toda1/t CARDIGAN · _ ~omorrow Canaan, N.H.
Winter Issue, 1981
From The Headmaster's Desk
Vol. 1 No. 1
s we reach the point of our 34th year, I cannot help but reflect upon the strengths of this great school on the Hill. My job frequently takes me to many places throughout the country and abroad and the excitement and joy of returning here after each trip never diminish, even after twenty-five years. Just what makes Cardigan a special place and what are these strengths I refer to? Certainly, the environment and location in which we live set us apart from most other institutions . We are fortunate to have a 400-acre campus surrounded by mountains and situated on a lake. There are endless miles of trails for our boys to hike and cross country ski upon in an atmosphere of peace and serenity known only to those lucky enough to experience it. The continual growth of our academic, athletic and cultural programs helps stimulate and challenge the student body. Augmented by one of the finest and most dedicated staffs assembled, the future indeed looks bright for the School. Many years ago a small group of men led largely by Hap Hinman and several distinguished Dartmouth Trustees saw their dream come true with the opening of Cardigan's doors. Since then the School has been blessed with very active and dedicated men who serve as Trustees and Incorporators . Through their endless hours of work Cardigan has been able to grow to what it is today.
A midway
ago, Cardigan's trustees and incorIporators announced the Cardigan Today/fomorrow Capital Campaign to raise $5 ,000,000for a new Learning Center and to strengthen the school's endowment. Thanks to extraordinarily generous responses by members of the Board, parents, and a few close friends of Cardigan , gifts and pledges now stand at $1,203 ,000. Trustee President Savage Frieze, in announcing these figures at a February Board meeting, said; ' Tm sure all of you are as pleased as I am by these tremendous results. They give us courage to think that we may be able to break ground for the Learning Center this spring, right on our original schedule. However, we won't be able to do that until the entire $2,000,000 cost, plus sufficient endowment to carry its incremental annual maintenance , has been underwritten and that means we have to more than double what we've done so far in a very short time." According to Headmaster Norman Wakely, "It is the beliefof all of us here on the Hill that the proposed Learning Center will fill the last existing gap in the facilities needed to make Cardigan's educational program second to none. It will include a first-class library, an auditorium/theater large envugh to seat the entire school and then some, headquarters for our Reading and Language
Departments, and several sorely needed classrooms. The building will become the educational and cultural heart of the school.·,, (A description of the functions the Learning Center will fill can be found onpage2.) / Chairman of the Board of Incorporators Robert Gillette brings to the school and the campaign a financial perspective gained throu man years in hispositlon as Chairman of National Life Insurance Com an of Vermont. He sa s: "I feel strongly that the $3,000,000 endowment segment of the campaign is of equal or greater importance to Cardigan as the perhaps more appealing Learning Center. Bricks and mortar capture the imagination of prospective donors more than mundane endowment. It's just like the difference between buying a new car or a life insurance policy. The car can get you where you want to go in style, but the life insurance guarantees the financial security of you and your family . So will adequate endowment undergird the financial health of our school. In this era when costs for plant maintenance and energy are spiralling upward, the need to increase salaries to !lttract and keep topcaliber faculty members is great, arid as the requirements for sufficient scholarship funds increase, a strong endowment for Cardigan is, more than ever, an essential ingredient." (Continued on page 7)
Unquestionably, Cardigan draws its main source of strength from the students themselves and their parents, who for one reason or another, make the sac(continued on page 7)
Mr. Savage Frieze
Mr. Robert Gillette
Mr. John To wer