Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Fall, 1981)

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toda¾ CARDIGAN . ~omorrow Canaan, N .H.

Fall Issue, 1981

From The

Vol. 1 No. 3


Headmaster's Desk have just witnessed again, as I have many times, a typical sunrise over Cardigan Mountain. This magnificent sight has inpsired me to share some thoughts with you about our School and our growth here as we begin another exciting year in our lengthening history . With Cardigan Mountain in the background, I stood before the construction of the Learning Center now under way and felt grateful for the boys who will be fortunate enough to utilize this new addition. It is truly a dream in the process of coming true for all of us: a tremendous library facility; a very practical modem 250-seat theater-auditorium; a fully equipped foreign language department and reading center; and other provisions for the use and enrichment of students and faculty. Besides adding much in itself, this new Learning Center opens up in existing buildings much needed classroom space. This will make possible further enhancement of our greatest responsibility: teaching. The availability of these new areas will provide opportunities for arrangements and scheduling of classes in the various grades and subjects such as we have long desired. I reflected how indebted Cardigan is to its alumni in all areas of our plant facilities . These graduates,joined by the many friends of the school, have continued through the years to support both tangibly and in spirit the attainment and then the perpetuity of our goals long since envisioned by our founders .


The realization of this struck me all the more forcibly when I reflected on what has happened here since Cardigan moved to its new location here on the hill in 1955. It has been a story of continued discovery of new ways to achieve these (continued on page 2)

ork on our new Leaming Center W has made good progress since the official groundbreaking ceremony on August 7th. With footings and major foundations in place, the contractors expect to have general work areas closed in by the onset of winter and work is on schedule for our projected completion date early next fall . "A year ago none of us would have predicted that we would be at this point in Cardigan's most exciting and challenging project," Savage Frieze, president of the Board of Trustees told a recent meeting of the Board. "The overwhelming support the Cardigan Family has extended during the first months of our Cardigan Today/fomorrow campaign has put us way ahead of our greatest expectations." As of early August more than $2,500,000 had been received in gifts and pledges for the new building, meeting the Trustee' s goal for the start of construction. Additional pledges since then have raised the total commitments to the Learning Center to almost $2,700,000. "What this means to Cardigan, and particularly to the boys who will be students here next year, is that the benefits of this exciting new building will be available for them at least a year earlier

than any of us had hoped," Norman Wakely explained recently . "I don't believe any ofus will realize the fuli impact of the Leaming Center until we have had a chance to live with it and develop its full potential," Mr. Wakely added, " but I am sure that it is going to enhance the entire Cardigan experience and we are all grateful that our Cardigan boys will begin to enjoy its use next year." Work is continuing on reaching the entire Cardigan Family with the full message of our five-year, $5-million captial campaign, Cardigan Today/fomorrow. John L. Tower, co-chairman of the drive for the Board of Trustees reported that the initial response during the first year of the drive has been almost overwhelming. "But, " he cautioned, "As exciting as the progress on the new Leaming Center is to all of us , we must remember that our overall drive has two major objectives raising money to build and endow the Learning Center and providing Cardigan with additional support for general endowment to bring this essential fund to a total of $3-milijon by the ·end of our five year campaign in 1985. We still nave a long way to go," he added.

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