Cardigan Today/Tomorrow (Commencement, 1983)

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Commenc·ement Issue 1983

Vol. 3 No. 3

ANNUAL FU.ND EXCEEDS GOAL by John L. Tower, Cardigan Trustee


n early look at the final results of the 1982-1983 Annual Fund provides very good news. With most of the results in, the Fund exceeds the goal of $90,000 for the year by a comfortable margin, substantially ahead of the disappointing total of just over $70,000 received a year ago. By early July, gifts and pledges had been received from 436 parents, grandparents, alumni, trustees, and friends of the school, an increase of 20 donors over the previous year. Gifts already received total $93,011, with pledges outstanding of $3,821, for a total Annual Fund of $96,832. Again this year, current parents were the largest supporters of annual giving. Gifts totalling $36,693 have been received from 113 parents. Remarkably, past parents exceeded current parents in number of donations: gifts

Hard Earned Rewards for the Class of '83 (seep . 4).

were received from 126 past parents for a welcome total of almost $15,000. As we have reported to you before, the Annual Fund provides a source of unbudgeted funds to the Trustees and Headmaster. These funds will be applied to meet unexpected opportunities to enhance or expand current school

programs or to provide special and innovative additions to the school's academic, cultural, or athletic programs for members of the student body. Your support is much appreciated by students, faculty, staff, and Trustees alike.



t a candlelight ceremony in the Cardigan Chapel, five students were honored for their positive qualities of scholarship, citizenship, character, service and leadership. In-

ducted into the National Junior Honor Society were Timothy Andres, Jeremy Cohen, Paul Gund, Gregory Loomis, and Daniel Zinsmeyer. The Society was founded in 1929 in

order to recognize and promote high standards of student performance in the early years of ;,econdary·schooling. At present 21,000 schools sponsor chapters of the society. Conducting the ceremony were Honor Society members from the Class of 1983: Hugh Stevens, Christian Humann, Amarit Sukhavanij, Andrew Georgescu, and John Whalen~ All the students have met the academic qualifications of the chapter which require a cumulative average over two terms of (Continued on Page 3)

For details and photos of the 1983 Commencement see pages 4 and 5.

I. to r.: Headmaster Norman C. Wakely, Commencement Speaker P. Andrew Georgescu, Board of Trustees President Savage C. Frieze, Jr.

Senior Class Placement see page 3. 1

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