Canaan, NH
1981-82 $90,000
GIFT SOURCES: Trustees Current Parents Past Parents Present Grandparents Past Grandparents Friends & Neighbors Alumni Total Pledges outstanding GRAND TOTAL
$10,542 21,740 8,604 4,217 1,235 2,455 3,882 $52,675 1,500 $54,175
1982-83 $90,000
(23) (50) (100) (12) (5) (28) (98) (316)
$10,080 28,297 12,908 12,843 2,695 2,781 3,781 $73,385 6 471 $79,856
(21) (84) (109) (31) (5) (32) (89) (371)
Capital Gifts At $3,265,000 n enthusiastic report on the progress of Cardigan' s two major giving programs was made to the midwinter meeting of the Board of Trustees held at the school on February 4. In the major capital funds campaign, Cardigan Today/Tomorrow , a grand total of $3,265,209 towards our fiveyear goal of $5,000,000 had been received in gifts or pledges at about the half-way point in the drive, it was reported by Fund Raising Chairman , John L. Tower. Mr. Tower pointed out that gifts received toward completion of the Stoddard Center, together with pledges outstanding, now total $2 ,830,065. This is enough to cover the estimated final costs of building and equipping the magnificent new building , already the hub of campus life. " Funds for final completion and equipment of the Stoddard Center are now virtually assured ," Mr. Tower reported , although it has been necessary to go into short-term, outside financing during the period before outstanding
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he Trustee ' s original goal with respect to Endowment called for provision of the $1,500,000 in general Endowment. This was to be matched by an Endowment of $750,000 to support Faculty salaries and our vital program of Faculty enrichment through continuing education and an additional $750,000 to support and broaden our current scholarship programs . "Norm Wakely has challenged us to raise our Endowment for all purposes to $3,000,000 by the end of 1985 ," Mr. Tower recalled . " This is a challenge the Board of Trustees has accepted . But it is going to take a lot of hard work and generous support from the Cardigan Family. It must be remembered that an adequate Endowment will add stability and strength to all of our programs as we look to the years ahead. " With respect to the current Annual Fund Drive , Mr. Tower reported that this year' s fund seems to have recovered from the lapse in support noted a year ago . "Gifts from all categories of donors are ahead oflast year, " he said . " As of March 15th our interim total of gifts and pledges received stands at $79,856 , contrasted with $54,175 a year ago and , most important of all, participation has risen from only 316 donors last year to 371 for the current fund drive. " In conclusion ," Mr. Tower reported , '' with all the good news we still have a long, tough way to go . It is going to take the efforts of all of us to reach the entire Cardigan Family with our story - for this is where our ultimate success lies. "
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pledges are redeemed . While we would rather not have to borrow , this had been anticipated by the Trustees in their planning. " With the success of our building program we must now turn to the equally important and possibly more difficult goal of building our Endowment to the level of $3,000,000 envisioned by the Trustees when the fiveyear fund raising program was approved ," Mr. Tower said. " Here too we have good news . At the end of the year for the first time in the School's history our Endowment Fund passed the $1 ,000,000 mark , certainly an important landmark . This reflected some important gifts received to support Endowment as well as an important , and welcome , boost from upsurge in the financial markets. However, reaching our $3 ,000 ,000 goal in the next two-and-one-half years presents an enormous challenge to all of us ," Mr. Tower said .
A Cardigan gathering is scheduled for May 18th in New York sponsored by · Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Humann_, parents of Francis '80 and Chris '83. See you there!