for C.M.S. The Drama Club presented their play at 4:30 to a large audience and receptions were held in each dormitory until dinner time. The evening offered time for conferences, skating in the C.S.A., a father-son basketball game, a movie in the auditorium, and an informal parents' gathering in the Kenerson Social Center. Early Sunday Chapel marked the official end of the 1978 Parents' Weekend, and most of the boys left with their parents and friends for the four day Winter Long weekend, which was extended until Friday due to the heavy snowfalls of that week.
ANNUAL FUND TOPS $70,000 As this issue goes to press, the Annual Giving Fund stands at $70,573 in gifts and pledges, just under $4,500 short of the 1977-1978 fund goal of $75,000. To date, there have been 299 donors, with an average contribution of $236. This year's goal is one of the largest ever in the history of Cardigan, and we are very grateful for the excellent response to the drive thus far. Cardigan's educational facilities and physical plant are constantly growing, and we need your support to help provide the best possible educational environment for our students. The school recently acquired, thanks to the generous responses to last year's fund drive, a second 15 passenger van to transport students to and from academic and athletic events off-campus. The costs of a first-class education are high, but with the help of the loyal alumni and friends of Cardigan, they will be more easily met. There are still three full months left in the 1977-1978 Annual Fund Drive, so it is still possible to be among the donors to this year's Annual Giving.
IN MEMORIAM: HARVEY P. HOOD It is with great regret that we report the passing on March 3rd, 1978, of Mr. Harvey P. Hood, member of the Corporation from the school's inception in 1945. Mr. Hood was associated with H. P. Hood and Sons, one of New England's largest dairies, for forty-seven years, and served as President of the International Association of Ice Cream Manufacture~s and as Chairman of the Dairy Industry Committee. In 1969 1 he was awarded an honorary LLD. degree from Dartmouth College, which he attended as an undergraduate and served for many years as a trustee. He is survived by his wife .of fifty years, Barbara Churchill Hood. Mr. Hood will long be remembered for his years of dedicated service and great generosity to Cardigan Mountain School, and for the devotion with which he filled his position on the Corporation.