Words About Cardigan (Summer, 1978)

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COMMENCEMENT WEEK EXERCISES Commencement exercises were held this year on the first Saturday of June, ending a week of special ceremonies which formed the official ending of the 1977-78 school year. The first of these was the Baccalaureate Service, held in chapel on Sunday, May 28th. John Newton, School Leader for 1978-79, performed his first duty, at the Baccalaureate Service, reading the scripture lesson and aiding Mr. Mahoney in performing the acts of service. During the past school year, John has been one of the Dining Hall Superintendents and has distinguished himself in this position as well as establishing himself as a very responsible and respected member of the student body. The Investiture Assembly was held the following Tuesday, May 30th. At this time, the school leaders of the dosing year transfered their positions to their successors. (A complete list of the 1978-1979 school leaders appears elsewhere in this issue.) All the boys chosen to fill these jobs deserve congratulations for their work at Cardigan and for the confidence shown them by their peers. Wednesday night, May 31st, was the Spring Awards Banquet, at which time, this spring's excellent athletic season was reviewed in speeches by team members and letters were awarded for fine athletic achievement and sportsmanship . Again this year, spring sports were very well supported; so much so, that the small intramurals group disbanded and every student at Cardigan found his way onto a team in either baseball , lacrosse, tennis, or sailing . Tuesday and Wednesday of that week were exam days, and Thursday, the last day of classes and the end of the school year for underclassmen . The afternoon found the entire student body and many parents and visitors gathered in the Chapel for the Recognition Assembly, for the awarding of academic, athletic, and school prizes for seniors and underclassmen . Graig Johnson , School Leader for this year, acted as Master of Ceremonies. The Blaze dedication this year went to Mrs. Germaine Schmanska, who has been a member of the Cardigan staff for nine years and has, in this time, taught typing and worked as Resource Center Assistant, bringing many good ideas and innovations to that department. But most importantly, as stated by senior Michael Shanley in his dedication speech, she has always been a friend to the students, willing to listen and to give help to them with no hesitation . Mrs. Schmanska received a dozen long-stemmed red roses as a token of the seniors' admiration and affection for her. During the Recognition Assembly, Mr. Finkbeiner's Glee Club performed two selections immediately following the presentation of the Music Award to Paul Brierre. They were entit led "God of Great and God of Small" and " Without Love" . The bus for Logan Airport in Boston departed very early on Friday morning, to transport many of the remaining underclassmen to their flights home. What followed on campus was one of the busiest days of the entire year. Throughout the day, the newly elected school leaders, graduation ushers and marshalls helped to clean up the campus and prepare for the Senior Banquet and the Commencement Exercises. Many par-

The Senior Class lines up for the Commencement Procession

ents arrived on campus during the day and took part in the Father-Son activities held that afternoon . Seasoned sailors Skipper Willauer and his father won both sailing ra,~es~and.the team captained by the sons won the Father-Son softball game on Catting Field. A reception in _ t he Kenerson Social Center followed the afternoon's _activities. ,;": The Senior banquet began at 7:00 on FriJ:lay night; featurrng a steamship roast of beef prepared by Mr. Stevens ao.d liis staff. Following dessert and a short welcome ·sp~e~.h;~y,:Mr. Wakely, Mr. Harry Mahoney, the school's chaplain and sl<illed amateur magjcian, presented his show entitled "The Different Sides of Magic" to an enthralled au~ience. Aiqe~ by_hi_s a~~tant, eighth grader Tom Patterson, Mr. Mahoney predicted headlines, and performed acts of disappearance and prestidigitation so skillful that no one could catch.him at any time. His show was similar to one which he had presented before a Rotary International gathe ring in West Lebanon several weeks ,\,F, b ef ore . ~-,· 1 Commencement Exercises were scli~ouled for 11 11JO a.m . ·The weather, unfortunately, was cool and overcast, l:uut this did little to dampen the spirits of the graduating class. After posing for the senior picture in front of Clark-Morgan Hall, they were led into a completely filled Chapel by their marshalls, Chris King and Ch tj_s Kennedy, both of next year's senior class. Follow ing the'iavocation , Mr. Wakely began the graduation with the award i.flg of the school prizes, a list of which appears after this arti,t le. The Commencement Address was given by Mr. Frank D. Ashburn, former headmaster and ·"(Continued Next Page)

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