Heritage W <:ek '84 Bridges Historical Gaps
Paris Homestay Will Be Featured During Trip To France ·
To Mrs. Carol Shelton, CMS Head Librarian, it seemed appropriate to devote the week before Thanksgiving to a study of our roots, our history, our heritage. With the inspiration of other CMS faculty and in particular her husband who is our History Department chairman, j\jr. and Mrs. Small, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Carey, and Mrs. Wake!)!, the idea of H eritage Week took shape and became one of the most memorable enrichment programs in recent years. Captioned below are some of the activities of the week: -Historical archaeology: Faith Harrington of the New Hampshire Historical Society explained the techniques and importance of her work in several New England digs. - Maple sugar and syrup: a visit to local Clark Hill Sugary to study sap collection mechanics and how a sugar house must work year round to keep on a sound financial footing. ront. pg 2 "HERITAGE"
Boys joining the 14-day trip to France this March 7-21 will spend a week with a French family. They will attend school and tour Paris before visiting the chateau country of the Loire River Valley and the coastal regions of Normandy. ront. pg 2 "PARIS "
Varsity Soccer, New England Champs!
Jack McEwen '53 explains his 31 year-old Latin notes to Dionisio Ramos '87 during Heritage Week.
Marshall Farrer, #12, and Dwight Kee, #44 show fine form in tournament play against New London.
by Jeffrey D. Hicks, Coach The Varsity Soccer team , led by cocaptains Doug Beeman and Nisakorn Wanglee , both of the class of '85, posted its second consecutive undefeated season, capped by taking first place at the New England Junior Prep School Championships. Notable among the team's 12 wins during the regular season were victories over arch rival Eaglebrook and strong JV teams from Hanover High School, Kimball Union Academy and Holderness School. At the conclusion of the season, the team travelled to Deerfield,- Mass . for the New England tourney, which hosts 16 teams from all over New England and New York. Cardigan advanced to the upper division round robin by beating the Park School and Indian Mountain School and tying Fenn School. In the crucial afternoon games, the Cougars advanced to the finals by tying Eaglebrook and defeating Pine Cobble 8-0 and Rectory School 3-0. In the exciting final, Fay School scored in the opening seconds of the game, but they were unable to hold back a talented _Cardigan team that poured in four goals for_ a convincing 4-2 win. Over the course of the year, the offense was led by team high-scorer Nisakson Wanglee, while the defense was anchored by two seniors, sweeper back Andy McMillan and goaltender Woo dy Dulaney. '